
Visitors (R-18)

Apex dropped from the branch he was perched on, careful not to land on any branches, before setting down Popola and Devola. The three looked between each other in silent agreement. Better they try to talk things out as best they could; while he may not want to tip them off to his status as human and held some dislike for them due to their treatment of the twins, that didn't mean he wanted to be on bad terms with the Resistance.

Stepping into the clearing, the resistance team snapped their attention towards them, assault rifles raised.

"So, you weren't destroyed." The dark haired man was the first to speak, lowering his rifles like the others, but fixing them with a fierce glare as he approached. "Where the hell have you two been? The rest of us are getting saddled with extra supply runs because you decided to go AWOL."

Apex stepped forward, silently cutting off the man's approach to the twins. The difference in height between was nonexistent now that Apex wasn't sitting around this time.

"That's enough. We came here to talk, not start a fight." The dark-skinned woman ordered, stopping them before things got a chance to escalate. The man grunted but obeyed, backing away and taking up a spot beside the car. Her sharp gaze lingered on him for a moment before flicking to Popola and Devola. "Can I speak with the two of you alone? It'll only be for a moment."

Apex stepped back, shrugging slightly as Popola's and Devola's eyes landed on him. They knew these people better than him.

"…alright." Popola finally answered. She and Devola walked past him, the latter tapping his shoulder on their way to the one in charge. The three disappeared into the cabin, leaving him with the disgruntled man and-

"We meet again, my unique specimen." More than ready for her this time, Apex caught the gloved hands of the last of their visitors. "And look at this, we're already so close that you knew what I was up to. Surely a little scientific investigation between friends is nothing to be worried about."

"I'm pretty sure our definitions of friends don't align." He retorted drily, easily keeping her eager clutches at bay not matter how hard she tried to overpower him.

"Come on, don't be like that." She whined. "All you have to do is lay back and let me take you apart. I'm sure Popola or Devola will figure out how to put you back together. Just think of all the good you'd be doing if you had special functions that allowed us to destroy more machines." With the way she was looking at him, her one visible eye practically aglow with excitement and all too audible breaths leaving her, the real intention was to satisfy her own morbid sense of curiosity.

"Not interested." Apex said eyes drawn to her dangling rifle…on the other hand she didn't seemed to have realized he wasn't an android after that introductory molestation. "Unless you're willing to trade something for this examination of yours."

"Oh?" She stopped trying to push herself on him, the interest in her eyes in stronger than before. "What do you want?"

"Your rifle and some ammo for it." Apex said. If Devola and Popola had that neither of them would have to resort to using that sword plus it was bound to be more effective than that handgun. "And your cloak." He added in. That bit was just for him.

"Jackass, the captain won't allow-"

"Done!" The blue haired woman cut the man off and Apex found himself fighting off his fight or flight response when she slipped out of his loosened hold and began what amounted to feeling him up, her gloves pressing into different parts of his torso, from the front to his back. She even poked at different parts of his face.

Hopefully Popola and Devola didn't take too long.

Devola did her best to put a lid on her attitude, as her sister put it, and kept her frown at bay as Popola helped draw out paths on the map Anemone had unfurled across their dinning table. The woman had yet to pry in their sudden disappearance from camp or Apex's presence, only asking about machine presence and anything relating to the routes being drawn out.

No surprise there. Devola was willing to admit that Anemone had been one of the nicest members of The Resistance but that wasn't saying much when the rest treated them worse than trash; she'd always kept her squad in check and offered passing nods. It wasn't much but it was something.

Maybe that's why Popola was so willing to help, no questions asked. The information she was giving away -gathered after who knows how many years of making the dangerous runs all on their own- could've been used to get some type of assurance the resistance wouldn't bother them. Despite how naïve it was to just give it away, Devola didn't go against the decision.

That information could save the lives of whoever replaced them. It wasn't something that should be bargained with no matter how smart that would've been.

"Thank you, both of you. This information will be invaluable." Anemone said as she rolled up the map.

"Of course. We hope it helps." Popola said with a slight bow of her head.

Anemone said nothing, instead choosing to glance around the cabin. She'd been throwing subtle looks around the place since stepping it as if looking for something.

"If we're done here, you can leave." Devola said. Popola looked her way but didn't chide her, likely just as worried. The chances that someone would guess that Apex was human? Neigh zero without specialized scanners like their but that didn't mean there weren't signs scattered around. The fireplace and some unwashed plates to name a few. While they could eat and enjoy things like warmth, plenty of other androids went out of their way to replicate the lifestyles of their creators where they could, Apex didn't want anyone catching on to his secret.

They had to keep it, just as he trusted them to. Popola knew that.

"That one outside-" Devola liked to think she didn't give anything away but the sudden change in conversation nearly caused her to tense up. "-he isn't forcing the two of you to do anything is he?"

"What?" Devola blurted out. "What in the world gives you that idea?"

"No, no he isn't. It was our choice to leave The Resistance." Popola followed, far more calmly. "He is part of the reason we left but it was our decision."

Anemone nodded. "I understand. Then, I wish the three of you luck." She said, preparing to leave. Just like that? She was going to up and leave without trying to force them back or dish out any punishments? "You're not the first to decide to abandon the fight against the machines." Anemone added catching on to their surprise. "If I we're in your position I would've left a long time ago. It looks like the two of you just needed the right person to come along for you to finally make that choice."

There was a far off look in her eyes. One that was quickly replaced by the authoritative serious they typically held.

Offering them another nod, she headed towards the cabin's front door and they followed.

"Keep it above the waist, woman." Apex said.

