
089 The First Friend (Please subscribe! Please vote monthly!)

——— "Contract".

This is a power that only Magicians can exercise.

Since Magicians generally need to chant and take time to prepare when casting Magic, the contract was born.

Originally, the purpose of contracts was to allow Magicians to recruit guards on certain conditions to protect them while they prepare their Magic, fending off enemies.

As time passed and history developed, contracts gradually evolved into various forms, being used to impose restrictions, agreements, or even to enslave others, among other things.

Once the rules set by a contract take effect, they must be executed, or a punishment mechanism will be triggered.

For example, slaves, who are deprived of human rights, are usually bound by enslavement contracts made by slavers with Magicians; once successful, the slave must unconditionally obey their master's commands or face the punishment mechanism, which could mean torment for minor offenses, or death for major ones.
