
Teen Titans (2/4)

"What the hell." I yawned while picking up my phone which was ringing with an alert from the Justice League. Normally this was for matter that the rest of the Justice League couldn't make a call on without me there to give the green light.

"For someone so mighty, you are truly lazy." Wonder Woman said with a helpless look, while quickly getting dressed. As she was butt naked, I of course took the chance to enjoy her godly figure, which caused her to flick my forehead to snap me back to reality.

"Let's go." She said to which I sighed while getting dressed with but a thought. Wonder Woman sighed seeing this, she had been learning to use magic, and as a demi-god, she was blessed from birth by the gods, she just never tapped into that potential she held. I was helping her bring that talent out.

She still had a long way to go, all her life she had been learning the ways of martial arts and close-range combat, but now she had to learn a whole new field. Although she was talented, it would take some time for her to catch up.

Anyway, I opened a portal and stepped out to find ourselves before a destroyed city block. I looked around and my eyes landed on Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Red Arrow, and what looked to be a clone of Superman.

"So, what happened here?" I asked frowning at the damage, this was coming out of my paycheck, I didn't like this one bit. Robin stepped forward to explain what happened.

Since Batman and the others were going to ignore Cadmus, they instead went on to hack the Justice League database and went behind the Justice League's back to look into the matter. They ran into many things, for example, a Genomorph, and Superman clones. I rubbed my chin for some time over this matter, before speaking.

"So, you broke into a place where the Justice League can't touch?" I asked with a frown at the paperwork I would have to do. But this left everyone stunned as that was what I cared about most.

"With all due respect Sir. Escanor, we did great work, the work we were trained to do." Aqualad said to which Aquaman wanted him to stand down, but I stopped Aquamad.

"he is right, you did an... okay job, and this brings to light that there is a limit to what the Justice League can do. But we also can't ignore the way you went about things, is the Justice League so easy to be hacked?" I said calmly, throwing a side eye to Batman and Cyborg,

"We're working on improving the systems, they needed a few upgrades," Cyborg said awkwardly, I sighed while rubbing my forehead.

"We will talk tomorrow, as for the clone... Superman will handle it. What a pain... I will go speak with the presidents." I said with an annoyed look. I didn't like talking to those annoying bastards, they made me want to just mind control them to do my job. But I only used it to speed things up.

A few hours later, I stood in a circle, surrounded by screens that showed the world leaders.

"Why did you hold this summit?" The US president asked in confusion,

"A few of the side kicks have gone against orders and acted of their own free will, since they are not part of the Justice League, their actions are something I can't control... but what they found out is what I care about," I said while screens popped up before everyone, showing the sight of the clones that were created by Cadmus.

"This nonsense of working with the genetics of a race we know nothing about is foolish, and as of now, any nonsense like this that happened thanks to the limitation you put on the Justice League, the Justice League will not step in to clean," I said causing the world leaders face to go pale.

"If this ends up destroying Earth, I don't give a fuck, I can go to another universe. I'm not going to play your games, and if one member of the Justice League even steps into those places, I will kill them without a second thought. Even if they leave the Justice League, they will die at my hands, so do your experiments, that's all I had to say." I said while moving to end the meeting.

"W-wait, this is the American matter, the US President has a lot to explain." Russia's president said, leaving the US president in a tight spot, it's not like he knew.

"... There is a reason why I'm against this," I said while snapping my finger, showing everyone the image of Doomsday.

"That's called Doomsday, this is the ultimate Kryptonian, a potential that was tapped into by a mad scientist who was playing with their race or something. I don't care for the whole story, just know this thing is strong enough to kill Superman, even if Superman kills it, it would come back to life immune to how it died. Create this thing thinking you are all better than the Kryptonian race or the person who created this thing and died at its hands... you will deal with this mess." I said before just turning around a leaving, ignoring their calls to stop me... and as expected, I was soon sent an email that informed me that the Justice League was free to act so long as they had solid proof of something dangerous happening.

This meant the Justice League could enter the lands that were normally off-limit, so long as they were proof. They didn't have to report before they acted, they could act first and talk later.

"What did you do to scare them?" Batman asked seeing the email, I shrugged while drinking Sprite.

