
Chapter 15: The Angel's Demon 2

"Sorry Master," she said and Rosan nodded in acceptance.

"Good, now that I know one part of the legends are true. I want you to try summoning two items. They are integral to being a Dokkaebi," he suddenly told her.

"Items?" Maro questioned curiously. "Okay, I can try… What are they?"

"A hat and a club," was all he said.

Her brows furrowed at that but she nodded. She would have questioned him more but something stopped her.

It's as if she instinctively knew what he was talking about.

"A Zoan was a good choice for her," Mod remarked and Rosan nodded in agreement as he looked at Maro's face.

"Why?" Ram asked in confusion.

"Maro's previous lifestyle was that of an animal basically," Mod said bluntly. "Due to that, and the fact that she has had no proper education for 11 years, she's likely had to rely almost solely on instinct, something Zoans excel at."

Ram nodded in understanding. "Because they're animals and Devil Fruits fundamentally change a person. That makes sense, she must feel right at home with a Zoan and, adding the fact that she's a prodigy, she will probably have this done pretty quickly -,"

"There!" Maro suddenly exclaimed and they watched as she summoned a massive wooden club from nothing followed by a large hat.

Maro frowned at the hat and, as if obeying her will, transformed itself into a silver tiara that fit her perfectly.

She smiled this time and placed it neatly on her head.

The bluenette then looked at her giant club and waved it around a bit. She let out a yelp of surprise as blue flames suddenly conjured all over her body and she began to panic at the prospect of being burned.

"AHHH HELP ME!" Maro squealed in fear, rolling around to try and dash them.

"Idiot," Angel said with a shake of her head. The girl had been about to help but she noticed the flames were not burning anything so she let it be.

"Focus, Maro," Rosan said to the girl, effortlessly piercing her panic. "Those are your flames. Bring them under control."

The orange eyed girl heard his words and she realized that, despite being covered, they were not burning her. Heeding his advice, she tried willing the flames away and grinned triumphantly when they listened to her.

"I did it, Master!" She cheered childishly. The 11 year old concentrated again and the blue flames reappeared. She repeated the process multiple times before she got a proper feel of it.

"Can you tell me more about these flames?"

Rosan nodded and she beamed at having a walking encyclopedia to help her along the way.

"I do not know much about the Blue Flames of a Dokkaebi," he admitted. "All that is said is that they herald the appearance of one. Perhaps you can use them for travel? If I'm correct… these blue flames could also have something to do with the fact that Dokkaebi are known to be defenders against evil spirits so I'm sure you can use them offensively."

"Master, you know so much," Maro said in awe as she looked at the flames. She focused on doing harm and the flames responded. They roared to life and the bluenette grinned at the intensity.

She could work with this.

Finally, she dismissed the flames and focused on the club again. The wooden club had been the reason she summoned those flames in the first place. As she gripped the club that was even larger then her, she marveled at how light it was and how sturdy it felt, despite being made of wood.

"That's a Dokkaebi's club. It can summon things and is also known to act as a magic wand which helps with illusions and harvest growth."

They paused as they heard that and Demon's mouth opened in surprise.

"Harvest growth and illusion magic," Maro muttered to herself in awe. This Devil Fruit was ridiculously awesome! Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to get such a powerful ability when she asked for one of the mysterious fruits.

"Can we have an area on the ship for gardening?" Maro asked suddenly.

"I second this!" Angel spoke up immediately with a smile on her face. She had always wanted a garden but the girl didn't want to work on it. It would get in the way of her other duties so she refrained from asking her even busier Master.

"Okay," Rosan said compliantly.

Maro beamed at how supportive Master was being.

Illusion magic would be insanely useful considering she was working with Reaper, whose identity was an important secret. She didn't want anyone to find out who Rosan was through her.

She was about to ask what her tiara (that bucket hat would have looked so stupid on her! Angel taught her well!) did but, like before, her instincts guided her.

The orange eyed girl closed said eyes and concentrated. For a brief moment, the tiara glowed and then…

Maro vanished.

"Impressive," Rosan said softly. He hadn't even needed to tell her what to do. She was getting the hang of her Devil Fruit at a rapid pace.

"She vanished?" Demon asked in shock.

"Where did she go?" Angel muttered in confusion.

"She's invisible, it's the ability of her hat," Rosan explained before he suddenly tilted his head to the side and flipped something over.

"Oof!" a voice called out and Maro flickered into view.

"H-how did you know I was there?" she asked in a daze. The girl had wanted to sneak attack Rosan and finally get a hit in, but he somehow saw through her?

"I have good battle sense," Rosan informed her. "Also, I can modify my eyes to view heat signatures."

Ah, that made sense.

"Your fruit is nonsense, Master," the girl groaned.

"Thank you/Thank you/Thank you!" The 3 voices, inside of Rosan, said in chorus and Angel burst out laughing. Even Demon chuckled at the miserable look on Maro's face and the look of betrayal she shot him made the purple haired boy apologize with an even bigger smile.

