
The Hokage’s Decision

The room was thick with tension as the key decision-makers of Konoha gathered in the Hokage Tower. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat at the head of the table, his face as calm and composed as ever, though the weight of the discussion ahead could be felt by all. The conversation was about the future of the village's next generation of ninja teams—and one name had caught everyone's attention: Haruto Takeda.

Tsunade, who had initially refused to attend this meeting, now sat in her chair, arms crossed, her eyes narrowed. She had been adamant about staying away from such discussions in the past, her distaste for these kinds of meetings well-known. But Haruto's future was being decided here, and there was no way she would let this go forward without being present. Not when it came to him.

Sarutobi took a long, slow drag from his pipe before addressing the room. "Haruto Takeda has shown considerable promise. His abilities, both in ninjutsu and medical techniques, are exceptional for his age. His unique gifts require careful consideration for his future placement."

Danzo leaned forward slightly, his cold eyes calculating but calm. "Haruto's abilities make him an important asset to Konoha's future. His training should be structured to ensure that he is not just a solitary force but also a team player, contributing to Konoha's broader goals. Root could offer him the discipline and skills necessary to ensure he serves Konoha to his full potential."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed at Danzo. She wasn't surprised he had made a play for Haruto. The boy's potential was clear, and someone like Danzo wouldn't pass up an opportunity to claim a talent like his for Root. But Tsunade had made her stance clear—there was no way she would allow Haruto to fall into Danzo's clutches.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm letting him anywhere near Root," Tsunade said, her voice cutting through the air like a blade. "Haruto's talents lie far beyond your 'specialized training,' Danzo. The boy has shown proficiency in medical ninjutsu and a range of combat techniques. He needs focused mentorship, not to be turned into another one of your tools."

Danzo's expression remained neutral, but he knew the battle was lost before it even started. Tsunade had protected the boy too closely for too long. Still, he wasn't one to leave empty-handed. If Root wasn't going to claim Haruto, there were still ways to steer the situation to his advantage.

"It's not just about turning him into a tool," Danzo countered, his voice calm. "Haruto must learn the importance of working with others for the good of the village. He can't remain isolated, focused only on personal growth. Konoha needs shinobi who can work as part of a team. That's where his real value will be proven. He needs to be placed on a ninja team, not hidden away in special training."

It was a political move, one designed to play the part of the team player. Danzo knew he wouldn't win this fight, but by showing he was willing to compromise, he could earn points with the other elders, positioning himself as someone who had Konoha's best interests at heart.

One of the elders, Homura Mitokado, nodded slightly. "Danzo makes a point, Tsunade. Haruto's talents are undeniable, but he cannot grow in isolation. The boy needs to be tested, to learn how to function within a team. That is how he'll develop into the shinobi Konoha needs."

Koharu Utatane, seated next to Homura, agreed. "If we isolate him from standard training, we risk making him a lone operative. Konoha's strength comes from unity, from the teamwork of its shinobi. He must be part of that system."

Tsunade's fingers curled into tight fists, her frustration evident. "I'm not saying he shouldn't be tested or put on missions. But he's more than just another recruit. I've been working with him, and his potential in medical ninjutsu is far too valuable to waste. Haruto can do more for this village than simply being placed on some random team."

Sarutobi, who had been listening carefully, finally spoke. His voice, though calm, carried the weight of finality. "Tsunade, Danzo, Homura, Koharu… you all have valid points. Haruto's abilities require careful nurturing, but they also need to be tested in the field. His growth must be well-rounded, both in teamwork and in personal training."

He took a slow drag from his pipe before continuing. "This is my decision: Haruto will be placed on a standard ninja team, where he will learn to work with others and develop his skills in the field. However, when he is not on missions or under the tutelage of his Jonin captain, Tsunade will personally mentor him, focusing on medical ninjutsu and his unique abilities. This way, Haruto will have the best of both worlds—teamwork and individual growth."

Danzo gave a slight nod, knowing this was the most he could have hoped for. He had lost the battle for Haruto to join Root long before this meeting, but by playing the team player, he had at least earned some political points. His push for Haruto to join a ninja team had been accepted, even if it wasn't under his direct influence.

Tsunade, though not entirely pleased, accepted the decision. She would still have time with Haruto, and that was what mattered most. He wouldn't be lost to Root, nor would he be hidden away. Her personal training with him would continue, and that was enough.

"Now," Sarutobi continued, "we must consider who will lead his team. Haruto will need a Jonin captain who can push him, someone who understands his unique abilities but can also challenge him to grow."

Tsunade knew she couldn't suggest herself. Her fear of blood still lingered, and though she could train Haruto in medical ninjutsu, leading a team in battle was out of the question.

Homura and Koharu began murmuring amongst themselves, discussing potential captains who could handle a shinobi of Haruto's caliber. Danzo remained silent, his eyes gleaming as he considered the next move.

The decision was far from over, but the direction had been set. Haruto's future as a Konoha shinobi was clear—and his journey was just beginning.
