
Passing Down Awakened Abilities

Every single creature, including humans could awaken and if the awakened ones bred with each other, then they would produce an offspring that was also awakened. This rule also applied to humans, but thanks to the extreme diversity of their awakened abilities, they were unable to follow the same path as the regular animals. 

That was just one reason, but the other one was thanks to the divine barrier protecting the continent. It stopped humans from producing an awakened offspring even if they fulfilled all the conditions. 

The conditions were simple. The human parents must have awakened abilities that synergise, for example, a mother with the ability to create flames and a father with the ability to control the heat of his surroundings. 

While there was still a play of chances, if they did give birth to an offspring that was awakened, then that meant that the child would either have the ability of the mother, the father or a combination of both. 
