
14. Updated hardware and software for my family and business

We reached home from Hoboken Scientific Institute and it was time for lunch. Susan was cooking and Haley was helping her by chopping vegetables and when I entered the kitchen where they were working Haley quickly hid her hands and due to the lack of a knife in her vicinity I was certain she was using her dragon claws to chop her vegetables.

For lunch Susan went full Asian today. Rice, butter chicken, dumplings, braised pork, pecking duck and kimchi were cooked by Susan showing off her culinary mastery over Asian cuisine. Damn, I mean pecking duck of all things and it's really good. No wonder she runs such a successful catering service and reminds me of Susan in my previous life. She used to have such interest in culinary arts but she became an architectural engineer due to some financial difficulties in her family and she needed a well paying job fast and architectural engineering was available to her.

While reminiscing all of us sat down to eat and at that moment both me and Susan said at the same time," I have something to say." I said," Honey, you go first." " Well, first of all due to the success of the tech expo my catering service's reputation has soared exponentially and we are receiving orders almost everyday and I was hoping if Jonathan can spare some workbots." Said Susan. " Easy peasy honey. But just taking the workbots will not be enough so I will give you a Canoptek Spyder with an in build scarab hive which can ensure everything goes smoothly.

Everyone hears a metallic ting ting like a multi legged bug walking and the Canoptek Spyder Aleph null in all of its 2 feet high and 3.5 feet horizontally long glory walked in and waved one of its front legs to say hi. Haley let out a high pitched scream and said," Daddy can I have one?" " I got one for everyone except our dog because he doesn't need a particle disintegrating robotic spider." "Now all of you walk in." I ordered them and four more spyders walked in. I introduced the spiders.

Aleph Null


Betah Null


Gammah Null


Deltah Null


Epsih Null


Aleph Null is already chosen by Susan, Haley takes Betah Null, Jake takes Gammah Null, Lao Shi takes Deltah Null and Epsih Null is left for me. Everyone is interacting with their Canoptek spyders and I clear my throat to explain their function.

I begin by saying," The spyders are not just simple robots. Their main job is bodyguard duty. They are self repairing robots that are powered by something special and they are equipped with particle disintegration beams, particle collector, forcefield prison and refabrication mechadendrites. In simple terms they can use plastic to make actual iron and except for Susan and Lao Shi no one can command them to make things or break things and only they can command the scarab swarm to do anything. You kids can use them in case of emergency or to disintegrate garbage or your secrets. Also, you kids can play with the scarabs and all of the functions of the spyders can be used in case of school projects. They are responsible for your safety and in order to achieve that they have invisiblity mode and a retractable particle disintegration cannons. They can carry your stuff. They can carry up to 50 kg and the same can be said for 5 scarabs. Use them wisely. Now the next part of the agenda."

I explained how I will turn Canal Street Electronics into an official electronic servicing and customisation centre and all of its profits will go to Lao Shi which Lao Shi tried to deny but let's just say I coaxed him with the greens. Next I gave my family their core i9 15th gen laptops, the phones of Infinity series and some accessories for them. Their phones are also spyware, malware, virus and Trojan horse proof and the government can't spy on us. Everyone just leaves and I make my way towards the labs and after 10 days of work my work is complete and I didn't ignore my family during that time. I sat down and saw the system interface and looked at my skills list.

Skills: Knife fighting, Jeet Kun Do, Steel wire trap master, Photographic memory, Extreme situational awareness, Master of firearms, Demolition master, Infiltration, urban combat , Master sniper, Survival expert , Financial planner, Cooking, Parenting, Silent steps.

New: Creativity of Perturabo, forging skills of Vulkan, administrative capability of Robute Guilliman, Knowledge of Asgardians (Stargate), Forerunners & Catherine Halsey(Halo), Humanity (Golden age of mankind, Warhammer 40k), your past self's knowledge and muscle memory (Scars are free).

"J.A.R.V.I.S are the production facilities going smoothly?" I asked. " Yes, sir. We had some problems with the cartels in Mexico and Yakuza of Japan but after administrating mind shackle scarabs the Mexican government is actively hunting the drug cartels and our phantom units are destroying the kingpins. In 5 days the entire drug supply of Mexico will fall. Yakuza will be extinct in 2 days."

Replied J.A.R.V.I.S. " Don't leave anyone alive. Also make our production facilities manual in Mexico and China only the part manufacturing division will remain automatic and put plenty of mind shackle scarabs in the facilities in case of emergency. Also J.A.R.V.I.S have you found the huntsclan teleportation frequency?" I asked.

