
Chapter 4 - Demon invasion part 2

The truck driver that slammed into a car tried to stop his truck from slamming into another car by swerving it to the side. A bad move, because immediately after turning, the truck turned on it's side and started sliding forward before coming to a halt near the intersection. It's head and trailer blocking off the whole road behind it. The vehicles that were coming from behind the truck that weren't able to stop timely, slammed into the belly of the truck one after another. The result...


An explosion of tremendous force occured. Which sent civilians that were still hurrying to nearby buildings, flying. The old instantly died on impact with the ground, while the younger one's suffered cut's and scrapes. The most unlucky few were those that had their bones sticking out of their bodies after falling down, as they wailed in pain on the road. Accidents like this were occurring all over the intersection's lane. People were dying, while the demons hadn't even started making their move. All this occured in the 80 seconds that passed after the warning was issued.


The final countdown before all buildings activated their lockdown mode started. A system installed by all the government's to protect their citizens in case of a sudden demon attack.


People started to move even faster, afraid that they'll be locked outside with the demons.


While they were running. The dust finally cleared enough to show what caused all this disarray.


"Oh lord!, what is that thing?".

"It's massive!!".

"We're all doomed!!".


Seeing the disgustingly tall abomination that was looming within a deep crater, made them all realise what they'll be up against the moment their locked outside and left to fend on their own.


"Get out of my f*cken way!".

"Don't push me you bastard!".

"Where's my baby!?".



The once orderly moving crowd became completely chaotic after seeing the huge red skinned monstrosity. They began pushing and stepping on each other. Even the children and elderly weren't spared.


While they all ran in terror and fear. Juggernaut stood there and relished in their misery. He wanted the fear to consume them, to drive them mad and then crush them beneath his feet.




All government recognised buildings within the CBD started to close, as 35 cm thick steel alloy shields lowered and covered every entrance. From windows to back doors. Hospitals, banks, malls, Everything was closed off, sealing everyone inside the buildings. Well... Not everyone.

"Damnit, we're too late!". Said a middle aged man, as he banged on the alloy door. He was with his wife and 9 year old daughter.

"Mommy, what's going to happen to us".

"Everything's gonna be okay baby". Replied the child's mother, as she bent over and hugged her daughter. Hiding her distraught face in her shoulder. 'I need to get my baby away from here'.

They were similar situations all over the city, some people weren't able to reach a building to hide at in time, which meant that they were left outside. If a building were to activate it's lock down mode, it won't be opening until the city is clear of all demons. It was a flaw in the system but, they had to prioritise the many over the few. Now the street was filled with people who were lost at what to do.

"Please let us in!".

"At least take my child!".

"Do you know who I am!".

"Open this damn doors!".

Unfortunately Juggernaut was done waiting. He started to move, his every step thundering before sinking in on the road and leaving deed print marks. His target... The family from earlier, specifically the little girl.

The father of the child saw the dreadful monstrosity coming their way and a cold chill ran down his spine. But, he didn't runaway. He stood Infront of his family, his arms raised. He was doing his duty as a husband and father, protecting his family. Even as his knees constantly shook, his heart beating like drums and his back drenched in cold sweat. He still stood his ground. Sadly, this wasn't a novel were you suddenly gain a power boost and defeat the big baddie. This was reality and it was real as it gets.

Juggernaut didn't even put the man in his eyes. He casually waved one of his four arms and swarted him aside like a bug. That casual flick, sent the man flying and splattering on a nearby wall, his insides visible. It was a horrific and disgusting sight to see.

"D-dad!". The little girl felt her knees buckle after seeing what happened to her father. The pavement beneath her becoming wet. She was ghastly pale and her breathing was erratic.

"Mom". She turned to her mother.

"Baby, I'm sorry". Said the mother, taking a step away from the little girl.

"Mom". She called out again, reaching out her hand towards her mother. Tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm really sorry".

As that was going on, Juggernaut finally reached the little girl. He grabbed her with one of his arms and then brought her to eye level.


The little girl was understandably terrified and scared. She couldn't even move her arms, as Juggernaut held her tightly. "Mom, help me!". She turned her little head and called out once more, her sweet voice, cracking. But, her mother only covered her mouth with her palms and then turned her head away in shame. ' I'm so sorry'. She said, as tears started to flow down.

Juggernaut brought the little girl closer to his face, forcing her to inhale his foul breath. He flashed her a toothy grin, making her bare witness to his terrifying sharp teeth. And then...


He bit her entire head off, causing a fountain of crimson blood to spray everywhere. Covering both Juggernaut and the little girl's mother, she could even feel the warmth of the blood. What followed was the gruesome display of him chewing her head infront of her mother. The sickening sound of her skull cracking under Juggernaut's powerful teeth, was all that could be heard.





The little girl's mother stood there, covered in her daughter's blood, appalled by the sight before her. She stood there, frozen, her eyes... Dead. She was forced to witness her little treasure being devoured by a fiend and she couldn't do anything about it or more like she was to scared to even try. She watched in horror as Juggernaut chewed her daughter's head, each krunch sounding like a stab to her soul. 'I don't deserve to be a mother'. She then dropped on her butt and fell silent. Watching Juggernaut slowly bite off chunks from her little girls body. Bite, chew, swallow. He kept doing it until all that was left of the once young cheerful nine year-old, was her small arm that was still dripping blood.

The now blood covered Juggernaut looked even more frightening and intimidating. He threw the little girl's arm aside, satisfied with his meal. He then turned to the little girl's mother and walked towards her.

To afraid and ashamed of herself to even run for her life. She sat there and watched as Juggernaut grabbed her head and raised her off the ground. He began to squeeze her head, exerting pressure, little by little, as he watched her face turn into a pained grimace. Something that he greatly enjoyed.

She could feel her skull starting to crack, as little streams of blood covered her already bloodied face. The pain was becoming to unbearable.

"Argh!". She cried out in pain, no longer able to bear the pressure exerted on her head. Her vision was becoming blurry, making her unable to make out Juggernaut's terrifying visage.

Juggernaut added more and more pressure until...


Her head popped like a balloon. Sending bits of brain tissue and matter flying everywhere. Her body then dropped like a marionette that had it's strings cut off, blood spraying everywhere like a fountain from the stump of her now headless body.

Juggernaut stood there, his giant figure looming over the woman's now headless corpse. He was done warming up, it was time for him to get bloody. He looked around the street, seeing that some humans were still outside, he began to move.

The people that were still outside, didn't know what to do. Now that they were locked out, there was nowhere they could go. This made them loose the will to runaway, even after seeing Juggernaut kill the family of three, they stood there in the open, like sheep ready to be slaughtered.

Juggernaut took a step forward and disappeared, shocking the people that were paying close attention to him. They moved their heads around, hoping to see where the vile abomination had went, but they couldn't see him anywhere. That was until they heard it...

"Argh!". A pained yelp followed by the sound of tearing flesh resounded through the silent streets. When they looked over, they saw a woman that had her lower half separated from her upper half. Her innards could be seen sticking out of her, warm blood still flowing out and causing a puddle beneath her now lifeless body.

"Urgh!". Another pained yelp, followed by tearing flesh was heard coming from another direction. When they looked over they saw a man that was cut in two. From the head to his loins, his intestines sprawled all over the ground.

Two people just died, without anyone seeing anything. People were starting to panic, looking around to see where the monstrosity would come from next. But they were too slow...
