

Chapter 17: The Vegan Cult

Thad inhaled deeply, taking in the succor of the warm late summer air. He stood at the southern threshold of Violet City; a bustling town with houses that peaked ever so slightly over the treetops and flocks of Flying-type Pokemon that whirred just overhead. It was rustic, though not as dated as Ecruteak City by Thad's estimations. The old-timey paved roads with spiderweb cracks and the faded woodwork of the buildings gave sense to a weathered but cared for environment.

"We made it, Jazzy," Thad announced, stretching his arms out. He had foregone his compression shirt, instead decided to show off his glistening abs and rippling back muscles. The skin-tight lycra bike shorts left little to the imagination. "I dig this place way more than that alphabet maze."

Jasmine couldn't help but sigh. She adjusted her single twist braid, instead of her usual pigtails. Her steel grey and aqua sleeveless sundress clung to her abdomen as the wind billowed behind her, kicking up the hem in the wind. Despite their recent travels the past day from Union Cave, she was at least thankful she'd been persuasive enough to get Thad not to enter the city doing lunges.

"It was the Ruins of Alph, Thad. A historic landmark and a place of mystery within the Johto region." Jasmine pinched the bridge of her nose. "We'll have to apologize to the tour guide next time we return."

"Hey, when I see a pull-up bar, I gotta do what I gotta do." Thad flexed his sculpted biceps and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Ain't no stop for a good pump, ya know. And I did apologize."

"Hardly," Jasmine scoffed. "You told him that you could pay, and then asked for the 'Hoola hoop looking eyeball dude' if my memory serves."

Thad nodded sagely. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I could use a dude for ring practice. Already got Dwayne on dumbbell duty."

"Very well," Jasmine said, her jaw set and tone even. "Shall we explore a bit of Violet City before we set out for Sprout Tower?"

Thad gave Jasmine a pleading look like a child might give whilst in the toy aisle. His lower lip quivered a bit and his eyes wandered northward; a contrasting display to the built athlete that waited on Jasmine's discretion. She smiled a bit at the behavior, knowing he wouldn't willingly drag her wherever he deigned. Not that she would get very far if that was the case, as Thad's 'fast walk' was more comparable to a 'fevered jog' more than anything else.

But he waited for her decision nonetheless, whether she would be firm or not.

Why must he be so incorrigible? Jasmine chastised herself, feeling a smile begin to form at the corners of her lips. She buried the kind gesture and crossed her arms underneath her modest bust.

"I think we should at least check in with Falkner at the gym," Thad looked on ever hopeful, and a nasally snort escaped Jasmine, "and then we can go talk with the sprout monks."

Thad pumped his fist in the air. "Oh hell yeah, now we can go!"

"Stop!" Jasmine held up her index finger, stopping Thad in his tracks; frozen like a master of freeze tag (Thad was All-State in freeze tag at the prime age of 12). Jasmine cleared her throat and composed herself. "We will walk side by side. I'd rather not have you carry me yet again like some luggage. I'm entitled to my dignity, correct?"

"Well, of course you are." Thad scratched the back of his head, his gaze darting between Jasmine and the path ahead leading into the bowels of the city. "Alright, alright. I won't carry you around. Unless…?"

"Unless what, Thad?"

"Well, you might get tired with those little legs of yours," Thad said matter-of-factly. "You've been grinding on that squat game of yours, but we've been walking all morning with only one protein break."

Jasmine tilted her head back and forth, considering Thad's offer. "Hmmm. Sure, but on one condition. I want it to be a proper piggyback ride."

"No fireman's carry?"

"No fireman's carry," Jasmine said with finality. "I'd rather not expose my panties to any onlookers."

Thad chuckled. "Yeah, I get you, Jazzy," he grinned and winked at the gym leader, "but, can you really blame them though?"

Jasmine felt her cheeks begin to burn. Her throat suddenly felt dry and any words for rebuttal firmly lodged in her gut. She turned away and stammered, "Uh, y-yes, well that's quite flattering, but my point stands."

"Fo' show," Thad chuckled, giving a soft pat on Jasmine's back. "Now c'mon. We gotta get a move on. Suns out means the guns are out," Thad struck a pose and flexed his biceps and lats, "so let's roll up on this town like the hot biz we are."

Thad and Jasmine marched through the brambles and wet grass of Route 32. A few Ledyba and Spearow nibbled at nearby berry trees, buzzing and squawking as they fought over the tasty morsels. Thad hummed to himself and bounded forth with a hop to his step, the thought of a mountain load of kale and other verdant green vegetables on his mind.

Sweat dripping down Jasmine's neck and arms, the humid climate combined with Thad's endless march was the cardio that never truly ended. She quickened her pace, trying to not fall behind the man's larger strides.

"Hey, Thad?" Jasmine's voice was strained as she felt the salty sweat on her lips. Thad whirled around and blinked. "I think I'll take you up on that offer of a piggyback."

"So soon?"

"I'm burning up out here, Thad."

Thad paused, his pace coming to a halt. He waited a moment as if mulling over his words carefully. "Uh, sure thing," he squatted down and then slapped his thigh, "hop on and hold on tight."

Jasmine eyed Thad's back muscles and glutes. Don't need to tell me twice. She clambered onto Thad's back a bit less gracefully than she'd liked; scrabbling her thin arms around his neck and waiting for him to heft her thighs over his hips as he stood up. It took a moment of jostling and repositioning, but they managed.

"All good?" Thad said, looking over his shoulder.

"All good," Jasmine replied, hugging her arms across Thad's upper chest and resting her chin on his shoulder. "Just don't go too fast."

Thad's firm hands gripped Jasmine's slickened thighs and he nodded. "No problem."

Sprout Tower loomed on the outskirts of Violet City, towering just over the treeline. Large statues of carved granite in the shape of Bellsprout stood vigilant outside the entryway to the domineering spire.

Thad stood at the threshold of the tower, taking in the overgrowth that crawled up the bamboo gutters and the ancient symbols and shrines that adorned the edifice. He gently lowered Jasmine to the ground and hummed to himself, as if confirming a silent question that only he knew the answer to.

"Yup, this is definitely the place," Thad said. "Got the little grass dude statues and everything."

Jasmine strained her dress, pulling on the wrinkles a bit. "Thad, it's the only tower out North of Violet City. What else would it be?"

"A ghost tower," Thad replied in a serious and dour tone. He quickly coughed into his fist and chuckled. "I mean, I've seen some wack shit in my little time here, Jazzy. I'm half expecting I'm going to have to grease wrestle Godzilla at some point." Thad paused and grinned. "Which would be hella rad by the way."

Jasmine opened her mouth to question his rambling but quickly swallowed her query. Her lips twisted into a forced smile and she nodded. "Oh, I'm sure it would be. So, will you lead?"

"What about ladies first?"

"Thad, I swear to Arceus it's not haunted."

Thad threw up his hands and shrugged. "Alright, alright. Maybe I am being a lil' paranoid. We've had a few crazy days."

Thad walked up the steps to the bamboo double doors. He peered around, trying to look through the cracks, but to no avail. With one last sigh, he wiped his shoes on the tatami mat and pushed the door open slowly, the hinges squeaking a bit as he poked his head in.


In the blink of an eye, Thad slammed the door shut and whirled on Jasmine. His lips were pursed and his eyes were squinted into thin slits. Jasmine bit her lower lip and winced a bit under the jock's sarcastic expression.

"Well, looks like this Arceus guy is a goddamn liar, Jazzy."

"But that doesn't make sense?" Jasmine whispered, pinching her chin between her thumb and index knuckle. She looked up the sprawling terraces filled with greenery and then back to the dirt path leading to the tower. "There are fresh footprints and the brambles have been trimmed, look there," she pointed toward the second story, "that isn't a natural growth pattern. Cut by sheers or perhaps a Razor Leaf?"

Thad raised a finger. "Or it could have been—"

"Ghost-type Pokemon did not do the trimming," Jasmine huffed, planting her hands on her hips. "Though...it is strange there was a Gastly on the ground floor."

"Weird way to greet people if you ask me. Damn fart cloud had a tongue that would make any girl—" Thad bit his own tongue and winced as Jasmine's eyes widened, "Aaaaand I'mma stop right there."

"Wise," Jasmine said in a clipped tone. "Still, we should investigate what has transpired."

Thad raised an eyebrow. "Like a murder?"

"No, that's expired. I meant what's going on."

"Right…" Thad drawled nodding along. "I knew that. I just figured, cause...ya know. Ghosts."

"I figured that." Jasmine folded her arms across her chest and craned her head upward, observing the grand vastness of the tower. "So, what do you propose? We can certainly fight the wild Pokemon that populate the lower rungs of the tower, though your team may be more suited as I doubt my Steelix or Metagross would be beneficial to the structure."

Thad hummed in agreement and looked upward. Numerous vines hung from Sprout Tower, tightly wrapped around the jutting corners and body of the building. He jumped up and reached toward a dangling vine, swaying a bit as he found his grip and hung on.

"We could just scale the building," Thad said, pulling himself up with ease to the second-floor railing. He peered over the edge, looking down to Jasmine. "I can toss you a vine, unless you got them mad hops."

"I'd honestly rather just ride Ceris and meet you on the top," Jasmine conceded, making a slightly sour face at the dangling vines. "Okay?"

Thad gave Jasmine a thumbs up. "It ain't no thing. See ya at the top, and then we're gonna see if anybody's home."

Jasmine reached into a shallow pocket of her sundress and revealed a small Pokeball, to which she tapped and enlarged before tossing it into the air. Ceris, her Skarmory, burst forth from the brilliant red light. The metallic bird nuzzled their trainer for a moment before Jasmine went about instructing her companion about a lift.

