

Approaching the director, the man was surprised that it was me that he'd be giving the painting you.

"Hello Mr. Lucas Morning told me to give you my information?" I asked.

"Yes Miss Kinsington. These are the forms

please fill them out and sign them and you'll get your painting shortly." The director paused "How did you convince him to finally sell it?"

"What do you mean? I didn't buy it, he gave it to me, why?" His question took me by surprise.

"He gave it to you!" The man looked like he had a heart attack when he heard that.

"Yes. He said I was it's rightful owner."

"What a lunatic." The director said throwing up his hands. "Have a nice day Miss Kinsington."

"You too." I look at Josie and say "That was real weird."

"Right!" Broke agreed.

"Let's go this Cat Café that just opened." Josie suggested "I heard the woman who owns it started it because of all the stray cats the docks had."

On the way I unpack the museums events for them in detail.

"Girl, you just have the most insane luck of anyone I know." Josie said.

"Yeah, like poisoning a guy with my kiss is lucky."

"Well.. you have lips to die for." Josie said with a flat tone.

Brooke and I stop dead in our tracks and look at Josie and then bust out laughing.

"You're going to hell you know?" I joke with her.

"The devil is saving me a special seat." She joked back.

Arriving at the café it was a cute little whole in the wall joint. And it was definitely a cat café.There were loads of cats, all over cat trees and in the windows, she had shelving that came off the walls for the cats to jump and climb and little cubbies for sleeping. Beds next to seats for people.

"Welcome to Catnip Café." The woman

sitting at a table inside reading a book.

"Good afternoon, what do you recommend to drink here. We like our coffee sweet." I ask.

"Oh I know just the thing." She said. And walks behind the counter and begins grinding expresso.

We take a seat in the corner near the window that faced the bay. And chat things up.

The café owner comes back over to us with our coffee.

"So I made three different ones based off what I think you'd like." The owner said.

"This is an almond milk macchiato with chocolate and peppermint. I call it Christmas in a cup" She says handing the drink to Josie.

"I love mint chocolate chip!" She said

excitedly taking the drink. "Oh my god, this is the best coffee I've ever had."

"This is a simple caramel latte, but with gram crackers on top. I call it the Teddy Gram." She said handing it to Brooke.

She takes a sip."This is delicious, caramel is definitely one of my favorites, thanks you." Brooke was always just so graceful in the way she spoke.

"This is for you, its my favorite, it's a white chocolate macchiato with sugar crystals on top, I call it Heaven on Earth, and you'll know why when you taste it." She said handing me my drink.

"Thank you" I say taking the drink and sipping it.

The taste was incredible, the coffee bean was made with the perfect temperature so it didn't taste burnt like Starbucks. It was sweet because of the white chocolate, but bitter from the bean. It truly was Heaven on Earth.

"This really is the best coffee I've ever tasted."

I pull out my phone and take a picture of each of coffees, and then film the restaurant.

"My name's Naki, if you need anything else just holler." She said before leaving.

Naki was very sexy, she had sharp features. Her eyes a deep pine green her hair a bright platinum blonde, her body had a great figure. Very seductive in the way she walked. She was wear tight black leggings and a black tight black crop top and combat boots.

"I'd smash." Josie said.

"As long as it walks and has a pretty face, you'd smash." I joked with her.

"So?" Josie laughed "I like sex,"

The air in the room shifted after Josie said those words. I could feel the eyes of the shop owner shift over to us.

But no one but me seem to notice so I brushed it off.

"I have to make a phone call, I'll be back" Naki the shop owner said.

After finishing are coffee the shop owner comes back in. "Sorry about that, how was it?" She asked coming back to the front and cleaning up the cups.

"It was amazing thank you so much." Brooke said handing the woman a cup.

I was distracted by this black and white cat with orange feet.

"That's Freya. She's usually a pretty spicy cat, funny she takes to you immediately."

Naki laughed walking over. The cat hissed at her at first but then let Naki pet her.

"She's just a little prickly, but prickly people aren't bad are they little Freya." I said putting my nose to hers and she purred.

"She's purring." Now Naki was looking at me strangely.

"You look really familiar, what's your name?" Naki asked me.

"Me? I'm Seri."

"Seri… Is it short for something?" She asked me.

Weird that's the second time someone has asked me that today.

"No, my parent's say they named me after Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes daughter Suri." I laughed.

"What a very unique name, you remind me of someone I used to know." Naki said "Well how long are you visiting?"

"We leave tomorrow, just in town for a

private concert."

"Bad Wolves?" She asked.

"Yeah! They're my favorite band." I said excitedly "It's my 21st birthday today."

Her eyes widened in surprise, but also

disappointment. Naki said "We'll Happy Birthday, I'll see you at the show tonight, and I'll buy you a drink to celebrate your birthday." Bringing a smile back to her face.

"You're going to?" I asked.

"Yeah, my dad owns the bar." Naki said.

"What! That's so cool, we'll definitely see you there" Josie interrupted. "Let's go it's already 4:00p we still have many things to do."

Always the most impatient person ever.

"Please stop by again before you leave there's something I'd like to give you." Naki said with a sweet smile.

She can be pretty cute when she smiles

like that.

"For sure, I'll stop by in the morning for coffee."

"Okay, I'll see you later tonight." Naki finished and waved back.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

devonanycreators' thoughts