Angel laughed even harder.

"As I mentioned before, Zoan's have 3 forms. Human, Animal, and a hybrid between both."

Maro was excited. The girl had been waiting for this day and she was shaking hard in excitement as a result.

Rosan had yet to steer her wrong, so when he prevented her from transforming into a Zoan she had begrudgingly agreed to it. It turned out for the best because she found out that, even in her human form, she could still be a force if she wanted to.

Maro was already seeing the benefits of her Devil Fruit and she hadn't even transformed yet.

Needless to say, she had been looking forward to this day.

"Today we will see your animal form," Rosan said calmly and Maro tried to mimic his coolness.

She failed miserably.

"I can see how excited you are," the redhead commented and she flushed. Angel, luckily, was in an understanding mood today and so Maro was spared from the terrifying clone's wrath.

"Transform into your Zoan, Maro," Rosan commanded and the girl resisted the urge to cheer.

Everyone watching stayed silent as Maro closed her eyes. Rosan had dressed her in a beautiful blue kimono with white roses adorned all over it. The 2 redheads of the crew, along with Maro, had gone clothes shopping for the girl and had picked out multiple outfits for the 11 year old.

The bluenette definitely didn't cry at having things to claim as her own.

This kimono had been picked out by Rosan, greatly surprising the newest resident of the ship.

"Master is surprisingly stylish and vain," Angel informed her. "Believe it or not, he used to be the most fashionable on the ship. He likes to look good," the tall clone told her and Maro looked pleasantly surprised.

He was good. The boy even knew blue was her favorite color!

The redhead had to modify it a bit to suddenly fit her taller frame (she was the same height as Rosan now!) and he also told her that due to being a Zoan, her outfit might be destroyed. As a result, he made it similar to his own clothing (he could turn into a dragon!) and had it stretch with her!

Master was seriously so incredible!

Maro focused more on the task, as she noticed she was sidetracking, and it didn't take her long to understand what she needed to do.

Everyone watched in wonder as Maro began to change.

The girl shot up an entire foot, standing at a staggering 6'2, and as this happened her skin turned a light shade of green and her, once short hair, grew long, wild and white, stopping right above her mid back and her, once tiny, nose grew, pointing outwards. The nails of her hands and feet turned into dangerously sharp claws and her teeth, particularly the canines, lengthened (they were still short enough to remain in her mouth when they were closed) and sharpened dramatically.

She felt her muscles ripple as they expanded in time with her transformation. Her pupils vanished and the entirety of her sclera turned the same orange shade as her eye color.

In her hands laid the club and, on her new frame, it looked like a perfect fit. She'd have to see if she could adjust the size of it in her human form.

The tiara on her head was practically invisible, even if it was completely covered by her wild hair, it was tiny on her newly found size.

Transformation done, Maro looked down at her complete zoan form and felt a surge run through her body.

She felt… AMAZING! The white haired goblin was practically packed with power and Maro felt like she could take on anyone at the moment!

Just imagine how strong she'd be after training! Even Master would have trouble facing her!

The girl wanted to get an even closer look at her body.

Without any prompting, a large mirror was summoned in front of her.

"Thank ya Master," her normally squeaky voice came out as a deeper grumble as she stepped up to the mirror.

"That wasn't me," Rosan told the girl. While everyone stared in wonder, Rosan had been calmly assessing all the changes with a calculating eye.

The boy had noticed the changes to her body even before she transformed into a full Zoan. It reminded him of the theory he had long ago when facing Maverick, the grizzly bear captain. It seemed that Zoans did change their user's human form on a level similar to Logias and Paramecia.

Unlike Maverick, her full Zoan didn't look like it had much downsides (including how she looked as a human). Whereas the other man had been limited by the fact that he was on 4 legs, and suddenly lost the ability to use his arms, Maro was bipedal much like his hybrid form and didn't lose her arms.

He wondered about what her hybrid form would be. It would likely sacrifice size and power for speed and dexterity.

"That wasn't you?" the Dokkaebi asked in confusion as she looked down at her positively tiny Master. From this angle, him looking up at her, he looked even more adorable!

"No. Your club did," Rosan commented, pointing at the massive wooden club in her hand.

Maro looked at the club in confusion. "But this looks like the mirror in your room," she pointed out. It was a carbon copy of the standing mirror that Rosan kept in his room.

"That's because it is," Rosan confirmed. "Dokkaebi can summon with their club, but it doesn't make what you summon from thin air. You summon it, by stealing from someone else essentially and taking it from the area around you."

This Club was amazing. Maro was interested in it before but now, she wanted to make it her go to weapon.

It was perfect! She had seen Master use a plethora of weapons, but he had never used a club like hers. He was more into the hammer when it came to bludgeoning things!

If this was to be her weapon, it would need a name… something befitting its nature.

"Daisy," she said suddenly.

"Daisy?" Demon asked in confusion.

