

Mr. Carson visited his daughter Michaela on her art gallery, there was an ongoing exhibition. She has been travelling around the world, planning exhibitions.

'Hello Sweetheart.' Said Mr. Carson happily as he approached her, they hugged . I have missed you.

'Am fine dad, i have missed you too dad.' Michaela responded.

'When did you get back? I had to find out from your cousin Jeremy that you came back.' Mr. Carson looked disappointedly.

' I came in last week and am sorry for not letting you know. It's just that i have been busy planning the exhibition and you know how it takes most of my time and attention. But i was planning to visit you one i was done.' She said sweetly

'It has been one year since you left are you back for good.' He asked.

Michaela looked gloomy.' Am not sure dad,' she said. It depends if do not get another contracts very soon.

'Have you been keeping in touch with Recce , all this time you have been away?' He asked.

'Rarely,' she muttered.

Michaela is the ex-girlfriend of Recce. Both their parents used to think that their children will get married someday. And make the family friendship stronger.

He explained to her what has been going on this couple of weeks about Recce. And the pressure his grandfather Mr. Nicholai is giving him about getting married.

'Do you still love him?' Mr. Carson asked.

Michaela ignored the question.' Why are you interested in knowing that now and it has been a whole year since we broke up?'

'I still do. Go , try and patch up things with him before it's too late,' he said modestly.

' I will think about it,' She replied lightly.

'Please do before its too late,' Mr. carson said steadily.

He added am going back to the office. We will talk later sweetheart.

Michael was an only child, her mother passed away when she was a teenager in high school.

She wondered if Recce will be happy to hear from her after everything that happened to them. Or if he still loves her despite everything.

*****Svetlana's home******

 It was a beautiful quiet sunny day full of promising good vibes Svetlana was in a spirited mood, she woke up early than usual. She went for a morning run and was back at home having breakfast. Her phone was ringing,it was Recce calling 

'Goodmorning beautiful,' he asked sweetly.

'Good Morning.' she replied smiling.

'How are you this morning?' He asked

'Am fine,' i woke up early am even set to go to work,' she mused.

'I woke up early myself , am going to pass by my grandfather's place then head to work a little bit later.'

She wondered,' why is he telling me all this, he doesn't have to tell me about his plans and where abouts.' It's not like we are truly dating.

'Okay that's great' she replied

'And tomorrow since it's saturday i would like to pick you guys up and take you out, i had promised Kith that we will spent time together soon.' Is it okay with you. He asked

'Yeah no problem, he will be happy to spend time with you.' He likes you alot. She said coolly.

'Is he the only one who will be happy to spend the day with me?' He teased

Her face flushed with the sound of his question. She was short of words, she didn't know how to answer that.

Recce noticed her uneasiness and hesitation. And finally said ,' am just pulling your leg while laughing.'

'Okay i have to go. I will be picking you guys at 0900 a.m sharp.'

'We will be ready.' she answered back

'Have a good day'

' Have a good day too.' She replied

As she put her phone down, checked her watch. She muttered,' where is this boy, we are going to get late.'

'Kith we are going to get late.' She shouted

' Coming mum.' He responded running down the stairs.

'Get your backpack and lunch lets get going.' She reminded him.

They closed the door behind them and left.

On their drive to school, she remembered about Recce's invite for tomorrow.

Sweetheart!,' Reece wants to take us out tomorrow as he had promised the other day at the beach. What do you think about that?' She asked.

'Its okay mum. I like spending time with him.' He responded innocently.

'Okay,' tomorrow it is then. 

Let's get you to school then, baby. She said amilling.

Mika was at his apartment with a hangover from last night, nowadays he is partying more than before. He broke up with his girlfriend last week, he found her making out with another guy at their usual partying club.

His mum is more worried about him this days, she comes to check up on him more often than before. In her mind she still blames Svetlana of her sons behaviours.

She thought,' I have to pay a visit to that bitch who has made my so's life a living hell.'

'Mika you will have to get your acts back together or else i will stop supporting you.' Your doing all this because of a woman. She said disappointedly.

'Stop drinking too much and get a job. She yelled.

I think i have spoiled you a lot over the year, it's high time i let you do thing on your own. Am giving you two months to find a job. After that you are on your own.

I will cancel your credit card, take the car your driving and stop paying for this apartment's rent. She added harshly

'Alright mum, i have heard you. I will stop drinking.' he said touching him head, pain from too much drinking yesterday night.

His mother left angry with him. He thought of Svetlana,' i have not heard or seen her for almost two months now, I wonder if she has moved on.' My life has been a mess after we broke up.

He got up to have a shower and later he was planning on visiting Svetlana at her office.

Loving in secret, brings unnecessary heartaches

Mbaizicreators' thoughts