

Ring Ring

The alarm blared early morning, Watts woke up with a start wide eyed as he looked all around, then with a dissatisfied expression, he slapped the alarm to a stop. 


Watts groaned as he rubbed his face to wipe out all the sleep and looked at the alarm clock which showed 7am, this was his usual waking time but today, he felt extra tired.

He delivered that it must be from using the xymic energy frequently with his weak physique.

Looking into his subconscious, the xymic energy was still there now fully recovered which made him sigh in relief.

Afterall, everything that happened yesterday was nothing less of a fantasy, first dying and coming back to life, then finding out that he has a superpower that makes him nothing short of a God, everything seemed like a dream.

Not to forget his little sister's tantrums.

But now that he looked at the new look of his apartment, then he really believed in every single thing.

Watts went to the bathroom and had a refreshing bath, he went on and took some pastries and a packet of milk for a simple breakfast, if you haven't realized yet, Watts is a man of, 'No Milk No Life` prophecy, and he really goes by it.

Anyway, now that he was ready, he called out the status panel. 


 Name: Jack Wattison

 Race: Human

 Bloodline: Unknown

 Existence Level: Level 0

Ability: CREATOR

 Physique: 1.1

 Spiritual Level: 0.8

 Mindscape: 0.9

 Ability Level: 1

 Ability Description: The bearer has the ability to create anything whatsoever only hindered by his imagination and creator`s energy (Xymix Energy) he has. However, bear in mind that everything created will be the of the same level as the ability level or below if the bearer wishes.

 NOTE: Congratulations, you are on your journey to becoming the *****]

"I guess it's time to change this." he smiled

Looking at his xymic energy, it was now full as it could be and also a little more than yesterday.

But right now, this was not the point, point is, how can one become a superhuman overnight, this was practically impossible even for protagonists in novels.

That is unless the protagonist had a system that could directly make them overpowered.

But then, here comes the terrifying part of his superpower, he could create anything at all for that matter, and now, he was going to create something only known in movies. Now do you remember the first Captain America movie?

You remember the machine that was used to make Captain America the toned guy that he became later on? Yes, that was exactly what he was going to create.

Normally this was a thing for movies, the concept wouldn't even work in real time but that wasn't Watts problem now, was it?

All he had to do was have the idea, and everything would work out just fine. Plus, he was planning on improving on the super soldier serum to make it at least five times effective than it was in the movie.

Now the only problem was if his xymic energy would be enough for the creation to take form, this was already a super complex machine, and yet he was planning on making it even more complex, God knows how much xymic energy he would need for it. 

He may lack the energy of creation, but imagination was the strong fort of this world, with the countless movies and novels, he wasn't lacking in anything called imagination.

Though before his little adventure to the world of Captain America, he had to first do something simple for now, because the weight of such creation wasn't anything he could carry for now.

And so, Watts closed is eyes and focused, utilizing all the xymic energy in him, he commanded it to create a simple pill that would increase ones physique without any side effects.


And viola, a small white round pill took form in his palm, a dreamy scent wafting from it that one could get lost in the smell alone, though the usage of all his energy left him dizzy and lightheaded that he had to close his eyes and rest a bit to properly grasp his bearings.

A few minutes later, he had gained a little bit of his energy back and so he sat up and breathed out. He had actually discovered that his energy regeneration was rather poor, now since he used all of the energy, then it would take approximately 8 hours to recover to its maximum.

Watts looked at the pill, this was the idea from the cultivation novels, but now that he had used a rather a huge amount of xymic energy for its creation, he was eager to see what it would do, and so without waiting any longer, he swallowed the pill.


The moment he swallowed it, he felt a warm current course through him, gently spreading from his stomach to all muscles in the body, massaging and caressing them that Watts couldnt help but moan, but then a few minutes later, the gentle energy became violent and started burning.

It was as if his whole body was on real fire, he was pretty much sure that this is how hell fire felt like.

"Urgghh fuck!!!"

He screamed in pain as he wriggled around in bed, from scolding fire to freezing ice, from ice to muscle paralysis, then itching, then.... after a long time of pain, he just lost consciousness.

Watts woke up a while later feeling a star trekking hunger and a disturbing amount of power in his body. He felt like he had really become superman, he groggily sat up and looked around in a daze, before he could make anything out after his eyes adapted.


His stomach grumbled as a sudden Pung of hunger hit him hard like a speeding train, he hastily got up from bed to get himself a snack, but the amount of force he applied onto the bed as support to stand up, instead sent him flying up to the ceiling only to come back hurtling down to the bed.

"What in the fuck...."

Watts slowly sat up from the bed, got up, slowly this time, walked to the freezer, and got himself a snack. Another weird thing is that he ate almost five times the amount of food than the normal and he wasn't even full yet. 

After calming down the disturbing hunger pains, he called out the status,


 Name: Jack Wattison

 Race: Human

 Bloodline: Unknown

 Existence Level: Level 0

Ability: CREATOR

 Physique: 75.5

 Spiritual Level: 1.2

 Mindscape: 1.0

 Ability Level: 1

 Ability Description: The bearer has the ability to create anything whatsoever only hindered by his imagination and creator`s energy (Xymix Energy) he has. However, bear in mind that everything created will be the of the same level as the ability level or below if the bearer wishes.

 NOTE: Congratulations, you are on your journey to becoming the *****]

"Its in times like these that i need your explanation damn system." 

[The bearer should know that 1.0 is the normal human limit, therefore having 75.5 makes you 75 times more powerful than any normal human, but since it stacks up and physique is all round, it is actually more than 200 times more powerful than a normal human]

Well, there you have it. Truly...just wow.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hanigog_Roniecreators' thoughts