
It’s never too late.

'Gambling? Debts?' Those words echoed in his head. Erica's desperate need for money suddenly made sense. Her theft from the company wasn't just about greed but a reckless attempt to cover her gambling losses.

Across the table, Lilianna grew impatient when she didn't get any response from him. "Are you even listening to me?" she snapped.

Dylan moved his gaze to her fleetingly and then nodded slowly. "I'm listening."

But his calm demeanor only fueled Lilianna's ire. She threw her hands up in exasperation. "You don't get it, do you? Erica and Lydia are toxic, Dylan! They've always been trouble for us. Lydia, especially."

Her heart filled with bitterness as she recalled the past. "Since childhood, Lydia has been controlling us, always asserting control under the guise of looking out for us. Do you think she cared for us? No! You didn't see how she treated me back then. She pretends to be selfless and caring, but she is not. She is…"
