Important information:
' ' -thoughts
" " -talking
[ ] -talking in devices
☆Pov. Young ROB Yume☆
'She's bold,I like her' it was when some heated argument between a readers started where one of them nicknameed Rosa was insulting other user for shiping yet another mc with typical black haired guy in some novel.
It was soo amusing.
"Maybe it is finaly time for me" Before I know it I already joined the chat.
<Yume >
"I too don't like that ship .Why mc always need to get all handsome guys"
<Rosa >
[That's what I mean, they don't even spend that much time together and she is already blushing because he complemented her and everyone start shiping them because of that.]
<Yume >
[I see, I know that feeling, it's really frustrating that author make scenes like that just to keep people interested so novel can keep going]
<Rosa >
[Sometimes I miss that times when stories were more real]
'More human'
That was the moment everything started. They added each other as a friends and discuss on other novels, movies and most like by both anime.
She rarely talk about her private life, he could check everything about her as a ROB but 'Where's fun in doing that.'
Nearly 2 years passed he get to know her and now can tell, she don't realy have hobby besides rarely listening to music ,her interest focus on entertainment coming from consuming her time mostly on her phone.Her name is Sora, from that everyone can tell how bad she is at coming up with names.She has three siblings and mother, she isn't particularly close with them. They are living together in a countryside.
Beside him she don't realy have any friends properly because her social interaction are close to nothing.
Sora entered her cozy room, it was small bedroom with some basic wooden furniture's like desk and chair with pile of clothes,wardrobe,shelf for her beloved books and mirror.Her room can be called plane,it doesn't have any posters on walls or enything just empty everywhere, perfect nest for geek loner like her.
Sora dropped her backpack neer bed and started trashing internally about her long never changing routine.
'Ahhhh today was boring as always, every day I get up, go to school, come back do some chores at home,sleep and repeat it's driving me crazy' Thought Sora unlocking her phone
'Maybe I should ask Yume if he have something intresting to do.'
<Rosa >
[Hey Yume what's up?]
<Yume >
[Ah as usual, I have to deal with my workmates work they have made me, it's realy enoying why I'm the only one who acualy care to clean they mess]
<Rosa >
[At least you have friends that you can have some fun with]
<Yume >
[Nah,I'd like to have some more free time]
<Rosa >
[By the way, do you have anything fun to do?]
[ I want something exciting to happend.]
At the moment Yume cheared and with small enthusiasm started typing his messages to her.
<Yume >
[If you want I can help you with your boredom but you will need to help me with my work and please be serious, treat it as if you were actually making realy important decision]
<Rosa >
'Hmm it's not a bad idea,but I never asked him what is he doing for living. Knowing Yume it won't be anything difficult, he wouldn't ask me to do something that I'm not capable of,ehhh what can happen it's not like i gonna regret it, do i?'
[OK, go ahead]
After watching bouncing three doorts bouncing for extremely long 5 minutes
Yume finally answered
<Yume >
<Rosa >
"Pffff hahaha what is this chuunibyou speech, is he one of those weebs.I never heard about this side of him." Snorted Sora under her breath after reading his announcement.
'He's always doing something unexpected. What you gona do now'. She thought sending him reply.
[Yes i do?]
After that she received a link, she trusted Yume so she didn't hesitate and clicked it. Link taked her to some form called *candidate application*
☆Pov Sora☆
"Is he some public servant or something, ehhh whatever"
{What is your dream?"}
'First question is rather obvious, he told me he needed my help with something so I will write truth, it's not like he is going to post this somewhere'
■[I want to have more fun in my life]
~Before proceeding make a note that everything you have every book you have readed, every movie or tv show you have watched are real world connected to each other.
Your every choice from now on will have consequences. Now please proceed~
{Chose your AID?}
'Okey that was weird'
I checked the list of people that was huge but to my surprise all of them were womens. In the list I saw characters like:
▪︎Claire Nuniez from Troll hunters,
▪︎Maple from Bofuri,
▪︎Natriel Gaisha, if I remember correctly she was from Murderous level up,
▪︎Wonder woman,
▪︎Yuno from Mirai nikki,
Scrolling dawn I could tell they're hundred of names I noticed setting button and clicked alphabet sorting
Again I saw mountain of names, curious at some point I checked is she's there and finaly noticed character I ador, worship and love with all my body and soul.
She is strong, noble, respected King, beautiful and most important she badass, she literaly became a Godess in one of movies.
Yes I'm talking about Artoria Pendragon
Not even reding the rest of the list I selected her
■[Artoria Pendragon (Saber)]
Next questions refered to things I'd like to get from her like knowledge,skills,memories,values and appearance.
'I wanted to become her so obviously, flip everything on [Yes] except memories, I want to become her not be her.From her perspective it would be getting my memories not the other way, right?'
{Do you want to inheritanin knowledge?}
{Do you want to inheritanin skills?}
>Dragon Heart
Increase Magical Energy regeneration, capacity, grant higher Magical affinity and passively reinforce body granting higher strength and endurance.
Ability to always instantly identify "the best personal course of action" during combat
>Magic Resistance
Allows to completely understand the control of all ridden equipment,creatures or machines both known and unknown.
>Mana Burst
Can infuse and accumulate Magical Energy into weapon and body, momentarily injecting an arbitrary vector that allows for an exceptional boost of abilities by instantaneously releasing the Magical Energy to reinforce oneself.
>Invisible Air
Can create a Bounded Field,made up of multiple layers of wind compressed into super-high pressure air with a massive amount of magical energy, which distorts the refraction of light and renders what is inside completely invisible. Barrier isn't a vacuum, so the air constantly whirling around objects designed as target.