Thad in turn looked upward at the overhand of the third and final floor. Kinda like some Ninja Warrior stuff going on here. Maybe I could swing on a vine and yeet myself up? Thad looked over the edge at the ground, noting the hard-packed dirt. Then again, if it snaps it'll be a one-way ticket to Painsville for me. Well… momma didn't raise no coward.

The chiseled athlete eyed his vine of choice; looming a few feet overhead with a thickness that invited safety. He coiled his lowered body, tensing his thighs and calves as he took in a deep breath. He could hear the Skarmory's taking flight, like a hummingbird with knives attached to its wings.

Then he jumped.

His hands found the bottom of the vine, squeezing the plant with tremendous force to steady himself. A slight smirk had fought its way onto Thad's face, though his excitement faded as he could feel the vine tearing at an alarming rate. He climbed up with the fervor of a professional rock climber, scrambling toward the safety of the third story overhand. His left hand found the edge of the wooden overhang, but the plank snapped under his pressure and Thad's eyes widened.

Bruh, Thad thought to himself as he felt himself begin to slip and fall.

"Thad!" Jasmine's voice rang out, clipped by the beating of Ceris' wings.

"Not. Yet!" Thad roared, flexing his abs. He whirled himself around in the air, swinging his body around like a pendulum. He spread his legs apart as far as he could manage and arched his left foot toward a small loop of vines dangling over the edge of the building.

His foot caught in the vine loop and held firm as he remained upside down. At least the backpack is secured, Thad thought as he caught his breath and admired the forest from the unique, upside-down perspective. Coulda been worse.

After a moment of reflection, Thad did a mid-air crunch towards his feet and switched his grip, then deftly pulled himself up onto the slanted platform. He brushed his hands off on his legs and watched as Jasmine landed a small distance away. She dismounted and recalled Ceris back into their Pokeball before walking over to Thad.

"Are you injured?"

Thad glanced around him, checking for any injuries. "Nah, I'm all in one piece. This place ain't up to code, I tell ya."

Jasmine inclined her head, giving him a slight smile. "Perhaps we should not scale old temples in the future?"

"I'll think about it," Thad chuckled. "Then again, when you got muscle like me, what's life without a little bit of challenge?"

"Oh, at the risk of falling and injuring yourself?"

Thad smirked. "That's the fun part, Jazzy. No pain no gain."

Jasmine massaged her temples and sighed. "If you say so," her voice lathered in exasperation. "Though I dread the day you overestimate yourself, Thad." He returned a meek smile and she sighed once again. "Anyway, I presume we should enter through the balcony door?"

"Oh, right, the door." Thad looked toward the building, noting a simple paper screen door with faint light behind it.

He took the lead, hurdling over the small wooden railing, and sauntered up toward the door. There was no door handle, which stumped the jock for a moment until he punched through one of the paper squares of the door, creating a window of leverage to pull it open. He tensed up as he could hear the air rapidly escape from Jasmine's nostrils, the disapproval gnawing on his neck.

Thad slid open the door and stepped inside the tower. Warmth and floral scents washed over him, easing his muscles and filling his lungs with a softness. Next, he noticed the large hall filled with paper lanterns that illuminated the polished wooden floors and pillars. Lastly, the stony glares from several bald monks in robes, all seated with small plates filled with berries and vegetables.

Jasmine hid behind Thad and tapped him on the shoulder, peeking past his bulky frame. "We may have interrupted their lunch," she whispered.

"I got this, no worries," Thad whispered back. He spread his arms out and cleared his voice; the monks waiting with bated breath. "Everyone, I come in peace."

The monks remained in a stupor for a moment, neither moving their utensils or looking elsewhere as their gazes remained glued to the towering adonis. After a few awkward seconds of Thad posing and expecting a response, one of the monks coughed and stood up.

This monk wore an ornately patterned robe with geometric square designs in faded yellows and greens. His bushy eyebrows nearly covered over his squinted eyes, and a long white beard dangled toward his navel.

"I am Elder Li, master of the Spout Tower," the old monk announced, his voice unused and creaking like the floorboard he stepped over. "What brings you to our humble tower in such an...unusual entrance."

"We can give you some money to repair the door," Jasmine piped up. Many monks looked toward the balcony, glowering at the torn paper.

"Here's the dealio, chief," Thad strode up to the elder monk, towering over him, "I heard y'all got some rad veggies, and I'm looking to buy a supply or something. Need some fiber in my diet to go along with all my protein."

Elder Li raised an eyebrow, revealing a bright green eye. "And the market in Violet City didn't have what you desired, young one?"

"Nah." Thad scratched the back of his head. "They got all that canned food and whatnot. I mean, I like a poffin as much as the next guy, but I need something that will keep me lean and mean, ya dig? Was told you guys were some kinda plant masters or something."

"Ahh, I see."

He does? Through those bushy things? Thad thought as he scrunched his face up in disbelief.

"So...you able to help a bro out?"

"Indeed, though it is not without a little trade," Elder Li raised a wrinkly finger, "You've proven to be capable by scaling the tower through sheer might alone, and I can see the Pokeballs along your belt. I have a task for you and your friend. Seek out our fellow sage, Jin. He was to return from mushroom picking a few days ago and hasn't returned. We'd like you to investigate what has happened to him. Do this, and we shall reward you with what you seek."

Jasmine pushed past Thad, a focused look upon her face. "Why have you not asked Falkner for help? He would have easily scouted the forests with his Pokemon for you, especially if it was a few days ago."

The elder grimaced and a few murmurs from the other monks began to fill the room. "He...was contacted the day before yesterday, but alas has not returned with news."

Jasmine took another step forward, leering at the old man who seemed to shrink back into his baggy robes. "Where is Falkner? Where did you send your monk?"

"Well, in the late summer," Li's voice warbled as he tried to compose himself before the diminutive Steel-type specialist, "the best mushrooms tend to grow in Dark Cave, so—"

"So, now they might be trapped in Dark Cave," Jasmine concluded with finality.

"Sounds rather spooky," Thad commented. "Where's this at? I didn't see anything like that near the Ruins of Alph."

"Because it's to the East on Route 31. It's a large cave system that reaches from Violet City all the way up to Blackthorn. Not to mention, but as you can guess, it's really dark. Only those with Pokemon who have access to Flash should even dare explore its depths."

"The Pokemon that roam Dark Cave though, are fairly docile," Li countered. "I'm certain they were merely lost. Even Jin's HootHoot has access to Flash, as does Falkner's Xatu."

Jasmine shook her head. "And yet, it's been days. You should have sent a rescue order sooner."

"We were planning to," Elder Li rebuked, stamping his foot on the ground. "We wish for no harm to come to them and for Pokemon to live in harmony, hence why we've been diligent and trusting in their abilities. We nearly were about to call, but you two have arrived…it is as the natural world knew to send you."

Thad struck a pose and flexed. "Hell yeah, robed bros. The Thad-man coming in to save the day."

"So," Elder Li returned his attention back to Jasmine, "shall you assist us?"

"Well," she looked toward Thad, who gave her a thumbs up paired with a wide grin. She blinked rapidly and shook her head. "Yes, we shall assist. But, I shall not forget this negligence, and report it to the League."

"What? Wait, who are—"

"Yeah!" Thad added, pointing at the monks. "And we ain't gonna pay for the window either! How's that!"

"Wait, no, Thad we'll pay for the property damage," Jasmine said, recoiling from the aggressive negotiating on Thad's part. "That was our fault."

Thad's lips became a thin line as he took a moment to contemplate. "But… these guys just let ghosts live in their house like rent-free. Unless," Thad rubbed his chin and curiously eyed the confused elder, "you do charge the ghosts rent. Or you pay them to keep travelers away. Or something."

"We live in harmony with all Pokemon, Ghastly included. The tower is a safe haven for all," Elder Li confirmed in an even tone. "But, back to business. We will await your return eagerly. Do you need the abilities of the Flash move?"

"I've got access to that, thank you very much," Jasmine's sickenly sweet tone covered up her anger over the monk's incompetence. "We'll be returning shortly with your man, Elder Li. Let's go, Thad."

"Back out the way we came, Jazzy, or down the tower?"

Jasmine folded her hands in front of her and the corners of her mouth twitched upward. "Think you could carry me down?"

Thad thumped his beefy chest and smirked. "Bet. One rescue mission coming up."

Chapter 18: Not a Rock, But a Boulder

Travel from Spout Tower to Dark Cave took only about an hour's walk back through Violet City and onto Route 31. The buzz of bug Pokemon hung in the air as the two passed many younger trainers engaged in battles; the majority training various Bug-types, Flying-types, and the odd Growlithe or Mareep in the bunch.

Reminds me, Thad pondered, probably should get in some reps after we're done with our little search and rescue. Trouble and Keto could use some work.

"Here it is, the Violet City entrance to Dark Cave." Jasmine motioned to the crumbling hole carved into the sprawling mountainside, towering over the Northeastern part of the grassy route. "There are several entrances around the area, and knowing Falkner, he may have used a shortcut."

"What do you think we should do?" Thad asked. He rested his hand underneath his chin in a thinker's pose and hummed thoughtfully as he observed the craggy landscape. "It certainly lives up to its name, but ain't all caves kinda dark?"

Thad heard air pulse out from Jasmine's nose, but she gave no other indication to his comment as she dug out a Pokeball from her bag. She tossed it lightly into the air revealing her Skarmory, Ceris, who nuzzled her immediately with its sharp beak. The jock couldn't help but chuckle at the display of affection.

"Ceris and I can scout the entrances since I'm familiar with the Geography." The Skarmory knelt down, allowing Jasmine to mount and get settled in. "Shall I walk you through the plan again?"

Thad waved her off, laughing. "Nah, we good fam. Use Keto for Flash," Thad fished out a dull grey disk from his bag for emphasis, "the sacred learning donut from the vegans. I booted up this puppy while you were using the can at the Pokemon Center. Then I search the place, find the dude, and then get out in one piece."

