
chapter 27

Harry spent a few hours in the Slytherin vault, engaged in a revealing discussion with the portrait of one of the Hogwarts founders. To his surprise, Salazar Slytherin's motives for banning Muggle-borns from the school—especially those unwilling to sever ties with their families—were rooted in safety, not blood purity. Salazar was visibly displeased that his house had morphed into a bastion of blood supremacy and even urged Harry to expel Tom Riddle from Slytherin, despite the fact that Riddle was already long gone.


Another reason Harry lingered with Salazar's portrait—curiously the only active portrait—was the founder's proficiency in medicine. Salazar had cultivated his healing skills after frequent mishaps with his potion experiments, which led to insightful exchanges between him and the young lord regarding both magical and non-magical medical practices. Salazar was impressed by Harry's knowledge and deemed him worthy of access to his hidden journals in the vault, where he kept his potion-related wisdom.


Salazar also revealed the location of his private cottage, the last remaining property owned by House Slytherin. This house was under an ancient charm, akin to the Fidelius Charm. Salazar, as the secret keeper, allowed Harry to share the house's location with others, though their memories of it would be wiped if Harry were ever absent from the secret or passed away.


Grateful for Salazar's generosity, Harry took the journals and, after a brief farewell, left the vault, planning to visit the Potter vault next.


By the time he exited Gringotts, the afternoon had turned late. Harry resolved to visit 'Carter, Bridget & Ashford' after the weekend and his excursion to Hogwarts to collect the basilisk carcass. If time permitted that day, he'd swing by the Ministry of Magic to apply for a couple of licenses—portkey creation and apparition—as he had just come of age. But for now, he felt exhausted from his Gringotts dealings and was ready to call it a day.


~/ *** \~


On Monday morning, Harry returned to Gringotts. Surprisingly, his estate manager, Goldsaw, was not in his office but instead greeted him in the main hall. It was fortunate that the bank wasn't open yet; otherwise, many pompous pure-bloods might have been shocked to see someone treated with such respect while they waited in line for a goblin's scorn. Goldsaw escorted Harry through the corridors to a staff room filled with a dozen goblins clad in battle armor and equipped with various magical tools.


"We're heading to Hogwarts?" asked a goblin who appeared to be in charge, sneering at Harry. "You should know that the castle is protected by anti-portkey wards, so we're wasting our time."


"The Chamber of Secrets is located beneath the castle and has its own specific wards—anti-portkey wards included," Harry replied evenly. "The last update on those was likely made before portkeys were even invented." The goblin nodded slowly, acknowledging the point.


"Very well. But if you've deceived us..." He left the threat hanging, but Harry had little doubt it would be severe. Well, perhaps something ominous was warranted for Voldemort. Once Harry provided precise coordinates for the Chamber, he watched intently as the goblins conjured a portkey in the form of a silvery rope. The leader instructed everyone to grasp the rope. "We will depart in three seconds."


Harry counted down quietly and, upon reaching 'three,' felt a gut-wrenching tug as the world around him whirled rapidly. In just a few seconds, he found himself unceremoniously deposited onto the cold floor of the Chamber of Secrets, while the goblins stood unfazed. Gritting his teeth against his nausea, Harry drew his wand.


"Point me, basilisk carcass." His wand spun, pointing toward the carcass. "Let's go." He began walking toward the pipes leading out of the Chamber, and after several minutes of trekking, they reached their destination.


"This creature is enormous," Goldsaw whispered upon seeing the massive basilisk. "It could fetch around six or seven hundred thousand Galleons… unless you prefer to keep a substantial portion for yourself."


"I want fifteen square meters of hide, a liter and a half of its blood, and half of the venom you extract. I also want the fangs transformed into sabers."


"As you wish, Lord Potter-Slytherin," Goldsaw replied, instructing the goblins to get to work. "You should receive around five hundred and fifty to six hundred thousand Galleons for your share." Grateful, Harry prepared to remain there until the goblins completed their task, as they didn't trust him to wander off. He would have preferred retrieving the diadem horcrux from the Room of Requirement, but there would be plenty of opportunities to eliminate the evil creation Voldemort had conjured in due time. After all, Harry had every intention of returning the diadem to Rowena's grave after destroying the horcrux—though the goblins would likely prevent that, since the item had originally been crafted by them, with Ravenclaw merely enhancing it.


After several hours, the goblins completed their work, sealing the basilisk parts in dozens of large jars that they shrank for easier transport. They also separated the venom into two one-liter bottles, one of which was handed over to Harry. After ensuring the bottle was enchanted to be unbreakable, he shrank it down and tucked it into his robes.


The group returned to the main Chamber, where the goblins turned the rope from their arrival into a portkey for their return to Gringotts. Once again, the portkey journey left Harry sprawled on the ground, feeling queasy, prompting him to reconsider relying on this travel method in the future. Still, portkeys were undeniably handy for quick escapes, so he decided that acquiring a license would be prudent.


Once back on his feet, Goldsaw led him to his office to discuss several important matters.


"Let's finalize the deal," Goldsaw began after they were seated. "Which vault should we deposit your earnings into? The Slytherin vault offers a better interest rate."


"Yes, that works," Harry agreed. "And also place the materials I requested in there. However, I want to keep my vial of venom."


"Agreed." Goldsaw continued, "Now regarding your sabers: crafting them won't be cheap, and the cost will come from your Slytherin vault." Harry acknowledged that. "You're aware of our ownership rules, yes?"


