
chapter 43

Harry Potter wasn't the only one grappling with the fallout from that brief moment of intimacy with Draconica. The blonde witch, realizing the consequences her actions had on the object of her affection, began to regret her impulsive behavior. But as a Slytherin, she refused to show any sign of weakness to the world, leaving only her closest friends—Daphne, Tracey, and Astoria—to witness her inner turmoil. Despite her denial, she couldn't shake the feeling that she might have irreparably damaged not just his life, but her own as well.


Struggling to find the courage to reach out to Harry and express her remorse, Draconica instead withdrew from him again, deepening the rift between them. She could see that although Harry was furious with her, their connection wasn't entirely shattered—something that provided her with a bittersweet sense of solace. Nevertheless, guilt consumed her, making her feel undeserving of his affection.


Eventually, her friends urged her to set aside her pride and show Harry that she cared if she wanted to salvage what was left of their relationship. It took a few days, but on Friday afternoon, just hours before their Astronomy class, Draconica finally approached him in the library. She found him studying between towering bookshelves and seized the chance for a private conversation.


"Harry?" she began, cornering him. He looked up, his expression darkening when he recognized her. She sensed his unwillingness to engage, but pressed on anyway.


"What do you want?" he replied, his tone sharp enough to convey his frustration. Though she registered his anger, Draconica persisted.


"Harry, I know things didn't turn out like I had hoped. I didn't mean to hurt you with my impulsiveness, and for that, I'm truly sorry. Please, don't hate me," she pleaded.


Harry sighed deeply. "Draconica, what you did cost me a lot, and I can't promise things will ever be the same between us. As much as I want to blame you, I have my own faults to own up to. But for now, I'm still very angry with you." He locked eyes with her, and his words struck her unexpectedly.


"Thank you!" she exclaimed, trying to move forward and hug him, only to have him halt her with an outstretched hand. Her disappointment was evident as she stepped back, looking small and defenseless. But shortly, she regained her composure.


"Still, I appreciate your honesty, Harry," she said before turning away and leaving him alone with his thoughts.


~/ *** \~


On Sunday, Hogsmeade's second visit of the school year took place. The trio of Gryffindor chasers planned to treat Harry to a shopping spree, a form of compensation for his earlier actions. He had reluctantly agreed, hoping to mend their friendship.


After an early start, Harry settled in the common room to study some Ancient Runes, determined to find information that could help him prepare against Voldemort. His thoughts were interrupted when Ron Weasley and his rat, Scabbers, made a chaotic entrance, the rat desperately trying to escape.


Chuckling at the scene, Harry decided to place his book in his trunk before heading to the Great Hall for breakfast, knowing how important it was not to keep the girls waiting.


~/ *** \~


As it turned out, Harry had underestimated the Gryffindor chasers' enthusiasm for shopping, especially when the bill was on him. By the time they paused for lunch at the Three Broomsticks, he was starting to regret his decision to sponsor their spree.


While the girls indulged in their food, a woman in formal robes approached Harry. "Mr. Potter? Could I have a moment of your time?" Ignoring the glares from his companions, Harry nodded.


"Of course, Ms. Summers. Is there something urgent from Ms. Bridget?" She nodded but remained standing, her clipboard in hand.


"Who's this?" Angelina shot a glare at Harry while eyeing the older witch.


"This is Ms. Summers, my barrister's assistant," he explained, before turning back to her. "What news do you have?"


She detailed developments regarding the case for Regulus Black, explaining that it would soon be brought before the Wizengamot. Harry listened attentively, asking about the elusive trial record for Sirius Black. Ms. Summers revealed that it was missing, prompting Harry to suspect corruption within the Ministry yet again.


As she finished, he discreetly asked about progress on gathering information on a more personal target, referring to Dumbledore without naming him. Ms. Summers handed him a stack of documents containing new findings, and Harry paid her for her services before she departed.


"Harry, you're hiring 'Carter, Bridget & Ashford'?" Katie asked, surprised at the choice of the reputable—and expensive—firm.


"I am, and they're doing a good job," he replied, signaling that he preferred to focus on lunch rather than legal matters.


~/ *** \~


Later in the day, as Sirius Black scoured the Hogsmeade village in his animagus form, he was determined to catch his target: Ron Weasley's rat. Spotting Harry being led around by three girls, he felt a surge of pride for his godson, who seemed to be enjoying their company.


However, his priorities remained clear—he needed to find Ron to retrieve the rat and expose its treachery. As he stealthily prowled the streets, he eventually caught the scent of Scabbers and followed it to the infamous Shrieking Shack, where he planned to confront his prey.


Just as Ron began expressing disbelief about the haunted house, Scabbers sensed the impending danger. As Sirius attacked, aiming for the rat and not the boy, chaos erupted, and Ron fainted from fear.


~/ *** \~


As Harry listened to Ron triumphantly recount his encounter with the "beast," he couldn't help but roll his eyes, knowing he had witnessed the truth from a distance. Tuning out Ron's embellishments, he turned his attention to his reading. He still needed to review the documents from Violet but decided to save that for another day, opting instead to unwind and consider how to further repair his friendships.
