
Her Safe Haven

The next morning, Aurora packed her bag and forced her way out of her bedroom with puffy eyes.

"Miss, you are not allowed to leave until you have recovered." one of the male domestic staff said, blocking her path with his arm. "It's your father's orders."

Aurora glanced at his hand before moving her gaze to his face. "Tell him that I said I would die if I don't leave."

Adam exhaled deeply after he got the message and permitted Aurora to leave. Minutes passed before he stood at the window, hands tucked into his pockets, watching as she loaded her car and drove away.

Only when her vehicle vanished from view did he return to his desk, sinking into profound contemplation.

Time ticked by, and eventually, Adam rose from his chair and approached the shelf behind him. He retrieved a key from his pocket and unlocked the left cabinet door, revealing a safe within.
