
Chapter 19 - Explanations

The day of the opening ceremony finally arrived, and once again I found my way to the director's office. I hoped it was finally time for her to tell me a little more about the job I would be taking on.

Because the semester was about to start and I still had no idea where I would be teaching or who I would be teaching, I knew absolutely nothing about what was waiting for me today. 

Actually, that's false; I knew one thing: the students would be suffering a whole lot against the Cyclops I captured yesterday.

It was also weird to say this, but I wanted to see Darla again. Because of everything that had happened with Derek, we hadn't talked much since then. More and more teachers had started arriving, and I had less and less time to give her. So, we took some time apart.

Either way, I was back in the same old chair, looking at the director, who was clicking her pen over and over again.

"So, are you excited? You're finally going to meet your class!" she said.

I nodded. "Yeah, finally. It seems my pestering didn't help me get early answers."

A smile appeared on my face at the same time as her.

"Right. Well, with everything that happened with Derek…things were a little complicated. Luckily, you stayed discreet just like I asked, and it seems Derek is doing the same thing."

That was true. Apart from his angry glances in the hallways, he hadn't done anything. I had looked over his movements for over a week, and he truly hadn't done anything apart from spreading rumors and preparing for his classes. Maybe he had some deep dark secret, but it didn't seem so. Actually, I was starting to doubt myself about him being a demon hidden as a human. But well, I didn't jump the gun just yet.

"Okay, so I think it's finally time to explain your job or your role as a professor." She let go of her pen, leaned back in her chair, coughed a little, and started explaining. "Alright. As you already know, you were tasked with taking care of a special class of students. Now…the real question is, why is your class special?"

She was right. That was the question that had been on my mind since the very beginning.

"Well, the answer to that is quite simple. First off, you will be the sole professor of that class, meaning you will take on all the subjects they need to learn in their first year. If you continue with them, you will do the same in their second year, and so on. Now, let's talk about your students. They are also special. You already met one of them, and that was just the start. All the students in your class are either from extremely important families or have incredible potential."

She slid a small folder across the desk in my direction.

"In this, you will find all the information about each of your students. Some of them come from incredible backgrounds, and others not so much. The main reason you were chosen for this job is because you don't care."

"What do you mean?" I frowned. "I care. I care about the students. Didn't you see me with Darla? I even gave her special tutoring."

Her comment was annoying, and I honestly didn't expect it because I was doing my best here.

However, when I saw the look on Alexandra's face, I realized I might have misinterpreted her words.

With a sorry look on her face, she immediately rectified the situation.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean that you don't care about your students," she sighed. "I just meant that you're not the type of person that cares about politics or just…money all around. You're, uh, how to say? Free-minded. Basically, you do whatever you want."

"Damn right I am." I laughed. "So, if I understand correctly, I was given this role because I can't be bought."

"Well, not only that…but that was the main reason the Emperor asked for you. Your overwhelming strength, and talent obviously helped. After all, you're the youngest professor this academy has ever had." She flashed a smile. "It's not every day that we get twenty-two-year-old professors, especially here."

I nodded. I understood most of what she said, but I still had a question on my mind about something in particular.

"You said that I should teach them everything the first years need to know. But can I propose something else?"

The director saw my smile and knew that nothing good would come out of it. However, she still allowed me to give her my suggestion. After all, she had just said it himself: I wasn't the type of person that could be controlled.

"Go ahead."

"Just a sec."

I opened the folder and counted the number of students in my class. I skimmed through it and saw that there were twenty-one students. It wasn't too bad for what I was planning. Actually, it could work.

I nodded and looked at the director. "I want to do something else. I don't want to follow courses and certain subjects. You know as well as I do that not all subjects interest students, right?"

She nodded. No one could disagree with that. We all have different tastes when it comes to everything in life.

"So, what if I made each of my students a certain curriculum that they would have to follow? You see, I don't want to be bragging or anything, but I have an eye for people. With a quick look at their abilities, I can tell what they are lacking."

She didn't say anything right away, simply rubbing her chin for a good minute. She was clearly thinking about it, which was a good sign.

"A personal curriculum for each of your students…interesting." A few more seconds passed by. "Hmm, I don't think anyone would oppose it. Though, it depends on your results. You have one week to make it work."

"Yes, miss!" I saluted her just like I did with my commander.

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