
Son Goku Returns

On the day of the tournament.

Bulma picked up all of her friends that are going to be participating in the tournament at her place. Except for one person.

"Bulma. Where is Goten?" Gohan asked.

"He went out. Saying he wanted to go and look at the Tournament first." Bulma replied.

"Oh my. Look at you. All grown up." Chichi said to Bra who was sitting near her.

"You looked just like your mother when she was young. Now I know why you are Vegeta's favourite." Chichi continued.

"Shut up," Vegeta replied with a blush on his face.

"Oh right. I have to tell all of you about something." Gohan said to everyone who was on the plane at that time.

"Please don't turn into Super Saiyan during the tournament," Gohan said.

"Why?" Vegeta asked.

"The tournament is going to be televised unlike before. If we turn into Super Saiyan we will be recognised and the journalists will not leave us alone." Gohan said.

"If that happened I would just destroy every TV in the world," Vegeta said with a smirk on his face.

"I mean I am fine as long as Goten does not use it." Trunks said.

"Did you hear that Marron? It seems that your chance of winning increased significantly." Kurullin said to his daughter.

"Yeah. Right. As if I would beat them." She replied sarcastically.

"I don't think even you can beat those two in base form. Didn't you see how strong Bra was?" Android 18 said to Kurullin.

The two she mentioned were Bras and Trunks as she did not know how strong Goten was.

"Hey. Don't say it like that. That makes me sound pathetic." Kurullin said.

"You are pathetic," Vegeta said out of nowhere as the whole plane busted into laughter.

Even Android 18 smiled at Vegeta's joke that came out of nowhere despite respecting her husband.


At that time. At the entrance of the Tenkaichi Budokai.

"Kaioshin. I presume." Goten said as he looked at the purple man who was levitating above the ground.

He was accompanied by a tall red-skinned man.

"You can call me Shin. And this is Kibito. And you are?" The purple guy asked.

"I am Son Goten. And we need to talk about today's tournament." Goten said to Shin.


A few minutes later.

"You are here to find the place where Buu is sealed. Right?" Goten said.

"Who are you and why are you questioning the Kaioshin? How do you even know about him in the first place? State your identity otherwise, I have to." Kibito said to Goten.

Kibito tried to imitate Goten who has a smaller body using his bigger structure.

Goten realized what Kibito was trying to do and released his suppressed powers.

Goten power when suppressed is about 25 million while unsuppressed is about 50 million.

"Are you threatening the supreme Kai with that amount of power?" Kibito said in anger before Goten transformed into Super Saiyan for a second.

This makes his power jump up to 2.5 billion just for a brief while.

"I have more than enough power to destroy both of you at the same time," Goten said.

Shin frowned when he heard Goten's words.

Goten was not a big fan of Shin. He considers him incompetent and inexperienced.

He was also not a fan of how most of the worst-case scenarios in the Buu saga could have been prevented if he had been more competent.

"I am not asking you to give up on Majin Buu. But I just wanted you to wait until the tournament is finished." Goten said to Shin.

"Wow, little guy you look really strong." Then Goten realized that someone was watching the conversation he had with Shin from behind.

"No way. You are?" Goten knew who that person was and was shocked to see him.

"Ossu. I am Son Goku." Goku said as he greeted Goten, Shin and Kibito.

"I sensed a huge power level here so I wanted to see who it belongs to," Goku said while smiling.

"Hey. I feel like I have seen you somewhere before." Goku said as he sat down and looked at Goten right in the eyes.

The two looked completely identical apart from the fact that Goku was older and taller.

They were even wearing similar clothing Goten was wearing a white gi with a black long-sleeve undershirt whereas Goku was wearing an orange gi with a blue undershirt.

"And you two. The ki that you have kind of reminds me of King Kai." Goku said as he looked at Shin and Kibito.

"Except much stronger." Goku continued while putting a smile on his face.

"Hehe. I am getting excited." Goku said.

That was the moment that Goten found out Goku would be kind of a difficult character for him to predict.


"So this Little Guy is my son?" Goku asked after he and Goten rejoined the rest of Bulma's group.

"I can't believe you went away while we were in the middle of talking," Bulma said to Goku.

"So that is your dad?" Trunks asked.

"He looks just like you." Bra also commented.

"Yeah. I know." Goten replied.

"But where did you go exactly? Have you signed up for the tournament yet?" Bra asked him.

Goten nodded.

"I can't believe that they won't let us fight adults. That means I only have one challenge for this tournament." Trunks said as he looked at Goten.

"Brother. What do you mean by that?" Bra asked him.

"You have grown stronger Kakarrot," Vegeta said while smiling.

"So did you, Vegeta," Goku replied.

I want to know how far you come. Kakarrot. Show me why you are the best. Vegeta thought in his mind as he looked at Goku.

It looked like Vegeta had also grown stronger. I wonder if he is as strong as Paikuhan. Just like Vegeta, Goku was also thinking about his rival strength at that time.

Still, I don't know why but it seems like Gohan become much weaker. Goku thought as he noticed that there was something wrong with Gohan.

What Goku thought was correct as Gohan slacked off big time during the seven years to the point that he has become much weaker even compared to his Super Saiyan state from Cell Saga.

Piccolo's is also different. As Goku notices that he has become a little stronger. He is still not as strong as Gohan when he becomes Super Saiyan 2 for the first time but Goku notices that he is close in power.

Gohan is weaker than his Main timeline and Piccolo is stronger.

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