

Voss's eyebrow rose. "Out with it, Leena."

She took a deep breath. "We… We don't have a confirmed visual on him, sir. But reports suggest he and another individual were found a few kilometers away of the bug, one fitting the description of the higher-ups secret objective."

Voss's lips curled into a faint smile. "So, he made it out alive. And it seems our friend has a knack for making strange allies." He chuckled softly, shaking his head in amusement. 

Leena's expression was cautious. "Sir, should we pursue him? He technically violated a number of Allied protocols, entering combat without orders, using unauthorized weaponry, and now consorting with an enemy operative."

Voss held up a hand, cutting her off. "Not yet. We'll keep an eye on him, but for now, let him play his games. He has a talent for stirring things up, and in war, sometimes chaos is useful. Especially when dealing with an enemy like the Khryssari."
