
Visit To Bravos

The North. Winterfell. Year 275 AC-

In the fighting yard of the fortress of Winterfell three people were fighting. One was Hariric Stark. The other two were Dareon Rogare and Tykren Reyne. Each of them was fighting with their weapon of choice.

Hariric carried Ice the legendary sword of the Stark family... more or less. Hariric was not a man to keep something just to be good so as a good man he was he had investigated and looked for other meteorites in the country. If the Dayne had a weapon made of meteorite then I was sure that there would be more. And look at his luck, he found several more.

A little-known fact is that the mineral obtained from a meteorite was highly coveted by experts in the creation of weapons in their world. For what reason? Because the metal that could be obtained from this was so saturated with energy that if you applied it correctly you could create a weapon of such a powerful degree that some would say that it is a unique weapon.

So when hariric found enough for four weapons he was satisfied so he began with what was in a few words the creation of his personal forge. This was after all necessary to produce a weapon of sufficient quality if he could afford to say it because he refused to have an inferior weapon.

It had to be understood that Valyrio steel was the result of the valyrios using a carbon steel alloy only that they also added what was titanium to the mixture and it turned out that then they used their magic to polish each moment.

They poured their magic into the sword at all times filling it with every blow they gave to the weapon or jewel or whatever they were working on, the result? An impeccable weapon. But that was not the only element because when the metal is still hot, pour a little Dragonstone on it. Not the natural but the produced courtesy of the presence of the dragons since this will also be incredibly saturated with magic.

That's why making valyrian steel was impossible. Unfortunately for the Varylios they were nowhere near as good at magic as he is. Although some would question why a man would be interested in metallurgy, the reason for this was the creation of the very range of jewellery for his wife, how better way can you look at your wife than by telling her that you have done it yourself? And although metalworking was difficult, it was still possible.

However, there were many differences. The Valyrios knew zero of the most powerful magic on the planet so it was not difficult for him to send a little of the magic of the law line on which Winterfell was and at the same time he added his own work. Using his knowledge of runes and alchemy Hariric basically combined all the elements into a single mass and then shaped the sword. Added to this he put a diamond. Why? The sword was called Ice.

The guard was made in the same way only that of a black colour with the guard looking like a normal cross guard only that the two final sides were wolf heads in honour of the Stark house. The handle was made of a special mixture of dragon bone. The dragon bone was hard but using ground dragon bone and then the carbon steel equivalent created a more reliable grip with the middle of the black grip there is a platinum ring with the symbol of the Stark house. Then the knob was the head of a dire wolf with a diamond in its mouth.

On the other side was Dareon Rogare. With his platinum hair, the man measures one metre eighty with a well-defined muscle like that of a swimmer instead of being a pale boy like most valyrians and he also had the typical brown complexion of dorne.

His violet eyes shone as he carried a bastard sword in his hands. This sword was his own gift. He had found that doing the weapon process was good and had given him a sword. The bastard sword, like his, had a dragon bone handle but the guard, although also a cross sword, was completely simple and straightforward, looking a lot like the legendary darkfire sword. Also the leaf was a dark violet.

The last eighteen-year-old was a young man of a more typical musculature of a mix of swimmer with someone who has built the body from top to bottom. This someone was neither more nor less than Tykren Reyne. The story of his life was simple. His father was Reynard Reyne.

Reynard had not been with his family because he thought that his brother's plan to reveal himself against the Lannisters was completely idiotic so he ran away with his wife born of commoner origin who was at that time on tape and hid the best he could naturally knowing that facing Tywin Lannister was a complete suicide.

Reynard was an intelligent man. Very good and skilful. He hid next to his wife's parents. Instead of seeking to be attended to his life, Reynard earned his living chasing bandits and hunting threats to collect rewards. He did not live a life of luxury but he lived to see his son born who was the important thing.

When Hariric was thinking about the creation of the winter legions, he knew that he would need several things. One of them was a blacksmith who helped with the creation of a guild of competent blacksmiths. One that together with his knowledge and superior equipment better armed his troops so that's how hariric discovered a miracle of his existence.

Hariric found the family and went to the town where the blacksmith worked. His job was very well paid but to say it he simply could not change his place since Tywin would never allow a Qohor worker to leave his territory in any way. He was a prisoner. It didn't help that from time to time Tywin's men were more than a little annoying.

It was an incredibly bad day that Hariric arrived and discovered in a few words what was happening there and well he decided to help him in a more or less human way that was to say something so he killed all Tywin's men and then offered the man an opportunity in life that he accepted very willingly for the benefit it was since the good man refused to work for Tywin.

It was with this that he discovered Reynard. Reynard showed Hariric an incredible ability to think and put him in the officers' school with his wife in what was the work of teaching the most common tactics and strategies by the Andalusians. The man had a better life in Isengard where his wife was finishing her medical education along with many others who were being hired immediately. People didn't know it but thanks to magic they learned even faster.

