
A meeting

I am Samuel Lewis for a long time I have been a fan of life, you could call me a lover of life I did everything from being a doctor to being a teacher and it has been a fulfilling life, my family is well my wife had left me not to long ago, I miss her but we will be together soon, as I come out of my self made monologue into a coughing fit, ah the pain in my chest apparently working in old hospitals had their own health issues, Asbestos's the supposed miracle material made in the 60 and used in everything.

I had contracted Asbestosis, run down hospitals have that effect, I've saved many people I'm not the best or the greatest but did the best I could, Though I love this world I've always needed something to cling onto and that has been my love for Transformers, laugh all you like it's been my dream to one day be one, but more specifically The Primes.

What they became before the war on cybertron was something I always wished I could change. The government of cybertron had been made into a mockery of its once great self and the Golden age. The fallen one of the main 'Villians' I had a great deal of trouble with him and his methods but his ability and willingness to do whatever it took to have cybertron come back was something that seemingly everyone else disregarded all for his dream of using earths sun and a way of reviving cybertron.

Moving on from that little debate I had gotten myself into, The transformers universe gets a bit bland from time to time and with this came upon my second favourite thing to distract myself from the world, Fanfiction while not always the most pleasant talking about NSFW works I could respect the amount of time and effort out into it.

My favourite genre was of craftsman or makers, the ablites I'd thought about having were the dreaded 'Inspired Inventor' known for it's difficult balancing and it's not common nature became my favourite power one I'd even say was the most powerful given enough time.

Breathing in hurt and oh boy did it hurt a lot, all the nuances of being a hospital responded a panicked nurse and the increased heart rate monitor beeps all was bleary, my Grandhildren were by my side my own son and daughter were coming out I doubt I could last much longer, I love them all but I myself was bad parent I often out the needs of others above my children I realised this before my moving to hospital.

My sweet wife had contacted my son and daughter we remain somewhat close but I can see they were hurt because of me, my daughter didn't want me to be by her children it's only through the last wish of my wife the visit happened .

I look at my snot nosed grandchild as she said "bam bam don't go."

she always called me "bam bam" since we first met im sad to see her cry, I'm a bad person for having failed my family I only wish they live happily with all my inheritance.

As I closed my eyes I hopped I would see my wife.

General POV

As Samuel Lewis a man who dedicated his life to medical needs of the people of the world no matter where they be wether in war or in the most remote of places, laid to rest after having lost his life due to Asbestosis, the man behind closed doors was called a saint, due to his mission for, helping all.

With his death his family would hold his funeral in where many of the medical community came tighter to remember him his dream of where all could be helped was aided by his descendants through many years children and family across the world would thank the man, all the while a being watched the world grieving for a person who just wanted to help ,others.

The being nodded to its self and walked seemingly on stars with face of a universe and a hammer of universe he let out his hand and said "Go be with him through struggle and triumph, my daughter has chosen him, though I will never know why, even with all what I possessed I couldn't make her happy he has done that, this is his reward."

A star of light flew out the giants hand and into a blue whisp seemingly rising to heaven, but was knocked off course into the beings universe he was creating, seemingly angry at what had occurred hevean sent down a wrath upon the being streaks of lightning and golden gates appeared around the being seemingly unaffected the barrage drew his hammer and said words that seemed to make the universe shake. "I AM THE HAMMER AND MAKER, THE CELESTIAL FORGER AND SO BE UPON THEE MY WROTH"

Unknown POV 

I am, those words mean something important and impossible, I was one the human known as Samuel Lewis, and memories and centuries as my time as a prime known in the modern era as the Fallen, I raise my hands to see the claw like appendages only to be surprised by the desolate landscape and seemingly massive grave yard of ships.

My optics, my what I suddenly get a full look at myself my human side is seemingly happy and joyful while my prime side feels disgusted at the fleshling, I shut that side down, i am who I am I was once called Samuel Lewis and it seems I have a meeting with destiny.

As rubbed my hands I felt all time stop for what seemed ages but, what happened next was beyond all my expectations, 3 stars appeared in my mind.

And so it was I was blessed or cursed on your perspective what it would bring i wouldn't know but for all involved I hope we have fun.