Devola peaked past Anemone's shoulder and saw him swatting Jackass's hand away from his pants. He didn't stop her from taking hold of that hand and closely examining it. "Come now, I need a thorough look across your entire body to make sure I don't miss anything. I-"

"Save it for later, Jackass. We're leaving." Anemone ordered as she got into their car, the glaring man getting in the passenger seat. Jackass tried to argue but was shut down by a sharp look. Grumbling, she took off her cloak, rifle, and a belt of pouches, handing them over to Apex before jumping in the back of the car.

"We'll pick this up again." Jackass said to Apex who shook his head, muttering something to himself.

"Never let down your guard. You're all alone out here." Anemone warned before starting up the car and taking off, following the trail they once took so often to get to the city. Devola hadn't given it much thought, but it was almost surreal to think it hadn't been that long ago they were slaving away for people who didn't care for their efforts in the least.

"So-" Devola began as she and Popola joined him in watching the Resistance squad take off. "-what part of keeping your secret involved letting her touch you?"

"Sometimes, you've got deviate from the plan." Apex said. He slipped the rifle and belt off his shoulder, holding them out for Popola. "With this the two of you should be able to support me against machines without risking yourselves too much. A pretty good trade, right?"

Of course it was to help them. When he wasn't satisfying his curiosity about the world or his own abilities, he spent more than a little time looking after them despite it being their job to be the caretakers.

It's what she loved the most about him.

Finding a human had turned their lives upside down and it went without saying that they've would've done their best to take care of any human they came across. But they weren't so naïve that they hadn't realized the reality of their situation. They could've been trading one group of ungrateful bastards for an even worse situation; they'd read up enough about humans to know not all lived up to the virtues they were capable of. Prisons and such had existed for a reason.

Even if they were turning their backs on the battle to secure earth for the rest of the humans on the moon, it was worth it for him. To him, they meant something, androids or not.

"And what about the cloak?" Devola asked.

"Ah, the cloak." Apex stepped forward and with a dramatic flourish, donned the worn piece of clothing, its rugged ends swaying with the breeze rustling through the forest. "Doesn't it look good on me?" He asked, looking back with a slight smirk. Devola couldn't help but snort while Popola giggled.

Special abilities or not, their human was something special.

-Route A, No. 015-

That night, Apex was drawn from his dreamless slumber by pleasurable shivers running up his back. Cracking open his eyes with a moan, he quickly took notice of the damp heats around his lower half, one wrapped around the head of his hardened dick and the other tracing paths along his shaft.

Removing the sheets, Devola and Popola weren't in there usual spots by his side but laid side by side between his legs, the latter so invested in her ministrations that she didn't notice him wake. Devola finished off with one long sensual lick before smiling up at him.

"You were so quick to defend us today that I thought we should do our best to repay the favor. You don't mind do you?" Devola questioned. "You are the one who keeps saying we don't need permission to touch." Not exactly the context he intended for those words to be applied to but he wasn't about to start complaining. "Told you he wouldn't mind."

Returning her tongue to the side of dick, she lapped at whatever wasn't in Popola's mouth, moving in conjunction with her sister. And speaking of Popola, her technique had only improved with practice, easily bobbing her head along his length, occasionally stopping to apply a gentle suction but always leaving enough room for Devola. Between the two of them and however long they'd been at it before his awakening, Apex peaked quickly, firing his load directly into Popola's waiting throat.

She slowly rose up, managing to swallow rope after rope of cum until she reached the tip where she flicked out her tongue alongside the underside of his head, coaxing out more cum. As his release slowed, Popola moved to let him go only for Devola to place a hand on the back of her head and stop her.

"Don't stop now, sis. This is supposed to be a reward so let's rock his world." Popola followed the order, continuing to suck and lap at his head despite that fact that he'd just cum. Sensitive as he was, pleasure flooded his senses, almost overwhelming so, his toes curling and hands clenching the bedsheets.

"Hold on-"

"Ah, ah, no complaining." Devola interrupted him as she laid her head in his thigh, smiling impish up at him as she peppered kisses along the base of his shinning length. "Don't forget who said we didn't need permission." With her piece said, Devola dived back in alongside Popola, the two swapping places.

And Devola employed a different approach. She took in the entirety of his length, allowing it to rest at the back of her throat, faints hums reverberated through his dick as she sat there, adding to the pleasure of her warm mouth. Her pussy was tight but this? This was a close second. Her tongue rubbed against the underside of his dick, knowing exactly what spots to pass over. She had her limits though, pulling back and allowing Popola to join back in.

Somehow, someway, despite the fact he'd come only moments ago, their dutiful tongues worked out another flood of cum from him, Devola doing her best to imitate Popola's previous act. She held out but failed, bits of cum leaking out from the seal of her lips, not that mattered when Popola's tongue flicked by clean up.

Another release didn't deter the two, his only moment of reprieve being the second they spent switching places. The haze of pleasure threatening to consume any ability he had to form a coherent thought only strengthened they added their hands into mix, one of them gently fondling his balls.

At this rate they were going to drain him dry or at least spend the entire night trying and he wasn't sure if he should be turned-on or worried by the prospect. Probably both. 

Devola really planned on taking those words of his and running as far as she could with them.

Too much R-18 conetnt?

....Nahhhhh. There's no such thing.

I think everyone who knew Anemone's background probably expected something like this. She is probably one of the last people who would find fault in the twins actions no matter what others say. She and Rose.

Anyways, I'm off to write some more with the little time I have today. Want to get a head start on the next chapter.

TheContradictioncreators' thoughts