

The voice that broke the silence after Tulin's story was that of Riju, the young and brave Chief of the Gerudo. Sitting beside Link, a faint blush colored her cheeks, as if reliving that story awakened emotions she tried to hide.

"As you already know, suddenly a sandstorm began to lash the region with devastating force, "she began, her voice trembling between memory and the duty to recount it. "But it wasn't an ordinary storm. Strange formations that resembled hives appeared in its wake. And from those cursed nests emerged decomposed creatures, almost mummified... They were called Gibdos."

"By Hylia! "exclaimed Josha, astonished. "How terrifying!"

"Just imagine, between the storm and those... bugs, the population was terrified. " Riju continued in a darker tone.

"What decision did you make? "asked Purah, whose role as leader of Lookout Landing made her interested in the decisions of other leaders. "It must have been a very difficult situation to handle."

"Just picture it. The blinding storm, and those creatures lurking in the sand... Riju lowered her gaze for a moment, her voice becoming a somber whisper. "My people were caught between horror and uncertainty. I couldn't allow that."

Purah, with her sharp leader's gaze, leaned forward. "How did you make the decision? It must have been difficult to determine what was right in such chaos."

"It was "Riju admitted, nodding gravely."There was no time for doubts. I decided to open the catacombs of the citadel, seeking refuge deep within to evacuate most of the Gerudo women. The citadel was uninhabitable, buried in sand from corner to corner. Meanwhile, I gathered my bravest warriors, and we headed to the ruins before reaching the Kara Kara Bazaar, looking for a way to stop those abominations, relying solely on the teachings of our oldest texts."

Link, listening to every word, felt the adrenaline of those moments and, without realizing it, began to share his part of the story with a smile that betrayed a hint of embarrassment.

"To be honest, I wasn't sure where to go... So I decided to head to Gerudo Town" he admitted, scratching the back of his neck with a mix of shyness and determination. "Something told me I would find answers there."

Link continued his tale, with all his friends attentive and expectant. As he spoke, he couldn't help but think about how surreal the situation he had lived through had been. He remembered the desert wind hitting his face, the sand swirling in blinding whirlwinds that made it impossible to see beyond his own hand. "Definitely not a day for walking outside," he thought, recalling how each step made him feel more like a fish caught in a sandstorm.

When he finally reached the Gerudo citadel, the place was completely deserted. The streets, once bustling, lay asleep under piles of sand that seemed to have settled there forever. As he wandered through the alleys, something caught his eye: an open sewer, there in a corner. Without thinking much, "perhaps too little, he now told himself," he slipped through the opening.

Once inside, his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light, and there, floating in the dirty water, he began to see them: bottles, and inside each one… messages. "Bottles with messages in a sewer? Is there a secret mail system down here?" he wondered, scratching his head.

Intrigued and convinced that this had to mean something, he followed the trail of bottles, almost like breadcrumbs in a dark maze. Finally, the path led him to a hatch. "Should I?" he thought, not stopping for a second longer. As he opened it and emerged with his familiar infiltration skills, he appeared right next to a young Gerudo who, upon seeing him materialize out of nowhere, let out a muffled scream and took a step back, her eyes wide.

"Perfect, Link, great first impression," he told himself as he tried to offer her a reassuring smile, though lacking much conviction. Looking at her more closely, Link noticed that she had her hands full of empty bottles. He understood immediately that this girl was the author of the distress messages that had floated to him, although, seeing her frightened expression, he wondered if he had been the answer she was hoping for.

"Clearly, she didn't expect me to come up through the ground, "Link said with a laugh, "and of course, the problem came when, upon seeing me, she started screaming at the top of her lungs. Even more so when she realized I was a Voe. Good thing one of the guardians recognized me from when Riju and I defeated Vah Naboris. Otherwise, I could already see myself putting on the Gerudo veil again."

Link felt himself blush, warmth rising to his cheeks as he recalled that disguise. The image of him dressed as a Vai to infiltrate the citadel was one of those memories that always made him debate between embarrassment and laughter.

"By the way, one day you should tell us exactly what that whole spectacle was about," Riju continued, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous smile. "It took me a lot to convince the citizens to let a Voe in, and you almost ruined everything!"

Link looked away, scratching the back of his neck and pouting defensively.

"You said we wouldn't tell anyone!

Purah burst into laughter.

"Our dear 'Linky' getting into trouble again? Come on, spill the beans!"

Riju leaned toward Purah, reveling in the story.

"Well, it turns out that the hero of Hyrule had no problem staying in... his underpants, "she said, pointing at Link with a victorious smirk". In front of all the guardians!

Link turned even redder and murmured a defense that barely convinced even himself.