That's how he met Tykren. Tykren was a talented and skilful young man with whom he met. He got much better when his little sister Lyana met him. I swear he had encountered an important reason for him to laugh because the two had a very fun way of meeting every time and they always fought among themselves. His father had laughed and his mother found him tender claiming that he was beautiful.

However, he had read the minds of the reynes seeing that although they were delighted with how their son saw things they were sad because they thought that their son would never have his friend as a wife although well they believed they were still going to his sister with tykren that in another way.

Anyway, both had successfully passed the education of the officers' academy. The officers' academy went beyond just teaching what it was like to be a good leadership officer but also taught strategy, politics and administration, the reason for it? Politics was vital to avoid being entangled. The fundamental strategy to know how their opponents thought or rather had built their tactics. The administration was important because each legion had a capital in its charge and they had to keep it controlled and stable at all times.

When Dareon and Tykren surpassed many of the noble lords as officers for the leadership of one of the legions there were certain problems. Certainly Jon was the leader of a legion himself. And so was Willem but Jorah Mormont did not pass the discipline tests and found him mentally weak.

His father Jeor had found him wrong but well he knew that everyone in the academy would not be on the side of Dareon or Tykren for no reason since the academy's policy was incredibly harsh and there was no tolerance for favouritism. Favouritism had a tendency to end up killing people in the worst way.

Each legion had been bled in combat for what were fights in the lands of dispute since they were being hired either by Tyrosh or by Myr. They feigned to be a faction of different mercenaries and were sent there to fight. His training and discipline guaranteed that the legion had enormous strength. In fact, abroad they had earned the reputation of the invincible legions. They had faced Khalassar who surpassed them by five to one and they had won. They had casualties of course but the good news is that there were benefits for being part of the Winter Legion.

Curiously, after it was known how serious it was to be an officer and non-commissioned officer of the winter legions, the number of young children of a northern lord who entered the faction was greatly reduced. A little sad in Hariric's mind but he was a firm believer that if they were not ready for the hard life it was not his fault. However, that did not mean that he could not find them useful, which is what he did. In the end, everyone could be used. And the Rangers of the North were a splendid Defence force.

The leaders of the seven winter legions were trusted people: Dareon, Tykren, Jon Umber, Willam Dustin, Alec Tallhart, and Rickon Cerwyn. The seven of them had a lot of busy time. Especially Hariric. At least they didn't direct the Rangers of the North who were basically the force formed to control the criminals and groups of bandits in the North and hunt them all.

However, as lords of the seven legions, they had duties. Especially the same one since he had in addition to his duty as commander of his legion he also had his work as Stark of all things which was not easy to combine. Fortunately, it wasn't really that problematic.

Hariric returned to the present when Tykren attacked him. In his hands he carried a mandoble that was a sword with the knob and the sides of the guard in a cross with lion heads. The same sword was made of Valyrio steel, another weapon given to him. The man didn't scream as most would. He moved with millimetre precision and released his sword only to meet Ice who intercepted the blow.

It was a surprise to many how Hariric could handle the great sword of the Stark family as if it didn't weigh anything to him but well, it's what you had when you were a person as unique as he was, it's true since his monstrous strength allowed him in a nutshell to handle his weapon as if nothing.

Dareon, seeing his opportunity, threw himself with his sword trying to use his skill and the low weight of his weapon to surprise him. Hariric responded to this by easily diverting the weapon as if nothing had happened. No one could say that one could think of a more skilful member of the sword than the hariric Stark himself who was easily handling the situation.

The two fighters combined with each other but the style with a sword of power and Hariric's monstrous skill and strength allowed him to repel any attack and at the same time return the blows that was much more than his opponents expected. It's not that Hariric really cared too much that his attacks were stopped in their tracks. They were two skilful swordsmen against one.

That's when a barking was heard and everyone knew that the practice fight was over. The three of them were exhausted. Even the hariric himself. He had basically used his inhuman strength, it's true, but the two of them were still skilful swordsmen, so in a nutshell, they were able to face him, which was more than what could be said of most swordsmen in the world.

He doubted that there was someone capable of facing him but Hariric was not so stupid as to grow confident about it. Trust has a good chance of killing you if you don't keep an eye out. So he calmed down and took out a couple of bottles of energy juice. They were a very common drink after the fight. Basically his Aquarius version of this world.

"I still don't understand how the hell you can handle that big sword as if nothing had happened. I seriously think we are all talking here about how you handle that great sword with the utmost ease that you do. It's hard for me to believe it even though I'm watching it all the time. Forgive me if it seems offensive but I think no one can deny me that it's true''. Dareon shuddered. The Ice sword was a sword that should weigh enough even if it was made of valyrio steel and he handled it as well as he handled the bastard sword himself.

