
Don't worry, Miss Alice, I will take this secret to my grave

"Don't worry, they're going to be fine."

Alice's words immediately eased Devon's heart. He didn't know how, but it was like a spell that calmed him down right away.

He bowed his head, relief coursing through him. If Alice said that then he had every reason to believe it.

After all, she was the impossible itself.

"At least..." She added, looking away quite sadly. "...the ones who still have life in them. I can't do anything about those who have died, sorry."

Devon saw this and felt Alice was even more human than she had ever appeared to be. He held her hand, not letting her grab him like a kid, and said,

"You don't have to apologize. It's not like it's your fault."

Yeah, it mostly was.

"And as long as the living can continue living, that's enough. That miracle alone is enough." He said, looking at her with a rather relaxed expression than what he had earlier on. It made her feel comfortable and glad.