Jasmine grimaced a bit but managed to smile. "Aptly put…well, shall I loan you one of my Pokemon, like Excadrill? It may be handy in case of a cave-in."

"Cave in?" Thad flexed his arms; veins showing on his silky smooth, bronzed skin. "Jazzy, I ain't gonna get trapped. Besides, one of my dudes is a literal rock. I'm sure he could speak to the walls or something and get us out."

"That's not how-" Jasmine bit her tongue and closed her eyes. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled. "Sure, Thad. If it goes South, talk to the rocks with Dwayne. Somehow, I'm sure that'd work for you."

The jock planted his hands on his hips. He tilted his head, looking Jasmine up and down for a moment. "Look, I may be a gym rat, but I do pay attention when it's a cute lady telling me what's up. I'm just trying to be open-minded about the wackness."

"I'm sorry, really." Jasmine pinched the bridge of her nose and looked at the ground. "It's just…" she looked up and paused, licking her lips as if trying to buy more time to find the right words, "I just don't understand how you do what you do sometimes. Does that make sense?"

Thad walked over to the side of the Skarmory and placed his hand on Jasmine's thigh. He looked up with a dreamy gaze that would make anyone's heart melt like a Vanillite left out on a hot summer day. He gave her thigh a playful yet tender squeeze; his eyes twinkling a bit in the late afternoon sunlight.

"I get you, Jazz. I know I ain't some normal dude. I've fought alien jellyfish, wrestled psychic monsters, and I still don't know if it's 'Li-Noon' or "Lie-Noon' for that one catsnake looking dude, and at this point, I'm too scared to ask. It's a slippery one on the tongue, ya know?" Thad let out a sigh and looked up to the clouds. "But, yeah, something has been different since I woke up on that beach and met Chuck. Maybe not feelin' different, but I've noticed. I ain't that dumb."

"That researcher said it could have to do with your body being aligned with a certain aura," Jasmine replied helpfully. "That's not unheard of for trainers."

"Sounds very science-y, so probably that." Thad patted her thigh and took a few steps back. He gave a wave and then struck a pose; rotating his body with one arm drawn across his chest with his other arm extended and pointing out in the same direction: toward Dark Cave. "Now, let's go rescue birdman and the missing vegan, yeah?"

Jasmine gave Ceris a kick and nodded to Thad. "Of course. Meet back here in about an hour? Keep your PokeNav on, got it?"

"Fo' show." Thad gave a salute and winked as Jasmine turned and took off into the skies. He watched for a moment, admiring the view and the tailwind that provided a soothing breeze against his skin.

Now I gotta look in this dark cave. Time to bring out my earth bros. Thad reached to his belt and quickly tossed out two Pokeballs, revealing his Geodude and Quagsire. Damn, that's one healthy...otter thing? Thad squinted at Keto, nodding to himself as looked into the void that is a Quagsire's patented stare. Yeah...definitely some kind of blue otter thing.

"Dude!" Dwayne belted out, pumping his arms into the air. Keto looked over and blinked; the equivalent of a sign of acknowledgment from the protein monger. "Geo geo!"

"My dudes," Thad crouched down, fist-bumping Dwayne and patting Keto on its slimy head. Thad wiped off his damp hand on his compression shorts, then pointed toward Dark Cave. "Alright boys, we gotta little search 'n rescue dealio going on here, ya feel?"

Keto blinked once again and Dwayne hopped up and down. Thad pointed finger guns at each of his Pokemon and nodded in approval at the excitement. He strode forward, leading the way toward the mouth of the cave. He placed a hand on the bumpy wall, giving the stone a subtle rub as he inched toward the darkness within.

Place sure as hell ain't made by people. Someone definitely dug this with their hands. Probably some Pokemon with some beefy clappers.

"Alright, Keto, go ahead and use Flash, but the light kind, not the naked kind," Thad glanced over his shoulder to the mammoth Quagsire, "well, you're already kinda naked, but that doesn't mean I want to be surprised. Just flip that switch, bro."

Keto bobbed for a moment, and then a faint blue-tinted glow began to fill the cavern. Thad fully turned around to witness that 'Flash' for Keto had turned the oblivious Pokemon into a lava lamp-esque display of muted light. Thad rubbed his chin for a moment, and then snapped his fingers.

"Open your mouth, big guy," Thad asked, and his Pokemon replied in kind to the command. Light poured forth from the Quagsire's maw like a flashlight covered in a veneer of slime. "That's awesome and gross all at the same time my dude. Maybe we get you some tic-tacs or something, yeah? Or maybe some kind of potion that doesn't smell like mystery fish surprise."

"Dude?" Dwayne hopped around to Thad's side, raising a rocky eyebrow.

Thad shook his head dismissively. "Don't worry, bro. Just a thing I had to eat sometimes when funds were tight and protein was in short supply back when I was in the frats. Ya blend a bunch of random tuna packets together with a little casserole and then chow down."

The ground rumbled for a moment, and Thad squatted down to a battle-ready stance. The tremor was brief, but enough to put the jock on guard. He remained rock steady for his crew, picking up the beefy Keto by carrying him on his shoulder like a cumbersome mounted spotlight.

As the trio marched further into the twisting maze of Dark Cave, Thad noticed a few signs of wild Pokemon milling about. Zubat flitting around the edges of the light near the ceiling of the cave. Weird yellow blobby Pokemon harmless plodding along on the cave floor every so often. Even a few other Geodude that Dwayne would wave to, given the Pokemon was taking a bit after his trainer's bolder personality.

Dark Cave's air quality changed as he delved deeper. The scent of fresh water and the occasional distant splashing echoed off the roughly paved walls. A hint of sulfur lingered to the tip of Thad's tongue like a filmy residue mixed the closer he neared the walls. He wrinkled his nose and looked to his Pokemon to see how they were faring.

He's just chugging along like one of those smashy dudes from that one Jumpman game. Thumps? Thad hummed under his breath as he watched the sapient dumbbell bounce along the ground. Probs should show him to walk on his hands. Be faster that way.

A loud, rumbling roar echoed through the cavern. Thad raised his hand up and Dwayne stopped bouncing along. He gently lowered Keto to the ground and took a few soft steps forward.

"Don't know what that might be upheld, but it may mean business," Thad whispered. He bent his knees and snapped his fingers twice, to which Keto closed his mouth. The light faded from a powerful flashlight to the dimness of a nightlight. "Just follow my lead, bros. If it's some giant bat-man thing, we tag team that shit hard."

"Dude!" Dwayne belted out, albeit slightly quieter than usual.

Despite being made of mostly rock, he wasn't all gravel for brains. Something that Thad hadn't taken for granted. In his subtle tactics of traversing the confines of Dark Cave, this was the crux of Thad's planning as a trainer. Reasons why he chose Keto and Dwayne for such a mission and not Chad or Trouble.

"Quaaaaa," the guttural sound from Keto's throat came out like a whisper mixed with a moan. Thad pursed his lips, trying to decipher his companion's comment, but remained confused as such. "Siiiiiigh."

"Still ain't gotta clue, bro. Sorry," Thad whispered back apologetically. "Just keep low and follow my lead. If there's something spooky in this cavern, I want to first crack at 'em."

With Thad in the lead, the group kept quiet and skulked through the darkness with somewhat elegant grace. Keto slid on his belly thanks to a natural secretion and Dwayne opted to roll up into a ball instead of bouncing along. Only the occasional crunch of the ground would echo out as the weird screeches and roars continued from deeper within the cavern. They carried on northward, slowly gaining in elevation as the cave seemed to widen and continue at an upward slope.

Eventually, after moving a few boulders and karate-chopping some loose rubble, another 'waaaaa' sound came from within the cavern, but this time reverberating off the walls and feeling closer than previously. No other sounds of Pokemon returned to call, drawing suspicious murmurs from Dwayne and Keto alike.

Thad glanced at his PokeNav, taking note of the time. "We've been down here for almost...ninety minutes." He pocketed his tech and looked to his team. "Y'all ready for some action?"

Dwayne pumped a fist in the air and Keto let out a puff of air. Thad gave them a curt nod and jumped around the corner, peering into the darkness.

The path ahead cinched to about a five-foot squeeze in all dimensions. Thad had to bend his knees and arch his back to fit properly into the small passage, but with Keto's light following him closely, a figure became apparent in the shadows.

The rounded form stood about four feet tall, a deep shade of blue, with four stubby little legs protruding from its soft-looking body. Thad got down to a squat, wedging inching himself closer to the strange Pokemon in the dim Keto-light. He tilted his head, trying to figure out if the Pokemon was squinting due to the brightness or simply that was the way they were. The Pokemon made no movement or indication of being perturbed.

"Uh, hey there buddy?" Thad waved in front of the Pokemon's face in a friendly manner. "Can you back up a bit? Or come forward? My friends and I are trying to find some folks."

The Pokemon's mouth opened, revealing a wide pink-colored tongue. "Waaaaa."

Thad looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with Dwayne. "Can you translate?"


"It'd help if you were a bit bolder, my dude," Thad mused. He turned back toward the Pokemon blocking the path. "So, do I need to pay the toll? Challenge you to a rock off? What's it gonna be pal?"

"Wabat!" The Pokemon belted out, flailing its stumpy blue arms. "Buffet!"

Damn, I don't have enough protein for a buffet. Thad rubbed his chin, considering how to get out of being stuck between a rock and a hard-to-please Pokemon. C'mon Thad, what would Jazzy do? I can't just punch 'em. I mean…Thad gave the blobby figure a once over, I definitely could, but… what to do…

"Alright tough guy," Thad pulled out a protein bar from his pack, unraveling it from the wrapper. "Here, it's got about three-thousand percent your daily protein needs and tastes almost like chocolate. Have it."

