
' You and me'. Chapter 3

Saturday morning and Jungkook was struggling to keep his eyes open and study. He was barely scraping through,mostly yawning and stretching his stiff muscles, massaging his own neck and not even his usual morning jogging could revive his lost energy. Having already consumed two iced Americanos, he had already ordered number three.

The computer screen was flashing before his hazy eyes and his assignment was incomplete making him a jumble of nerves. Noon and he was still looking at an half empty page and a half eaten chicken sandwich. Losing his appetite was a bad sign! Letting out a growl and jumbling his hair he gave up and the idea of a shower seemed so appealing.

Taehyung was there. In his mind, thoughts, taking all his attention making it impossible to concentrate. He got rid of his white sweatpants and green T-shirt , walking lazily to the bathroom when the ringing on his phone made him jump. He grabbed it so abruptly it nearly fell off his hands.

" Yes?" he said out of breath 

" I hope I'm not disturbing you." A deep, hoarse voice stated on the other end of the line.

" No..no..I was about to have a shower." 

" That image is enchanting but I should get right to the point. I called to confirm our date. Eight?" 

" Yes..yes." What the hell was wrong with him? Couldn't he just say something more than yes and no? He sounded breathless and drooling.

" Great! I guess I'll see you tonight Kookie!" he responded and hang up.

Jungkook was frozen, holding the phone glued to his ear like he was expecting more and a pinkish shade spread on his cheeks. " He thinks I'm enchanting!" he whispered to himself like a lovesick teenager. He left the phone on the bedside table only when his hands got sweaty and went straight to the bathroom.

At seven he was ready and pacing back and forth in his small living room , bitting his nails , something he hadn't done since six grade. He had changed outfits five times in an effort to find the right one. At some point he got tired and ended up in wearing this. Loose, black jeans,black sweater, black leather biker's jacket.

The downstairs doorbell rang creating panic inside the small flat. Checking his image in the mirror next to the door, he wore his black, Prada chunky ankle boots snd hurried down the stairs. No way he was waiting for the lift.

He wheezed when stepping foot out of the building door he noticed Taehyung's tall, buffed figure leaning against the car of his limo, one hand buried in his dark, grey pants the other to his left side.

'Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!' he screamed internally. The probably, expensive, customised grey suit, the slightly unbuttoned white shirt ,exposing his perfectly shaped collarbones and hard chest was making him drool. How can a man be so damn stunning and sexy? It was a crime! Taehyung was a feast for the eyes!

Taehyung noticed him and approached extending his hand for Jungkook to hold. The touch was electrifying and the warmth caused the younger to lose a heartbeat and blink his doe eyes innocently, gulping down his non existent saliva. His mouth was dangerously dry and his face was hot.. blazing hot.. like lava hot.

" I was right! You are enchanting!" His lips touched and kissed Jungkook 's hand , sealed it in his escorting him to the car.

" Hello Taehyung hyung.." He smiled shyly.

Taehyung like a perfect gentleman opened the back door, Jungkook got in taking a seat by the window with the man sitting next to him.

" I hate driving in Seoul. Having a chauffeur is convenient. But I've got an ulterior motive.." he doubled over to his ear, his strong, muscular scent intoxicating him and whispered."I want to get you drunk and seduce you.." 

Jungkook was awe stricken. Fumbled and dithered and as a result he crossed his arms on his chest in a defensive way. The huge limo looked too suffocating and the boy was in desperate need of air to fill his burning lungs.

" What..?" His attitude didn't make any sense to Jungkook or perhaps he was overthinking and overanalyzing.

Taehyung slouched back to his leather seat, spreading his long legs and a devious expression in his dark eyes. Jungkook's skin crawled at the darkness he saw inside them. Such acute contradiction.. his gaze tottering between hostility, calculation wrapped in a dark mysterious aura and tenderness.

" Relax doll.. I'm joking." 

Even though Jungkook 's muscles relaxed and the unwanted tension subsided the world 'doll' jingled his stomach and heart. Taehyung 's hips accidentally brushed against Jungkook's adding more fuel to the fire inside the younger.

