
Info for the Mission

The chat group's was buzzing about the mission and their day to day life. Shiro was doing his own thing, Tatsumaki was back from a mission, and everyone else seemed to be preparing for whatever was next. That's when a sudden notification from the chat group appeared, freezing everything.

[Notification: Information about the mission is now available. Destination: Minecraft World. Objective: Unknown until *****.]

**Note:- I'll sometimes not use their nicknames from now on in the group chat.**

The message lingered on the screen for everyone, followed by a sudden influx of confused reactions.


_"Wait, Minecraft? Isn't that a game?"_


_"What kind of name is that? It sounds ridiculous."_


_"Is it a world with special powers?"_

Before anyone else could ask any other questions, Surprisingly Megumi sent a message. He'd been quiet until now, rarely chatting and observing only.


_"Minecraft…, it's a game in my world. It's pretty popular. The whole point of it is to just mine, build, and survive."_

Shiro couldn't help but smirk at the mention of it. He'd been expecting something like this.


_"Minecraft. A game from hundreds of years ago in my world. It was wildly popular back then. You could say it laid the foundation for future games. It's a rather simple world."_

He trailed off, a glint of something unreadable in his eyes.


_"Are you saying we're being sent to a world that is a game in your world? How does that even work?"_


_"I don't like the sound of this. If it's unknown, it could be dangerous."_


_"It's not as innocent as it sounds, trust me. The game's world can be peaceful, but it can also be dangerous, especially if we don't know what the goal is."_


_"Wait, wait, wait! You're telling me we're going into the actual Minecraft world? Like, for real?"_


_"Exactly. A game world that might not be so simple now. It's no longer just a game. We'll be entering it like any other world and have to survive."_

A sense of unease spread through the group. They all realized that while the world itself might have been a game for Megumi and Shiro, this was no ordinary mission. And with the objective hidden, the stakes were higher than ever.

The chat group was buzzing with reactions as everyone tried to wrap their heads around the mission.


_"So, let me get this straight. We're going into some kind of blocky world where we just mine and build houses? How's that a mission?"_


_"It's more than that, Tatsumaki. The world of Minecraft is full of unexpected dangers like zombies, skeletons, creepers, and worse. And unlike the game, we don't have the luxury of restarting or respawning."_


_"Wait, hold on. Zombies and skeletons? You're joking, right?"_


_"No, he's not. At night, the world becomes dangerous. There are monsters. If we're not prepared, we could die."_


_"I don't care if it's a game or real life, nothing can stop me. I can take down some zombies without breaking a sweat."_

Shiro chuckled softly, shaking his head.


_"We'll see. This world might test more than just brute strength, Tatsumaki."_


_"So... should we prepare for it like a normal mission? How do we even get resources in a place like that?"_


_"Everything starts from scratch. We need to gather materials—wood, stone, iron—and craft what we need to survive. No quirks or abilities can make up for that lack of preparation."_


_"But how do we even know what to craft? I don't know anything about Minecraft, and I doubt most of us do."_


_"That's where Peter, Megumi and I come in. We could play it, so we would know the basics. But remember, it's not just a game for us anymore. The rules could change."_


_"I'll have to rely on you three, then. But something still bothers me—why is the objective hidden? The other mission gave us clear goals, but this... It feels like a trap."_


_"That's exactly why we need to be cautious. The chat group is always unpredictable. Until we figure out the mission, we focus on surviving."_


_"I have to agree with Rose. This feels off. We've had clear objective before, but sending us blind into an unfamiliar world? There's more to this than we realize."_


_"So, uh, anyone got a game plan here? I mean, besides 'don't die'?"_


_"The plan is simple. Gather resources, find shelter before night falls, and build our base. Once we have the basics covered, we'll explore and look for any clues about the hidden objective. On the base it will still be classic Minecraft survival, but on a larger scale."_


_"So, we're going to spend time chopping trees and mining rocks? Sounds boring."_


_"You'll be surprised how intense it can get when monsters start attacking your shelter. And if it rains, things can get out of hand quickly."_


_"Okay, so gather resources, build a base, avoid dying. Got it. But how do we know when we've completed the mission? What if we just... stay there forever?"_


_"That's why we explore. The mission parameters may become clearer as we go deeper into the world. The more we explore, the closer we'll get to understanding our objective."_


_"It sounds like a waiting game. We have to uncover the goal through exploration and survival. That might take weeks, even months, depending on how the world is structured."_

The atmosphere in the chat grew tense as the weight of the situation settled in. This wasn't just a simple mission. It was going to be a test of survival, adaptability, and patience.


_"We're going to need supplies before we enter. Anything we can bring that will give us an advantage once we're inside?"_


_"Unfortunately, the world might not let us bring too much. Minecraft operates on its own rules, and external equipment might be limited. But I'll make sure we have some basic tools and armor ready."_


_"Great. So it's like camping… except with zombies. And no s'mores."_




_"Hey, I'm just saying, it could be worse."_


_"What could be worse than being thrown into a weird blocky world with no idea what we're supposed to do?"_


_"I mean, it could've been Fortnite."_

Shiro laughed softly, appreciating Peter's attempt at humor despite the serious tone of the mission.


_"Alright, everyone. Gear up and be ready. We'll be transported soon, and once we land, there's no turning back until we've completed the mission. Stick together, follow Peter's Megumi's or my lead, and we'll make it through this."_


_"We'll need to stay alert at all times. If this world is anything like what you two described, even a moment of carelessness could cost us."_

The chat went silent as everyone prepared themselves. Shiro's mind raced with potential strategies, while Megumi stayed calm, mentally preparing for the challenges ahead. This wasn't just a game anymore—it was a real world, with real dangers.


_"Alright, let's do this. Team 'Blocky Survival,' let's go!"_


_"You really need better names for these things."_
