
Memory Market

Knocking on the door of the memory market, Kai waited for a few seconds before hearing Stev respond with a "Come in."

Entering the market, he looked around and smelled the familiar scent of the burning lanterns that illuminated the room.

Stev was sitting behind his counter, and once he saw Kai, his face immediately brightened slightly.

"Good evening, Kai. Your performance go well?"

Kai approached and put his smile back on. "I'd say it went swimmingly, except for a slight disturbance."

Furrowing his brows, Stev leaned on the counter, clearly wishing for Kai to continue. The charming archer complied with a slightly wistful expression.

"Well, after I finished my second-to-last performance, there was a strange… man, I guess."

Catching onto Kai's uncertainty, Stev pried further. "Was he not a man?"

Kai shrugged. "He sounded like one, but he said strange things about being centuries old and about visiting this castle a long time ago."

Straightening his posture, Stev snapped his fingers in rapid succession, thinking deeply. "And was everything he said true?"

Kai nodded, making Stev shrug and plop down on his chair.

"Well, what's the problem? Did he threaten you?"

"No, he didn't, really. But the way he spoke was definitely threatening." Kai sat down on a chair opposite the counter and continued, "But the weirdest thing was that he knew about the memory market."

Stev was immediately brought out of his relatively relaxed posture and looked at him seriously.

"Did you tell him about it? This was a tightly kept secret, y'know."

A little panicked, Kai shook his head in denial and hastily responded, "I would never! He just knew about it on his own." He then waited for a few seconds and studied Stev's stern look.

"He told me I should lead him here. I, of course, refused, but he was insistent and even gave me a memory." Kai stretched out his hand and summoned the quiver he had been given.

Weaving itself into existence, the quiver appeared, and Kai grabbed onto the belt.

Within the quiver were strange arrows made of green wood with golden arrowheads.

Seeing it for the first time, even Kai was surprised by its delicate craftsmanship and strange design. The quiver was made of sleek, dark brown leather with multiple bronze engravings around the outside.

Combing over the quiver, Stev whistled, impressed. Kai dismissed the memory, and Stev crossed his arms, silently musing over the design.

"That is definitely one hell of a memory. So, you didn't try it out at all?"

Kai shook his head, and Stev nodded. "Okay, so where is this mystery man?"

"He disappeared before the guards arrived." Stev was visibly confused.

"Why'd the guards arrive?"

Kai frowned, which took Stev a little by surprise. "Well, he won a game of blackjack, and he apparently bet a supreme soul shard."

Stev was even more taken aback. He had known the charming archer for a good while and knew well that Kai was very truthful—if a little naïve—so he trusted his words… but this was a little far-fetched.

After all, how could a sleeper have a supreme soul shard? It sounded more like an obviously fake rumor than an actual story. But if someone told Kai about it, he would have known whether they were lying or not.

"So what are you gonna do when you inevitably see him?" Kai slumped on the counter and sighed deeply.

"Well, I did agree to let him come here, but if you tell me not to, I'll just give him back the memory."

Stev nodded, and just as he was about to respond, he noticed the door creak open slowly. Kai also looked over, slightly concerned.

Since there was no wind to blow the door open—and considering it was locked—it could have only been opened by someone.

Immediately on guard, Stev went around the counter, and Kai followed behind, getting closer to the door.

Taking another step, Stev hesitantly reached for it. As he took hold of the door and creaked it open, there was… nothing.

Peeking outside, he looked around and saw that no one was present. The windows were covered like normal, and the hall was completely dark.

Getting back, he shared a glance with Kai, closed the door, locked it again, and made sure it was secure. He looked back at Kai and just shrugged.

As Stev returned to the counter, he immediately went on full alert. Sitting in the seat where Kai had been was the shape of a slender young man dressed in Victorian-like clothing.

His most striking feature was the clown mask he wore. The man's attention wasn't focused on the two of them; it was fully on the back of the room. In his fingers was a joker card, which he was twirling.

