
Undying Will

I laid on the cold ground of the bottomless chasm, reading a black and silver handbook with rapt attention.

It was titled 'Midnight Pleasure.'

"Mhm...I see...", I muttered as my eyes swerved the words and various illustrations that Lamie Curie had thankfully put for easy understanding.

Truly educative...

I gave an affirmative nod as I read the book.


I licked my thumb before flipping over to the next page.

Hmm...cowgirl, huh...

"Looks effective.", I spoke in a serious tone.

Yes, it looks truly effective.

Another voice spoke; it was my inner voice.

I know right.

I agreed with my inner voice.

Funny how you're reading a book about sex when you'll never experience it.

My inner voice joked.

Usually, such a remark would have elicited a sharp retort from me but I now merely chuckled.

Oh, shut up.

I flipped the next page which continued to elaborate on the various positions applicable in the bedroom; a bedroom position where the woman rode the man.

I continued to read in a pleased silence, until my inner voice finally spoke.

Alright, Alex cut the crap, what are you doing?

I didn't respond, and continued to read.


I flipped the page after licking my thumb again.



My inner voice screamed in rage, prompting me to let out a sigh and begrudgingly close the book.


[Unequipped Item: Midnight Pleasure]

I hissed and sat up in a lotus position before resting my head on my hand.


Don't 'what?' me, you bastard! You know exactly what!

Could you clarify? Cause I have no idea what you're talking about...

I responded in a nonchalant tone, causing my inner voice to grow cold.

Oh...I see, you've turned into a loser.

My gaze darkened.


Just one little realization and you've given up...how laughable.

A thick vein bulged on my forehead, and my jaw clenched.

Why don't you stop beating the bush and get to the point.

My inner voice spoke, his voice hard and cold.

Just like anyone else...you lost to Untethered.

That was the last straw.

At those words, I bolted to my feet and roared,


My inner voice remained unperturbed and continued to speak,

Really? You didn't lose? Then tell me.

Tell you what?

Why haven't you been doing your sword training?


Why haven't you summoned Silver Lining?

What do yo-

Why don't you summon Silver Lining, right now?

My inner voice cut in, sharply.

"Pfft! Inven-", I paused mid-sentence, my hand freezing mid-air.

What's wrong? Whip it out already, or are you scared?

I chuckled, "Why would I be scared to pull out my sword?"

Then why are you hesitating?

"Am not. I just cleaned it-"

Don't lie to yourself, Alex. You never cleaned it.

"...", I went silent, visibly shaken.

You're scared to bring it out and you know why.

My jaw tensed as I remained mute.

It's because you're scared of Silver Lining. You're scared of the light that Silver Lining will bring.

You're scared of hope.

You want to remain hopeless because it's easier than clinging onto false hope.


My inner voice seemed to let out a sigh before lampooning,

Alex, am saying this because you're mistaken.


There is no false hope.

I went silent, seemingly bewildered by my inner voice's words or at least that's what he thought.

"I know that."


"I know that damnit!"

You know? If you know then why are you fucking around?!

I didn't respond immediately, remaining silent for several minutes before saying,

"Because I don't want to."


I let out a pale smile and said,

"Take a look at this place."

I spread my arms wide and looked around.

"I have everything I want."

"Books, Food, Water, Clothing, and even magic...", I smiled gently, "Am happy."

My inner voice was dumbfounded, remaining silent for several moments before saying,

Alex, you are a big liar.

I twitched.

You may be able to lie to anyone else but not me.

My gaze turned empty and my head slumped.

My inner voice then spoke, his voice turning low and husky.

Alex, get out of here. If you die here, then this was all you were worth.

A long silence drew out after he spoke, before I suddenly burst into laughter.

"What the hell, man? AHAHAHA!"

I let out a loud laugh.

A laugh that revitalized my soul, and returned the dark light to my eyes.

I laughed before wiping a tear out of my eye and sighing. I walked over to the fire and picked up a meat-stick but this time I didn't eat it.


[You have gained a Common Item: Overcooked Meat Stick]

I picked up all the meat-sticks around the flame and stashed them in my inventory. I glanced at the Stone Gallon, smiled and then dismissed it.


[Unequipped Item: Stone Gallon]

I picked up all the books and stacked them up in an arranged order. The strange tools and instruments were also organized.


I turned to the flame and sighed; it was waning.

The weakening flame meant one thing – oxygen was slowly but surely being diminished. If I stayed here any longer, I would definitely die from asphyxia.

My expression turned indifferent as I stared at the waning fire.

I can't believe I became nihilistic all because of one man's fear..., had my inner voice not spoke up, I may have ended up bouncing back late...

I closed my eyes and raised my hand before saying, "Silver Lining."

At my command, an outline of an uchigatana followed by a interweave of over a million shards manifested into existence.

The several shards merged to each other following the shape of the outline in a coordinated manner.

Soon all the shards pieced themselves together and from them the silver blade was rebirthed.

Silver Lining.

An uchigatana made of lustrous silver, adorned with regal elements and imbued with the will of a dying prince.

The silver blade remained suspended in the air for a few seconds before falling into my grasp.

[Equipped Item: Silver Lining.]


The moment I grabbed hold of the magnificent uchigatana, a rush of invigorating energy filled my body and a flame ignited in my heart.

The flame was vast and ferocious, devouring all notions of doubt and despair, forming my will into an unshakeable one.

[You have been affected by Effect: Undying Will.]

I raised an eyebrow when I heard the system's voice, "Oh...that's new."

I shook my head and turned over to the large monster hide, a determined expression etched its way to my face.

Nothing can stop me...not this darkness, not this world and not you Untethered.