"Practise has allowed me to train for longer with my sword actually. So I'm satisfied with my handling of this. However, I have to admit that it is impressive how you use Judgement. The skill with which you mess it is simply incredible and not to say that I could feel that you were using your magic to reinforce it.'' Hariric smiled. That was the fun of all this.

"Yes, well, it's still impressive, is there really no secret of how to use magic to strengthen the body? I say this because the way you hit has completely numbed my body. I have never felt more hurt in my entire life than when you were hitting me. I don't think even the instructors knew how to fight in such a way''. Tykren complained as he ran his hands over his arms and let his magic relax the muscles of his arms since every blow was incredibly painful.

"There is no secret to reinforce the magic of the body since we are born with magic and our body is always with magic in it so there is no way to tell him that it can be strengthened in terms of physical power. However, what is true is that you can use magic to harden the skin although that is in a very different category of magic''. Hariric could practically see you looking at him with eyes like plates for the fact that he had hidden such magic from them.

'I swear one day I'll have to know how you do everything. That is to say, the way you make use of magic is simply unprecedented if I may say so. I have read books on the history of the Valyrians of how they used magic in all their constructions and yet the way you handle magic is something totally unprecedented''. Dareon complained. Magic sounded like infinite ability.

"That's because the Valyrians had a more than inadequate way of using magic. The way to use the magic of the Valyrians was not by building the muscle that was magic. But they arrived, they took people's lives and used it as a form of extra energy to do what they did. Frankly, I'm not surprised that his nation is going to shit.'' Although Hariric had a certain respect for ritual magic, it was not the same as he felt for the dark sacrificial magic.

"The more I learn about magic, the more it's hard for me to believe that you could be such an idiot. Were the valyrios just lazy dogs who didn't want to make any effort to basically use magic? That is to say that I will not be capable of much but I am sure that I will be able to use magic efficiently to survive everything''. His form of magic was incredible. Using runes he was very capable and he was also capable with spells that slightly told him who was lying and who was telling a partial truth or something like that.

"From my studies, the Valyrios were although an advanced town also backward. They saw the sacrifice of slaves as a viable option which you will never have seen in me. That thing made them in a nutshell unable to build their magic and in the end made them extremely dependent on what human sacrifices were to strengthen themselves and use magic. A complete pity too''. Dareon was an example of what well-trained Valyria blood could do.

''Pft please compare the valyria magic with what we are learning seems stupid to me. Frankly, it's like clearly comparing what they did and what's better every time I use magic, although if I use it in large quantities and end up exhausted, I also end up somehow full of life''. Dareon had sincerely read the history books. As the magic of the Valyrians demanded in a few words that someone's life be used in the process. I found it a little annoying.

"Valyria magic is not one that I know too much. However, apparently they used the property of fire. Fire is a broader power than what you have actually seen Dareon. I guess I'll have to find a way to get to Valyria. Your knowledge could be of great value to us if I may say so.'' Hariric didn't lie. In truth, the magic of fire of the Valyrians had been used in ways that he did not believe possible.

"That would be something worth seeing if I have to be honest hariric. However, arriving in Valyria won't be a big problem? I mean that the site is according to you under a powerful curse. How exactly do you plan to skip the curse? I doubt very much that if you tell the curse let me pass I will let you pass just like that. It is after all a presence that will not want to tolerate it''. Tykren had learned from curses and the effects they could have on someone's life. Needless to say, with his learning he had naturally decided that he wanted to be ready for the flies.

"Valyria's curse is a rather curious case if I have to be frank. It is possibly one of the cases of magic that come from the effect of pain and suffering caused on the soils where the curse took place. In short, it was caused neither more nor less than the actions of the Valyrios that the curse exists even if I have to be honest''. As Black knew more than anyone about the curses.

"Are you seriously saying that you have possibly discovered a way to go through one of the most dangerous curses? A curse that could even hurt a dragon? You know that if it reaches the ears of many people that you have discovered a way to get to Valyria then there is a good chance that the king of the seven kingdoms will try something''. Dareon's opinion of King Aerys was not the best. He seemed to him a king rather too predisposed to solve things with blood instead of using the brain.

'Yes. Valyria's curse is based on several points. The primary point is the impulse using the lives consumed by the use of Valyria magic, a curse has been imposed on each square piece of which the Valyria peninsula was affected and seeing that the Valyrians went through slaves as some women went through dresses, I don't think I have to say how bad it is at that point. Hariric had seen curse magic like this. Hamunaptra was the clearest example.

"Okay, you just gave me possibly one of the worst feelings I had ever thought of. I can't believe what I'm going to say but I don't feel a shit of shame for what happened to the Valyrios since it seems that they have earned it. But if the first point is basically every life sacrificed by the Valyrios I don't even want to imagine points number two and three since they must also be strong''. Tykren shivered and couldn't help it. Just thinking about what he had heard made him nervous.

