
Chapter 5: The System of Quirks: Shop and Quests

My characteristics grew more and more slowly, although there was clearly room for improvement. However, in the future, I would most likely reach the limit and even training would not help. But thanks to Genetic Enhancements, everything became possible. The only drawback was that if you use a lot of GU, you will not be able to go beyond the limits on your own, you will need more GU.

As for quirks... Initially, I only had one available. But recently I saved up system points and acquired:

- DNA expansion - x1

This GU allowed me to have more quirks without overloading my body. It wasn't cheap considering how long I had to save up, but it was definitely worth it.

Of course, I was a little upset that I could only have one quirk to begin with. As far as I remember, there were those who could handle more. But there was nothing to be done about it. The system covered everything.

Now I was saving up for a second whim.

The system store, which I could also call up with my mind, had only two sections:


[Hellfire] → 50,000 points.

[Cell Activation] → 100,000 points.

[Ampivolt] → 30,000 points.

[Electric Discharge] → 30,000 points.

[Anthropomorph] → 30,000 points.

[Muscle Building] → 30,000 points.

[Zero Gravity] → 30,000 points.

[Barrier] → 30,000 points.

[Pain Block] → 20,000 points.

[Sharp Hearing] → 20,000 points.

[Body Volume] → 30,000 points.

[Vibration] → 30,000 points.

[Air Wall] → 30,000 points.

[Wave] → 40,000 points.

[Stamina] → 100,000 points.

[Flexible Fingers] → 20,000 points.

[Gigantification] → 30,000 points.

[Glamour] → 20,000 points.

[Voice] → 20,000 points.

[Animal Voice] → 40,000 points.

[Paralysis] → 50,000 points.

[Rewind] → 100,000 points.

[Damage Absorption] → 100,000 points.

[Regeneration] → 100,000 points.

And many others, right up to the All For One quirk, the price of which was, naturally, sky-high. In fact, it would have been easier for me to buy a dozen strong quirks than this one, and have a good chance of fighting back against the Almighty.

There was also the One For All quirk, at a much lower price. But it was a zero, the level of VZO's brother, so, of course, it wouldn't be of much use. Of course, there was a chance that with additional quirks it would show itself better, but I wasn't sure about that. Besides, I remembered that OFA put a lot of strain on the body of those who already had the quirk. So there were too many risks and questions. Even if I had a lot of points, I wouldn't risk it. It would be easier to buy imbalanced quirks, like Regeneration.

Initially, I planned to acquire useful, but not particularly "flashy" quirks, so as not to attract unnecessary attention. It would clearly not be the best decision if I, for example, get the quirk of the same Nejiro and start shooting beams, while possessing Explosive Wave. I will definitely start asking questions and my measured life, which will not last long anyway, will go downhill. The committee is not asleep. It was better to focus on quirks like super hearing, sight, smell, which were not so easy to compare with the original, while accumulating points and developing.

I wasn't going to divulge the secret of the system, and it wouldn't be wise to attract attention with additional quirks without sufficient power. They'd think I was some kind of VZO minion...

Ideally, it would be possible to obtain his power and then DNA Expansion would clearly not be required, but, of course, this is not the best option.

Of course, I also dismissed the mutation quirks. Walking around with horns or a tail wasn't my thing... It's not even about appearance, but again about attracting attention, which I don't need. Of course, I'm not going to sit back and will win, take first place, but without unnecessary noise. At first, for sure. I'll use other quirks wisely.


Genetic improvements:

[DNA Expansion] → 20,000 points.

[Strength Enhancement] → 10,000 points.

[Stamina Enhancement] → 10,000 points.

[Speed ​​Upgrades] → 10,000 points.

[Toughness Enhancements] → 10,000 points.

[Talent Upgrades] → 10,000 points.

[Regeneration] → 10,000 points.

[Aura] → 10,000 points.


A small section, really. But each improvement was useful in its own way, especially considering that they weren't really quirks.

As far as I remember, Shigaraki's body was genetically modified by Garaki, so it's something similar. I could very well focus on improvements and thus surpass many even without a quirk. However, the price for everything was very high, and each improvement gave a noticeable, but small increase. As a reward for quests, these improvements were often given. I will only purchase them if necessary.

And to top it all off, the system had a special upgrade — a quirk mutation. It allowed you to combine two or more quirks into one. However, it was hard to predict what this would lead to. The instructions said that all sorts of anomalies were possible, mostly useful ones, but it was better to use this upgrade with weak quirks or unnecessary ones. Or perfectly combined ones. Perhaps I will use it in the future, but I haven't even thought about it yet.

As for the mission and the rewards that come with it...

As I said, they were given out randomly. Initially, I received only three, rather strange and a little embarrassing...

["The Strongest".

Condition for completion: become the strongest creature in the world.

[Reward hidden.]

The task seemed clear, but there were still doubts. How can I prove that I am the strongest? Defeat everyone and everything?

It is worth considering that in this system almost every section had huge instructions that were very helpful, and some tasks were even explained. Like that task with "Uravity"... You won't immediately understand what "become yours" means, but, in essence, it's just "sleep with". But all the tasks with hidden rewards, on the contrary, had nothing like that.

["Big Heart".

Condition of completion: collect a harem. Minimum 10 girls.

[Reward hidden.]

This task confused me a lot. It seemed like some kind of entertainment... Of course, for a time traveler this is a usual thing, and I was not against doing something like this, I even already had plans, but still...

And lastly:

["Higher Authority".

Condition of fulfillment: by choosing a side, lead the world to the prosperity of a heroic society, or rule alone as the lord of evil.

[Reward hidden.]

Yeah... What a task. In fact, I didn't care about any of these sides. The world of heroes seemed to me a temporary utopia that would fall one way or another, even without the VZO, but arranging genocide and great destruction was not my thing.

Well, time will tell...
