
New Friend, Test and Practice

The System remained silent, leaving William to ponder the cryptic message. He glanced around the library, ensuring he was alone before carefully opening the book and delving into its contents.

It was a chronicle of demonkind, detailing their history and diverse races. Contrary to popular belief, demons weren't inherently evil. They were simply another race, like elves, that once walked the world.

Of course, demons differed from the benevolent image of elves. They were often depicted as barbaric and ruthless. But how much of that was truth, and how much was propaganda? William had only encountered elven ruins, not the elves themselves. And his sole experience with a demon was a hunter driven mad by corrupted energy, not a true demon by birth.

Intrigued, he tucked the book into his backpack, eager to devour its contents in private. 'What else can I find here?' he wondered, scanning the shelves.
