
Chapter 10

A line of blood dripped unevenly onto the metal floor, her amber gaze briefly glancing at the metal. Cinder raised her hand to touch her split lip and hissed in pain. Behind her, the burly Qrow wrapped his hand tightly around the blond boy's neck and right arm, while Ren held his other arm and pushed on his chest to restrain him.

Jaune hadn't been happy at all to see her arrive when they made a stop in Argus, his eyes widened in confusion as his friends explained to him that the brunette was now helping them. His first reaction was to throw himself at her and Cinder thought it was a good idea to let the boy get even, yes, that hadn't been very smart of her. He punched her, breaking her lip. At least she had been lucky that he had only hit her once until the rest of the agitated teenagers and Qrow intervened.

The young man thrashed around like a wild animal, screaming in fury, on the verge of tears just like the last time they had met. Anger and pain burned in his eyes, and though her lip throbbed painfully, Cinder couldn't blame him, she knew full well that she deserved the boy's wrath.

" Calm down, boy " Qrow growled, squeezing his arm tighter.

" Calm down? " He spat. He struggled against Qrow and Ren's grip " How do you expect me to calm down if you brought that demon with you? " He turned his angry eyes to Cinder.

" Now she's on our side " Ruby insisted, raising her hands to reassure him.

" On our side, you say? " He complained again " How do you know she's not deceiving you? You know how manipulative she is! " He struggled " You expect me to swallow the story that she's sorry, that her heart is now full of kindness, and that she'll help us against Salem. All that is pure garbage! "

" Jaune " Nora called him "You don't have to trust her, honestly I don't either, but I trust our friends " She pointed to team RWBY and Qrow.

" I can't, Nora " He gritted his teeth, tears already running down his face " I can't " He turned to Cinder " You're murderous scum "

The brunette watched him without saying anything. The boy's pain also caused her pain. She couldn't describe how much, but it pierced her chest like a burning spear. Electricity ran down her spine, sending painful shivers down her skin.

" Cinder " Ruby called her "Maybe it's better if you give us some space," she asked, glancing at Jaune.

The aforementioned nodded slightly, wiped the blood with the edge of her wrist, and walked deeper into the ship. "I hope you die!" the blond shouted at her. Cinder stopped walking. "I hope Salem kills you!"

" Enough Jaune. That's not like you " Ren demanded.

Without waiting to hear anything else, Cinder continued walking, a heaviness settling inside her. She turned into one of the ship's hallways, entering a room that contained a small bench against the metal wall, now far enough away from the commotion her presence had caused outside.

Instead of sitting down, she stood for long seconds, staring at the front window, the empty feeling in her chest had gone down to her stomach, piercing a deeper hole in her intestine. Now she was alone and tense in that place, Tessa was no longer there and would no longer be by her side, only a few hours had passed since they said goodbye and it already felt like an eternity, she always knew what to say to her in those moments where her sins haunted her. She missed her very much.

The ship began to rise, signaling that they were already heading towards Atlas, and that only made the feeling worse. She wished the young man wasn't right, she wished she wasn't murderous scum, she wished she didn't deserve to die. But he was right, she was so broken and damaged inside, she just hadn't been aware of it before. And now she was on her way to her destination, straight to be killed.

She began to pace nervously around the place. She walked back and forth, her breath starting to feel strangely short of breath, her heart beating too fast. She looked at her feet but couldn't count how many steps she took, instead her throat was closing up, she was suffocating. With one hand she shook the clasps of her turtleneck in a foolish attempt to catch her breath, but she couldn't, she was already gasping for air unevenly. When her chest started to hurt like a sharp stab, she began to think she was having a heart attack.

Qrow entered the room blinking in confusion.

" Cinder, are you okay? "

She tried to murmur a yes, but she couldn't, she could only nod her head but the pain was eating away at her, she turned and continued walking, she reached the end of the room and retraced her steps to the other side.

" Calm down," Qrow said slowly, the amber-eyed girl didn't seem to be listening to anything.

