
**Chapter 117: I’m Just a Medical Ninja!**

Early the next morning, Reiki, Shisui, and Nozuki stood bleary-eyed, sporting dark circles after a long night of training.

"78%," Tsunade announced, reviewing their test results. "This score would technically pass in the Chunin Exam, but it's still below my standards."

With a serious expression, she collected their test papers. The questions had been varied for each of them, and Tsunade had forbidden them from sharing answers. The pressure and tension of trying to gauge each other's thoughts had taken a toll.

"Let's move out."

As they set off, they kept their guard up, the weight of Tsunade's expectations heavy on their minds.

"Someone's here!" Nozuki called out, and in an instant, the four vanished.

Kunai rained down, each one attached to an explosive tag, igniting the spot they had just vacated in a series of blasts.

"Quick reactions—just what I'd expect from a student of Tsunade Senju," sneered a ninja standing at the blast's center, his expression full of disdain. A mocking smile tugged at his lips.

"Eleven enemies," Reiki observed calmly.

"Ten," Nozuki corrected.

"Seems they're targeting us specifically. Should we engage?" Shisui's Sharingan activated as he prepared to defend.

"I'm leaving this to you," Tsunade said, retreating from sight. "They're all chunin-level, so they're not a major threat. Unless you're facing a life-or-death crisis, I won't intervene."

"Chunin?" Reiki murmured, deep in thought.

"We can handle individual chunin, but their numbers give them a clear advantage," Shisui reasoned. "If they manage to isolate us, it could become dangerous. Reiki, any ideas?"

After a moment's reflection, Reiki responded. "We need to play this smart. If Sensei sees them as our test, it means they're enough of a challenge to put us at risk. And they know our position; we're fighting out in the open, which makes things trickier."

"Intel first," Reiki decided, narrowing his eyes at the taunting ninja in the distance.

"Shisui, Nozuki, I need your help," he said, a plan forming.

They both nodded in agreement, a spark of curiosity flashing in their eyes as Reiki outlined the strategy. It sounded like he had developed a new jutsu.

"A space-time jutsu?" Nozuki asked, eyes wide.

"Room: Slaughterhouse!" Reiki announced, raising his hand as a spatial force field began expanding outward. Quickly downing a recovery potion, he extended the field further.

"This jutsu's energy demands are intense," Reiki thought, barely keeping up as he drained his chakra to maintain it.

"Hahaha, so this is the famed disciple of Tsunade Senju?" the enemy ninja jeered. "Afraid to even make a move? I expected better!"

Before the ninja could continue mocking them, he abruptly vanished, replaced by a stone where he had stood.

"Seal!" Shisui activated a scroll, muffling all sounds and chakra signals from within the area.

Nozuki swiftly deployed a sealing scroll around their captured foe, locking down his chakra and physical movements.

Reiki stepped forward, smiling at the ninja. "Hello. I hope we can get along nicely. Now, let's start with some questions. What village are you from? How many are in your group, and what's their strength?"

Nozuki, transformed to resemble their prisoner, left to join the others, ensuring the enemy wouldn't notice the absence.

The ninja sneered, "You think I'd talk to a brat? This is laughable—"

*Crack!* The toes of his left foot crunched as Reiki smashed a stone down.

"Care to start answering properly?" Reiki asked with a calm smile.

"This won't make me—" *Crack!* The toes on his right foot suffered the same fate.

"Don't worry. I'm just a medical ninja. I won't kill you, only… heal you."

Reiki raised his hands, channeling chakra to repair the man's feet before fully restoring his energy.

"Let's continue," Reiki said, still smiling.

"You think this will break me? I'd rather—" *Crack!*

"Go ahead. I'll just heal you up again," Reiki said, maintaining his calm, detached demeanor.

As the minutes ticked by, the cycle continued, the ninja's resolve eroding with each round. Unable to even pass out from the pain, he finally broke, pleading, "Alright, I'll talk! Just… please stop…"

"Great. Shisui, take note of the information and prepare to verify it," Reiki instructed.

"Ten of us came," the ninja admitted, his voice shaking. "There are traps set around here, and the rest are about as strong as me."

Before he could finish his sentence, Reiki knocked him out with a swift chop.

"Shisui, let's check the information. I need to rest," Reiki said, downing recovery and stamina potions to restore his energy.

"Got it," Shisui replied, vanishing with the map provided by their unwilling informant.