" I hope you are.. I'm not an easy prey Taehyung." he noted offended, timidly smiling and narrowing his brows.

" That remains to be seen.. Jungkook. Besides I love challenges..it makes life spicier ." His fingers made circles on the younger 's hand producing slight shivers. The man sneered, his gaze fixed at the tinted window so Jungkook didn't notice it.

" Am I challenge to you Taehyung?" 

" I'm being too straightforward I'm sorry. A nasty habit I acquired in the business world."

"You're difficult to understand Taehyung. I'm puzzled by you." Jungkook admitted knowing he was being honest. If dating him could eventually lead to a possible relationship he had to be sure about the man.

" I get that a lot. I confuse people but frankly speaking I am easy to handle. I don't pose a threat to you Kookie. You shouldn't be afraid of me. I have the best intentions and I'm positive you will very soon get used to my extreme wealth and luxurious lifestyle..it usually happens with the people I chose to have in my life."

Jungkook cropped up his head, turning to face him and staring at him without being absolutely certain he liked his last remark. Honestly he found it offensive and cynical. Didn't know what to make of it.

The older flicked his chin playfully." Don't worry doll! Tonight will be memorable I promise."

Jungkook's doubts were long gone and twenty minutes later he was having dinner in an expensive, luxurious restaurant midtown, sitting opposite the older, questioning his worries.

Waiters serving them hand and foot. Delicious dishes coming and going. Champagne flowing and Taehyung was an amazing gentleman. Sweet talker, witty, charming with an incredible sense of humour although he wasn't actually smiling himself which looked odd.

Jungkook let his guards down indulging himself in enjoying his date and Taehyung's discreet flirting. His smart comments, hypnotic gazes, careful movements and subtle touches intrigued the younger. They exchanged personal information without details. Taehyung was thirty three, Jungkook twenty three. The younger was in his final year studying Art history and Taehyung was a multi millionaire, profoundly rich since he was given all details about the companies he owned. Jungkook was impressed by his wealth in comparison to his young age. He must have been very successful in his professional life.

" I hope you're not one of those who detest rich men, thinking they are spoilt or inherited their fortune doing nothing. I worked really hard to succeed." he stated tapping his fingers on the linen tablecloth.

At first Jungkook thought his words had a hidden meaning, they sounded provoking but he ignored his initial suspicions and came up with a witty response." Someone said that no man can be too rich too weak or something like that and I agree. I've never had a problem with the rich and powerful." He wasn't sure he meant it. It kind of slipped his tongue. Jungkook wasn't a materialistic person. Yes money can provide safety and luxury , a more carefree lifestyle but he preferred to rely on his own feet and make his own destiny. The answer though seemed to please Taehyung.

" Good boy! I was certain you were my type of man!" he emphasized and his eyes somehow sparkled in satisfaction.

Jungkook's face was as red as a poppy. Excited at the idea he was his type but that generated more questions. This guy could have the most gorgeous men at his feet, begging for his attention. Why interested in him? What was so special about an ordinary university student? And although he didn't know if it was a compliment or an insult he shook the troubling thought away and enjoyed his company.

They were having dinner, chatting, laughing,well Jungkook laughed, drinking champagne and the younger felt full and a bit dizzy. He rubbed his flat stomach, slumping backwards." Honestly I can't eat anything more." He huffed, pointing at the table covered in delicious creations.

"Eat whatever you like and leave the rest. My appetite is..enormous! I intent to enjoy.." His ocean eyes spit fire at Jungkook's, full of promises, lust and passion while travelling from his juicy lips,to his broad chest " everything..." he added in a deep, velvety tone." It's the best way to live.." 

Jungkook got the hint and felt shy and flustered, his heart panting in his chest, butterflies dancing in his full stomach and his fingers clutched into fists on the table ,gasping and stirring in his seat.

Taehyung's heart flooded in weird satisfaction from the effect he had on the younger. He was easy to handle like a piece of clay, molding it to any form you want and then crash it." I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." the older instead of calming him made it worse." You have the most divine skin..so smooth and silky.. I take one look at your beauty and I want you in my bed ..under me.. hearing you moan and scream my name.." 