The burly black-haired man stopped her by grabbing her wrist. Cinder made a sudden movement but instead of attacking him, she stepped back, pulling herself to the ground unable to control herself. Qrow didn't let go of her, he crouched down next to her.

" You have to stop swallowing air. Just inhale and exhale slowly " He explained.

Cinder tried to speak, but the words didn't come. Slowly and rhythmically she did what Qrow told her. She still emitted inconsistent gasps and the pain also ran through her body with sharp stabs, however, she could already feel the air returning to her lungs. The pain in her chest gradually ceased, after a while she was able to feel calmer. Qrow released her wrist and watched her closely.

" What the hell is happening to me? " the question was more for herself.

" You just had a panic attack "

" A panic attack? "

Qrow gave a one-shoulder shrug. "It's common. Especially if you're very afraid and anxious."

She snorted with a frown. "I don't like being afraid, I hate it." She relaxed her hardened face, looking at the ground. "But I guess it's normal," She said weakly.

" Very normal, in fact, I can assure you that everyone here is afraid "

The brunette sighed, running her fingers through the messy hair of her bangs. "I hope it doesn't happen again." She made a face of disgust.

One of the corners of Qrow's mouth arched into a smile. "You'll figure it out." He offered her a hand. "Come on, get up from the floor." The brunette looked at him just a little before taking his hand and standing up.

He looked at her with an arched eyebrow and made a gesture on his own lip. "I better get you some ice or that stuff will get worse."

But before the burly black-haired man turned around to leave, Cinder called out to him " Qrow... "

With a smile, Qrow patted Cinder on the arm, as if he already knew what she was going to say. "Don't worry, I won't mention to anyone what happened, your secret is safe with me." He turned around and took three steps before Cinder interrupted him again.

" No, I didn't... I didn't mean that " she sighed, looking at her own hands " Why are you being nice to me? " Her voice sounded muffled "After everything I've done, you know very well that I don't deserve it "

Qrow froze at the sound of Cinder's words. His back was facing her, he didn't turn around as she began to speak. "It'll sound stupid," he paused again before turning only his head. "But you've given me hope."

" Me? " She sounded incredulous " Hope? "

" Yes. If someone like you can be able to change, then what is really impossible? If even in the darkest place a light can be born, then there is still hope for this world "

Cinder's amber gaze remained fixed on Qrow, there were no ironic words to reply, there were no jokes or sarcasm, she felt something loosen in her chest, like a small weight that was going away, Qrow didn't say anything else, left there in silence, leaving Cinder with a more peaceful feeling.

She let out another sigh as she sat down on the bench behind her. She figured she had to do her best, even if she was heading into the eye of the storm, even if her chances weren't great. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

It was a long time before the door opened again and someone sat down next to her very carefully.

" Hello " the little red girl's voice made Cinder open her eyes to look at her, she was squeezing a thin bag of ice in her hands, " I told Uncle Qrow I would come to leave this for you " she handed it to the brunette, she took it carefully but didn't put it on, she just stared at the package that froze her skin through the plastic.

" Thank you "

" How are you? " She pointed at her lip.

Cinder gave the girl a calm look " I'll live "

The little red girl nodded in satisfaction, thought for a while, and spoke again " Excuse Jaune, he's, something... you know "

" There's nothing to apologize for " Cinder breathed " The boy has the right to feel that way. Besides, he's right " At this Ruby hesitated, and her gaze slid over the brunette's, before answering.

" Cinder, I have to know " Ruby suddenly interrupted. She blinked, raising a careful and serious look to the brunette " Are you really sorry for everything you've done? "

Crushing the package in her hands, the raven-haired girl took a moment to respond. "There's only one thing I don't regret," she sighed. Her shoulders slumped. She turned to face the front where her gaze was directed at the large window. "Having met Tessa, that's the one thing I don't regret. Everything else… I can't even describe to you how sickeningly desolate it feels… guilt can be maddening."