"The next point to be noticed is that Valyria was located in what some would call a hot spot. As Winterfell is located in law lines, the same with Valyria. Only in that case the negative point is that Valyria basically had his point exposed to large amounts of negative energy in the form of the different sacrifices that have taken place over the years. It's not nice if you know what I mean by that''. Hariric honestly never thought he would find such a bad place.

"Okay, I can understand that. Valyria was located in the thirteen flames that are thirteen volcanos and curiously for thousands of years nothing happened to them. Now I can see why the place would explode so suddenly since the considerable amount of negative magic would affect the place in some way. It's not nice to hear but hey much better than what could have been was a possibility, right?''. Dareon was honestly beginning to question his ancestors.

"Unfortunately, that's how it is. There is no more that can be said about it in reality than the point that it was the magic in that great amount used as sacrificial magic that meant the end of the stage of valyria. Which has then been maintained thanks to the monstrous amount of negative energy in the area. Believe me, it's not pleasant to know or feel at all.'' With the palantir he had felt the amount of negative energy. I didn't think a patronus lived there for a long time.

"Okay, you have made clear the first two points of what is basically keeping the curse in its place. The number one step is the thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dead slaves courtesy of nothing more and nothing less than the Valyrios. Point number two was what was basically the area in which this had happened because as is natural it was not in a normal place but in a place that was filled to the top with malice and was of vital importance. I'm almost scared because of point number three''. The first two points were already bad enough so Tykren assumed that it must be for a reason number three.

"Point number three is possibly the least problematic: it was one of them. It was a Valyrio who threw the curse. But not as some would think. He tried to take what was all the magic that was there for himself with the intention of becoming something more. In the end the power was too much and he destroyed it before freeing himself on the soil of Valyria since it was a Valyrio who freed him''. As always, the human factor is missing. The human body, even that of the greatest and most powerful sorcerers, was basically a body with limits.

Needless to say, the other two looked at him with open eyes. In their minds they could not understand or believe that there would be someone so fucking stupid to do what he had just said. That is, trying to become a point for what was the magic of the complete curse sounded stupid. One of the first lessons the two learned from magic is that every body has and will always have a physical limit.

"Okay, now you have given us one more reason to question the sanity of what basically the people that my family was supposed to come were. That is, how could you be so incredibly stupid that you could channel so much power in your system?" Dareon couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was incredibly idiotic, meaningless and what is more important: suicidal.

"Well, it has become clear that idiocy rules the Valyria family, but I have the feeling that he was not able to do it on his own. Let me say that it's hard for me to really believe that they were capable of such a thing without more. It's something I find hard to believe in earnest.'' Tykren felt that there was something here that was escaping him. Something he didn't know or didn't understand.

"That's all I've been able to find out. The only way I would have to find out exactly what happened would be to use some kind of magic that involved getting in touch with the spirits. Even if there was a magic capable of such a thing, I won't even have to say that I would prefer not to see myself even five feet from that magic for anything in the world. I am many things but a brainless idiot is not one of them in any way''. His reason for not liking the magic of this guy is that the spirits were sons of bitches who had the tendency to do their own thing when they had one foot on the mortal plane.

"Well, we have learned something new anyway and that is that there are magic that should not be touched. Point number one the magic that involves taking advantage of residual ritual magic. He has the tendency to end up hitting you where it hurts the most in the worst way so no. Don't touch. The next point is the magic of the spirits. Since you seem to be so against it''. Dareon's honest opinion was that if Hariric saw something as a big NO, it was a fucking big No.

"It's not a matter of touching or not touching, it's a matter of getting right into waters full of shit. Believe me when I say this. The magic of the spirits has a tendency to bring something from the other side. And the dead want life. The slightest mistake, the slightest defect and you're screwed on all sides''. He had met some witches in the past who used the magic of the spirits to enslave them, which pissed them off even more.

Well, okay. However, I think we should listen to it more than anything because you have said it. We don't want to offend but if you're the one who's saying it, I think we have a reason to agree that there is a type of magic that is a nightmare and headache that I prefer not to treat.'' Dareon made it clear. If magic was a nuisance and a pain, it's better not to touch it.

"Well, now that that has become clear, I have to say goodbye. Both Shelia and I are going to Braavos and we have to end some issues. Apparently the iron bank wants to negotiate some different agreements since they have seen how incredibly lucrative the northern businesses are being''. The iron bank was an incredibly powerful entity, it was no less true but at the same time it was a group that at the end of the day were only humans in charge of money.

"Hariric, I think we are smart enough to know that there are many chances that some things will get out of control there. For what you want most, keep my sister out of trouble. Shelia could be the target of the bank if they think that somehow they could do something''. Dareon had a great love for his sister since she was the whole family he had left.

''Believe me, I'm more than aware of the intentions of the iron bank. If they think they can mess with the north, they will learn the hard way that such a way of thinking is better to see them all dead''. Hariric was very protective of Shelia. She was a good friend and was basically a capable student.

