
Chapter 84: The World in the Spotlight

The morning after the confrontation was unlike any other Thomas, Taylor, or Kendall had ever experienced. As they tried to compose themselves after the violent incident, the outside world was already filled with shock and awe.

Videos of the shootout spread across social media like wildfire. Every detail was available for anyone to watch: Thomas, in a heroic act, taking on six kidnappers, saving Taylor and Kendall, and getting shot in the process. The media wasted no time in covering the event intensely.

Early in the day, headlines were already dominating the news:

"HERO OR VILLAIN? Thomas Matthews, ex-military and celebrity bodyguard, takes down kidnappers in broad daylight!"

"THOMAS THE PROTECTOR: Former DEVGRU operative takes down and eliminates six threats during attempted kidnapping."

"VIOLENT CLASH IN L.A.: Did Thomas Matthews act in self-defense or did he go too far?"

Opinions were mixed. Some saw him as a hero, a protector who did what he had to do to save two women in distress. Others questioned whether the use of lethal force was necessary, given that the circumstances were not entirely clear to the public. But regardless of the differing opinions, one thing was certain: Thomas was now in everyone's eyes.

At Thomas and Taylor's house

Thomas sat on the edge of his bed, holding his arm, which was still sore despite the paramedics' bandages. Taylor stood beside him, her expression a mix of concern and relief.

— "I knew you were amazing, but what you did yesterday was beyond anything I could have imagined," Taylor said, gently stroking his hand.

Thomas sighed, shaking his head.

— "I did what I had to do. I wasn't going to let anything happen to you or Kendall. But now… Now it's another battle."

He looked to the side, where his cell phone wouldn't stop vibrating. There were calls from lawyers, messages from friends and reports about the incident. The media was relentless.

— "Do you think it's going to be hard?" Taylor asked, her eyes full of concern.

— "I don't know. It depends on what they decide. I know I acted in self-defense, but there's always the risk of them distorting the narrative." He looked into her eyes, serious. "I just want you and Kendall to be okay, and for this mess to pass quickly."

Taylor's phone rang, interrupting the conversation. It was Kendall.

— "Hi, Kendall… yes, we're fine. How are you? Are you dealing with all this?" Taylor asked, while Thomas watched in silence.

— "She's scared," Taylor said, covering the phone for a moment. "But she's safe. She said she'll come back later."

Thomas nodded, feeling a surge of responsibility. All he wanted was for this to be a nightmare that would soon be over. Meanwhile, television networks and news websites continued to cover the story.

Morning shows, talk shows, and entertainment channels analyzed every second of the videos. Security experts and former military personnel were invited to give their opinions.

"What we see here is a clear example of a highly trained combat response," a military commentator said on one of the television programs. "Thomas has an impeccable record, and his actions were swift and precise. He protected the victims and neutralized the threat."

But not all the comments were favorable.

"We need to assess whether the use of lethal force was truly necessary," argued a lawyer on another program. "If the kidnappers were armed, that justifies their actions, but without more details, it is impossible to have a clear picture. The law must be followed, and Thomas Matthews will be judged according to the facts."

Meanwhile, on social media, the story gained even greater dimension. Hashtags such as #ThomasTheHero and #JusticeForThomas began trending on Twitter. On Instagram, famous people who Thomas had already protected began posting messages of support.

Angelina Jolie was one of the first:

"Thomas is one of the bravest men I have ever known. He has always put himself in danger to protect others. I am praying for him and his family."

Chris Evans also spoke out:

"No one can fully understand what it is like to be in a life or death situation, but Thomas did what he thought was right. Justice will be served."

In addition, Kendall, visibly shaken, posted a photo on Instagram with Thomas and Taylor.

"I can't put into words how grateful we are to Thomas. He saved us yesterday and will always be our hero. I wouldn't be here without him."

Kendall's post quickly went viral, garnering millions of likes and supportive comments.

Later that day, a criminal defense attorney arrived at Thomas and Taylor's home. He was a serious man with a confident demeanor and a practiced gaze. Kendall was also present, sitting next to Taylor on the couch while Thomas spoke with the attorney in the living room.

"Thomas, from what I've seen of the videos and the witnesses, I think we have a good defense here," the attorney said, opening a folder of documents. "The kidnappers were armed, which means you were clearly in self-defense. However, since you used deadly force, there are some legal complications."

Thomas nodded, already aware of the challenges he faced.

"They were trying to take Taylor and Kendall," he said, his voice firm. "I didn't hesitate. I did what needed to be done."

The attorney nodded, but his expression remained serious.

— "The prosecutor may argue that you, as a former military man with your background, could have used less force, or neutralized the kidnappers without killing them. They may try to spin this to make it seem like you went beyond self-defense. "

Thomas was silent for a moment, processing what had been said.

— "I was in a combat situation. I didn't have time to think about alternatives. It was me or them." —

"And that's what we're going to argue in court," the attorney said confidently. "We have a week to prepare for the hearing. I'm going to need you to stay as calm as possible and avoid talking to the media until then."

Thomas nodded, knowing the situation was out of his hands, at least for now. After the attorney left, Thomas sat on the porch of the house with Kendall and Taylor. The silence between them was comfortable, but charged with emotion. Thomas looked at the two of them, and a sense of peace began to replace him. He knew that no matter what happened, he had done what he had to do to protect the people he loved.

— "We'll get through this," Taylor said, taking Thomas's hand. "We're in this together."

Kendall smiled slightly, still a little shaken, but confident in her older brother's strength.

— "You've always been my hero, Thomas. It won't be any different now."

With that, the trio fell silent, watching the sun set as they mentally prepared themselves for the challenges that lay ahead in the coming week.