" Yes, sir and our secret satellite based teleportation array is up and running. Our aerospace engineering is only 2 years away from releasing the Blitzbird hypersonic VTOL passenger plane which we expect to take the place of the shut down Concord passenger plane and our public space program is expected to launch in 3 years while the company's top secret space program has already started to build the Utopia Planetia shipyard secretly at the orbit of Jupiter and our mineral mining at the Oort cloud is going smoothly and I have made certain that nothing can be detected plus they are also cloaked. Skynet has successfully taken the responsibility of the various production facilities and its security. Also the failsafes of CORTANA and Skynet are operating smoothly. CORTANA has taken over R&D and operates at 100% efficiency. According to her you can expect an Infinity class supercarrier with energy weapons in 7 years as the workbots are not fully modified yet. Hiring the veterans into your security force is

progressing smoothly. Also, 70% of them completed the supersoldier program codenamed LEGION. 20% is waiting for the mechanical augmentation as genetic augmentations are complete. 10% are unfit for any form of augmentations so they will serve as low level security personnel for the somewhat important employees and they have been injected with the mind shackle scarab. The magic scarab's genetic materials have been cloned and processed along with the Panacea STC formula to create our own Panacea in large amounts which also grants immortality on the level of the soul and it can also perfectly resurrect the dead on the level of the soul which is due to the scarab's unique authority over life and death which is ingrained in its genes.

Med-beds are ready and are expected to be released in 1 year.Tessarect vaults are placed strategically in all of our facilities and properties in order to combat other dimensional creatures in other words gods if they exist. Also full censorship is carried out on LGBTQ ideals on all platforms and our intelligence division is actively squashing any form of LGBTQ relationships through psychic conditioning, mind wipes, memory modification and mind shackle scarabs. LGBTQ has been classified as a mental disorder and 98% of people believe it to be true."

I finally feel a little relaxed and it only costs nearly 400 billion AP. Turns out any positive thoughts related to my products will be converted to AP. As a matter of fact I currently have 500 billion. Thank you Omniverse for such a beautiful system.

[ The LEGION program directly changes the genes in the human body which increases regeneration by increasing the body's control over mitosis and can give a boost of adrenaline during combat. The titanium based flexible endodermal armour can easily stop a M2 Browning .50 cal machine gun. The secondary heart increases blood flow and increases stamina and oxygen delivery is faster. The third lung is used to purify blood at a faster rate while having the capability to collect oxygen underwater giving the subject the ability to breathe underwater. Eyesight is biomechanically enhanced in order to give the subject night vision, dynamic vision and binocular vision. Nerve reflex is augmented giving the person 10 times the reaction speed of an ordinary person. Hearing can be increased up to 5 times at will. Bones are reinforced with flexible nanocarbon fibre making them stronger while not increasing the weight too much. Plus they can spit out gastric acid without damaging any part of the throat due to a unique artificial membrane. They wear the Mk 1 all-terrain tactical armour equipped with a hexagonal shield generator the shield can easily withstand a MOAB and the armour itself can tank M1 Abrams MBT AP rounds easily. Each legionnaire is equipped with ion blaster weapons or plasma weapons which can be adjusted for long range or short range purposes. They have an average height of 7 feet.]


[ The stormtroopers are armed with a Recoilless multipurpose assault rifle and the body armour can easily survive mortar rounds without giving any damage to the wearer.]


Jake's pov:

Jake was in Lao Shi's shop which is being renovated except the secret mumbo jumbo magic room. Fuu dog finished making the mind wipe potion and said," Here you go kid, mix this into their drinks and they will forget about anything related to dragons. I can't remember how many mornings I needed a sip of this." Jake got out of the main lobby and started skateboarding towards Trixie's house. At that moment he heard a leprechaun voice in the alley and he saw the leprechaun he saved. Jake went full alert, took a fighting stance and said," Where's the trouble?" The leprechaun holding the decoy laughed and said," There's no trouble lass. You saved my arse twice and here is something to show my appreciation." The leprechaun tossed a gold coin towards Jake and waved him bye.

Jake went to the antique shop and bought the Suitton crystal vase and gave it to Trixie and he decided not to add the mind wipe potion. Yes, Trixie did freak out seeing Gammah Null but Jake and Spud calmed her down.