Thad held out the olive branch to the tunnel occupant with bated breath. The creature leaned over, sniffed the bar twice, and then leaned back to its original spot. Then, the creature swatted the peace offering to the ground. The slightly greasy protein bar fell to the ground with a faint plop.


Thad blinked and then looked at the fallen piece of precious protein. Then up to the obstinate Pokemon, and then back to the protein once more before biting the inside of his cheek and raising a finger toward the Pokemon's face. A forced smile came forward; the best way to withhold his mounting anger.

"Alright, I don't know how your Pokemon cave life works, but that was a dick move in just about any culture," Thad said in a dangerously quiet tone. "Apologize and move outta the way, and things don't have to get ugly."

The Pokemon stuck its tongue out, blowing a raspberry at Thad. "Wobbuffet!"

Thad cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck. He went down onto one knee and reeled his right arm back, telegraphing a haymaker that would make any sane adversary tremble. Only Keto's rumbling belly echoed out as Thad glared into the thin eyes of the Pokemon blocking the path. In the furthest reaches of the light at the end of the small tunnel, Thad spotted another wild Geodude rolling past, much like a tumbleweed.

"Sorry dude, but you left me no choice after you disrespected the nutritious and bonding powers of protein!" Thad roared as he turned his hips and leaned his full weight into the punch.

The Pokemon flung backward, crashing into the ground behind it. Thad felt the heat from underneath his knuckles, feeling no resistance from the creature. He looked down, noticing its four little feet remained anchored to the ground, and then he saw the Pokemon glow red from the corner of his eye.

Shit! Thad brought his arms up to brace himself.

"Waba!" The creature screamed as it violently flung its body back at Thad.

He grunted under the creature's monstrous strength, feeling the ground beneath him begin to give away and himself sink further as the pressure continued to mount. A jet of water shot past him and a small boulder flew over his shoulder, nailing the creature in the face, though it proved to only increase the power of its retaliation. Keto and Dwayne shouted at the wild Pokemon, throwing out more defenses for their brave trainer.

And then the floor gave away, and Thad fell through the darkness. The ground behind him crumbled away in turn from the fissure of power, Keto and Dwayne yelping as they tumbled down the hidden chasm.

Damn caves with their protein-hating Pokemon! Thad thought as he shielded his head. Rocks and rubble flowed after Thad and his group, discombobulating his sense of direction.

As Thad's feet touched the solid ground once again, he fell into a shoulder roll. The clattering of stones echoed behind him and then fell silent. Only the vague light from Keto's body peaked through some of the rubble, followed by a deep croak. One of the rocks opened their eyes, and Dwayne forced himself free of his non-sapient brothers.

"Alright," Thad rubbed his forearms, "that guy packed a punch. Make a sound if you're not dead."



Thad brushed some dirt off his shorts, followed by pulling out his rather large Water/Ground-Type from the wreckage. Keto's bulbous body seemed fine, and the blank stare didn't inspire any worry in the hunky trainer. Dwayne pumped his arms in the air and belted out a victorious grunt.

"Thank bro." Thad returned the friendly gesture with a thumbs up. "But now we gotta get outta here...huh, what's a fella to do." Thad craned his neck upward, looking up toward the hole in the ceiling. "Well, that looks clogged as heck. Looks like it was carved out by some kind of tunnel snake.

"Geo!" Dwayne pulled on their trainer's shorts, garnering his attention. Thad watched his Geodude hop along the ground toward the far wall of their stone room. He slapped a gravel encrusted hand against the wall and traced his fingers along the wall until he let out a yelp of surprise, whirling back toward his trainer.

"Whatcha got there, dude?" Thad quickly dug Keto from the rubble and tucked the Quagsire under his arm, bringing over the inconvenient flashlight to his trusty Geodude. Thad squinted at the wall; it looked much like the other walls in the cave to him. "Uh, it's a wall buddy. Think we're boxed in…unless that's the way out?"

Dwayne pumped his arms in the air and cheered, almost in a celebratory kind of way. He clasped his hands together above his body and presented the interlaced grip to Thad.

I know what must be done. Thad grabbed up his craggy dumbbell-shaped partner and lifted him up with ease. Time to smash.

Thad whipped his arm back and swung Dwayne into the part of the wall he was shown. The Geodude roared with enthusiasm as he'd gone from bouncing stone to a full-blown wrecking ball in the powerful hands of his fitness-obsessed trainer. The wall collapsed quickly underneath their combined might, carving out a door-sized hole.

The dust settled quickly, and Thad set Dwayne back on the ground to wave his hand and clear the air. He squinted his eyes into the secret passage, and foreign murmurs wafted through the air. Thad held up his bicep to his mouth, creating a cover for his mouth, and stepped into the much larger passage.

Keto's light filled the collapsed tunnel trail, illuminating two other figures. The first was a middle-aged bald man in brown robes, no shoes, and a basket full of mushrooms in their arms. The other person had blue hair that was about as kept as a bird's nest, dirtied blue clothing, and standing favoring his left leg over his right.

"Greetings cave bros, I've come to rescue you," Thad announced, giving a pat to Keto's body. "And I brought a flashlight. So, who's y'alls?"

"Jin." The monk's voice was hoarse and frail as he choked out the words.

"Falkner," the Flying-type specialist groaned. "And are you really here to rescue us? You literally fell through the ceiling. The collapse was quite loud. I'd guess you're as lost as we are."

"I ain't lost, it's called exploring in style." The walls groaned as Thad stepped forward, the ground shifting underneath them. "And I know what you're thinking, 'did Thad cause more cave-ins in his daring rescue?. It's not that."

Falkner snorted. "I wasn't, but I am now."

"But now we have a light source again!" Jin clapped his hands together; a hopeful smile creeping across his tanned face. "And this man has other Pokemon. Perhaps we may get out yet!"

"Speaking of which," Thad pointed at Falkner, "where's your Pokemon? Aren't you some kind of gym leader?"

"Healing, unfortunately." Falkner crossed his arms and looked off to the side. "Battled a group of Ursaring that had captured Jin awhile ago. Our battle caused a cave-in; all the Dunsparce here tunnel around and result in some of the passages being very unstable."

"Well, more the merrier, right?" Thad said, stretching his arms out. "I'm sure we're like three times more capable now. We just gotta get through the caves and whatnot."

Falkner sighed. "And you have a complete map of the Dark Caves tunnel system?"

"Nah bro, but I do know the direction we have to go." Thad paused, and the monk and gym leader waited; eyes wide and palms gesturing for Thad to continue. The jock furrowed his brow, looking back at the duo as if the answer were obvious. "Really dude? C'mon, even I figured this one out pretty fast."

"Did your Ground-type Pokemon figure out a way to navigate?" Jin asked.

Thad chuckled and scooped Dwayne up, holding the rocky Pokemon by their arms. "It's simple guys. We just go up. Duh."

"Up," Falkner deadpanned. His lips almost twisted into a snarl, but he let out a deep breath and composed himself. "Thad, right?" Thad nodded and Falkner continued, "look here, friend. That's not really doable. We need to find a path to an exit through the tunnels. Digging straight up isn't going to do us any favors except more cave-ins and possible death."

Thad stepped beside Falkner and pulled the man into a side hug. He towered over the smaller man by nearly a full foot as he chuckled lightly under his breath. "But, dude. We just need to go up fast enough. With enough muscles, anything is possible. This ain't rock bottom."

"Well," the monk cleared his throat, "I'm at least curious if it's a faster way of getting out of this hole."

"Fine. What would you have me do?" Falkner said, though his tone was skeptical at best. "My Pokemon are all knocked out. I didn't bring my full team, and I'm tapped on potions."

"You got a bird big enough for us all to ride on?" Thad hefted Dwayne for emphasis. "My idea is we can blitz through the ceiling as I carve a path for us. Easy clap, yeah?"

Falkner blinked and his jaw dropped. "You're insane."

"You gotta better idea, bird bro?"

Falkner paced around, shaking his head. "No, but we can't just—"

"Why not? Have a little faith in your team, yeah?" Thad placed his hands on his hips and straightened his posture. "If you ain't got no idea, then we do mine, yeah?" He wrinkled his nose and faintly snorted. "But, think about how rad my idea is. Damn cool story to fly outta a mountain, am I right?"

"If we survive."

"If you trust me," Thad countered with a cheeky grin. "What's the other option? Sit in the dark and eat mushrooms or try to knock down other random walls until we maybe find the normal path? C'mon, let's go with the plan 'Up, up, n' away'."

"Dude!" Dwayne shouted, and Thad gave his Pokemon a nod of acknowledgment.

Falkner threw his hands up in the air. "Fine. Blaze of glory it is. Do you have a potion?"

Thad set Keto on the ground as he unslung his travel bag from his shoulder. He sifted through the assortment of protein-based products and spare clothes until he found a pinkish canister. He gave it a shake, hearing a slight sloshing inside, and then tossed it over to Falkner. The gym leader snatched it from the air and inspected it carefully.

"Hyper potion is mostly full. That good for us to roll out?"

"It is," Falkner confirmed as he reached to his waist, plucking out a mini Pokeball. With a press of a button, he enlarged the ball to a normal size akin to a softball and then opened it, letting red light pour out.

A large bird with a colorful plumage atop its head appeared in the cavern. Its cream-colored coat was caked in dirt, but its talons and beak shone brightly in the Keto-light. It stretched out its wings and then nuzzled up against their trainer.

"Pidgeot can hold all of us." Falkner knelt down and steadied their friend with one hand, potion in the other. "Easy there, this will sting just a bit."

The Pidgeot bristled against the spray of the potion, but the effects were nearly instantaneous. The great bird stood up taller, the skin beneath their coat of feathers cleared up, and they flapped their wings excitedly.