She loved magic above all and was incredibly intelligent as well as cruel. She was a perfect Slytherin in her mind since she clearly knew how to use her head unlike many idiots who placed themselves in Slytherin's old house at least that's what he thought of course. That and well Shelia was a person that when she opened up to people she couldn't stop liking you.

"Well, that takes away my fear. I would also strongly recommend that you have control of yourself because I know very well the effect that my sister can have on men.' With his words said, Dareon left with a smile. He knew that his sister had feelings for Stark but he wasn't going to tell him. It was too much fun. It also broke his heart to know that his sister could never have a relationship with that man in any way.

Hariric looked at his friend before creating a mass of water and releasing it on him. His scream for the cold water that came into contact. Hariric sighs. I could see his thought. Shelia was a beautiful and magnificent woman. Honestly, if I were a minor man, I would have had something with her a long time ago.

Not for nothing but because he was not one of those to deny a person what they want if he was in tune with him. Too bad about the world in which I was born in reality I didn't have the opportunity to love whoever I wanted. Anyway, that didn't matter, so he left while he heard the curses of the Rogare and the laughter of the Reyne for what he had done with his magic, although he also knew that the two of them would have seen it as something more to learn.

-Braavos. The Iron Bank (two weeks later)-

Shelia Rogare was a beautiful young woman with typical Valyrio platinum hair but with eyes definitely different from lilacs being hers of an amber colour. She was a beautiful woman that some would say was too beautiful to be touched by the man's hand.

What no one knew is that she had taken lessons in the art of combat and magic like a fish in water, the reason? Several years ago an idiot tried to rape her because she was beautiful. He never wanted to be weak again (said idiot was used as an example of what would happen to any rapist, the fact that he was also a nobleman was something that impacted people even more).

Although she would not deny that there were beautiful clothes, she had to admit that the Northern clothing style was much better in her mind. She wore a simple suit that adhered to every inch of her body highlighting her feminine body and letting her body be noticed. They had used silk from the North which was of quality if she had to be frank and she wore an elegant ruby necklace around her neck that gave her a majestic appearance along with earrings of the same ruby and on her legs she wore boots instead of sandals or shoes. Although the boots might seem strange, he actually liked them a lot.

Shelia had spent a lot of time with hariric in recent years effectively becoming her somewhat surprising left hand. According to him, his right hand was still to be decided. He didn't want to put any of his friends because as his right hands would be very tied to work which was a difficulty since many of them were gentlemen. He had shared with her the intention to name his brother and Tykren as lords by taking away the territory from his enemies, something that he made her promise not to tell her brother or Tykren.

Shelia was not armed with her sword for the only reason why she was with Hariric who was dressed in one of Armani's elegant suits as he called them since it was the name of the brand of the tailors' guild. Not only were they incredibly warm but they were well made. They estimated that they would soon begin to be sold by the seven kingdoms since it was better than the gentleman's clothing that was used. The fact that the quality of work was significantly better said something. However, she knew that only an idiot would attack Hariric who was surrounded by his wolf guard.

While Shelia had spent time in the personal Frigate of the Stark house, she had been very surprised when Hariric had mentioned her as his left hand. She was very surprised by the meaning. The left hand was a term to specify that it was expected to be a help and support but less visible.

I could also understand why. It turns out that I had a gift for seeing the past and the present with pieces of the future. This magic was to be a Greenseer what was known as the magic of those who were not tied to time in any way. Of course it was only thanks to Hariric that he had managed to completely control that magic.

It turns out or at least that was his thought anyway that the magic of the greenseer has a tendency to affect them. It weakened their bodies considerably. She feared that it would be like that. Fortunately he discovered that in the same way that Hariric was good with runes, spells and other magical arts such as mental ones, he was also a master of alchemy and apparently had obtained many books of alchy (in reality he had stolen them from the order of masters but they could not even use them in any of the ways so good was their advantage) and he discovered that the valyrians had the strongest gift with said power but that he had to be taken care of and treated intelligently.

Through her gift she had really learned a lot. She had an innate ability to see the truth, something that when she told Hariric she looked at for a moment before laughing. He was pissed off. He then told him that the truth is practically the past and the present of a person so therefore being able to see the truth was more than anything that it was because he perceived the past and present of his friend or victim.

While some would say it was brutal on Hariric's part, she wouldn't think the same. Hariric Stark was a simple person actually. He didn't need her. His gift was useful but he himself knew how to see the truth of people. As a left hand, she was one of the two voices that could be heard in the future and that would actually be expected to be paid attention.

I could understand why hariric did it this way. His forms would allow him in an efficient way to be able to dialogue better. And she was being brought to this meeting to start seeing what would be expected of her. She couldn't deny that it excited and terrified her at the same time since she didn't know how to deal with this.

