
Building Confidence, Cultured Audience!

Scott pushed his way through the crowd toward Brigid's booth, and his pace quickened the closer he got.

From afar, it looked like nothing more than a table set up at the last minute. A plain white cloth covered the surface, and the only "merchandise" on display was a stack of printed flyers… half of which were scattered on the floor.

Marcus sat behind the table with a defeated look, leaning back in his chair as he watched passersby ignore the booth.

Brigid sat nearby, arms crossed tightly and eyes fixed on the floor as her black hair hid most of her face.

Scott stopped in front of the table.

"Marcus. What's going on here?"

Marcus let out a long sigh of relief when he saw Scott.

"Oh, thank god you're back. I was about to lose it trying to handle everything on my own. But listen…"

He gestured toward Brigid with a helpless shrug.