"Alright, we're healed up. Everyone, get on Pidgeot's back and hold on tight. We'll use Brave Bird to gain momentum," Falkner explained as Jin brushed past him to board the bird. He gave a poignant look to Thad, raising his chin a bit. "And you're confident in being able to carve a path with your Geodude?"

"About as confident as you are desperate to see some sunshine," Thad laughed and patted Falkner roughly on the shoulder. "Don't worry about me, bro. Just keep your pal flying up and your head low." Thad raised up Dwayne, locking eyes with his trusty dumbbell. "And it's going to be a lot of damage, so use Defense Curl then Bide. We gonna smash."

Dwayne hummed in their breath and began to harness their energy into strengthening their defenses. Thad rolled his neck, settled onto the Pidgeot, and recalled Keto into his Pokeball. The cave system remained silent as Thad took in a deep breath, steadying his focus.

It's time to slap. Just hope Dwayne can take the punishment. Bide is the beefiest slap he can unleash, and then after that, I just gotta hold him up and use Bulldoze until we're free. Thad reeled his arm back, Dwayne's cold stone hands gripping onto him tightly. Time to shine, stone bro.

"Here we go! Use Bide!" Thad swung Dwayne forward, crashing him into the wall. "Hang in there buddy. Just a few more!"

The cave shook as Thad unleashed a flurry of blows upon Dark Cave's interior: Dwayne the hammer, and the walls his anvil. He felt Dwayne's grip tighten after the third strike, and Thad held him up toward the ceiling.

"Do it now, birdman!"

"Pidgeot, use Brave Bird!"

"Dwayne, slap the shit outta them walls! Unleash your power!" Thad roared, and a faint red glow emanated from Dwayne as they began to lift off.

A burst of energy flashed off of Dwayne, drilling through the hardest rock. Soft sand poured onto them like a whirlwind as silvery energy flowed around Pidgeot. Thad ducked his head but kept his right arm raised to have Dwayne act as their figurehead, just a few inches in front of Pidgeot's beak.

"Now, use Bulldoze!"

"Dude!" Dwayne shouted, and he opened his mouth and chomped away at the rock, gnawing through the rubble as they propelled upward.

Dust and sharp rocks flew past the group's heads as they paved their way upward, creating a new path through the caverns. They encountered a few pockets of air from other tunnels but continued on their harried exit at about an eighty-degree angle. Thad ground his teeth as he felt the weight bearing down on his arm increase as Dwayne continued to gnaw and plow through the rocks at a frightening pace.

Then, a blinding light emerged in all directions.

Pidgeot soared freely and faster than before, letting the wind peel away rock and rubble from their feathers. Thad and others opened their eyes, and a smile spread across their faces as the small silhouettes of Route 31 and Violet City could be seen to the Southwest.

"Look," Falkner nudged Thad, who followed the Bird specialist's gaze.

Thad's eyes widened as he pulled Dwayne fully onto the Pidgeot; first noticing the extra pair of arms that had gripped onto his arm. Dwayne's size had increased as well; nearly doubling into a much rougher stone than before.

"It appears that your Geodude has evolved Graveler," Jin noted with an approving tone. "Impressive."

"See, hard work does pay off!" Thad said, giving his newly evolved Graveler a high five, though the Pidgeot wobbled a bit from the erratic action.

"Not yet!" Falkner shouted. He gave his Pokemon a few taps and they began to descend much like a glider toward the entrance to Route 31. "Pidgoet can't carry us all for long. Hold on tight."

The group descended toward the entrance to Route 31. Trainers from the surrounding grassy area watched with awe as the magnificent bird landed with awkward grace, and the three men stumbled off. Thad gave Dwayne a close look over, feeling a surge of pride course through his heart for his heroic Pokemon.

"Now we can get you lifting! More arms are always better!" Thad said.

"Grav!" Dwayne replied; their voice deeper and more earth-shaking than before. They hopped up and down on their flat feet, pointing with their upper arms into the sky. "' Veler!"

Thad raised a hand over his eyes to shield the sun from his eyes as he looked up at the clouds. He spotted a metallic winged beast coursing towards them. Looks like Jasmine heard the business. Saves us the work of trying to find her, Thad thought. All in a day's work.


Thad turned back to his Pokemon. "Yeah, dude?"

Dwayne made a series of gestures and grunts; pointing at the cave and then back to them. Thad nodded along, trying to decipher the strange Pokemon langauge. Wish I knew exactly what he meant, but I think I know. Thad patted his newly evolved Graveler on the head and smiled. Credit where credit is due.

A gust of wind kicked up as Jasmine's Skarmory landed near Falkner, and the lithe woman quickly dismounted from her ride. She looked around, checking for injuries on Jin and Falkner before running up to Thad and Dwayne. Falkner's lips twitched as his eyes followed Jasmine immediately ran by.

"What happened? Ceris and I were posted near an exit and then the whole Cave shook and rumbled!" Jasmine's voice was shrill and fast as she nearly stumbled over her words. "We took to the skies and saw you all on Falkner's Pidgeot. How'd that happen?"

"We flew out, Jasmine," Falkner noted with a hint of irritation. "As much as I dislike being a part of a bad plan, it was executed with great precision." He walked over, standing between the two of them, and then looked at Jasmine. "So, I take it he is your protege of sorts?"

"Technically he's Chuck's apprentice," Jasmine replied. "He's new to the region, and I'm helping him out."

"Exactly, just as Jazzy said. We decided to help out the vegans at the weed tower," Thad confirmed, giving his chest a thump with a closed fist. "Now, I'm wanting to get to my favorite part of this: payday, baby."

"The monks won't offer much, but I think I can offer a small part of my own thanks." Falkner dug into his shorts pocket, fishing out a small, blue badge. "This is the Zephyr Badge. I can tell you're an up-and-coming trainer, so go ahead and take it."

"Don't I gotta battle you for this though?" Thad asked.

Falkner shrugged. "League states that I award them to trainers that demonstrate apt skill with training their Pokemon." He glanced over toward Dark Cave and swallowed hard. "I'll admit...without you, I'd probably be still stuck in there. You came at the right time."

Jasmine elbowed Falkner in the side and coughed loudly. "And?"

"Right," Falkner grumbled. He pulled a small disk from his pocket and handed it to Thad. "That's the technical mechanic for Mud Slap. Might be of use to your Graveler."

"Thanks, bro, I really dig it. More learning donuts, the better." Thad quickly pocketed the device. "So, now to deliver the monk guy and his basket of shrooms?"

Jin waved at the trio, holding the handle of the woven basket in his left arm. Falkner gave a brief salute and turned on his heel, heading toward Violet City. He lazily waved a hand in the air as he sauntered away.

"I'm going to go rest, you take care," Falkner called out.

Thad leaned toward Jasmine, whispering into her ear, "is that guy always in a sour mood?"

"Falkner's always a bit moody, and being trapped in a cave probably didn't help," Jasmine whispered back. "He's constantly being compared to his father when it comes to being a gym leader, considering he's the youngest of us all. Don't worry about it too much, I think you impressed him with whatever you did."

"Yeah, that does make a fair bit of sense." Thad rubbed his chin as he watched Falkner disappear into the tall grass. "Still, it was a good bit of teamwork in a pinch."

"How did you do it? Were you the one who caused the rumbling in the cave?"

Thad laughed and waved Jasmine off. "Really? You think that was all me?" He jabbed a thumb toward Dwayne. "He's the real MVP. Ate rocks like a champ to un-dig us from that hole."

Jasmine's features softened as she looked toward the Graveler. "That's good. It's supposed to be a partnership, not a single person or Pokemon doing all the work. That's the harmony of our world."

"I have one question though, Jazzy." Jasmine turned back toward the jock, whose towering frame provided a decent amount of shade from the overhead sun. Thad pressed his hands together and held them in front of his lips, narrowing his gaze at the woman. "What kind of Pokemon is blue, looks like some weird bean, and goes 'waaa'?"

"A Wobbuffet?" Jasmine said, though sounding a bit unsure. "I believe they're known to live in the northern parts of Dark Cave, but sometimes wander. Did you catch one?"

"Nah, but one of them dudes nearly trapped me down there for good," Thad rattled off. He glared at the foreboding entrance of Dark Cave and exhaled out his nostrils. "If we ever go back there, I'll be on the lookout. I've got beef with that immovable jerk."

"Ahuh," Jasmine slowly said. "Well...back to Sprout Tower? Perhaps some lunges will take your mind off of it?"

Thad raised a finger in the air, waggling it. "Aye, right you are Jazzy. Join me for a few sets?"

Jasmine smiled, but unlike before with the premise of extensive exercise, it didn't require substantial effort. She felt a bubbliness inside her chest as she watched Thad return Dwayne back to their Pokeball.

"Sure, Thad, but!" Jasmine paused, showing some teeth as her smile widened into a grin. "If I get tired, would you give me a piggyback ride?"

Thad clapped his hands and let out a hoot. "Let's go! Now you're getting it!" He spread his legs shoulder-width apart. "Just follow my technique, and embrace the burn. We'll be there by at least sundown!"

Jasmine looked up at the sun: it was barely past the midpoint in the sky. She felt her legs tremble a bit in anticipation. She dug deep inside herself to suppress any sarcasm as she assumed the lunge position with her hands posted behind her head and feet spread apart.

"Well, here we go…" Jasmine muttered as she began her set, chasing after Thad who was lunging toward the tall grass. The nearby Normal-type Pokemon fled from the fitness enthusiast, giving him a wide berth of space.

They would arrive at Sprout Tower by dusk, with Thad carrying Jasmine on his back after a few minutes of lunges. He didn't mind that she couldn't make it far, but more so that she did so without complaint. Embracing the wondrous burn of exercise and trying new things.

