
Chapter 20: Confronting the Citadel

😂 I forgot to edit the previous chapter, that was not the end of the first arc, or more, it was, but then i read it and thought that the ending was no satisfying enough.

So i decided to continue to write until chapter 28 where that is the real ending of arc 1.

So here the next chapter 😂


The Citadel stretched out before me like a vast mechanical city, the centerpiece of the Ricks empire, filled with the very minds I sought to surpass. From where I stood, cloaked within the shadows of a crumbling building on the outskirts of the capital, I could see the neon lights flashing across the skyline, reflecting off the countless ships that moved through the air like insects buzzing around a hive.

It was fitting, really. The Citadel of Ricks, a place built on the illusion of control and superiority. And today, that illusion was about to shatter.

I had spent weeks perfecting my portal gun, gathering resources, upgrading my base, but now, it was time to step out of the shadows. It was time to remind the Ricks and Mortys that no one, not even the supposed "smartest beings in the multiverse," were beyond my reach.

I adjusted the grip on the portal gun, its sleek, metallic surface cool in my hand. The Celestium Core pulsed faintly, casting a soft blue glow across my fingers as I activated the cloaking feature, rendering me nearly invisible as I moved through the city streets.

The capital was tense today. I could feel it in the air, the heightened security, the way the Ricks and Mortys moved in tight formations, talking in hushed tones. Word of my exploits had spread, and now, the Citadel was responding in full force.

As I slipped through the alleyways, unseen, I passed groups of Ricks standing at attention, their eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of disruption. I smirked. They didn't realize the disruption was already here.

I followed the flow of people toward the Citadel's central square. The heart of their society. It was massive, filled with thousands of Ricks and Mortys, all gathered for what appeared to be an emergency council session. From my vantage point, hidden behind a stack of cargo containers, I could hear their conversations.

"He's become a real threat," one Rick said, his voice laced with unease. "Jerry. Can you believe it? A Jerry."

Another Rick scoffed. "He's nothing but a fluke. The Council will take care of him."

I smiled to myself. Let them believe that. Let them think they were still in control.

I moved closer, inching toward the massive stage that had been erected in the center of the square. A senior Rick, dressed in ceremonial robes, stood at the podium, his voice booming over the crowd.

"Brothers, Mortys, we gather today because we face a new anomaly," he said, his tone dripping with arrogance. "A Jerry, of all beings, has dared to defy the natural order. He has taken from us, stolen from us, and now hides in the shadows, thinking he can outsmart the very minds that created this multiverse."

The crowd murmured in agreement, the Ricks looking smug, the Mortys standing in their usual subservience. It was disgusting, really, how blind they were to the storm that was about to hit them.

"He cannot be allowed to continue," the senior Rick continued, raising his fist. "We will find him, and when we do, we will-"


My voice cut through the air like a blade, cold and sharp. The crowd fell silent, every pair of eyes turning toward the source of the interruption.

I stepped out of the shadows, deactivating the cloaking field. The air seemed to still as I walked forward, my footsteps echoing through the stunned silence. The senior Rick's eyes widened in disbelief, his mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air.

"You talk about me like I'm some kind of joke," I said, my voice calm but laced with menace. "But I've heard enough of your speeches."

Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd. The Ricks exchanged nervous glances, and the Mortys backed away in fear. The arrogance that had been so palpable moments ago was rapidly dissolving.

"Jerry…" the senior Rick stammered, trying to regain his composure. "You dare-"

I didn't give him a chance to finish. In one smooth motion, I raised the portal gun, aiming it directly at him. The Celestial Ray shot out in a burst of beautiful light blue energy, cutting through the air with a sharp hiss. The beam hit the senior Rick square in the chest, vaporizing him instantly.

Panic erupted.

The crowd scattered, Ricks and Mortys alike scrambling in all directions, screaming in terror. Some Ricks drew their own portal guns, but I was faster, stepping through one of my transparent portals and appearing behind them before they could even react.

Another blast from the Celestial Ray, and three more Ricks fell, their bodies disintegrating before they hit the ground.

"Where are your speeches now?" I taunted, firing another shot into the crowd. "Where's your control?"

The chaos was exhilarating. I moved through the square like a shadow, invisible one moment, striking from an unseen angle the next. The Ricks were uncoordinated, panicking, unable to keep up with my movements. They had underestimated me, and now they were paying the price.

But I wasn't here to kill everyone. No, I had a mission.

Amidst the chaos, I spotted my targets. The first Rick was trying to retreat toward a side alley, clutching his portal gun in shaking hands. He was the one known for his AI experiments, the one whose brain I needed to study. Without hesitation, I fired a portal in front of him, and he stumbled right into it, disappearing into the holding cell I had prepared back at my base.

The second target, a Morty, was trying to blend into the panicking crowd, his eyes wide with fear. But I wasn't about to let him escape. I raised the portal gun and fired, the beam cutting through the air and striking the ground just inches from his feet. He froze, his body trembling as he realized he had been caught.

"Don't move," I ordered, stepping forward.

He didn't. The fear in his eyes told me he knew what was coming next.

I opened another portal, this one transparent, showing the sterile, glowing walls of his future prison. He looked into the portal, his face pale as I motioned for him to step through.


He obeyed, stepping through the portal and vanishing into the cell.

With my targets secured, I turned my attention back to the Citadel. The Ricks were still trying to organize themselves, forming defensive lines and preparing to fight back. But they were too late.

I activated the portal gun one last time, opening a shimmering, invisible rift in front of me. The energy pulsed faintly as I looked back at the chaos I had caused, a satisfied smile spreading across my face.

"Consider this a warning," I called out, my voice echoing across the square. "Next time, I won't be so merciful."

And with that, I stepped through the portal, disappearing into the multiverse.