{Do you want to inheritanin memories?}
{Do you want to inheritanin values?}
{Do you want to inheritanin appearance?}
"That was the last one." with that said she clicked submit
"So Now what?" She texted to Yume with the same words.
Immediately replie was send. Reding it she was confused and not even minute passed before her mind could process what he meant when she started to feel dizzy, siting on bed then pass out on bed with smartphone displaying they chat and his last message.
<Yume >
[Good luck]
Screen immediately glitch and the everything on chat was deleted to message
[ I want something exciting to happend.]
'Hmm, with this all preparations should be done.' Yume happily though
before it's all over, at least for him
'But the problem is ,I forget to tell her literaly enything.' A litle concerned he just brush it of with.
'Nah, V will manage.'
At the same time Sora woke up and couldn't see a thing,
☆Pov. Sora☆
'Where am I?' I said trying moving my hands.
"There is no point in doing that.You don't have a body yet."
'Who said that' I tried to said but heard voice only in mind, looking at myself where my torse should be was luminous blue sphere against a dark luminous sky adored with stars. The sphere's surface was smooth and glossy. Inside the sphere, are numerous delicate, blue lines that form an intricate pattern, reminiscent of veins
"That would be me" said voice from afar where black texture was moving, when it get closer black mass formed into puppet resembling rabbit,it eyes were missing showing empty space of his body. His hands are robes too big for hands just free falling.His size is no biger than 0,5 meter.
'What the fuck'
"I shall introduce myself. I'm V , instructor and you are chose champion, one of many to be exact."
'What do you mean champion and where are we?'
"Champion are souls contracted by Omnipotent Being in they worlds.We are currently in "The Void" ,it's space between relms designed for champions, this space is omnipresent so champion won't colide. Champions are present here before raid, defense and wars. I know you are confused but I can't help you enything more than that because it would be violation of protocol , you need to endure to the end of introduction before asking more questions." Said voice coming from void when puppet crossed his arms.
'So what I can ask?' I asked with frustration
"Can you stop interrupting me, please. I'm trying to do my job,it's really enoying going through thia over and over again. Thank ꚽ𖣠𖤀 you are permanent this time and I can retire after this job"
"That's better. Now if you are here you have accepted proposal from your OB, he/she stated his/her name, concept and gave you your incarnation. Every OB have they own methods of choosing and granting incarnation.Do you understand to this point?"
'Yes, but what's incarnation?'
"We're getting to that. Incarnation are gifts or vessels to champions granted by OB. They aren't given at random or by OB but selected by champions."
'That's it?'
"Yes, by the way why are you accepting everything so calmly, expect that one swear in beginning you are pretty collected"
'Would that help with enything?'
"No, but this is better for me. Now, don't bother me with questioning. I need to temper with your soul and mold you a little bit." Said voice V from the void when puppet waving his hand as if scrolling.
"When I finish your body will materialize and you will be send on your first mision." Informed me V
"I will show you now your status, remember it well ,I will only show this to you onely this time, it won't happen again."
Rabbit puppet eyes sockets started shining,light shot froin them at me and stopped in front of me,a blue screan have been displayed like from projector.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <Champion status>
Name: Sora Pendragon
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Pseudo-Human? (Heroic spirit)
Title: None
-Invisible Air (sealed)
-Dragon Heart
-Magic Resistance
-Mana Burst (sealed)
Divine skill:
-Dreamland (sealed){new}
Nobel phantasm/Equipment:
-Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory (not found)
Convert user's Magical Energy into offensive power and releasing it, create light by accelerating it with dragon heart, intensifying the kinetic energy by convergence and acceleration, allowing for ultimate slash that cuts through everything in the "area" the light goes through.
-Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia (not found)
Granted potent healing, allowing for critical and fatal wounds to be rapidly repaired to restore the wielder's health. Minor injuries are restored easily, and even large missing portions of the body and destroyed vital organs like the heart can quickly be restored at the critical moment before death.
-Caliburn: Golden Sword of the Victorious
Strengthens and protects anyone fighting alongside you, but it does not affect yourself.
-Rhongomyniad: The Spear That Shines To The Ends Of The Earth (not found)
'Why there so many sealed skills and items ?' I asked confused and uneasy becaus one of misions was war ,if i can't protect myself since my powers are unavailable right now, i could get hurt or even die. At that tough i could feel shiver run down my not yet existing spine.
"What did you think you would get overpovered because you got lucky. No ,no, no you only have a litle portion of power .You need to work hard to unlock your potential."
Said V with mocking voice, making pose like some noble lady mocking pesant.
'I feel like I want to punch you very much, but now isn't time for that. First of all, no one mentioned to me there would be restrictions, so how I was supposed to know that?.'
"Anyway don't bother you will get used to that. Bye bye." V started doing some gestures evidently operating something.
Black goo, it was thick and viscous, like a tar that formed puppet before enveloped me trading me in a sphere. The space was dark and suffocating, completely different from agitating and awe-inspiring night sky when I woke up here.
'What I'm suppose to do now!!!?'
☆Pov Narrator☆
Her soul now surrounded by black space contemplates how she ended up in this situation, what Yume have said, what she get to know thanks to V.
She spent some time thinking and waiting for her new destiny.
Okey this was my first try in writing something, now I know how hard it is.
I hope the more I write the better I will get.
If I made some grammar mistakes,feel welcome to scold me and feedback me where I should improve,
English is not my first language so it can be painful for some of you guys reading my dialogs, I already can tell they will be unnatural and not smooth.
Edit: I think this will be the final version of this beginning. Did I overdone it?Probably. Am I little lazy bastard who done nothing over past 4 months? Absolutely
I was what I like to call addicted to story about saber and after half a year wachout a fanfic or novel like that I was so frustrated that I get Thanos vibe
"Fine.I'll do it myself"