Chapter 19: Thadplicity

Thad marched in beat alongside his trusty Machoke, Chad on the grassy path leading from Violet City. Jasmine trailed a little bit behind, occasionally rubbing her thighs from the ridiculous amount of lunges they'd previously done. She winced a bit as she tried to match the long strides of Thad and Chad, trying to deconstruct their muted grunts and quickened hand movements.

"Okay, will you please stop walking so fast and tell me what you two are doing?" Jasmine huffed. "You've been doing that thing for nearly ten minutes now."

"Teaching Chad here the magic of Rock, Paper, Scissors." Thad and Chad shook their fists once more; Thad revealing a rock and Chad revealing rock as well. He let out a low whistle. "Rock again ties."

Jasmine scurried up beside the hulking lifters, poking her head around Chad's bicep. "A tie? Who's winning?"

"No one yet." Thad and Chad once again tied, both using rock. "I told Chad here my secret strategy, and he's already mastered it."

"Is...your strategy to always go rock?" Jasmine whispered, and Thad could feel the scold coming on with how the Steel-specialist's eyes narrowed. "That's gotta be the dumbest strategy I've ever heard. Even for you, Thad."

"But neither of us have lost!" The duo played another round, resulting in another draw. Thad chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "It's about willpower, Jazzy. You don't have to have a good strat to win. Just a better one than your opponent. That's like Sports 101," Thad paused and rolled his tongue around in his mouth carefully, mulling over his thoughts, "or was that Sports 202? Gah, I can't remember. Too many numbers. Point is," Thad raised a finger for emphasis, "stay true to yourself and always tell your opponent you will pick rock."

"Always?" Jasmine repeated.


"Fine, then I'd like to show you how flawed your thinking is," Jasmine wedged herself between the two, coming to a full stop. She raised her hands up; one flat with the other balled up in her open palm. "Play me. Best two out of three. Pokemon battles, like any competition based around strategy, require insight and refinement."

Thad rolled his shoulders and gave a side nod to Chad. His companion understood immediately, and Chad stepped back, placing his hands on the edge of his belt. Thad squared up in front of Jasmine, bending his knees a bit to not completely tower over the petite brunette.

"Ready?" Thad grinned, holding up his hands. "I won't go easy on you."

"Bring it!" Jasmine's face felt heated as she readied herself.

The two rapidly shook their hands to the beat of a frenetic heart rate thrice and then revealed their choice. Jasmine smiled as she placed her flattened out hand over Thad's fist.

"See? A simple counter. You must be adaptable, Thad."

"Ahuh, but we still have two more rounds for me to rock your world, Jazzy."

Jasmine rolled her eyes and reset herself. Thad stared her down with an intensity that might've made a lesser person flinch or sweat, but she remained cool in the heat of battle. One did not become a seasoned gym leader, let alone one with a sterling record such as hers. There would be no backing down, despite the slight amount of sweat she felt beading on her palms.

"And...go!" Thad and Jasmine shook their hands with the ferocity of a Gyrados. On the final swing down, they revealed their chosen hand sign. "Well, whaddya see there."

"Y-y-you!" Jasmine looked up at Thad with thinly veiled rage behind her glossy eyes. Her hand was flat, but she ground her teeth as Thad slipped his scissor-shaped finger gesture over her palm, pinching it a bit. "You cheat!"

"Cheat? I just tied it up by picking what I felt in my gut."

"But you had picked rock for over fifteen minutes straight! What happened to your 'peerless, rock-solid strategy'?!" Jasmine bemoaned. She cleared her throat, feeling a bit self-conscious about how high her voice rose at the end.

"Simple, Jazzy. I lied," Thad said through a shit-eating grin. He raised his hand once again, signaling the last round. "Now, I've picked rock about 99 times out of 100 while we've been walking, and I've got one last question for you Jasmine." He paused, eyeing her throat bobbing as she awaited his answer. "Do ya feel lucky?"

Jasmine pursed her lips. "It's not about luck, it's the fact that I know what you're up to now." Jasmine brushed her hair back; her two side-ponytails bobbing a bit. "I'm going to win and prove to you that adaptability is the key."

"Then pick paper, Jasmine."

"I will! Just let me get settled and—" Jasmine bit her tongue and froze. Her mouth opened yet no words came out.

"What's up?" Thad innocently asked.

Jasmine inhaled slowly and then exhaled a deep breath. "You're too good at this. Who taught you?"

"Learned from years on the playground and varsity sports," Thad said in a lofty tone. "I know I ain't the brightest, but I can still mess with people. Why try to outsmart someone with a bigger brain than you, when they can do it for you?"

"That's called psychology, Thad."

Thad narrowed his eyes. "Girly, I didn't use a crystal ball. I just had to outsmart you by having you outsmart yourself with my own outsmarting."

Jasmine's hands felt unbearably itching and slick. Even the slight breeze brushing up against her sundress irritated her as she locked eyes on Thad's fist nestled into his palm. She took a deep breath and looked over toward Chad.

"Call it." Her voice was cold and hard as the type she was known for.

"Choke!" Chad crossed his forearms in front of his chest, and then released with a mighty bellow, "Machoke!"

Three shakes. Three pats on their palms. On the fourth and final go-around, their hands soared downward with blistering speed. Jasmine closed her eyes as she chose rock. She felt like a fool, getting turned around by someone as straightforward as the protein fiend she'd decided to travel with.

Laughter. The kind unique to only those that were truly mad or being tickled without reprieve. Jasmine's eyes shot open as she looked at her hand first, and then over to Thad's.

They had both chosen rock.

"Are you serious?" Jasmine muttered.

"See!" Thad could barely contain his laughter. "I told you I would choose rock!"

Jasmine threw her hands up. "Nope, that's it. Let's keep moving, I've had enough." She began walking down the path without so much as turning her head around.

Thad motioned for Chad to come over, exchanging a fist bump with his first Pokemon. He then patted the muscled 'Mon on the back and wrapped his arm around the Machoke's head, pulling him into a tight side hug.

"Good spottin' there, my dude," Thad whispered. "How long do you think she'll be mad?"

Chad scoffed. "Mach."

"Right on. I bet a protein snack will make her right as rain," Thad affirmed with a nod. "Now, let's catch up to her. She's been packing on some muscle on those quads of hers, so you know what that means, right?"

"Macho?" Chad tentatively replied.

Thad released his Pokebro from his grip and slapped him playfully on the back. "Damn right, bro. Means we gotta pump iron even harder than usual. Time to find our limit! Lunging squat jumps after the cutie with the booty, let's go!"

The duo flexed and sweated as they lept after Jasmine like a pair of Politoads hopped up on protein. Just the sight of the leaping bros managed to bring a smile to Jasmine's face, followed by her pinching the bridge of her nose as they managed to draw strange looks from a few wandering travelers.

Still, Thad noted her amusement didn't fade, even in the face of the public eye.

The group had meandered down the path toward Ecruteak City. It was a familiar stroll for Thad and Jasmine, having only passed through a short while ago. The tall, cruciferous hedges flanked by tall oaken trees bristled as the wind swept through the leaf-ridden path. Thad glanced over his shoulder periodically, feeling the hair on his neck raise. As if the trees themselves were watching him, though he ultimately paid no mind to it. Most likely a simple miscalculation of the breeze, no doubt.

Despite the resolute calm in the waning sunlight, Thad arched an eyebrow as he noticed a strange blob poking from the bushes.

Did someone leave behind the largest piece of bubblegum? Thad pondered as he hummed to himself. I think it's even moving a bit.

"Hey, Jazzy," Thad nudged Jasmine with his elbow, "is there a Pokedude that's like a pink blob?"

Jasmine returned the nudge with a briefly annoyed look but quickly recomposed herself in noticing Thad's urgent undertone. "A few, off the top of my head. Why?" She looked around, left to right on the path. "Is there a Pokemon nearby?"

"Right there!" Thad pointed, but the blob was already moving into the bushes. Jasmine leaned over and squinted, even shielding the sun from her eyes with her hand tented over her brow. "Ah, the thing moved. There's no mystery meat Pokemon, is there? Because, uh—"

"Thad," Jasmine stated in a stern tone, "I'm not going to let you eat a Jigglypuff. It's morally wrong, and just plain old bad luck."

Thad snapped his fingers and bounced up and down on his tippy-toes. "Oh! I know that one! That's the one that draws on people's faces after it sings! I remember that from somewhere..."

"Uh, you're half right," Jasmine said. "Jigglypuff is generally used as a sleep aid for people with insomnia when not in the wild. I don't know where you heard about the face drawing thing, but that sounds like pure happenstance or superstition."

"Fo' sure," Thad nodded along to Jasmine's sage wisdom. "So, when you wanna make camp and break out the protein? Me and my boy, Chad, could use a real meal. We've been pushing it hard today. Might even need to massage myself before hittin' the hay."

Jasmine clicked her tongue and shot the jock an inquisitive look. "Is that your attempt at a subtle invitation?"

"Girl, you know I don't do subtle," Thad chuckled. "But, yeah that'd actually be super rad. You got them tiny hands that can get in between my muscles on my back. Nobody ever said that you'd have trouble reaching back there when you get meaty, but here we are."

"I could, but on one condition."

"Name it, Jazzy," Thad replied without hesitation.

"Please go scavenge some berries to make a stew?" Jasmine sweetly replied. "As much as I appreciate your...resourcefulness with making protein-based dishes, I'd like some variety. Think you can manage if I give you a small flier on local edible specimens?"

Thad licked his lips and paused, considering his next words carefully. "...Does it have pictures?"

"Yes," Jasmine sighed, "it has pictures." She stepped toward Chad who had her overstuffed backpack on and began sifting through the nearly bursting pouches until she finally pulled out a thin, bendable plastic sheet. "Here, this goes over edible roots, berries, and vegetables in Johto. Standard issue with most trainers, and usually free at marts."