His opinion of Braavos was simple. Braavos was controlled by the iron bench pure and simply. The iron bank lives by making money. At least the bank had a certain ethics. Also what was true is that no banker got involved in the jobs of other bankers. This was more than anything to avoid feuds, fights and most importantly weaken the iron bank. The power of the bank was so strong because whether they liked each other or not, the members had a certain idea that fighting each other was bad.

However, even if there was a dishonest member of the bank who wanted to cause problems, she was not afraid. I feared the consequences of pissing hariric off. Curiously, Hariric had used the Glover house event to settle and make it clear that he was the future lord of North for a good reason. Hariric was respected by his people and feared equally.

He also noticed the disgust that Hariric felt for Braavos. Although Braavos forbade slavery, they themselves worked seriously to marginalise outsiders a lot. Although she herself agreed that she could understand keeping her land as safe as possible, she did not accept in any way what she thought was that the place was not willing to treat people in a good way.

The most vivid proof of this was neither more nor less than the way they were being treated. The lords of Braavos had tried to put pressure on their power over Hariric and she knew him well enough to know that that had not suited her at all and that in fact she was plotting reprisals (it's not that she blamed him for it).

The nobles of Braavos had a very high idea of themselves. Curiously, Hariric respected the members of the iron bank more than the so-called merchant nobles of Braavos. It's not that she could blame him in any way. Hariric was at the end of the day a man who was clear that if he had to put up with someone he preferred to put up with efficient people who do a good job to useless rednecks.

She had heard of the opinion she had especially of Mace Tyrell. God have mercy on the Domain if they ever tried to fuck with Hariric because of course he would have no compassion for them for trying to fuck his day.

"You shouldn't tense up too much. I know you think that noble merchants can try to fuck us in some way but they know better than to face someone who has a somewhat close relationship with the iron bank. It's the same as admitting that you want to commit suicide if I have to be honest''. While walking around the place Hariric took note of many things that could be changed in bravos.

"It's a little hard not to be upset when these people are thinking somehow that they have shitty power. I will not deny that the iron bank is the most bank''. Shelia wanted to make a more sly comment but calmed down. Hariric was always calm. In control. She knew that when he was furious people had to run. An example is how he had personally executed and killed many people responsible for crimes.

'I can't say you're wrong. The Bank provided the main money for their businesses and subsequently they have made it grow. In a sense you have to admit that they have done a phenomenal job in their actions but you are a little wrong when you say that they can believe that they will get away with it... after the whole North is generating tons of money for the bank''. Hariric smiled with a touch of malice.

"However, I find it hard to believe that they could not try to do something. Or that they haven't warned the crown about how we are doing business. Which still surprises me because I would have expected the unstable king to somehow try to know how the North is making so much money''. Shelia questioned something she had always had in mind. The spies at King's Landing always told him that the king was a madman obsessed with the name of his house. It was hard for him to believe that he would let one house grow so much, eclipsing the other houses.

"It's amazing what magic is capable of doing. A little touch of magic and well people don't ask. In case the flies I have made that nothing is mentioned about the higher incomes. I couldn't hide that. I'd rather not be accused of stealing with such a fucking unstable king. But even in spite of that, if someone will be guilty of being in the hand of the king, which is a benefit in my mind once it is known that we are making all this income''. No, it was a matter of when. The spells of this type were not infinite. But they had bought him a considerable amount of time, something that made him more than happy.

"But there will still be consequences of it, won't it? There will still be people who will try to move the king. And possibly the noble merchants of Braavos will be helping them in some way thinking that it is the best way to make a profit themselves if you stop to think about it''. Shelia knew that there was always the possibility that someone would try to fuck the whole thing up.

"The possibilities are always many, my dear Shelia. There are always chances of things happening. In fact, if there is something that could worry me, it is not that they attack us with the king. No. That's just the main way. No. If there's something that southerners are fucking known for, it's for trying to create marriage alliances that are too favourable to them and I'm afraid some of my standard bearers will be at least idiots.'' The problem with some of the sires is that they were not their children.

"So... what worries you is not the king but the different lords who can fuck everything up trying to get things with which they have no chance of getting anything out of it and that in reality would be scamed by the lords of the south, isn't it true Lord Hariric?" Shelia couldn't deny that it was true. It was a justified fear.

"The lords of the south will try and I even gamble a lot that they will try to maneuver the lords of the North... I'm afraid I may have to do a little cleaning to make sure that the North does not in any way become a target of the damn southern bastards." He didn't like it. But fortunately most of the gentlemen, although not very wise in terms of business, such as their heirs, were intelligent enough to actually distrust what the southerners were.

"You could direct them to the night watch. Despite being a dying order at best, the lords of the North still see it as an essential order although I think that placing a legion there permanently along with its superior military instruction and much more I think that the order is about to end dead but it can be useful for that''. Shelia shrugged her shoulders. She actually believed that the best way to clean the North was that one.

