
The Dance of Spells

January 20th, 1991

Cyrna dodged the purple light that shot towards her, and bent forwards to evade another. This. This was how she was going to die a second time.

"You have to observe while you move!" Perenelle barked. "Even if you duck, you have to keep your eyes on me!" Without a warning, Perenelle fired another spell.

It was red; a stunning charm. Cyrna dropped, rolling to her left. Panting, she stood back up—

Only to take a direct hit from incarcerous. Ropes sprang around her, wrapping her tightly. Cyrna fell to the ground with a muffled grunt. "Finite Incantatem," she muttered and sprung back onto her feet, looking up at Perenelle who was clearly displeased.

"You're aren't a muggle anymore," Perenelle reprimanded sharply. "Spells are there to defend you—don't just dart around the room like a blithering fool."

Did she say that Perenelle was scary?

"Let's start again—and this time, don't forget to use spells."

Cyrna leapt back, "Protego!"

And so, the dance began again.


January 29th, 1991

Cyrna ducked to avoid a spell. There was a sharp crack then bits of plaster and wood from the wall exploded from behind her. She allowed the momentum to carry her into a roll to dodge a purple light, then shouted the shielding charm as a familiar red light shot towards her. She remembered those peaceful days with Nicolas in his laboratory. It had only been readings, essays, and puzzles… Merlin bring me back.

Two explosions went off just outside her shield. Bombarda, twice. Cyrna stood, focusing her magic onto her shield as she recovered her stance. It held. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"You've improved." Perenelle didn't even sound slightly winded.

Cyrna's shield ate another spell, and she winced as her magic drained again to hold the shield. Knowing that this couldn't last forever, Cyrna dodged the next spell and fired her own stupefy in hopes of slowing Perenelle's offensive so that she could recover. Her spell collided a shield that had not been there a second ago, and already, two consecutive spells were flying straight back to her without Perenelle needing to utter a single word. Fuck that casting speed.

Cyrna groaned and tried to cancel out the spell with a less magically demanding one of her own. She threw out a small hex to collide with the first, raised the shield charm for the second, then hidden from the explosion of the spell collision, a third—powerful—glacius collided and froze over her shield, trapping her in a bubble of ice.

Wordless and wandless magic. That was what Perenelle was capable of. Nicolas probably was too. Despite living so long, Perenelle herself apparently only had a bit more magic than the average adult witch—Perenelle's magic, like all other wizards, had only been boosted once when she'd reached her magical maturity. This also meant that, in theory, Cyrna was only slightly behind Perenelle in magical reserves. Yet, Cyrna was already running low on magic, while Perenelle had barely broken a sweat.

Not having enough magic, she was forced to remove the shield to concentrate on an incendio, using an adjusted wandwork—shown to her by Perenelle—to allow more magic into the spell so that the fire would burn hotter. But before she could completely melt the ice, the ice was blown into pieces.

She shielded her face with her arm, grimacing as the sharper pieces tore through the fabric of her cloak.

Then Cyrna fell, toppling over as gales of laughter tore from her mouth.

Perenelle made cutting motion with her hand and the laughter that had seized her disappeared. "Pay attention to your environment. Many spells, like explosions, when used properly, can both damage and hide your next move—no spell should ever be used for a singular purpose in a duel," she said. "And while the shield charm is a good spell, an experienced duelist will know ways around it." Perenelle ambled over to her pupil and hovered over her with a smile. "What else did you learn?"


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