
Genuine Feelings

With her consent, he began kissing her again, this time with more passion. He had been trying to hold himself back, but her kindness and innocent nature were too irresistible. 

His eyes locked on hers, searching, waiting for the moment when hesitation would melt into else. 

She wasn't wearing her usual attire since they had just returned from the in-house garden. Instead, she had on a sexy white buttoned dress that reached her knees. If he was being honest, this was one of the reasons he lost control.

When his hand slipped beneath her clothing, brushing against the bare curve of her waist, a cute moan escaped her. 

"Too fast?" he asked, his voice low and rough, a hint of restraint evident in his tone. 

"No, I was just surprised... Please continue," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, but steady enough to convey what she wanted. 
