
Mauler Juggernaut.

Within moments, a low rumble echoed through the city as the Mauler drop pod hurtled from orbit, streaking through the clouds like a comet.

It slammed into the ground nearby with a deafening crash, unfolding to reveal the massive war machine, an armored juggernaut bristling with high-caliber weaponry and reinforced plating. The Mauler's cannons began to glow as it powered up, the deep hum of its engines reverberating across the battlefield.

Rex grinned, anticipation lighting up his face. "Alright, let's see how this so-called boss handles some real firepower."

The Mauler Juggernaut's targeting systems locked onto the towering zombie, and with a thunderous roar, it unleashed its first salvo, a blast of plasma so intense it turned the night into day for a brief moment.

The impact struck the creature dead center, sending it staggering backward; chunks of its armored hide blasted away, exposing the raw, pulsing flesh beneath.