"Well, I want to put together an organization for the kids. I will call it Teen Titans, pretty much that's where the next generation of the Justice League should go." I said while looking at everyone, who paused to hear my words.

"Your Proteges would go there, taking on simpler tasks, and gain experience... Cyborg should go overlook the group. At least that's what I think," I said making Cyborg's eyes widen.

"You want me to play babysitter?" Cyborg asked to which I shook my head,

"So, I'm your babysitter?" I asked with a smirk, making Shazam burst out laughing, just to shut his mouth seeing everyone looking at him.

"You will not babysit, more like be the voice of reason to a bunch of kids who want to prove themselves," I said while going on to snap my finger, showing a screen that showed a few kids,

"Those are all the kids who had great power but could end up falling to the wrong path if we ignore them. Any thoughts?" I asked to which everyone went quiet for some time before they spoke.

"I support the idea, but I don't think Cyborg alone should do this, we need someone else to overlook the group." Wonder Woman said, to which I turned to look at Red Tornado, and seeing that Red Tornado thought for a moment before nodding.

"I'm willing to take up the task." He said to which I nodded lightly, but my eyes were sharp, looking deep into his eyes.

Far away, Lex Luthor froze seeing me looking straight at him. He moved to the side, yet creeply my eye turned to look at him. The smirk that grew on my face forced him to turn off the screen before he slammed his fist on the table in rage. He never wanted someone more dead than right now, forget superman, all that mattered was me. Someone who could put a stop to their plan whenever, but let them dance around to act as stepping stones for the Justice League... how could someone as prideful as Lex not be enraged?

"Cyborg and Red Tornado... well, you deal with the group moving into Mount Justice, we will give them a public HQ later, I need to go find another member of the Justice League," I said while standing up to leave

"Another?" Batman asked wanting answers as always.

"Some alien girl who will learn English through kissing people... I think she is also powerful enough to rank amongst the elites of the Justice League." I said lightly trying to recall information I had on Starfire.

"So, we are going together?" Wonder Woman asked to which I blinked for a moment before I awkwardly nodded. Wonder Woman walked over to me, and with that, we disappeared, appearing before the sight of a destroyed planet.

"I expected as much, no wonder she didn't come to Earth," I said lightly while looking into the past of this planet. Starfire was the person I was after, and from memory, she was the princess of this planet. 

Starfire parents were forced to give up Starfire to their enemies thanks to their other evil daughter who had betrayed them, giving their enemies information on them, which would have led to their deaths if they hadn't given up their daughter. It's then Starfire would be tortured and abused for years until something happened leading her to Earth.

"Found her," I said while looking deep into space where Starfire's ashes floated... they were all over space. Floating from one spot to another,

I quickly put together the parts of Starfire's backstory which I didn't know. Pretty much, after she was given away to her enemy, an evil space scientist stole her and her sister away and forced their bodies to absorb as much ultraviolet energy as before they exploded... that's how she died... both her, her sister, and the evil scientist died. The explosion was so great that this part of the galaxy was erased, and the shock waves destroyed their home planet.

I waved my hands and the dust of Starfire remains gathered in my palm.

"She has been dead for months, I can't bring her back to life through normal means," I said with a click of my tongue, leaving Wonder Woman confused as to what was so special about her.

"She would be able to match you in power going all out, I'm unsure if she could defeat you or not. She also has a kind and pure heart, she wouldn't fall to the dark side or stuff like that, making her a perfect hero... I can't ignore her." I said seeing her confusion, and Wonder Woman nodded in agreement

I frowned for some time before I held my palm out, slowly a soul was summoned before my palm, and from there I had to act like bringing her back to life was troublesome. Something that would need a snap of my finger needed me to put on an act.... what a pain.

I wasn't simply using a spell to bring her back to life. Although I could improve my spells nonstop, I still needed time. As of now, so long as someone dies within 10 days, I can bring them back to life using Ingal. But the Grand Minister from Dragon Ball doesn't have such problems as he could bring the dead back to life... but I had to act like Starfire was brought back to life in an imperfect state,

'Should I bring Blackstar... sure, why not.' I thought while making it look like the 'spell' had allowed Blackfire to take hold of Starfire's soul to come back to life. Why did I do this? Because I could fix her.