The younger let out a heavy sigh accompanied by a muffled moan, chills mercilessly attacking his spine. Not the reaction he wanted on their first date. He didn't want Taehyung to think of him as a starved man for sex.

" You can feel it too, don't you? Don't try to deny it Kookie..you want me as much as I do." Taehyung cockily observed but immediately his tone turned to soft." Anyway we'll have plenty of time to discuss this..at a more appropriate moment." 

Jungkook wanted to deny that his extensive confidence was insulting. His certainty and arrogance were creating mixed feelings and thoughts. Taehyung was an complicated man.

" Are you always so aggressive on the first date?" 

" No. Only with you." He softly cupped his hand ,feeling the trembling." It might be hard to believe but I'm always in control of my desires. You're an exception." He took a sip of his champagne and continued." Let's talk about something else. Tell me more about you..it will distract my mind off your sinful body.." he added shamelessly.

Jungkook was thankful for the change of subject because his poor heart was aching and he was feeling weird inside. Burning. " There's not much to tell. My family is ordinary. I was raised in a loving, overprotective environment. Spoilt and pampered cause I was the youngest. I was given full freedom to make my own choices and follow my dreams." 

" That explains a lot." the man mumbled through clenched teeth. His hand formed fists under the table.

" Sorry what did you say?" Kook asked with innocence.

" It must be nice to be so.. liberated." 

" Certainly has its benefits." he reassured him." Sometimes it's peaceful and other times you find yourself dressed as a hooker to help your idiot brother win a bet." He wiggled his shoulders playing with the glass." I wouldn't change them for the world! If it hadn't been for Jimin and his crazy ideas, we wouldn't have met." He instantly regretted his big mouth. Saying more than he should. This man laid bare his soul and it somehow frightened him.

Taehyung raised his glass for a toast." Here's to Jimin and his crazy ideas!"

Jungkook although embarrassed raised his glass and repeated the words." No more for me, thanks. I had enough." 

" Let's order dessert. I love sweet things." He round- shouldered , gently caressing the younger 's lips with his thumb." You're the sweetest creature I've ever met..can I have you Kookie?" Noticing the confused and blushed expression on his face, he sat back to his chair , signalling the waiter to approach. He again ordered enough desserts to feed an army , saying he liked variety and finished his drink.

" You know Kim Taehyung? I discovered the truth about you. You're incorrigible flirty." 

The man nodded." You understand me so well Kim Jungkook..so well indeed." 

Mockery. Simple, undeniable mockery was coming out of the older's mouth, gestures and expressions but Jungkook was far too infatuated to grasp.

After having dessert Taehyung paid the bill, leaving a huge tip for the waiters and went outside where their limo was parked.

On their way back to Jungkook 's flat Taehyung seemed distant and dour. His gaze never left the window. His hands were either formed in fists or rubbed on his pants. The younger didn't know what to make of this. Was he angry at him? Did he do anything to insult him? His mind recalled today's events and he found nothing to indicate he had done something wrong.

Taehyung 's voice interrupted his thoughts." Are you sure I can't persuade you to have another drink at my penthouse?" 

" I'm sorry but my finals are around the corner and I have to study. Plus I've got a family gathering tomorrow and got to wake up early." he justified his refusal and the truth was he didn't trust himself alone with Tae, but Taehyung wasn't taking rejection well. He wasn't familiar with the concept.

" Monday then. I'll pick you up from your flat at eight." That profound dominating tone of his voice impelled Jungkook to dig his nails into his thighs, squeezing them together and his arousal was choking him.

" I..I..have..a.." He couldn't finish his sentence as Taehyung gripped his jaw, capturing his lips. Shocked and surprised by his aggressiveness and passion and longing, his hot body on his, he instinctively tried to push him away using both hands. Helpless and powerless to his dominating strength he allowed his moans to be heard and eventually surrendered.

The kiss became softer. Taehyung 's tongue licked the outline of the younger 's mouth, his teeth bit his lower lip. Jungkook's hands tangled in the man's silky, dark hair drawing him closer and the kiss turned to scorching fire as Taehyung 's tongue swirled around the younger 's in an erotic dance, sucking it ,pushing it all the way in till it reached his throat.