Looking down at the space between her feet, Ruby nodded. She bit her lip in a dejected gesture. "Sometimes I feel like that," the brunette looked at her curiously.

" You? Why? "

" I don't know... it's just that... if I was smarter or stronger I could have saved more people... I sometimes have no idea what I'm going to do, I feel like I'm dragging everyone down with me " Ruby said very slowly, trying to ignore the empty feeling in her chest even as she said the words out loud.

Cinder stood very still. She turned in her seat to face Ruby fully. "Everyone is here of their own free will. You are so young and you are trying to save everyone, you may not succeed, but you are still trying, that will is what counts. You are doing the right thing, and you should not feel bad about it." She turned her gaze back to the window.

The little red girl remained silent, a gleam moistened her eyes and a small, sincere smile adorned her lips. She wanted to prevent a couple of tears from running down her cheeks but they had already fallen treacherously down her skin.

" Cinder? "

" Hmm? "

" I'm so sorry for what I did to you, you know...your scars "

The aforementioned twisted her mouth and shrugged her shoulders. "That's another thing you shouldn't feel guilty about." She took a deep breath as she remembered the young redhead she regretted having run into that night. "You did well, don't apologize for that."

Ruby relaxed her shoulders, both of them sat in silence for a minute, allowing the quiet moment to rule them, the little redhead managed to feel a little calmer, a little lighter. With another childish smile, something more typical of her, she found herself turning to the black-haired girl.

" Cinder? " she called her again.

Instead of answering her with words, the black-haired girl looked at her to pay attention to her.

" Let's try to get out of this alive " she smiled widely " That way I can be calm and you can go back to Tessa "

Cinder found herself smiling back at her. "I'd like that." She tilted her head to rest it against the wall. "I'd like that very much." She closed her eyes to place the ice on her sore lip.

When they arrived in Atlas, the cold hit her as if she had crashed into a wall. She could see her own breathing become more intense with the frozen air. She let the cloak cover her body from the unexpected snowflakes that fell rapidly over the desolate city before them.

Once the most technologically advanced city in Remnant, it was now a ghost town, ruined and lonely, the white blanket covering the landscape from one end to the other. The grayish clouds once again filled the sky with fluffy protuberances that did not dare to divide.

Some temporary walls ruled over them, their current residence was a well-formed battle camp, the ships landed in a series of bases isolated from each other, unloading weapons, supplies, and allies that joined them. An army made up of adults and teenagers prepared solemnly and tirelessly for the unusual war.

The brunette followed Team RWBY to another base, this one longer and much more spacious than all the other bases that adorned the camp. In the center was a table with maps and papers spread out along it. The frowning, tired, and bearded General Ironwood barked orders to a group of hunters while Winter stood by his side, silent with that officious pose that characterized her.

When she saw the group approaching, the albino-haired soldier walked up to them without saying a word, her face still static, emotionless, when they finally met, she hugged her little sister without caring about anything else. Both heiresses held on to each other in a long-lasting hug. They knew that the war was cruel and the one that was about to be fought was not promising.

Ironwood greeted the rest of the team with a respectful nod, but not before giving the brunette a sharp look. They had all been informed of Cinder's presence in order to avoid further disputes, however, that did not eliminate the years of dark reputation that the brunette carried. The murmurs and glances of those who recognized her were frequent when they saw her pass by.

Cinder's clothes were saturated with snow and were beginning to weigh her down. Just like the other times, she stayed silent, listening to the conversation and avoiding turning attention to her. She was already grateful enough that Jaune had decided to keep his distance and go in another direction in the camp where they wouldn't have to meet.

" I'm glad you arrived " the soldier greeted.

" Thank you General" Ruby replied.