"Why am I just seeing this now?"

"Because," Jasmine lowered her voice, her lilt wavering a bit as she blushed, "I didn't quite trust you to go scavenging. I was a tad afraid you'd bring back some slain Ursaring for us to gnaw on. Besides, I tend to enjoy the walks. But," she whirled on Thad, handing him the information sheet, "I'll do you a favor if you do me one, deal? I'll even set up our tents if you leave Chad behind to help."

"Dealio," Thad replied with a salute. "I'll get so many berries, we'll, uh, be able to open a berry store or something."

A small giggle slipped out from the corner of Jasmine's mouth. "Really? Not the best metaphor I've heard."

Thad shrugged. "Eh, ya know what I mean. I'mma bag us a shit ton of berries."

The juncture between Routes 37 and 36 was shrouded in thick brush and flower petals that had been loosed by rampant winds and Grass-type Pokemon. Dusk had settled with a pale gibbous moon overhead in the clear sky, accompanied by the steady bleats of the local Hoot-Hoot population. Though, the serenity of the lush expanse was lost upon Thad as he plowed ahead, much like a Tauros seeing red.

Berries. Berries. Gotta get some berries. Thad treaded on the thin sidepaths of the route; trampled grasses with footprints from wandering Stantler. Damn, most of the little bushes and branches are as naked as me after a good party.

Thad scratched at his chin as he continued down the winding path, periodically checking the handout Jasmine had given him. The way the colors melded and the shapes of the berries in the pictures contorted confused the fitness enthusiast. Pecha? Colbur? Thad shook his head, wondering whatever happened to a good ole blueberry or blackberry. Back when the names at least give a small indication of what to expect.

"Hell, even the damn tomato berry is this red little spiky thing," Thad mumbled, flipping the page in the booklet. He squinted his eyes, trying to make the most of the fading evening light. "Let's see here...looks like there should be some Rawst berries around this place."

"How 'bout some of these over here?"

Thad turned toward the strong and slightly familiar baritone voice. Down the path bathed in the moonlight was a sculpted male figure with his hands on his hips, wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts combo, along with short yet well-groomed brown hair. The eyes looked a tad off, but Thad chalked that up to a trick of the light.

"Oh, hey stranger. Just looking for some berries. You find some—" Thad pursed his lips and squinted at the handsome man, "wait a minute. You got the same shirt as me. And pants." Thad did a double-take of his own clothing, making sure he hadn't been bamboozled by some clothing stealing creature he'd yet to encounter. "Yeah, who are you, dude?"

"I'm you! Well, kinda you. Ya know, Pokemon and all, but also you!" The duplicate approached with a casual gait and friendly smile. "Been watching you on the road a bit, and decided to try you out! And I gotta say, you're pretty awesome."

"Well, thanks! Not too bad yourself," Thad replied, giving his doppelganger and appraising nod. "Game recognizes game, bro. I know I make it look easy, but it ain't a cakewalk looking and being like this. Kinda the opposite actually."

"Fo' show," The other Thad replied.

"So…" Thad drawled, "what's your name? Do I get to name you, or do you got one already? We can't be the same name. I already called dibs."

The other Thad nodded. "Makes sense. Gotta respect the universal law of dibs."

"How about, Thaddo?" Thad offered. 'It's kinda like 'Thad-Two' but I mashed the words together."

"I like it! It's like, why not be able to make our own words when we want," Thaddo added, pumping a fist in the air. "We are definitely awesome!"

"Exactly! Finally, someone who gets the whole package of good looks, strength, speed, uh, humor, and…" Thad began counting on his fingers, but stopped and set his jaw as his mind stalled. "Hmmm. I thought there was more."

"Don't forget appeal," Thaddo pointed at the original. "But, we're never that good at numbers anyway."

Thad snapped his fingers and his eyes brightened up. "True, bro! And why think about all those numbers when we're number one! Clappin' fools and taking names be hard work in this Pokemon world."

"I can only imagine." Thaddo flexed their tanned biceps in the moonlight. "So, what kind of Pokemon are you?"

Thad blinked. Then blinked once more and looked behind him, just in case something or someone was hiding behind him. Or trying to pull some kind of prank, yet there was only the barren shrubbery.

"Now, that's a weird question. I ain't no Pokeman, my dude." Thad pointed back at the copy of himself. "You're a Pokemon. Unless, you're some kind of weird demon-type Pokemon, or whatever and trying to steal my soul or something."

Thaddo tilted their head. "That's not a type, and I'm not after your soul. Figured I'd copy you since I've never copied your type before, that's all."

"And a Pokemon would know that!" Thad exclaimed. "Forreal though, this is weirding me out something fierce. You trying to join my crew or something?"

"Nah, bro, I'm good," Thaddo replied, holding their hand up. "But, I do want to show you something hella dope before I dip." Thaddo squinted and lightly slapped their cheeks as if to wake themselves up. "Dang, it is hard not to think about protein. Anyway, you ready?"

Thad crossed his arms and leaned back, much like he'd seen skeptical detectives do in films. "Yeah, do your thing other-me."

Thaddo reached into their back pocket of the skin-tight bike shorts and promptly revealed a spinning top on a string. They rolled their shoulders and spread their legs shoulder-width apart with the end of the string grasped in between their fingertips.

Then the little yo-yo device spun with the flick of their wrist. Subtle yet well-practiced circular wrist movements kept the momentum steady as a broad smile broke out across Thaddo's face. Thad lifted his chin and hummed in amusement at the little trick, followed by a few quiet 'ahs' as his twin flipped the spinning top around, zipping around in little figure-eights.


Thaddo let go of the string and tossed the toy over to Thad, who snatched it out of the air. The strange creature gave a bow and Thad gave them a faint round of applause, making sure not to crush or drop the toy.

"Anyways, I'll be off. You're a strange Pokemon. I thought you were kinda like me, but it seems not quite."

Thad snorted. "Well, yeah, I'm a hundred percent dude, dude."

"Ahuh, sure," Thaddo replied in a teasing tone. They gave a curt wave and flashed a toothy grin. "Take care, Thad. You're a funny one, and thanks for not freaking out."

Yeah, because years of playing sports have told me to keep that shit on the inside! Thad let out a heavy breath and mustered up a pleasant smile. "Yeah, sure thing dude. I gotta get back to berry picking now."

Thaddo waded into the dark brush and disappeared into the night; the sun finally having descended past the horizon and the calls of the nightlife becoming more evident. Thad waited a few moments to see if the copycat would return in some other shape or form, but nobody emerged. He even pressed his ear to the ground to see if he could hear someone coming, and his eyes widened.

There is something thumping this way! Hella heavy!

Thad looked toward the source of the noise; back down the path he'd traveled down originally. The thudding sound had become louder. Rhythmic like the steady beat of a heart. Then, from the twisting path emerged a walking tree.

"Uh, sup?"

"Suudoo!" The tree yelped and flailed its two branch-like arms. "Woodo!"

Thad scratched his head. "Look, I don't know what kinda beef you got with me or if you're the berry lord, but it ain't here boss."

The Pokemon gestured once again at Thad and then pointed toward a chipped twig near its head. "Suuuu!"

"I don't think Pokemon can sue," Thad explained calmly. He gestured for the creature to scoot aside with the wave of his hands. "Now, go back wherever you sleep and I'll get outta your...bushes and be on my merry way. Got some berries to bag."

The Pokemon took another step forward, challenging the jock. Thad shrugged and reached toward his belt, snagging one of his Pokeballs. Through the darkness, he wasn't quite sure which one he'd grabbed, as he maintained eye contact with the shadowy walking tree. Thad clicked the ball open, and a beam of luminous red light flared out and took the shape of a large wall of greasy, slimy flesh.

"Sire," Keto moaned as he stood on his hind legs.

"Alright my chonky dude, go ahead and give this plant a warning bath so we can get some food," Thad instructed. "Go ahead and use...uh, the one where you spit at him."

Keto opened his maw as the Sudowoodo began its enraged charge. Filmy, brown water poured forth from Keto's mouth like a bidet at maximum power, punishing the encroaching attacker. The cry from the Sudowoodo filled the area as it fell to its side, rolled, and sprinted through the forest with reckless abandon.

The stream from Keto ceased, and the blubbery Water-type looked back to its trainer with a vacant, yet adorable stare. "Quag."

"Problem solved, eh?" Thad gave Keto a sportsman-like slap on the side. He pulled his hand back and wrung it out; a layer of slime already lathered over him.

Hella groady. Need to get my boy on a skincare plan or something. Thad pondered as he wiped the rest of the gunk on some grass.

"Help me find some food for Jazzy and the rest of the crew. It ain't protein, but we gotta do what we gotta do."

Keto bobbed its head once and plopped down onto all fours before sniffing around. "Ssiigh."

"Yeah, I know, but it's still a job. Nobody said it couldn't be berries and protein for us," Thad countered as he began to sift and feel around the bushes for some berries. "Oh, can you do the lightbulb thing again?"

Thad clapped his hands twice, and with a heavy sigh Keto used Flash and his insides began to emanate a bright blue color in the surrounding area. He chuckled as Keto plowed ahead, with little care for an available path or not; just a large blue nightlight of a Pokemon.

Well, even if it's weird, It sure is at least fun. Thad looked down at the yo-yo in his hand. Still, gotta wonder if sick gains attracts the weird in this place. The beach had plenty of weirdos, but this is getting hella wack.

"There we go."

Jasmine took a step back to admire the properly set tent. It was a simple pitch tent; one for her and Thad. Chad stood nearby his trainer's tent, circling around it with an appreciative look. Jasmine couldn't help but roll her eyes.

He's nearly a spitting image of Thad. Is that why he named him similarly? Or was it just chance? Jasmine looked over to her travel bag, eyeing the pocket she kept a few of her backup Pokemon. Her Steelix and Magneton were generally on hand wherever she went, having spent the most time with them.

