
Chapter 262: Furious Threat

Song Yan's face turned extremely ugly from being forced into a corner. If he retracted the command, his dignity and authority would be completely lost. If he didn't withdraw it, his life would be at stake. Song Yan knew something about Lan Xue's temperament; she meant what she said and even the mightiest figures couldn't control her when enraged. With no other option, he turned to the yet-to-depart chief of the serious crime unit and barked, "Why are you still standing there? Come up with a plan to pull this crazy woman away!"

The chief of the serious crime unit looked at Lan Xue with some difficulty. On one hand was his superior's superior and on the other, a comrade he had fought alongside. After thinking it over, he decided to support the vice mayor. It wasn't that he held any hostility towards Lan Xue; it's just that this spectacle was unseemly, and watching a higher-up being blackmailed didn't bode well for his own reputation.