" Now, tell us how the situation is " Qrow looked carefully at the maps marked on the table "It seems that everything is under control so far "

" That's right " the tired soldier confirmed " we have managed to evacuate the civilians from both Atlas and Mantle. The city of Mantle is also being guarded by Robyn Hill and her hunters, as well as a battalion of our soldiers. We have kept at bay all the Grimm who have dared to approach so far, however, they and Salem are crowded into the academy "

" It's because of the relic " the faunus commented. Those creatures were attracted to those objects like flies to honey, even Cinder herself noticed strange sensations in her arm every time she was near a relic.

" So Salem has the Atlas relic in her possession? " Weiss looked at the general in dread.

" No " it was her sister who answered " Remember that you cannot get it if you do not have the Winter Maiden to open the vault "

The worried lines did not disappear from their faces. "But... where is she?" the blonde's voice sounded worried.

It was then that an inconsistent sound caught Cinder's attention, it was sharp and fast, as soon as the sound was heard the brunette turned her body fast enough to avoid a sword with greenish lines from sticking into her face, the gust of wind barely lifted some of her hair, the weapon was stuck in one of the boxes with supplies at the bottom.

Cinder's amber gaze quickly fell upon the sight of her attacker. None other than Penny Ponlendina. Her curious gaze gleamed somewhere between recognition and something akin to anger.

" Penny, don't do that, she's with us! " the little red one quickly explained to her.

The automaton's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "Oh! I'm so sorry, it's just that when I saw you, I remembered that we had some personal matters to do." Her hands clasped together in front of her chest. "I apologize, I got carried away by my impulses."

Cinder's posture relaxed, letting her cloak cover her again. "Don't worry, I'm getting used to everyone I meet wanting to kill me." She waved her hand. "It's not like I can blame them."

" That seems to be a bit... stressful " Penny rebutted, arching a curious eyebrow.

" Maybe " answered the bored black-haired girl.

" Well, you don't have to stress anymore, you're my friend now "

Cinder twisted her mouth in an uncomfortable expression. "I don't think you want to call me that."

" Why not? " She questioned, looking at her like a little girl " If you're Ruby's friend, you're also my friend "

The brunette felt uncomfortable again, she cast a quick sidelong glance at the little red-haired girl " That...maybe isn't the correct term "

But before she could finish, the little automaton had already let out a cry of excitement and, without realizing it, had wrapped her in a strong, tight hug. "I'm so happy to have a new friend!" She hugged her as if the past really didn't exist, as if nothing had ever happened.

Cinder didn't know what to do or how to respond, she was an inert body in the arms of the young automaton, in the background she heard the laughter of team RWBY and Qrow having fun at her expense, the brunette would have pushed her away if she had found the desire to do so, she simply couldn't.

" This is strange, " Winter said, tangling her hands behind her back.

" Don't even say it, I'm still not used to it " Weiss mentioned but a smile already betrayed her lips.

General Ironwood cleared his throat to return everyone's attention to him. "As you know, Penny is now the Winter Maiden." The aforementioned released the tired black-haired woman, bowing with her skirt. "When Salem invaded us, we had the advantage that Penny was in the company of the previous maiden." He paused. "Without her, Salem cannot take the relic."

" That gives us an advantage " Qrow commented, " When will Ozpin come?"

" He will arrive this morning with the other relics "

" That will attract the Grimm here and start the fight, you must be prepared " Winter continued, although her tone was dry, her eyes danced to her sister, there was a concern behind her face.

The youngest of the heiresses smiled reassuringly. "We will be."

" May I ask what the plan is? " asked the black-haired girl " I mean, kill the Grimm and stop Salem, but do you have any plans to do so? "

Everyone looked at Ruby immediately, the little red one raised her chin when she noticed the scrutiny of the others " We will kill all the Grimm we can and Ruby will go after Salem, her silver eyes are the best weapon " answered the general

The amber-eyed girl observed her, as brave as she was, on her young face could be seen the written lines of insecurity, the weight of a battle fell on her shoulders " Salem is powerful... "

" I'll try anyway," Ruby said.

" You won't be alone " her sister supported her, holding her shoulder, with the confirmation of her companions at her side.