Jungkook's hands slipped to the older's broad shoulders,feeling his strong muscles and when the man's fingertips caressed his bare neck then gripped on it he thought he would faint. 

Jungkook had been kissed before but this felt different. More aggressive and hostile like a form of punishment..It was a weird emotion because even though his movements felt gentle they also felt angry.

The younger panicked when Taehyung's hands travelled roughly from his pulsating chest, to his stomach landing on the inside of his thighs, stroking the burning flesh going towards his cock.

" No..no.. Taehyung..." He grabbed his wrist,wanded him off while the older raised his eyes, having trouble breathing properly and licking his lips. They weren't alone. The chauffeur was driving the limo. He didn't appreciate having an audience hearing him moan.

" What are you doing to me? What the hell are you doing to me?" he mumbled sounding awfully staggered and placed his hand on his cock just to confirm what he already knew. He was hard..fucken hell he was!

He stared at Jungkook's eyes and got lost in them but quickly regained his control and spoke.

" I knew you'd be dynamite..I didn't expect that the two of us would be.. explosive.." 

Jungkook gasped, his thoughts were jumbled and unable to be put into words. His heartbeat increased rapidly,the spinning in his head made him dizzy and an acute arousal wrapped his lower parts.All he wanted was to get lost in his arms but why couldn't he? What stopped him? He wanted him so badly it hurt.

Taehyung bend towards him ,eyes dark as the midnight sky and Jungkook thought he would kiss him again but instead he lisped." We're here.. you'd better go or I'll lose control and fuck you right here." 

Jungkook said goodnight in a hurry, got out and practically run inside his building apartment, stumbling and holding onto the wall to prevent his trembling legs from bending and collapsing on the floor. Taking the elevator he reached his door, trembling hands opened it and closed it, leaning on it and holding his heart.

He wasn't accustomed to this sort of behaviour from his part. In different circumstances he would have punched any guy making a pass on him from the first date.. Not to Taehyung.He was too submissive to his powerful aura and in a twisted way Jungkook got a bang out of it!

Jungkook reached one conclusion.

He really, really liked this man.


Over the next month Taehyung and Jungkook spend almost every day together, going on dates in expensive restaurants, luxurious hotels, Art and Photography exhibitions. They even flew to Tokyo in his private jet just because Jungkook wished to see ' Madam Butterfly'. 

One weekend they travelled to Paris, watched the Opera, visited the Versailles, Champs-Elysees, Avenue Montaigne, the famous Moulin rouge cabarets,shopped at Tiffany 's and Miller's, where Taehyung bought him a diamond neck chain and had dinner at the restaurant on the top of the Eiffel Tower which Taehyung had booked especially for them. They strolled along the Seine, tried every pastry in Paris, making Jungkook the happiest man! 

Another weekend they flew to Milan because he expressed his love for pizza and coffee.Things were moving too fast for Jungkook to think and understand and evaluate. He was merely feeling.

Taehyung 's attention and admiration was only for him and the younger 's feelings grew stronger every day. He loved hearing him talk about parts of his trips around the world, his valuable experiences ,opening up in a way. He boosted with pride when Tae was talking about his struggles as a child, coming from a poor background his ambitions to succeed and his accomplishments on creating an empire from scratch. 

"Where are we going this time? London? Rome? Berlin? Peru? I'd love to see Matsu Pitsu!"Jungkook joked used to Taehyung's sudden impulses in showing him the world.

Taehyung felt tensed. His wolfish eyes shone dangerously in the sunlight and his anger thrummed through his vein but successfully mastered it sounding soothing but flat when he answered. The boy was obviously taking pleasure from being spoilt. 

" Don't worry doll..I won't kidnap you.. no fancy surprises this weekend." The mockery was present and Jungkook foolishly ignored it." We're going to Yangpueong Dumulmeori."

" Great! I've heard it's ideal and the view breathtaking!" 

