
Sasha village (57)

Pov change.

Sasha on her horse, galloped her way toward her village, she really hoped that everyone was alright, she did not want anything wrong to happen to them.

As her horse sped up even faster toward her destination, she saw it, on the floor, the footprint of a titan...

'Impossible, all the way out here!' She thought honestly surprised, there was no way that Titan would ever get close to here, the wall was a decent distance away from there.

How were the Titans able to get here so quickly?

She pondered to herself if the Titans could get this far.

She hoped that her father was alright, and she truly hoped that her family survive.

Upon entering her village she noticed that a brand new wooden bridge had been built over the small little lake that was running across the village.

She made her way around the village and couldn't help but notice that the village was totally desolate like the village had been abandoned by everyone living there.

Sasha walked into a horrible scene, a titan could be seen eating a woman alive, the woman was still breathing and was barely putting up a fight as the titan took his time slowly eating her.

He took a bite out of the woman's leg, and a sickening crunch was heard as the titan's teeth crushed her bone, the sound of the woman's bones being crushed by the titan's teeth as he chewed was quite loud.

A small child could be seen watching this scene, the child was too scared to move, she knew that after the titan was done devouring her mother that she would be next on the chopping block, she watched as the titan continue to take it sweet ass time into devouring her mother whole.

She knew if she tried to run away, the titan could catch her easily and would easily be able to crunch on her skull before she could get too far.

"HA" Sasha's voice was heard screaming as she had an ax in her hand, she brought the Ax down to the titan's nape, over and over again, she tried to cut off the titan's nape, however, the ax wasn't cutting deep enough.

The titan's nape was too strong and she was too weak, the titan's eyes were closed as it kept munching on the woman's leg, ignoring the fact that someone was currently trying to chop its head off.

The titan smacked away the axe lazily before going back to munching on the woman with no care in the world.

Sasha watching this felt dread, she had hit this titan with all she had, all the power that she could muster and yet she could not kill it.

The titan was so far above her that even with an ax she stood no chance against it.

As she was currently taken by fear, she noticed the horrified little girl in the room who was too scared to even breathe.

However, she managed to smack some sense into herself, slowly making her way toward the child, she grabbed the child's hand before dashing off at full speed.

The titan who was currently taking its sweet time devouring the woman turned its head around upon noticing its prey running away.

He could not have that.

Sasha rushed toward her horse, she made sure to untie the knot.

"Alright kid, we need to..hm...get out of here.." She said however as she finished her sentence the horse had dashed away.

Scared of the titan that was currently slowly making its way outside the house.

"Really...you decided to do this now!" She said sounding just a bit frustrated but very much scared.

Noticing a bow and arrow nearby, she picked them up before dragging the kid away, running at full speed to gain some distance from the titan.

She even whistled for the horse to come back, she needed this, or else she was going to die....very brutally.

"Don't look back just keep running!" She said as she helped the girl over the bridge, she was scared shitless, the titan was gaining up on her and she could tell that the sun was hitting its skin, the only reason it was slow was that it had been inside a house for what seemed to be an hour, with no actual access to the sun.

Now that it was out in the open the titan was in its element and would slowly start to get faster.

Sasha's heart dropped as she noticed the titan's skin was turning red....oh fuck, it was an abnormal.

Steam started to come out of the Titan as it slowly started to walk faster.

The fast walk slowly started to turn into a jog.

"It's going to be okay!" Even if she was telling those kids those reassuring words, they were more for her than anything else.

She hoped everything would be okay, she was very scared right now.

She wanted to survive, she would do anything to survive right now.

She ran and ran, however, no matter how much she ran she could feel the titan gaining on her.

"Do not give up hope!" She said to the girl which seemed to have brought some light into the girl's very lifeless eyes.

She made sure the girl ran ahead as she turned back to face the titan.

Taking in a deep breath and focusing herself, she took a shot, however it missed.

Her hands were shaking....she was terrified.

She only had 2 arrows left, she had to make it count, running away from the titan, she made sure to keep some distance between them.

She did not want to die like this.

She took out another arrow and made sure to aim for the eyes.

She sent another shot but the titan dodged it.

Oh shit, she was screwed...

Before she could think of anything...the titan smacked her away.

She was sent flying, hitting a tree, she puked out blood as she felt some of her bones breaking....her vision slowly started to blur however she did not want to die yet.

Looking up at the titan, the beast walked toward her, its step very heavy.

As it reached her, the creature grabbed her, his grip felt hot, like she was being fried alive.

As the creature slowly raised her head toward his face, tears started falling out of her eyes.

She didnt want to die, she wanted to live... the memory of her time in the cadet played in her mind over and over again.

As the titan opened her mouth and she saw its teeth, she knew her fate was sealed, however, she refused to let go.

As the titan prepared to close his mouth and crush her head with its teeth, the titan fell on the floor limp.

Sasha looked stunned, she couldn't think of much before she fell, her body giving out after most of her bones were severely hurt by the titan.

However before she fell to the floor, she was caught by someone.

"You okay" The voice of the person that came said.

Sasha opened her eyes and could see the vague figure of someone with pupilless white eyes, she had a goofy smile as she fell unconscious, it seemed like she was fine for now.

Akira sighed to himself a bit, luckily this one was the first place he was sent, the second was like Rangiku village and the third was like a castle.

Sasha was fine, using his gentle fist and his knowledge of the human body, he temporarily opened some of her tenketsu points, and her body slowly started to heal on its own.

He could notice what seemed to be very thin steam leaving her body as her wounds healed, however this was not something he should ponder on.

He gazed at the titan on the floor, it was a weird titan, it seemed to have a weird fluid inside of it.

Though he could tell that help was not far off and thus he decided to leave the pass-out body of Sasha to the group of people that were arriving, one of them was her dad so he guessed he did the right job.

Now back to working unpaid overtime.
