
Goku’s last stand

"It's been a few hours already. He still has not shown up." Krillin said.

The group were starting to panic because Buu was not showing up.

Goku's time on Earth is starting to run out.

If Goku is gone they will have to rely on Goten and Trunks which doesn't seem like a good idea against Buu.

Goku only has a few hours left on Earth.

Then at that moment, Goku sensed Buu's ki.

Goku knew that Buu's ki suddenly reemerged was more likely a trap than a mistake by him since Buu had Gohan's intelligence.

But he has to take the bait. His time is running out and he knows that he has to beat Buu before going back to the afterlife.

"Piccolo. 18. It's time." Goku said to the two.

"Tien. Krillin. And Mr Popo. Please look after the kids." Goku said.

He looked at Chichi who had tears in her eyes at that time.

Chichi knew whatever the outcome of the battle was this might be the last time she saw her husband as he had to go back to the otherworld.

Goku didn't say goodbye to her as he knew it would only hurt her more as he teleported away with 18 and Piccolo.

Buu was waiting for them. It is almost as if he knew they were coming for him.

"Son Goku," Buu said.

"The greatest warrior in the universe. I was expecting you." Buu continued.

"I am going to make you pay for what you did to Gohan and Vegeta," Goku said as he took on his fighting stand a red aura covered his whole body.

"Kaioken times 100," Goku said as he looked at Buu.

He used Kaioken instead of Super Saiyan because he wanted to save Super Saiyan 3 for the final attack instead of using it early on and forcing his return to the other world faster.

"Kaioken. That brings back memories." Buu said.

Piccolo and 18 also powered up to help Goku fight Buu.

"It only seems like yesterday that you used it to save me," Buu said as if he were Gohan himself. He did it to provoke Goku.

And it worked as Goku was so angry that he threw his punch without thinking of any consequences.

Buu thought that he succeeded as he was able to bait Goku however he then realized that he was not in a 1 vs 1.

"Light Grenade," Piccolo said as he launched a powerful large energy blast at Buu.

He dodged the attack by moving sideways but Goku followed him as he launched a fury of punches and kicks.

Then before he knew it he was kicked in the head by 18.

"Infinity Bullet." 18 said as she launched numerous pink ki blasts at Buu.

"Barrier," Buu said as he put up a green energy shield around his body.

"That technique." 18 realized where the technique that Buu just used came from.

"Kamehameha," Goku said as he teleported inside the barrier and used a Kamehameha at Buu at point-blank range.

At that time Piccolo was preparing a hell zone grenade for Buu.

The three were fighting primarily using teamwork to give Buu little to no chance of counterattacking them.

"Photon Blitz." 18 yelled out as she launched a pink beam at Buu.

Goku suspected that Buu could regenerate as long as he had one cell remaining so he wanted to destroy every single trace of Buu to defeat him.

He would have been able to carry out his plan if it was Super Perfect Cell but his opponent at this point is Majin Buu. Not Cell.

Buu transformed his body into pink smoke as Photon Blitz passed through his body like he didn't exist.

"Hellzone Grenade," Piccolo said as he used the technique to see if his attack could affect Buu but it still was not able to hit him.

He then moved towards 18 in his smoke form.

He then reformed his body around Android 18.

Buu wanted to absorb 18 and he would have succeeded if 18 was not expecting him to make such a move.

"Barrier." 18 said as she put up a barrier around her body forcing Buu to move away from her body.

"Good going 18," Piccolo said as he launched an electrical attack from his hands at Buu.

Buu who is not in smoke form anymore was harmed by the attack because Piccolo used a large amount of his Ki on the attack as it gave a few seconds opening to Son Goku.

"Majin Buu. I am ending this. Kaaaaaaameeeeeehaaaaaaameeeeeeee" Goku said as he transformed into Super Saiyan 3 as he charged a Super Kamehameha.

Buu knew he was in trouble as the attack that Goku going to use was so strong that he would not be able to recover from it.

And although he is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 he could not charge up an attack that would have been able to counter Goku's Super Kamehameha within a few seconds.

But Goku made a miscalculation.

His using of Super Saiyan 3 takes away his time on Earth because he is using a large amount of energy.

If he used the strongest Super Kamehameha that he could use while being in his Super Saiyan 3 state the time that he would have on Earth would immediately be up.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." He yelled out as he launched a Kamehameha at Buu.

"Kamehameha." Buu used his own Kamehameha in a desperate attempt to prolong his imminent death.

The two attacks clashed for a single second before Goku's Kamehameha overwhelmed Buu's and hit his body.

But a second was enough as Goku's time on Earth was up and he disappeared from the world of living.

Normally an old woman called fortune teller Baba was supposed to pick Goku up when his time was up.

But Goku used so much energy to the point that he was summoned back forcefully when he depleted all his remaining time.

"Huh?" Buu was shocked as Goku disappeared from his sight.

He didn't know what happened but he looked at 18 and Piccolo who were remaining on the battlefield.

"He is gone. I won." Buu said.