"It's a possibility, I don't deny it. But for the moment I prefer to leave things as they are. Whether I like it or not, I have to admit that they are doing decent work right now. And at least most have a brain to use so as not to fuck with me in any way.'' Most of the lords of the North saw him well because he was responsible for leading the force against the Glovers. However, it was no less true that some thought it was a little southern and much more.

"As you dictate, my lord... there is a question, however, that I have, my lord. Why has none of the noble merchants of Braavos tried anything? I have already said that I would be surprised if they tried to do something because they think they have the opportunity to do it, my lord.'' Of course she intuited that her master's magic was working in this regard.

"Because they are aware that they will not be so difficult to catch. Despite everything that can be said by the lords of Braavos. Commercial nobles are not idiots. A little more arrogant, yes. Clearly unable to think about their things as well. But at the end of the day they know that if they attack here then it will be easy to know who is responsible and the iron bank itself would retaliate''. Say what you want from the bank but in Hariric's mind he felt that they were his best ticket for security.

"However, you are waiting for them to do something. That they have some kind of plan that is with the intention of hurting you. I don't need to be a genius to realise it. A single look is all I need to realise that you are looking forward to that''. Shelia laughed amused just thinking about it. It could be easy to see. A simple tactic if you stop to think about it.

They have paid one of the dock chiefs to turn a blind eye to a group of saboteurs who aim to damage our ship... it's a shame they won't be able to do it. The saboteurs are going to die. The master of the pier is going to die... and I'm considering how to punish the lords of Braavos for their actions''. Hariric was not so compassionate. The punishment had to be exemplary.

"I'm surprised that you're not going to try anything else like that. That you only treat people that way. I would have almost expected a more vigourous response. To hurt at such a level that everyone trembles. However, you are thinking that it is a lesson. With the Glovers you didn't give this option''. Shelia could imagine her lord in many ways dealing with all the unclean idiots.

"My dear... if I really wanted the men of the world to be broken and destroyed, I would only have to lead their families to ruin. If I really wanted to see people ask for clemency, it would make them understand the meaning of the word fear. These people are doing what they are doing out of a sense of ignorance. And the Glovers, however, did it with complete malice. Don't be wrong, however, since I will still deal with all of them in a cruel way. The death of the Glovers was not only to eliminate one of the so-called families of the red alliance. No. It was because I knew I had to send a message.

''The nobles of Braavos... will they learn the lesson? People rarely learn lessons. They get carried away by anger. They become irrational people who believe they are justified in their anger and think they can carry without being aware of their mistakes. That they believe it is for the simple fact that they are powerful people they have the right to attack in some way''. Shellia had studied Hariric's learning notes a lot. A lot about people's minds. The realisation of human nature was a job she was in.

"No. They won't do it. The mercantile nobles of Braavos will grow up furious. They will believe that the attack is disproportionate in some way. They will believe that it is unfair for their families to be aggravated even though they themselves will bring it to them. They will think they are justified in retaliating... but they won't do it until they think they have found a place to stick a dagger in their heart''. Because any attack against someone who has power never ended well. It meant an affront of some kind.

Hariric, however, was silent when they arrived at the iron bench. The bank was an obviously well-made institution. The place was quite good and in a few words he talked about the wealth of the people who worked there. Don't make a mistake. Inside the bank, not everyone was in a few words people who were at the top. There were high-level, intermediate-level and low-level bankers.

The bank worked using bankers according to what was the wealth they controlled and the money they actually generated. This method guaranteed that bankers would of course make an effort to try to be the most profitable. A low-level banker earned as much if not more money with his shares than some of the middle-level houses.

When Hariric arrived at the bank to negotiate with the bank, his treaty resulted in them sending him directly to a young low-grade banker. The young man was from a family that had been middle-level until there was an accident and made them lose a considerable amount of their wealth since it was discovered that one of his family members was dedicated to the slave trade. Bravos did not allow such things. The fines and punishments brutally brought down the family. The family was also forced to witness the death of the idiot woman and the young banker lost many of his family businesses and was in very bad shape.

When they sent it to the hariric, I knew it was a thing of the bank. The Bank at that time did not know what the wealth of the north was basically since if so they would have sent it to a medium degree. It's not that it mattered. Hariric discovered that the young banker didn't really have bad intentions or was a bad guy. He kept many of the businesses he had left because of his intelligent mind and clearly his observation skills.

However, the name of the family was beaten because of his cousin, a fact that he did not forgive him in the least and that in fact he had made a great effort to keep his own family away from the rest since he blamed the family for pampering the idiot child in what was life.

The young man named Joren Auditore was a young man of obvious descent from Nymerio. Olive skin. Eyes of a chocolate brown colour. He was an attractive young man. He had married against the family's intentions to a simple bakery owner but he hadn't cared.

