
I have to win this


The sudden voice startled the pioneers, making them instinctively grip their weapons. It was the kind of situation where one wrong move could lead to an accidental attack. But the moment they saw who the voice belonged to, their surprise overpowered all other thoughts.

"A Dark Elf?"

Her skin was a rich, healthy shade of brown. Her silver hair shimmered like sunlight on the water. Her limbs, though slender, appeared firm and strong, with not a hint of excess fat on her body. She was the embodiment of what humans consider an ideal physique, though her ears—easily twice as long as any human's—set her apart.

The Dark Elf, with her alluring feminine form, smiled as she looked at their astonished faces.

"Yes, a Dark Elf. That's what we were called. A race that has now fallen... No, one that has gone extinct," she said with a bitter smile, her eyes lowering in sorrow.