"It's just that it gets really hot in the desert during the day... I just wanted to be... more comfortable, okay?"

"Uh-huh, yeah, comfortable," Riju replied, raising an eyebrow even higher, clearly enjoying herself", just like when you disguised yourself as a Yiga in the Gerudo Town, knowing perfectly well the relationship we have with that clan. That was well under control, huh, Link?

The round of laughter around them grew so loud that Link couldn't help but chuckle as well, recalling the comedic nature of the situation: the sight of the guardians with their eyes wide open at seeing him in his underpants was hard to forget, and then, dressed in the Yiga clan outfit, it only made things more ridiculous. The prank cost him several days in prison, and his sentence could have been much longer if it hadn't been for one of the guardians, who, remembering that Riju needed him, had to intercede on his behalf. Now that's friendship, even in the worst moments!

Trying to salvage what little dignity he had left, Link cleared his throat and looked away.

"I-I guess we should get moving, right? I have a feeling we've already spent quite enough time here..."

"Don't worry, Linky." Purah interrupted with a mischievous smile, more interested in the story Riju was telling than in Link's urgency." Before you head into the abyss, Hoz and his squad need to arrive. We can't let you go in without backup, or any monster could give us a scare that even you couldn't fix."

"Now that you mention it..." Robbie chimed in, frowning". Shouldn't they have arrived by now?"

"Well, according to one of Penn's little birds..." Purah paused dramatically, looking at everyone with a worried expression "it seems they've run into trouble. A horde of monsters appeared out of nowhere."

Silence fell over the group, and unease filled their faces. The hordes had been a constant problem since Link and Zelda's disappearance. Lurelin Village had been raided by pirates, leaving its inhabitants homeless. Thanks to Link, they had survived and, with Bolson's help, rebuilt the place, making it even better than before. But those memories did little to ease the tense atmosphere that had developed.

"Well, well..." Purah said, smiling to break the ice. "Where were we? Ah, yes! When Link ended up in the Gerudo prison for being in his underpants in the citadel..."

Link blushed at the memory, but deep down, he couldn't help but smile. Although Zelda might have laughed more than he would have liked, he didn't mind his friends sharing those laughs.

"I think it's starting to get a bit warm in here, isn't it? "he said, looking around as if searching for an excuse to escape the awkward situation. "Maybe we should head out before... as Riju would say... I commit another 'indecency' in front of a Gerudo."

Laughter echoed through the room, and the tension dissipated, at least for a moment. Even Riju couldn't help but let out a chuckle as everyone slowly got up to help Robbie and Josha clean up the remnants of their breakfast. The nerves over Hoz's delay still lingered, but at least now the atmosphere was lighter.

The fresh morning air hit their faces, providing relief after being cooped up in Purah's office having breakfast. Upon stepping outside, they encountered Pay, who was moving back and forth, overseeing the supplies of the makeshift infirmary. With Karson's help, she was effectively leading the Sheikah healers brought from Kakariko, following Impa's instructions to ensure everything was in order before the battle. Link couldn't help but feel a wave of admiration for her.

The shy girl he had met years ago had matured into a strong and determined leader for her village. Her ability to face the challenges of leadership was impressive, especially with Zelda missing. Among other things, she had overseen the Zonai investigation led by Tauro in her village, focusing on the mysterious fallen 'ringed ruins.'

Exchanging a few words with Purah, Link headed toward her, not only to greet her but also with the intention of inviting her to share a moment with them before the big battle.

"Hi, Paya! "he greeted her with a warm smile. "How's everything going? The five sages, Purah, and I are waiting for Hoz to arrive. I'd love for you to join us for a while; we're reminiscing about old adventures."

"H-Ho... hello, L-Link... "stammered Paya, her face flushed from being near the hero. Link smiled; although she had grown in many ways, her shyness was still present". O-Of course, I'll join. Just... give me a moment; I need to leave some instructions for Karson, and then I'll be right with you."

Link nodded, smiling to reassure her, knowing that despite her nerves, Paya always found a way to show her inner strength.

Several minutes later, Paya, the Sheikah leader, approached the group timidly, who at that moment were laughing at something. With flushed cheeks, Pay greeted them in a trembling voice.

"H-Hello, "she stammered. "L-Link told me you were here; do you mind if I join you?"

"Of course not!" exclaimed Purah, with a mischievous smile. "In fact, I sent Link to find you. I don't know why it took you so long to get here."

"W-Well... I'm sorry, I was finishing organizing the s-supplies." Paya replied, still a bit nervous.

"Don't mind Purah; you know her well enough. " Link intervened with a reassuring smile". We all know how important your work is. Please sit with us and take a breath before the storm arrives."

Pay nodded gratefully and joined the group, feeling her nerves slowly fade away.
