

Int. Palace - Throne Room - Day

There is a meeting at the palace to discuss the matters regarding the nation's security

Mr Cue: Gentlemen there is a storm coming. According to reports the near villages have recently been attacked. There was no survivors and all the goods and treasures were all taken

Leon: This is an act of terrorism, in fact broad day robbery. Who is responsible for such a horrible act like that

Mr Cue: Nobody knows. It seems these attacks happened when the people were least expecting it. They are good that they covered their tracks. All that they left was dead bodies

Advisor: An ambush! This means that we could all be in danger

Leon: My lord, we have to do something about this or else we will all be swept away like flies. Clearly the village is no longer safe

King: I see, let's come with a counter attack

Mr Cue: Tomorrow we will send the men to investigate what happened. We need information to get prepared for battle

Marcus: Are you kidding me? Tomorrow? What if they attack tonight? Will we all perish?

Advisor: You said IF, which means that it is a possibility. Do not panick

Marcus: Panick?! So it is your plan for all people to die like dogs. Traitors!

Mr Cue: Can you please stop with the negativity. You do know that we cannot jeopardize and risk the lives of our loved ones on purpose

Marcus: Let the truth be told, your king has been relaxed lately. Preaching peace, well peace and non violence won't protect us from the sword

King: Marcus! I will not let you talk to me, your king like that! Stop disrespecting me or leave this meeting right now

Marcus: Fine, I will go, I was planning to anyway. I have said what I wanted to say anyway

Advisor: Your majesty I am sorry about that, please forgive him. He has always been a problem

Ext. Outside class- Day

Stella comes from the class joyfully, the moment she sees him her smile fades away. Dawn immediately drags her

Stella: Are you kidding me, you have been waiting for me all this time? You really need to get a life instead of being my tail

Dawn: Come quickly

Stella: (slaps his hand) Stop touching me, take a look, everyone is looking at us. You don't want to be accused of forbidden relationship do you?

Dawn: Following me before you get us into trouble

Stella: Why should I, you are not my boss. I don't like it when people try to control me, especially telling me what to do and not do. It just automatically makes me stubborn, even I cannot help it

Dawn: Just spare me your stubbornness and go put this on immediately (throws a bag at her)

Stella: (stares at it) What's in this

Dawn: (whispers) Your dress

Stella: Why are you whispering? Oh, I see. It is a crime for girls to come to school let alone take an imperial exam. If I get caught you will also be implicated and lose your head. Forget it, I won't change my clothes. I am going to pick on some beauties

Dawn: Are you crazy? I will not be a part of your madness (shouts) go and change damn it!

Stella: (with a deep voice) And the mouse roared like a lion (laughs) little guy, stop yelling. Your annoyed expression makes me go crazy. Fine, since you want me to wear this then make me wear it

Dawn: Crazy woman

Stella: Oh! Is your face turning red. Are you shy?

Int. Dawn's home- living room- Night

Marcus arrived home and is still upset about the meeting. He sits down and Mary massages his shoulders

Mary: Is everything ok? You seem so upset, was the meeting that bad

Marcus: Of course it was. If we are not careful we will all perish. Do you know, nearby villages have been wiped out. I fear we will also suffer the same ordeal

Mary: What did the King say about all this. I have faith that he has somehow thought of something. He won't let us be slaughtered

Marcus: What can he say, he is nothing but a bum. I think he should be removed from the throne, he is old now and can't make the necessary decisions. We need a young blood

Mary: What are you saying, I hope you are not plotting treason. You don't have to insult the king, you should be respectful for the fact that he is your leader. This is why you always get kicked out

Marcus: So now you are going to side with the king? What are you, his spy, concubine or my wife? You are lucky I don't throw you out of the house

Mary: I am just trying to show you the right path. I will forgive you for calling me a concubine

Marcus: So now you have the courage to act smart with me. When Dawn comes, tell him to meet me before going to bed. My son, he at least still respects me as the man of the house

Mary: Where are you going so late at night? A real man does not walk away from solving his issues. You cannot leave in the middle of a conversation

Marcus: I am going to a place where I won't be disrespected nor insulted by the very same person who should be on my side
