
No Worries.

There was nothing special about the sniper rifle. It was semi-automatic, so the next shot is prepared by the gun. It was also silent thanks to the use of a suppressor. It wasn't special, but he wouldn't want to be on the end of its barrel. 

His first targets were the guards on the tower. There are four towers on each edge of the compound. Each one was manned by two guards. 

Wrath asked with a whisper, "Can you take them out quickly?" 

He replied, "I know what I am doing. Besides, there is nothing to worry about."

He did know what he was doing. He has trained most of his life with most types of guns. He has also made himself familiar with this particular gun over the days they had been waiting. There is also another reason why he is not feeling any pressure in taking the shots. 

His first shot took the first guard in the face. The gun in his hands fell down immediately. Then he followed soon after. His body created a noticeable noise that drew the attention of the other guard.

The guard turned towards where his partner should be. He saw the prone bleeding body instead of a living man. His eyes widened, and his mouth opened wide. It was either to scream or just because of shock. Whichever one it was, he didn't get to say anything before a bullet took him by the side of the head. 

The second guard fell down too. Kelvin exhaled in relief. 

Wrath was impressed. "Not bad. Not bad at all." 

But it was too soon to celebrate because the alarm went off. The whole compound was producing a blaring alarm much louder than the sound of the gate opening. Apparently, something had tipped off the security despite his excellent shots. 

He panned the compound through the sights and soon found the problem. A guard on another tower had been shot while he was busy with his shot. The second vuardbad noticed and sounded the alarm.

That second guard could also be seen rushing down the tower through the stairs. He was shouting too, as if the alarm system he ticked off wasn't enough to notify everyone that there was an attack. 

Kelvin sighed and said, "This is why I said there was nothing to worry about. It doesn't matter if I make the shot or not; I am sure the alarm system will go off."

"I don't know how many of us are eyeing the base right now, but if I can't make the shot, I doubt everyone of them will be able to. Someone was bound to make a mistake." 

He said this with resignation and acceptance but he was annoyed. It was with that annoyance that he shot the hysterical guard. Then he turned his sights on other guards foolishly enough to put their heads above cover under sniper fire. 

It turned out that there were a lot of such foolish people. It was partially their fault. They didn't know that snipers were out there and didn't think to suspect snipers. They were just following normal security protocols, which were to man the walls in the case of an attack. He used that opportunity to arrange a meeting with many men and death. 

He wasn't the only one taking shots at the base. There were many others. This caused the number of guards to dwindle rapidly. It didn't take 5 minutes to clear the compound of visible activity. Any guard still alive had to be in hiding in the buildings. 

This situation made some bold enough to take the fight directly to the base. They drove their bikes towards it or crawled to it. None of them could reach the walls because of the turrets.

They were shot down as soon as they got within 100 meters of the wall. Their bodies were shot into nets until they couldn't move anymore. 

He and Wrath grimaced at the sight. Then they sighed when they saw others approach the walls with thick objects to shield them. 

He shook his head in wonder and asked, "What were they thinking?" 

"Maybe they had a special ability that they thought would help them weather the assault." 

"Maybe," he conceded. "If they did, then they overestimated its capabilities." 

Wrath laughed. They continued to watch others try to gain access to the compound. Most of them failed because of other security measures like flame throwers and mines on the walls. But some made it through luck or skill. 

He said with resignation, "I guess it is time to join the party." 

Wrath wasn't optimistic. It said, "I still don't think this is going to be easy." 

"What is ever easy?" he asked in reply. 

Blue Crystal still didn't show up, which means he is either not present in the base at all or he is hellbent on luring them into the base. Either way, he has to find out, and it is not going to be easy doing so. 

He put aside his sniper rifle and strapped it to his back. Then he began descending the building. It was going to be agonizingly slow because of the poor condition of the stairs and his considerable height off of the ground. 

He used the time to inspect any material he could use as a shield. He eventually settled for a metallic door in relatively good condition. 

He picked it up and dragged it down with him. 

"I'm telling you, I think I should get a weapon class ability to control electronics or a speedster ability next. I could do with those right now." 

Wrath cheered him on, "Come on. You don't feel pain. You can do this." 

He shifted more mass into the muscles of his legs for a boost to speed. It was not an obvious change, as it was covered up easily by the jeans he was wearing. So no one noticed his enlarged calf and thighs. 

The second thing he did was to increase the thickness and density of the bones of his skull. Then he reinforced it with steel. That way he protected his most vulnerable organ. 