Cinder fell silent, looking at James, Winter, and the scowling Qrow who looked at the ground guiltily, all tired, guilty of not knowing what to do other than leave the responsibility to a girl, who would not refuse because her heart was so big and her courage was as enormous as the world itself. The weight of her own guilt became more pronounced in her chest, if only she could do something to change things.

They finished the meeting by detailing just a few more things. Night was approaching, the cold was growing, and most of them retired to rest as long as they could. The camp was divided into several sections where the soldiers and hunters shared campfires and the rest of the provisions they had left.

The black-haired girl got a tent for herself, it was just a roof but it would be enough to cover her from the freezing snow that was falling from above. It was easy for her to light a fire to warm herself. Blake and Yang got her a couple of wooden logs to sit on, some blankets, and a sleeping bag.

Ruby offered her some of the plastic-wrapped food that the rest of the people and faunus in the camp were devouring. "Are you sure you want to stay here?" she asked.

" I'll be fine here" she assured, throwing a few small flames from her fingers into the fire to make it grow " My presence is not welcome everywhere, besides it is better that you spend time with each other " She rolled a log so that the fire would consume it.

The little red girl didn't take her eyes off the makeshift camp. Without words, she nodded at her. "Rest." She turned to leave but Cinder called her.

" Ruby " Cinder began " can I ask you something? " She asked quietly.

The aforementioned nodded without saying anything, waiting for the request of the woman with amber eyes, she had a furrow on her forehead that did not disappear.

" It's about Emerald and Mercury " her tone of voice was low " Don't attack them " Cinder's gaze fell into the fire "It's my fault that they're here, but I can convince them to join us "

" Are you sure you can? "

" Yeah "

Ruby gave her a calm smile " I will speak with General Ironwood "

" Thank you " She murmured before the little red one disappeared.

The brunette sat down, looking at the food that had been left for her. It consisted of some pieces of dried meat, mashed potatoes, and peas, as well as canned water. She placed her hand under the container and warmed it with her palm. While she was doing that, she noticed someone watching her closely.

A young woman with dark hair, tied back in a ponytail, green eyes, but this was not really her appearance, that aura was unmistakable, with her brow furrowed in confusion she stood up and walked towards her with firm steps.

" Neo " She called her, instantly her appearance disintegrated showing her true physique, a tired face looked at her listlessly " What are you doing here? " She asked distrustfully.

A furrow appeared on Neo's forehead, she pointed with one hand at the camp and with the other at herself, then gestured with her parasol to show something. Cinder's head turned sharply, only to find her pointing in the direction of Atlas Academy.

" You want to fight too? " The two-colored-haired girl nodded " Are you crazy? This war doesn't look good " She shook her head and looked at her with her arms crossed " You don't owe anyone anything Neo, go away "

Cinder turned to leave but the teenager stopped her by the wrist, when their eyes met again the younger one had a saddened look, the lonely expression reminded her of herself. "You have your whole life ahead of you girl, don't waste it here," she murmured, not convinced of her presence. Neo refused again. "Why?" she asked, her tone of voice was so low that she could barely hear her.

The bi-color's face softened, she made another gesture to herself shrugging her shoulders, Cinder understood, she had nothing more to lose in this life, at least she wanted to fight to make things better. There was nothing else in her intentions.

A heavy sigh left the brunette's lips, she pinched the bridge of her nose and looked at the sky with resignation. "This place is full of suicidal children," she muttered with her jaw clenched.

" You! " a loud scream accused her, purple eyes threatened her. Yang was in a fighting stance, ready to start a fistfight with the youngest " Neo, are you coming to fight? " Her fist resounded against her palm, the rest of her companions watched her in alert " I'll tell you that I'm stronger now, this time the fight won't be so easy! "

The black-haired girl stood between the two of them " Please! She's not here to fight with any of you! " Raising her hands, palm up, Cinder said " She wants to help, you can believe me " Neo looked at her surprised from behind.

