

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul"

~ George Bernard Shaw


The next day, Alexander was sitting in his grand office, drinking wine, as always.

In fact, he had originally decided to not drink wine today.

But then, he remembered the liquor vendor had a family to feed too... So he ordered the maids to bring him some of that damned wine! That way, the liquor vendor and his family could have a good New Year too!!

That basically sums up the kind of great person he was...

While he was sipping his wine, a letter from Konstantin Pobedonotsnev arrived.

Alexander furrowed his eyebrows and opened the letter.

"Your Majesty,

I write with the utmost respect and concern regarding recent activities undertaken by the Tsarevich. His gathering of influential individuals, particularly those with reformist tendencies, has raised questions among loyal subjects of the Tsar.

Such actions, while perhaps well-intended, risk creating divisions within the court and may inadvertedly signal impatience of authority.

It is imperative to remind the heir of his place and to ensure unity under your Augustus rule.

Chied Procurator of the Holy Synod, Konstantin Pobedonostsev."

Alexander took the letter and threw it directly in the fire place, almost fuming.


After 10 minutes, Alexander recomposed himself.

Then, he turned towards the big window, staring at St. Petersburg.

'I am trying my hardest to leave Nicky with a stable empire after my death. I need these old men to help him keep power.

It seems the seeds of a reformist Tsar have been born.

Ironic, isn't it? I tried hard for all my life, to keep him away from exactly that... Why can't you just listen to your Father, Nicky?'

Alexander sighed and called the servants in.

"Summon Nikolai," he ordered.


Nicholas swiftly arrived to his father's study.

"Father," he said, walking in. "You've summoned me."

"Nicholas, I have received troubling reports about your banquet. Explain yourself."

Nicholas was taken aback. He responded:

"Father, I only sought to learn more about the challenges facing our empire. And instead of doing nothing, I am trying to promote solutions, in your name.

The gathering was meant to honor you and prepare me for future responsibilities, just as I had gotten your permission"

"Then why do I hear whispers of ambition? Or modernist schemes? Alexander inquired.

"Father, I have no ambitions beyond serving you and the Empire. Everything I do is to strengthen Russia under your reign." Nicholas earnestly responded.

Alexander paused and then said:

"I believe you, but you must be more careful. You do not yet understand the dangers of perception. From now on, I want you to consult me before you make any kind of move."

Then he also added:

"Ah, before I forget. That Association, you're going to pass it under the Tsar's name and the assets you had set apart to finance it will be frozen and put under my care for now.

I will manage it as I see fit."

Nicholas's face darkened but he knew this wasn't the time to oppose his Father.

"Y-yes Father" he answered.

"You may leave now" Alexander ordered.

Nicholas left the study and started walking back to his room.

While walking back to his room, he met his uncle, Sergei.

"Nikolai!" He called.

'Just what I needed at this moment' thought Nicholas.

"Your father indulges you, Nicholas. But indulgence is not approval. If the conservatives turn against you, they'll whisper poison into his ear. Do you want to be sidelined before your time comes?"

'Why don't you say it openly, you fat old man? Why don't you say you're also one of the conservatives and that I should stay put before you go bark to my Father. Old pest,' Nicholas insulted Sergei with all the macabre Russian words he knew.

On the outside, he smiled politely and answered:

"I have done nothing to contradict Father's will, Uncle. On the contrary, Father gave me the permission to host the banquet.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something to do." Said Nicholas before leaving.


As soon as he arrived in his room, Nicholas threw chairs around and kicked his desk out of rage.

"THOSE SLY OLD FOXES!! Do they even care about the empire???"

After calming down, he sat on his desk and wrote a letter to Mendeleev, telling him what happened and that budget would be limited for some time until things cleared up.


In another room, Grand Duke Sergei was meeting with the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod, Konstantin Pobedonotsnev.

"So what do you think of Nikolai lately, Konstantin?" said Sergei while sipping his wine, smiling faintly.

"Sergei, he has changed a lot the past year. Even I don't understand why. But I'll tell you one thing. He'll either be the second coming of Peter the Great or another Paul."

The room fell silent at his words.

Sergei looked at him with joking eyes:

"And which one do you think he would be, without our guidance?"

At that moment, both of them burst out laughing, unable to contain themselves, their eyes gleaming mischievously...
