
Kyther Wolfs

≤Challenge Quest≥

<Challenge Quest accepted>

"Accepting the quest is the most logical thing in this situation. There's no escaping them so I might as well fight them."

The Kythers started charging the same black spike attack from earlier.

"Are you kidding me, from sides." Klyde said as he changed to his Titan Slayer.

As all the spikes shot at him he slammed Titan Slayer to the ground, using his Showslam ability which deflected the spikes but the wolves were swift enough to dodge them.

All of them started charging at him at once but Klyde had something up his sleeve. He held the rode part of Titan Slayer. "Beyblade Burst!" Klyde roared as he started spinning like a beyblade, striking the wolves and dealing 700HP to them.

‹↑ Kyther Wolves›

<Health: 1300 2000>

"Beyblade burst does that much damage? Though I can't property aim it so I guess I can't just beyblade everything."

The wolves started approaching him, this time only 5 while the others prepared black spikes.

"For the love god…" Klyde started attacking the Kythers, though his decreases agility and theirs being hire made it harder for him to land an attack. Eventually, 4 of the 5 spikes landed on him, one hitting his stomach.


<Health: 520 620>

<Stamina: 80%>

Klyde clutched his stomach and supported himself with Titan Slayer. He took out his Blood Sword and threw it at one of the wolves as hard as he could. It landed and did 30 HP of damage, though it didn't heal him all the way.


<Name: Klyde Tolan>

<SLevel: 9>

<Exp: 1880 12800>

<Health: 650 720>

<Stamina: 79%>

<Hunger: 70%>

<Mana: 135 240>

"My bow takes 20 mana to make. Weak arrows, 25 mana, all for a grant total of 270 mana." He said as he equipped his wand.


<Mana: 335 420>

"But if I just fire arrows from my wand that'll save me 10 mana and make them more powerful."

He aimed his wand, creating 10 arrows and fired them. The arrows hit all 10 wolves dealing 180 HP of damage, though Klyde collapsed and blood came out of his mouth. His body felt weak and out of energy, practically unable to move.


<Health: 320 620>

<Mana: 20 420>


<Mana below 5%>

<Recover Mana or you'll continue to take damage>

Though Klyde knew he would go below 5% and would collapsed but didn't expect to loose 200 HP. He took one of the mana potions he stored in his inventory and barely managed to drink it, recovering all his mana.


<Mana: 420>

With his mana recovered he stood up again. He knew this battle may be too much for him, even scanning the area for exits but knew he the only way out was to fight.

‹↑ Kyther Wolves›

<Health: 1100 2000>

‹↑ Kyther Wolves›

<Health: 1100 2000>

‹↑ Kyther Wolves›

<Health: 1100 2000>

‹↑ Kyther Wolves›

<Health: 1100 2000>

‹↑ Kyther Wolves›

<Health: 1070 2000>

"I've almost gone through 50% of their HP. And I'm in decent shape. I might come out of here alive."

The wolves started approaching him again as he readied Titan Slayer, and instead of letting close, he charged at one of them. He only targeted the he had already damaged with his Blood Sword, though it was still difficult.

He finally landed a blow but only did 70 damage. And the other 4 were charging at him. He used this chance to activate beyblade burst but only managed to hit 2 and one of them managed to get close enough to his to bite his leg.

‹↑ Kyther Wolf›

<Health: 1000 2000>

‹↑ Kyther Wold›

<Health: 1100 2000>


<Health: 220 620>


<Negative status effect "corrosion" has been applied>

<Agility -5>

<Health 10 -10 every seconds>

Klyse felt a painful sensation spreading across his leg as his vision blurred for a second. He tried to resist the pain and not scream and looked at his Blood Sword which was at the ground from throwing it earlier. He put the sword in his inventory then back in his hand strapped the wolf repeatedly, even using meteor slash until it died. He then felt a sharp pain on his chest as he took damage from corrosion.


<Health: 200 720>

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >


<Exp: 2630 12800>

Though his victory would be short lived as the other 5 were preparing another spike attack and all 5 spikes were shot at him and landed. 3 hit his back and two on his forearms.


<Health: 100 620>

This time, the pain was too much for Klyde to handle and he screamed in pain.


<Berserk skill no longer on cooldown>

He heard the sound of his system opening and looked up to see the message. He knew he had no other choice but to activate berserk.