The stocky blonde pursed her lips, crossing her arms. "No offense Cinder, but you're not the most trustworthy person here."

The aforementioned sighed " Yes, I know. But, please, you have to believe me, she just wants to help "A small silence was present.

Both Blake and Ruby placed their hands on the shoulders of the distrustful blonde, that was enough for her to give up, releasing the bullying air. "Any help is welcome," said a smiling Ruby.

" Just keep an eye on that dwarf " Yang pointed out, in response to that the two-colored-haired teenager stuck out her middle finger in her direction, the blonde gave another scream of ill-contained rage " That girl could enter a contest of angry dwarfs with Weiss," she said in a low voice.

" What did you say? " the platinum-haired girl snapped, Yang ran, chased by her enraged friend and the rest of her worried companions.

Cinder sighed in relief, the air in her breathing was visible, when she turned to Neo she looked at her reproachfully. "You have to behave," the teenager just shrugged her shoulders unconcerned, the black-haired girl let out another sigh of defeat. "Are you hungry?" she asked after a few minutes.

Penny found them when Neo was having dinner. To her surprise, the automaton communicated with Neo through sign language, and they held a conversation for hours. Cinder tilted her head to one side with a curious inclination, the girls got along well. Penny translated everything in favor of Cinder, whom she considered a new acquisition in her circle of friends, also joining them in the conversation. As before, Cinder didn't say much, she answered some questions from the hyperactive young woman, but she mostly limited herself to listening to them or watching them in this case. She didn't know much about how to talk normally with someone other than Tessa, even Neo had better conversation skills than Cinder. Here the black-haired girl was out of place.

The automaton girl left after Neo was too tired to continue their conversation, saying goodbye with unexpected hugs and retreating to the RWBY team tent. The amber-eyed girl gave Neo her sleeping bag and one of her blankets so she could warm up and rest by the fire.

Within a few minutes, the tired girl had fallen asleep. The snow fell again in torrents, the avalanche covering the roof of her tent, she clung to the thermal plastic of the improvised roofs that supported the bases of the camp.

Cinder sat on a log near the fire, watching the snowflakes being carried away by the windy air that swirled around her. Under her gaze, watching the steady rise and fall of the bi-colored teen's chest, she had curled up, her thin figure curled inward as if she were trying to shrink into a human ball, seeking any bit of warmth.

Cinder pulled back the other sheet she used to cover herself from the cold, leaving only her cloak to protect her from the ice. She carefully placed the sheet over the petite teen, burying herself deeper beneath the sheets until even the crown of her head was hidden from the night air. She hesitantly gave her back a small caress before looking back up at the windy sky. The gesture seemed to calm Neo's shivers and his rest was more peaceful.

A few measured steps distracted her from her lethargy. In the dark night, a silhouette appeared nearby. Qrow shook off the snow before taking the other log in front of her to sit down.

" I see you're mama Cinder now " He joked, watching the sleepy teenager " If you take Penny, you'll have a pair of twins, I bet your pretty wife Tessa would love them "

The brunette raised an inquisitive eyebrow, but all she said was, "I see you can't sleep."

Qrow stretched his legs towards the fire to warm himself. "No," He replied, scratching his head. A small bottle of liquor was thrown towards her, Cinder caught it without any problem. "Drink some, it'll keep you warm." The amber-eyed girl looked at the container for a while, took a sip, feeling the bitter liquid warm her insides. With a grimace, she returned the bottle to Qrow, who couldn't help but laugh at her face.

No one said anything else for a long time. "Do you think we will win?" the black-haired girl asked, raising her gaze to the sky.

" Despite everything " he paused for a moment, then his voice became less harsh " I hope so "

Thoughts about the brunette settled in her mind. What was she doing? Was she crying again? She hoped with all her heart not, she didn't like her crying, she liked seeing her happy, seeing her smile. That smile had to last, she had to do everything in her power so that this world would be saved and Tessa and the rest of the people could live in peace.

[T/N: If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the Patreon or the Ko-fi.]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


