
A New Clark [09]


Clark looked ahead, and to his surprise, he saw Lana standing there, dressed for the dance. She was outside the house, her expression a mix of frustration and irritation.

"What's going on, Lana?" Clark asked, keeping his composure, though he could tell this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation.

"You hurt Whitney!" Lana exclaimed, her voice full of anger. "He called me and said he can't go to the dance because you injured him in that ridiculous fight!"

Clark took a deep breath.

"Whitney wanted to humiliate me, Lana. He and the football team were planning to make me the Scarecrow, tie me up in the field like they do every year to some freshman. I just defended myself."

Lana shook her head in disbelief.

"Scarecrow? I can't believe you're trying to justify what you did! You went too far, Clark. Now Whitney's hurt and can't go to the dance with me because of you!"

"Your boyfriend's a jerk," Clark replied bluntly, his voice firm but steady. "He tried to provoke me and put me in a humiliating situation. I just showed him I'm not someone he can mess with."

"That doesn't give you the right to hurt him!" Lana retorted, her eyes flashing with frustration.

"If Whitney were a decent guy, he'd be here right now, with his arm intact, and you two would be going to the dance together. But he chose to be a coward and tried to humiliate me. If you can't see that, that's not my problem," Clark said.

Lana stood silent for a moment, processing Clark's words. Anger and confusion were clear on her face, but she seemed to be at a loss for how to respond.

"You've changed, Clark. This isn't you," Lana murmured, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Thank God for that, Lana. If I were the same, you'd be going to the dance while I'd be tied up in a cornfield," Clark said, watching her puzzled expression.

"The dance is important to a girl, Clark," Lana said, as if trying to justify her frustration. "Tonight was supposed to be special."

Clark let out a brief laugh, incredulous at what he had just heard. "Are you really comparing missing a dance to being tied up as a Scarecrow? Seriously, Lana? That's your priority?"

Lana remained silent, unable to argue back. The frustration on her face was evident, but the logic of Clark's words hit her hard.

"I just... thought you were different."

'Different? Different from who?' Clark thought, sighing. 'What is she even talking about?'

"If you came here expecting me to apologize and take all the blame, you wasted your time," Clark said calmly but firmly, leaving no room for further discussion. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dance to get to." He turned and headed toward the truck, not looking back.

"Clark, I'm not done talking to you! Get back here!" Lana shouted, her voice filled with frustration.

Clark, with his hand on the truck door, raised a hand in a wave, not even turning around to face her.

At Lana's shouting, Jonathan Kent came out of the house, concerned. "Is something wrong, Lana?" he asked, his expression serious as he observed the situation.

"Nothing, Mr. Kent," Lana quickly replied, trying to hide her frustration, looking down and not wanting to prolong the conversation.

Clark got into the truck, started the engine, and with one last glance in the rearview mirror, saw his dad talking to Lana before speeding away from the farm.


Inside the truck, silence filled the space as Clark drove toward Chloe's house. The lights of the town began to appear on the horizon, and the sky had deepened into a dark blue, signaling the start of the night.

Clark parked the truck in front of Chloe's house. The engine purred softly before being turned off, and he sighed, feeling the cool night air that had settled over Smallville. He looked at the front door for a moment, then got out of the truck and walked to the front door.

Knock knock

Clark knocked softly, waiting only a few seconds before the door opened. Chloe appeared, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She wore a simple but elegant dress that highlighted her vibrant personality. Her hair was loose, falling in waves over her shoulders, and a shy smile graced her face.

"You look beautiful," Clark said, looking her up and down with a genuine smile.

Chloe smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Thanks, Clark. You don't look too bad yourself."

Clark extended his arm in a gentlemanly gesture. "Your carriage awaits, miss."

She laughed, taking his arm as the two walked toward the truck. Clark opened the passenger door carefully and helped Chloe in, keeping a smile on his face.

"Ready for the best night of the year?" Chloe asked as she settled into the seat and looked at Clark expectantly.

Clark softly closed the door, walked around the front of the truck, and got in on the driver's side, starting the engine with a soft


"I'm more than ready," he said, smiling as he drove off.

"You know there was another murder last night?" Chloe asked, gazing out the window. "I've been researching more about Jeremy Creek, and I'm almost certain he's involved. It's the third murder in less than a week, Clark!"

"Chloe, we already talked about this today," Clark said, smiling slightly as he glanced at her. "I'm gonna end up getting jealous of how much you talk about Jeremy Creek."

"Sorry, it's the journalist in me," Chloe replied, laughing nervously.

"I'm kidding, Chloe. I just thought it was funny that you're so focused on this in the middle of a night that's supposed to be special," Clark replied, keeping a light tone but with sincerity that made her smile.

"I know, I know... but I guess I'm a little nervous," Chloe admitted, fiddling with the straps of her dress. "When I get like this, I talk too much."

Clark noticed her nervousness. "It's okay, Chloe. Tonight's a night for us to have fun, so relax. I'll be by your side the whole time."

Chloe let out a light laugh, still a bit nervous but grateful for Clark's words. "You're really good at this, you know? At making me feel better." She looked at him with a sincere smile, and he felt reassured that he was on the right track.

As they continued driving toward the school, their conversation flowed easily, though Clark noticed Chloe was especially chatty, likely due to a mix of happiness and nerves.

"Do you think I'm overdoing it with all of this?" Chloe asked suddenly, looking at him with a serious expression.

"No, Chloe, I think you're right to follow your instincts. But I also think we've talked about it enough for today. Tonight you should try to forget about it a little and just enjoy the night," Clark said gently.

Chloe smiled, nodding. "You're right. I promise to stop talking about Jeremy... at least for tonight."

As they neared the school, the atmosphere began to change. The bright lights of the dance hall were visible in the distance, and the parking lot was already filled with cars and trucks of other students arriving for the dance.

Clark maneuvered the truck easily and parked near the entrance. He looked at Chloe with a smile. "We're here."

"I'm ready, I think," Chloe said, a little nervous but clearly excited. She let out a sigh, as if trying to prepare herself for the night ahead.

Clark got out of the truck and walked around to open the passenger door for Chloe, extending his hand to help her down.

"You'll do great," Clark said, winking at her as they walked toward the entrance of the school, where students were already entering for the dance.

"I hope you're right, Clark," Chloe replied, smiling shyly as she squeezed his arm.

Clark looked into the ballroom as they entered. The lights danced on the walls, and students were already starting to fill the dance floor, forming small groups, chatting, and laughing. The tables were set up on the sides, decorated with flowers and candles.

"What do you say we start the night with a dance?" Clark asked, looking at Chloe with a relaxed smile.

"Me? Dance? You know I'm terrible at it, right?" Chloe said, laughing nervously, though the idea made her blush slightly.

Clark stepped forward, gently taking her hand. "You just have to follow me, trust me."

Chloe hesitated for a moment but then smiled and squeezed Clark's hand, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.

The slow music began to fill the ballroom, and Clark placed his hand on Chloe's waist, guiding her smoothly. She followed his steps, still a bit nervous, but relaxing as she got used to the rhythm of the music. The soft lights reflected on their faces as they moved across the floor.

"See? I told you I'm terrible," Chloe said, stumbling slightly but laughing along with Clark.

"You're doing great," Clark replied, smiling encouragingly as he pulled her a little closer so she could follow his movements more easily.

The music continued to play, and as the dance flowed, Chloe began to relax, letting herself be swept up in the moment. They spun slowly, with Clark guiding each step with a confidence that made her feel safe. The glances from some classmates passed over them, but Chloe seemed to have forgotten the world around her.

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