
Chapter 7: Helluva Garden

Gardening that's what I would be doing. Fucking gardening!

"Hahahaha" I hear Leviathan chuckle in the back of my head.

"Shut it" I mentally reply.

"Keep moving pup. Today's my day off. And I've been gracious enough to spend it training you." Training, really that's what this is?

I continue pulling weeds out from between the grass. And there's a lot of weeds to pick. I decided to finally ask Crimson what this was all about.

"Why am I gardening? I thought you wanted me to kill for you?" I look over to see crimson lift his hat off his face. Sitting up in his sun chair he grins before replying.

"That's why. You just questioned an order from your boss. We can't have that happen when it matters now, can we?" He almost sounded wise just then. Nope, that's terrible thought. Crimson could never be wise. So I continue gardening as to move my thoughts along.

Later though something strange happened. When it was time for lunch, instead of being given food and leaving to my shed. I was actually eating with crimson at his table.

It was quite a strange feeling. The last time this had happened was when my parents were still alive. Though it felt more uncomfortable right now. Especially with how silent the room felt. Suddenly Crimson broke the silence.

"What did you learn today?" His voice was calm. But there was a slight expectancy to it.

"Not to question the boss." I give in a straight tone. Then I finally start to eat.

"Good." I hear Crimson say in a flat voice.

"Tomorrow morning will be the same thing. But during the afternoon and evening I'll have something for you to do. But for the rest of today your free to do what you want." Then that was it. I didn't say thank you or anything else. I just ate in silence.

After lunch I went to the shed to try and learn a new spell. Though the second spell I could learn seemed much more complicated compared to the first.

It required me to engrave my will into a symbol on two objects to fuse them. My issue currently was first I had no idea how to move my will like that. I moved it once and I'm questioning how I can use it to engrave something. Second is that the symbol I need to draw is incredibly complicated. And somehow it needs to be compressed into the symbol for brimstone.

And based on some of the notes written on the pages it could be used as a healing spell. Something that sounds super appealing.

I could get my arm cut off and just shrug it off and reattach it.though it comes with the issue of making my arm shorter if I were to do it that way. That's because it fuse's them together in the same space, not just together.

Though none of that would be possible until I managed to scratch something with willpower alone. Just thinking of the application of being able to just do that are mind boggling.

The studying aspect of the symbols are definitely keeping my enthusiasm in check. Just trying to memorize each circle and line makes me want to bash my snout through a wall.

"I'd advise against damaging your brain like that. You don't have much to sacrifice in such a way." And there goes Leviathan and his jokes.

"Jokes, that aren't very funny!" I mentally yell to Leviathan. Who knew having a second personality would suck this much. Never mind, there were conditions like this back home. A place I probably won't ever be able to return to.

Enough with the negative thoughts. I have more important things to do. Like using my willpower to scratch this god damn wall!

"Sigh, I should focus on something else for now." I mutter to myself. Tired of failing repeatedly.

I think recalling what I remember from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss should suffice. Not like I don't have the shows memorized at this point.

"Though I wish I had something to write this stuff down on…" Before I can even finish my sentence my grimoire apears before me. Floating next to it a stylish pen. It then opens up to a blank page. Almost urging me to write.

And so I do.

I write about all the events I can remember my memories a bit spotty on some of them. But it doesn't matter, I still write. Enjoying the feeling of the pen gliding over paper I get carried away.

And so I write, I write what even happened in my life. The history of my world. The tragedy and triumph. Then I write about other stories. Stories this world has never even thought of before.

It's an intoxicating feeling to write like this. And before I realize it it's the next day. I had spent an entire night writing. But I didn't feel tired it was almost like I got the best sleep of my life.

It was… almost like magic. The book was magic you fucking idiot. And you just wrote future events about this world in it. How do I know it's the future. Because dickbag's head isn't on Crimsons wall yet. I don't even remember the guys name anymore he was so unimportant.

What was more important was what I just wrote. And what I wrote it in. But then I realize it doesn't actually matter. The book is magicaly bound to me. So no one will ever be able to learn about what I wrote.

"That's some crazy stuff you just wrote, you know that. I can't believe my entire reality is just a animated show in your world." Leviathan says in a subdued tone.

"You sound like this is worse then me taking your body." I laugh out halfheartedly. Especially when I feel the somber emptiness from Leviathan.

"You don't get it Veylan. This is reality shattering for me. Imagine you were just a no name side character in a book."

"Surprisingly I actually lived that kind of life. For 20 fucking years I lived as side character in my own life. Only in the past few months have I actually started living my life. Wether that life was good or not is debatable, but it was mine. My life." I give as a rebuke to Leviathan.

Then things go silent in my head. Not sure what else to say I wait for a response. Only to get nothing.