" It's not the date you were hoping but you'll have to settle for it. I have important meetings this weekend and I can't be out of the country." he explained cupping his hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it tenderly." You won't be seeing much of me for the next five days." 

Jungkook sulked and leaning towards him he rested his head on his shoulder." It's not the place that makes it special but that I'm with you.." 

Taehyung hummed." I feel the same. I love spoiling you though. I ordered us lunch.. the best delicacies from the most famous restaurant in Seoul." He pointed at the back seat of his BMW but Jungkook didn't bother looking. He didn't really care about the food! 

" You shouldn't have! I could prepare it. It would be a chance to try my cooking." 

" Another time. When you invite me to your flat doll." A direct hint cause so far Jungkook avoided it. He didn't feel confident enough to have him into his small apartment.

" My flat is small and certainly not your style." he hurriedly excused his reluctance.

" It's not the place doll! It's gonna be you and me. That's enough." Taehyung reassured him, holding and kissing his hand then placing it on his thighs.

" Soon..very soon I promise." He still was unsure but at some point he would have to do it.

Taehyung looked pleased. He parked the car outside the park, helped him get out and walked in, admiring the Bukhangang river, flowing from the mountain, the tall, dense trees, colourful, redolent gardens with the lotus flowers.

They enjoyed an amble at the strawberry farms, picking strawberries and making jam, taking some jars with them. Jungkook learnt one more information about Taehyung. He loved strawberries!

Lastly they strolled around one of the three major, traditional markets ,taking photos and buying local merge , always holding hands. Later they discovered a quiet, rather isolated spot under a tree, planked a checked blanket, the delicious food and had lunch ,taking advantage of a rather hot day.

At some point Jungkook laid down and fell asleep but stirred, turning his head as something was bitting his earlobe and crawling on his forearm. He lazily opened his hazel eyes realising it wasn't something but someone and his heart began racing.

" You're so damn cute when sleeping, doll." Taehyung whispered with his deep voice, his fingers running along his arm.

Stooping over his shoulder their bodies collided, his mouth warming his ear and neck.

" Taehyung?" His eyes searched around." Where's our stuff?" 

" I moved them. Wanted to tease you.. I'm in the mood for some..fun, doll. I so desperately needed to hug and kiss your juicy lips and they were in the way." He explained as simple and plain as ordering coffee. He traced his fingers along the younger 's cherry, plump lips." I'm obsessed with them.." His mouth sealed Jungkook's in a soft, velvety kiss getting the younger 's total surrender and submission. Kook was helpless to resist the undeniable longing and pleasure drifting him.

" You're driving me crazy, doll...I lose my mind when I'm around you..the control of my emotions..will you be mine?" 

Jungkook's body was mercilessly attacked by hords of powerful pleasure feeling Taehyung's hand slipping inside his T-shirt forming the shape of his upper body with his warm palm, stirring shudders in him. When he stroked his right nipple with his thumb, a rain of senses penetrated the younger. A profound erotic desire fired up between his thighs and Taehyung captured his lips in an sensational,mind- numbing kiss, burning every body cell, leaving him breathless.

The older's tongue invaded the sweet mouth, exploring, sucking and slurping and Kook felt the rush of helplessness and powerlessness to his will. A sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth embracing him. All that from one kiss..just one simple kiss. What would happen if they actually fucked?

The younger bend backwards granting full access to his domination while his mouth was overpowering his shaky lips, bitting his tongue, the outline of his lips, forcing his tongue in the deepest ends. Kook hugged him possessively, wrapping both arms around his neck. He was drown to him like a magnet.

The man's hands were still caressing his naked chest under his clothes till he abruptly tore the only obstacle between them. His T-shirt, making Kook winced. His lips moved to his neck, sucking and nibbling and bitting the burning flesh tinting it with visible knots, marking his territory.

" Taehyung..please..oh God.." His words, soft as a whisper, were barely heard. Taehyung 's mind foggy and confused,out of breath observing the two perfectly shaped round nipples standing proudly under the bright light. He felt something poking between his legs, stretching his black jeans. Surprisingly he had a boner! Again! For the second time in a few days.It appalled him considering he was straight. Never wanted or had fucked a man before and had no intention to start now. He would take it as far as the basics. Kissing, jacking off. Nothing further.