<Berserk skill now active>


<Health: 50 620>


<Stat 0 points:>

<SLevel: 9>

<Health: 18(2)>

<Strength: 15(100)>

<Agility: 12(27)>

<Magic: 12(36)>

Klyde's vision went black, everything was outlined in white, his enemies, red silhouette. He could feel his consciousness drifting away, he felt like someone different, unlike when he first used the skill.

His body moved naturally as he removed the spikes in his body and held Titan Slayer. In an instant he dashed off to one of the wolves, cutting it in half.

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >


<Exp: 3380 12800>

<Health: 250 620>

Klyde felt another sharp on his chest, though he didn't flinch at it as he lost 62 HP and another 10 HP from corrosion, he more focused on killing his targets.


<Health: 178 620>

Klyde went on to another wolf, stabbing it on the head. 2 turned to 3 as he dashes to another wolf, slicing it's head off. He gained 700HP but lost 320 due to the berserk and corrosion.

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >


<Exp: 4880 12800>

<Health: 250 620>

He had now killed 4 out of the 10, leaving 6. As long as he kept attacking, he could outdo the effects of corrosion and berserk.

He went on to attack more wolves as he's shit by 6 spikes which land on him but he ignores them as he starts attacking his other target.


<Health: 180 620>

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >

Klyde equipped his wand, aiming it at the sky.


<Exp: 5630 12800< p>

<Health: 544 620>

<Mana: 1160>

He created 5 arrows, pouring 200 of his mana into each. He then shot all of them and each went to it's target, hitting and killing it. All of his HP was restored but berserk deactivated itself, removing the corrosion effect.

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >

‹Killed Kyther Wolf›

< +500 Exp >

< +50% Bonus >

‹Challengd Quest Complete›

< +5000 Exp >

< +10 Sp >

‹Level up›

≤Level 10≥

< +10 All Attributes >

< Shop has been unlocked >

< New skill unlocked: Extract >


≤Magic Reset≥

<Magic 0 has been reset to>

< + 22 Sp >

≤Exp set≥

< Required Exp has been set to 10000 >

< Exp will increase by 2000 every level up >


<Stat 32 points:>

<SLevel: 10>

<Health: 29>

<Strength: 25>

<Agility: 22>

<Magic: 0>


<Name: Klyde Tolan>

<SLevel: 10>

<Exp: 1580 10000>

<Health: 580>

<Stamina: 40%>

<Hunger: 60%>

<Mana: 0>

Klyde got overwhelmed by all the messages in front of him and just payed down for a while before he sat up, his legged crossed.

He looked at all the screens in front of him and read them carefully.

"So my mana has been reset, and I don't know why and my exp will not be increased that much going further."


<Stat 32 points:>

<SLevel: 10>

<Health: 29>

<Strength: 25>

<Agility: 22>

<Magic: 0>

"I have 32 stat points so I'll allocate most of it to my strength and magic."


<Stat 0 points:>

<SLevel: 10>

<Health: 30>

<Strength: 40>

<Agility: 22>

<Magic: 16>


<Name: Klyde Tolan>

<SLevel: 10>

<Exp: 1580 10000>

<Health: 600>

<Stamina: 52%>

<Hunger: 60%>

<Mana: 1600>

"Oh, my mana is different. Guess that explains the reset. Also why low levels have more mana than me."


≤Analysis: Lv2≥

≤Enchantment: Lv1≥

≤Berserk: Lv1≥

≤Extract: Lv1 [Max]≥

<Extracts resources from killed targets>

<Cost: None>

"Hm? It excreacts resources ey?" He looked at one of the dead wolves and extract on it.

He used Extract on the dead wolf and it's body disappeares before it a screen appeared.


< +1 Kyther Wolf Core >

< +4 Kyther Wolf Fang >

< +1 Kyther Wolf Hide >

< +1 Kyther Wolf Tail >

< +1 Kyther Wolf Body >

"Well, that's real convenient. I should use it on the rest of the bodies."

Klyde used Extract on the rest of the dead wolves, and other than their blood, there was no trace of the wolves.

"Now should I follow the howling or go back." Klyde asked himself. "It's been a few hours and the sun will set soon so I think I should go back. I'll check out the shop when I'm back at the inn."

Early upload I guess.

Chapter 16 is already in the works.

I wonder what the shop menu offers, wink wink.

I improve move oh my Ohio writing in a previous chapter. The one we're he first encountered the Frost Wolf, not fox.

Pola_Nexascreators' thoughts