She gave a glance toward Chad, and then back to her bag. "I should probably give Mawile some time to socialize with other Pokemon. Poor baby has been cooped up for a bit. Still need to think of a proper name for her too," Jasmine whispered to herself. "Just gotta give it time."

Jasmine walked toward her bag and retrieved the Pokeball. It was still slightly scuffed from being dropped a few times on her last vacation back home; an excursion to Iron Island to investigate the mineral deposits wasn't her idea of fun. Never had been.

Yet, my family sure knows how to convince me, Jasmine idly lamented as she rolled the simple Pokeball in her palm. At least I managed to get a friend out of the trip.

The click from the Pokeball managed to draw Chad's attention as the red light poured forth. A small, barely two-foot Mawile emerged in the grassy campground. The sun had just dipped below the dense forest canopy, and the fire she tried to rig up with Chad had sputtered out. Jasmine's Mawile immediately sniffed the air, took a quick look around at the foreign landscape, and then scampered behind the only familiarity: Jasmine's legs.

"Mahh!" The small Pokemon mewled out, their large black maw jutting from their head swaying a bit as they cowered. A stubby three-fingered hand pointed out toward Chad, shaking a bit. "Wah!"

Jasmine knelt down and spun around to face her frightened companion. She rubbed Mawile's fuzzy, yellow upper arm and dropped her voice to a gentle lilt as one would do for singing a lullaby. "Shhh, it's okay. You're safe. Everyone here is a friend. We're just getting ready for dinner in a bit," Jasmine flashed a friendly smile, "figured you'd like some food rather than napping in your Pokeball."

The Mawile let out a faint murmur but nodded accordingly to Jasmine's gentle encouragement. Chad watched with rapt curiosity as the diminutive Pokemon nestled up the campfire, sitting down on their rear, and using the maw protruding from their skull as a kind of backrest. They twiddled their hands together and wiggled their little feet back and forth, looking up to Jasmine with wide, red eyes.

And people say Steel-types can't be adorable and strong! Jasmine dug back into her backpack, pulling out some wrapped-up cutlery and cooking set. She cast a stray glance towards Thad's bag, and let out a small huff of annoyance. I can see a protein bar wrapper peeking through the zipper. That guy…


Chad rumbled over to Jasmine, stopping just mere inches before accidentally bashing into her. She blinked, feeling her heart thump wildly in her chest. Getting tackled by a bulky Fighting-type was more Thad's thing anyway.

"Hey, you want to help?" Jasmine asked.

"Macho!" Chad thumped his chest twice and struck a pose.

"Well, think you can take over the pots to the fire? I'm getting a lighter." Jasmine handed off the large cast-iron pot and returned her attention to the deep pockets of the backpack. "Wish we had a Fire-type on hand," Jasmine mumbled. "Maybe I can convince Thad to look into getting a Litten. Who doesn't like a kitten that you can eventually wrestle?"

Jasmine's hand found the small lighter and she yanked it free; nearly falling backward as it was wedged tightly in between other necessary materials like blankets, emergency rations, and extra tent stakes. She whirled around to check on her Mawile and the Machoke, and she immediately began to scowl.

"It's not a hat, Chad. Place it next to the fire," Jasmine ordered, pulling out her assertive gym leader voice. Chad had nearly wedged the pot onto his head before lifting it back up and nodding.

Chad plopped the pot onto the ground right beside the cinders of the fire, all the while the Mawile watched him with rapt attention. The idle wiggles had vanished, replaced by a frozen and petrified fear of the new musclebound stranger. Chad gave a wide grin and struck a wide pose, flexing his thighs and biceps.

"He's a friend, Mawile," Jasmine encouraged. "Say hi!"

Mawile, having none of her trainer's encouragement, immediately whipped around their giant head maw from their back to act as a shield from the outside world. Jasmine pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

We're back to 'talk to the mouth' it seems. And we were making such progress with Rusty too!

The bushes in the shadows rustled, and rumbling out of the foliage was Thad atop of Keto. He was shirtless, again, but held in his left hand his shirt balled up in a kind of sack, dripping a dark liquid. He'd found the berries.

"I've arrived, Jazzy, and I've got the goods. Oh, and the berries," Thad hopped off Keto and strutted over to Jasmine, chest puffed out. He dug into his pant pocket and pulled out a spinning toy yo-yo and planted it in Jasmine's open hand. "Also, a present."

Jasmine eyed the yo-yo with suspicion and then looked back up to Thad. "You...got me a yo-yo. In the middle of the woods?" She paused, swallowing down a retort, and simply pocketed the yo-yo. "While odd, it's at least thoughtful. And certainly not the strangest thing by your standards. Plus, it seems you got the berries. Did you check the sheet?"

"Yes, I checked the sheet," Thad replied with a hint of annoyance. "I can read, Jazzy. It's a core skill for understanding how many nutrients are in my protein cases, ya know?"

"Ahuh. Sure." Jasmine smirked and folded her arms underneath her bust. "Well, while you were gone, Chad and I got the camp set up. Just about to stoke the fire again, unless you want the honors." Jasmine held out the lighter. "So?"

Thad snatched the lighter and traded it for the tied-off shirt filled with berries. Jasmine grimaced as berries squelched a bit in the trade-off, staining Thad's compression shirt.

"Oh, but we got a new buddy?" Thad remarked, gesturing toward the Mawile currently using their maw to shield out Chad's visage. "Shall I introduce myself?"

"Not quite," Jasmine warned. "Mawile is slow to warm up to others, so just let her mingle around Chad and Keto for a bit. Instead," Jasmine motioned for Thad to come closer, away from the Pokemon at the campfire for a moment. She lowered her voice while keeping an eye on Mawile and the others. "Have you got a plan for Morty's gym? Last time wasn't the smoothest battling experience."

Thad titled his head. "You talking about hobo ghost man? Fo' show. I got them spicy punches lined up for that fool and his toxic fart squad."

Jasmine pressed her hands together and squinted, trying her best to not sigh. "Please," she said in a slow and measured tone, "take him a bit seriously. Ghost-types are notoriously a stonewall for rookie trainers due to how uncommon they are in the wild. I'd recommend training up Trouble, since they have a type advantage, being a Dark-type and all."

Chad grunted, drawing both the trainer's attention over toward the fire pit. Keto was hovering over the young Mawile, sniffing the air above them. Chad pull Keto by their tail and continued a brief discourse with his teammate, gesturing back and forth between them and the Mawile. Jasmine let out a sigh of relief and looked back to Thad.

"Well, at least they are communicating and Mawile hasn't come running to hide back in her ball." Jasmine ran her hands through her hair, tightening her ponytails. "But, I digress, Thad. You need to have a game plan to handle Ghost-types. They are kinda the antithesis of hulking muscles."

Thad let out a loud sigh and planted his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I get you. The type chart thingy is in my bag. I just don't understand why some punches hurt ghosts and others don't."

"Do you want the actual answer the that?" Jasmine inquired with a hint of smugness in her voice. "Because I can definitely go into how aura—"

Thad put his hands up. "For the love of whatever god you keep talking about, no. I'm good fam. I'mma just does the ole' dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge method with most folks along with intensive cardio. Being in better shape than the opponent is a strategy that usually works."

"I'm...not familiar with that method."

"It's from a sports movie that I wish I could show you," Thad replied. He turned back toward the Pokemon chatting and smiled. "But yeah, less talk about home, more working out. Keeps my brain from, uh, ya know, feeling sad and shit."

Jasmine opened her mouth and then immediately closed it. Thad quirked an eyebrow, expecting a reply, but none came as she turned to watch the Pokemon interact. They inched closer together until Jasmine's shoulders were bumping up against Thad's upper ribcage.

Their knuckles brushed against each other, yet neither made an immediate move to clasp the other person's hand. Jasmine opened her mouth again but immediately clammed up once more. Thad glanced over, and his curiosity finally got the better of him as he cleared his throat.

"Alright, what's the biz, Jazzy?"

"Hmmm?" Jasmine nonchalantly replied. "What?"

"You got something on your mind, so what's up?" Thad asked. "No need in keeping it bottled."

"It's okay to talk about something else other than lifting and Pokemon battles sometimes." Jasmine's voice was quiet, almost a whisper. Each of them chuckled as Keto tipped over, managing to get the shy Mawile to peek out from their maw. Jasmine cleared her throat, strength imbuing her voice. "Did you ever talk about other things with your friends that didn't involve lifting weights or dieting?"

"Nah," Thad said with a shrug. "Not really. It's...kinda weird to be honest."

Jasmine smiled and looked up at the jock's glassy stare. His eyes were distant as he watched the Pokemon around the firepit frolic and play. "I'm letting you know it's normal. I know you're you, but we're friends and we can talk about other things. Okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you right," Thad nodded; a slight moistness around the rim of his brown eyes. "Talk 'bout it after I slap captain phantom into next week?"

"Of course. Going to go do your evening workout before bed?" Jasmine asked.

"Bet." Thad gave a salute and began to trot away. "Oh, and I'll light up that fire before and get them berries toasting. I'm sure we can make some kind of berry soup outta them, right?"

A strained smile spread across Jasmine's face. "I can handle the cooking, just get the fire stoked and I'll handle the cooking."

Thad fist pumped in the air and joined the Pokemon circled around the firepit. His presence immediately spooked Mawile and invigorated his own companions.

Revelry and energy surrounding Thad was an intoxicating aura. Even Mawile suspended their apprehension as their curiosity get the better of themselves, watching with rapt attention as the musclebound trainer struggled to create a flame. Thad knew how to bring people out of their shells and push them out of their comfort zone, and as Jasmine watched, she slowly considered the best way to return the favor.