Kai froze for a moment, but Stev immediately acted and yelled, "Who the hell invited you! Get out right now before I call the guards!"

Unbothered by his shout, the man stopped twirling the card and stabbed its edge into the counter as if it were a knife. Getting up from his seat, the man cleared his throat.

"Hello, humans of this land. I come in peace" the man addressed them, waiting for a reaction.

Seeing no one react he grumbled, "Tough crowd"

Stev was momentarily confused, but Kai cleared the air.

"He's the one I was telling you about."

Already guessing as much, Stev scrutinized the man, noticing his stiff posture—it almost seemed forced.

'Is he a Legacy? His posture is so professional… kinda annoying.' Stev thought, looking him over again.

"So, what's your business? You weren't invited."

The man shook his head. "I believe I was invited by Mister Night. There was even a payment made by me."

Stev shook his head.

"Well, he doesn't own this joint, does he?"

The man tilted his head and slumped his shoulders. There was also an audible creak that followed.

"I assure you…" he paused, looking directly at them, "all I wish is to do business. Buy a memory or two, you know."

Switching his attention to Kai, Stev saw the young archer nod, affirming that the man was telling the truth.

Begrudgingly agreeing, Stev allowed the man to browse, not without instructing Kai to watch him closely just in case. Kai agreed, feeling guilty for leading the man here, even if he wasn't aware of being followed.

Kai watched as the stranger walked through the market, glancing at all the memories displayed on podiums.

But none of them really caught his attention—until he came across a tattered lump of rock that resembled armor.

Getting closer to it, he inspected the piece and nodded, muttering just loud enough for Kai to hear,

"This is all that remains of our millennium."


Shivering for some strange reason kai gulped in concern and observed the man, the man nodded again and caressed the armor with his hands.

He then sighed somberly and turned back to the counter.

Stev was a little surprised that the man had already found something. The stranger wished to purchase the strange armor, and Stev dismissed it and summoned the memory.

Though, he looked at it somewhat pitifully.

"You sure you want this? It's basically broken."

"I'm aware. I'll fix it myself. So, how much do I owe you?"

Stev shrugged. "Well, since it seems important to you, I don't know if I should sell it for a lot or a little." Stev pondered, peering down at the man.

He truly was a businessman through and through.

Chuckling to himself, the man tapped the counter with his middle finger.

"Hmmm, yes, that is quite the conundrum. How about this then?"

Immediately, a bouquet of flowers appeared from thin air, causing both Kai and Stev to jump back slightly in surprise.

"I think this will benefit you greatly."

Stev glanced at the flowers, looking confused before gaining an expression of discomfort.

"Uhh, sorry, I don't really swing that way."

The man propped his head up and looked them over before hastily retracting the bouquet.

"Neither do I. These flowers aren't meant for that. Smell them." Outstretching his hand with the bouquet, he motioned for Stev to smell them.

Hesitantly, Stev did so, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"That smell…"

The man nodded. "It is a kind of flower that makes one more relaxed and also smells good. Now, don't you think having these around the store would make more people want to do business?"

Smelling the flowers a bit longer, Stev pondered before smiling happily.

"Alright then, give me a couple hundred of those, and the memory is yours."

The man nodded, and from thin air, dozens of bouquets appeared. Stev had to peer over the pile just to see him.

Reaching out his hand, Stev motioned for him to shake it.

The man stood still for a moment, and Kai noticed his hands move strangely, his entire body deforming slightly. Then, he reached out, removed the glove from his right hand, revealing snow-white skin, and grasped Stev's hand.

Retracting his hand, Stev thanked the man from behind the pile of flowers.

"Well, it seems everything went over well. I'll be off now" Kai said, making an attempt to leave. But before he could, the same pale hand grabbed his wrist.

"If I could bother you for a moment longer, it'll be worth your time, I assure you."


Kai felt his head slump. Not wishing to anger the clearly inhuman man, he agreed.

He could find a way to escape, right?

Next Chapter: Dropping a Bombshell