He had two children and was making efforts to see his family well provided when Hariric appeared at his door. Can you imagine his look when he was offered a golden opportunity? The amount of goods that the North would move would be enough to recover financially and what is more important to get his family out of his back and leave them as he wanted by giving them a chance to recover.

When he knew that the reason why he was coming to Braavos was that he wanted it to go through one of the naval companies of Braavos to sell his articles to the rest of Essos or at least to the three sisters, he was satisfied with the matter in question. His family ran a small business. A company that had since quadrupled its presence.

He also helped that his own father had done cleaning by making it clear that he did not want his family to be harmed once again by what were the actions of the idiotic members with a clear threat that if you were a threat to the family you would be expelled.

Joren work without rest. It was hard for him to gather crews for the ships but in the end there were people who wanted to work. In the end, the shipping company got ahead and he earned hundreds of thousands if not more with just the first year. Slowly but surely he opened the trade with each free city selling its products and also snatching the glass business from myr what was a ton of gold even more for the quality of the glass of the north.

Although there had been assaults, he was surprised when a few years later any assault stopped and boasted that it was courtesy of his associate who had effectively rebuilt the fleet of the North. To say that he was happy for his new income was an understatement, of course.

Of course, some at the bank tried to steal his account. They tried to make Lord Stark question his job by alleging that he was a relative of a slave trader. Au could remember Lord Stark's words: 'Judging an entire family for the sins of one seems stupid to me. Shouldn't I then judge everyone in Braavos for the founders of this nation? Shouldn't he be judged then by the most brutal Stark lords there has been? We are masters of our actions and we must not be wrong by blaming others for their own actions and blaming the whole family. That's what earned him forever a great friendship with Lord Stark.

"Joren, thank you for receiving me without an appointment. I think you said something that you wanted to talk about a possibility and even more the reports of petitions of what are the goods offered by the north... by the way this is Shelia Rogare who is here with me since she is possibly the one I will send Braavos when they have to speak on my behalf. Hariric saw the office. The office was of exquisite taste. Joren himself wore a suit that was courtesy of a gift from the Stark house. To say that it was the envy of the other bankers was an understatement.

"Thank you for coming so fast Lord Stark. I know you are very busy with what is the constant work as a gentleman but I needed to let you know about some things. Some members of the bank are discussing the possibility of future companies and they wanted to see if he would be willing to offer himself to the possibility of such an investment. Joren was not happy about it. He believed that Lord Stark should not waste his time with investments if they did not prove to have a chance index of more than sixty percent success.

"Did they ask directly about Lord Stark? So that means that there are many chances that they are actually looking to use the gold in their profits or that the company is a waste and therefore take money from my lord. How did they come up with this idea of all things?''. Shelia grimaced. She didn't need to be a smarter woman to know that it was too much of a kind of attempt with the intention of getting the money out of her master.

"Don't bother Shelia. Joren is not part of the matter and therefore is not guilty of it. No. This looks like possibly being a student of the members who are most jealous of Joren's luck. Possibly they are using this as a way to make me lose money it is true but at the same time sink the prestige of what Joren is''. It was a rather simple tactic if you had to say it.

"I appreciate your support, my lord, it is not necessary since I am perfectly aware of the actions of the members who want this and I cannot stop them. You just have to say no but I know you could try next. The new Northern account is generating large amounts of income''. Joren knew that the income from the north alone generated a total of five hundred thousand golden dragons for the bank, which was a considerable sum.

"We can't avoid greed. But I have no interest in any investment... unless you can somehow get me to know about large expanses of land in Braavos or at least a large set of space that can be purchased. I would also like to know if I could get a meeting with the Sea Lord to be able to talk about a business regarding Braavos that could be of interest to him''. Hariric of course knew that if he could sell this it would be pretty good.

''A meeting with the Sea Lord shouldn't be difficult at all. Not with everything you buy. The Wine of the Winter Rose is possibly his favourite wine and he loves to have any drink that the North makes for what is clearly his parties and meetings not to say the other crafts and foods of the North. If Joren had to admit the fact, it was that the amount of products offered by the North was so massive that it could easily be said that they were at the top of the market.

"Thank you. The reason why I'm not going directly is that I think the Sea Lord could take it as if he were making a demand of some kind of something. I'd rather he think I'm trying to do business with him and in this way he sees that the North obviously only has commercial interests now''. Frankly, in Hariric's opinion he could go forward and knock on the door but he wanted to do it so that the Sea Lord himself realised that this man was very important and valuable to the whole Braavos team.

"That... could be the best option, my lord. The Sea Lord has become paranoid fearing that someone will try to remove him from his position. But if it is going down a less direct path and more like an attempt to be messengers I think I could see it happen and what is the reason for the large expanse of land?''. Joren could see the wild smile grow in hariric but he could also say that he was interested.

''Call it... a commercial interest''.