The idea alone repulsed him but he was actually hard for a boy who resembled an angel but was in fact a devil! A man whore! Jungkook attempted to cover his exposed chest and the older's hand got in the way.

" Don't hide your beauty Jungkook! You're perfect!" he lisped softly hiding his real thoughts.' The things I do for him!' echoed in his head. Wasting no time, he pounced on the left nipple, circling the silky bub with his wet tongue before covering it with his mouth, sucking and biting it with vulgarity and roughness.

Jungkook's head tossed to the side, nibbling on his lips not letting his moans be heard but he couldn't prevent tears of bliss escaping. The man was practically on top of him, their cocks grinding and the friction produced different emotions to them.

Taehyung 's mouth moved to the other nipple tormenting it and his hand gripped the younger 's ass pushing him forward.

" Taehyung..there..are.. people.. around.." he mumbled through moans and groans and was once again ignored. Taehyung 's mind was blocked. His purpose seemed to be the only thing keeping him sane. He gulped closing his eyes and breathing sharply he moved back, his hand unzipped Jungkook 's light blue jeans ,pushing it slightly down along with the front of his red boxer.

The younger was hard. His cock was throbbing, dripping precum and when his fingers fisted the hard-on Jungkook hissed and let out a growl. The man's movements were so powerful he found it impossible to resist. He didn't want to resist. He needed it so badly.

" Don't be afraid doll..I want you to cum.. for me..block all thoughts and feel it running through your veins.." His hand tugging and pulling the cock up and down, his thumb pressing the tip and his head buried in Jungkook's crook. He wasn't ready. He should have been but he wasn't. His stomach stirring, his head buzzing. He wanted to puke.

However he wasn't a coward to step back now. Not now! Scrunching his lips, he raised his head staring at the boy's fuzzy,half closed eyes still jacking him off." Look into my eyes! Cum for me! Only for me!" A heavy mewl was heard feeling the vibrating cock ready to burst making his moves sharper and deeper. 

" Taehyung..faster..please.. Oh Tae.. please go faster!"he begged ,arching his back, nails digging in the man's shoulders. He had lost touch with reality, plunged in the world of ecstasy, defying logic. 

" Say my name again! My name!" he demanded hoarsely continuing the erotic torment.

" Taehyung..yes.. Taehyung.." Kook grunted, rolling his eyes while releasing his orgasm and cum on the man's hand. In an effort to catch his breath he rested his forehead on Taehyung 's chest. He felt cold when the man withdrew his hand, jogged him and stood up. He hurriedly wiped his hands in one of the towels he had brought with the food and fixed his clothes.

Jungkook was more than puzzled. The right word was disappointed. After sharing such intimate moments Taehyung looked angry for some reason.His eyes were full of resentment and aloof.

" Get dressed. We're leaving." 

The younger pulled up his boxer and jeans, hands shaking, zipped them and just stood there. " Taehyung are you ok?"

He hummed, diversing his gaze.

" Did I do anything wrong?" 

Taehyung gave him the brush off. He simply extended his hand for Jungkook to hold and get up, which he did.

The younger insisted in understanding what the actual fuck was wrong. One moment they were making out and now he was ignoring him." Taehyung! What's the matter? What happened?

The older rumpled his hair and heaved." Nothing. Forget it." He picked up their stuff, walked away with Kook following him to the car. 

During the ride home you could hear a pin drop. Taehyung was squeezing the steering wheel, his attention focused on the road and Jungkook was this close to punching his face , send him to hell or burst out crying. He had the urge to do both! Never got the chance to because Taehyung was speeding like a maniac and left him outside his building, mumbling 'See you' taking off hardly giving him time to react.

" What the hell did I do? What's wrong with this man? Why can't I understand him?" he was talking to himself while going up to his flat. He wasn't about to cry! No! He refused to cry! He was a strong man and had no intention of acting like a pussy. He was Seokjin's son after all! They don't cry or weep, simply whine!

Easier said than done!