"I am, but I'd like to propose an alternative." Goldsaw leaned in, eager to hear what Harry had to say. "I suggest shared ownership. I'll hold one saber until I finish my mission, after which I want both displayed in Gringotts as pieces of art. Meanwhile, Slytherin and Gringotts will each own fifty percent. Neither side can move the sabers without mutual agreement, and if either side breaches the deal, the other retains ownership."


Goldsaw considered this proposal and nodded; it was doable, especially since the sabers would be stored in Gringotts. "I will speak with our smiths, but I cannot guarantee it."


"Thank you," Harry responded. "I'd also like some wristbands made from the basilisk hide, featuring the Slytherin coat of arms. If they can be ready before midnight tomorrow, I'll pay double the standard price." He knew gifting those to Draconica would be a bold move at this point in their friendship, but he found it challenging to think of a better present for her birthday—especially given her assistance in uncovering the Chamber's secrets.


"That can be arranged," Goldsaw confirmed. "Would you like the price deducted from the Slytherin vault as well?"


Harry nodded. Just then, a scroll appeared on the desk, and Goldsaw read its contents. "Gringotts offers six hundred and nine thousand five hundred thirty Galleons for your basilisk parts." Naturally, the goblins would resell them at a higher price later. "The sabers will cost you between fifty and seventy thousand, and the wristbands will be another thousand."


"With that information in mind, I'd like to make a few more arrangements," Harry said, taking a moment to jot down a list on a piece of parchment. "Please allocate five thousand Galleons to each of the students petrified by the basilisk." He handed Goldsaw the list, specifying that if the students had personal vaults, the money should go there, and if not, new ones should be opened, with the Slytherin vault charged accordingly to ensure privacy in access.


"I want an additional five thousand for Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom, and then the same for Draconica Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass." After pausing, he continued, "Fifteen thousand Galleons should go to Aurora Sinistra under the same access conditions. Five hundred is to be sent to Argus Filch. Lastly, I want to cover Ginny Weasley's medical expenses from the Slytherin vault, as long as it remains under fifteen thousand Galleons."


After another moment's thought, he added, "And send fifty Galleons to Ron Weasley."


Goldsaw nodded affirmatively. "That will be arranged." He quickly calculated, "Depending on the total costs for the sabers, your remaining balance in the Slytherin vault will be between four hundred thirty-two thousand nine hundred seventy-five Galleons, two Sickles, and seventeen Knuts, or four hundred fifty-two thousand nine hundred seventy-five Galleons, two Sickles, and seventeen Knuts." Harry nodded; regardless of his expenditures today, he still had more than enough left from the basilisk deal.


"Thank you, Master Goldsaw," Harry replied. "Now, I'd like to discuss investment strategies for House Slytherin." Goldsaw nodded, and Harry added, "I've appreciated how you've been managing the Potter investments, and I believe a similar approach would benefit Slytherin."


"Absolutely. I'll start making the necessary arrangements," Goldsaw replied. "Would you like to invest the equivalent of twenty thousand Galleons into each Muggle firm?"


"Yes, that sounds perfect. Thank you." With that, Harry felt his time with Goldsaw had come to a close. After bowing respectfully, he headed back to the main hall of Gringotts, accompanied by a goblin assistant.


~/ *** \~


Later that day, Arthur Weasley was leaving his department in the Ministry of Magic when he noticed a box of forms next to the wand-weighing table. It hadn't been there that morning, so curiosity piqued, he approached it and read the parchment explaining that the ministry was holding a lottery for its employees, with a prize pool of one thousand Galleons... and participation was free.


Without giving it much thought, Arthur conjured a piece of parchment and scribbled his name and position, dropping his entry into the box. While the odds of winning were slim, it cost him nothing, and with Ginny in a coma at St. Mungo's, his family needed all the financial support they could get.


~/ *** \~


Despite the looming deadline for his Potions essay on commonly used moderate medical potions, Harry found himself engrossed in Salazar's journals instead. He felt too exhausted from the day's events to write more than a few sentences, and the journals were far more captivating.


Having already completed his Charms and Transfiguration essays over the weekend, he felt justified in taking a day off. Not to mention, the opportunity to glimpse the lives of Hogwarts' founders—some of the greatest witches and wizards in history—through Salazar's writings was too enticing to resist.


However, he resolved to prepare for his upcoming meeting with 'Carter, Bridget & Ashford' and knew he needed to be articulate; the services weren't cheap, and he didn't want to waste anyone's time fumbling over his words. Reluctantly, he set the journals aside, marking his page, and grabbed a piece of parchment to outline his talking points for tomorrow.


From what he'd learned from the goblins, the longstanding partnership between the Potter family and the firm indicated they were trustworthy. He was determined to ensure the continuation of that relationship.


Once he reestablished the partnership, he planned to have his parents' wills unsealed. Becoming the lord of both houses should warrant that, though having experienced legal experts present his case would be wise.


He also needed to discuss his prospective role within the Wizengamot. Although he had accepted his position as lord of House Potter, he didn't believe he was ready to join the governing body of Magical Britain. He couldn't attend sessions while at Hogwarts either, so finding a proxy was essential. It seemed far more efficient to ask a law firm to assist in that matter than to search himself.


Lastly, Harry had to address bringing Dumbledore to justice. The headmaster had committed several illegal acts, including erasing memories from Harry and his friends, and he needed to be held accountable. Fabricating a solid case against a politically potent figure like Dumbledore would require significant effort, making another task for 'Carter, Bridget & Ashford'.


As he reviewed his list, Harry felt satisfied. While there were other topics that needed attention, they paled in comparison to these priorities. Nodding to himself, he began to draft a more detailed plan for what he would discuss tomorrow.