"Yes, my weapon's name is going to be Daisy," Maro confirmed.

"You're gonna name that giant, fierce, and menacing club… Daisy?" Angel asked in disbelief and she saw Demon stifling his laugh.


It was a perfect name! Maro didn't see it as fierce, it was actually pretty adorable in her eyes.

"Besides, Master's name is Rosan which sounds like Rose and he named me Maro!"

"Correct, I named you Maro because I intended to make you an extension of myself," Rosan said softly. It was also because he was rather bad at names, but Mod-chan had told him not to tell her that.

"Well then I have to have something flower themed!" she laughed deeply and it was still odd to see that, rather terrifying, creature act and sound like Maro.

"That makes sense." The redhead tilted his head at the explanation before nodding.

His fellow redhead thought otherwise. "No it doesn't, Master!"

Demon laughed slightly. "Just let it go, Angel-nee."

"She named an ugly club Daisy cause Master's name sounds like Rose!" Angel raged and Maro, despite definitely being stronger than the clone, cowered in fear behind the foot shorter Rosan. Realizing that Rosan could no longer hide her, Maro did the next best thing.

She picked him up and hid her face behind his frame.

In hindsight, she should have thought more about this.

"Y-you," Angel stuttered before anger overtook her feature. Demon simply held his head in his hand in exasperation.

"STOP HOLDING MASTER LIKE THAT, YOU IDIOT," she roared before charging the Oni. How dare she?! Holding her amazing Master like he was some toy.

S-Stupid girl!

Maro squealed (on her taller, scarier, and more monstrous body it sounded more like a roar and looked positively comical), dropped Rosan, who landed easily on his two feet, and bolted.

Angel kept chase and soon, the two vanished.

"I seem to be the catalyst for this reaction rather often," Rosan told his remaining clone, who could only nod.

"Angel is particularly protective of you and holds you on an even higher pedestal then I do. She's just very comfortable with you," Demon admitted with a soft laugh.

"She probably thinks some actions aren't befitting of you," Mod explained with a small smile on her face.

"Angel is right!" Ram snorted. "Master is the first of his kind and he has me to boot! He's practically royalty!"

Demon agreed but he didn't see any harm in what Maro was doing.

"You're ego reminds me of someone I know and love," Mod sighed fondly as she pinched the arrogant girls cheek.

"Stawp pinchin me, Auntie Mod," Ram whined. The woman had taken to doing this as punishment and it always hurt!

"Stop calling me Auntie Mod," she grumbled.


"Then no!"

The two began arguing and Demon had to wonder if Rosan went through this all the time.

"They are much better when I'm there. But they can also be much worse," Rosan told his purple haired clone.

The youngest triplet sighed tiredly. The fact that he could say that with such an unbothered face really said something about the people he traveled with.

He really was the only normal one on the ship.

"Fight me Master!" Maro said, with a sneer on her face.

Ever since entering her full zoan, the girls hubris had shot up and it made her rather unruly. She was getting more and more uncontrollable and she seemed to relish in that fact.

It was natural. Clearly the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Dokkaebi was the fruit of an apex predator. She would try to upset the order of things sooner or later and prove that she deserved to be on top.

Rosan eyed her momentarily, before going back to his book. "Training is already over, you can fight me tomorrow if you so wish," he replied in his standard tone. He wanted to finish this book tonight. It had some recipes in it and he wanted to try cooking one of them tonight.

Maybe he'd try cooking multiple... Did he have the ingredients for some of these? Probably, Demon had restocked on them when he went supply shopping for his medicine.

Maro wasn't having it however. "No, I wanna fight you now," she demanded baring her sharp canines at the boy.

Rosan did not answer her. He was content to keep reading his book and he barely acknowledged the girl before him.

"What? Are you scared?" Maro taunted in superiority at the sight of the redhead being completely silent. "I didn't take you for someone who could be afraid, Master!"

The boy looked at her with that empty gaze of his, (she definitely didn't flinch as that gaze bore into her) before going back to his book.

"I have no emotions to fear you," was all he said.

"What are you doing, Maro?" Angel frowned disapprovingly at the girl. "Master never says no so, when he does, he means it. Stop bothering him or —,"

"Or what?" Maro asked turning towards the, momentarily taller, clone. The bluenette had been feeling particularly bold these past few days and not even Angel could stop her streak.

Judging by the redheads open mouth and raised brows, she had not expected to be cut off. "Maybe you could before, but I don't think you can beat me anymore," the bluenette said confidently.

Angel's eyes narrowed in anger but Maro was right. Angel was not a fighter and Maro was a prodigy who was being personally trained by Rosan. If they fought and the girl used her Devil Fruit it wouldn't be much of a fight because the redhead would get destroyed.

"You little shit," Angel snarled furiously.

Of course that fact wasn't enough to cow Angel.

"Who do you think you are, you ungrateful brat?" The haughty redhead demanded and she stepped closer to the bluenette. "You think I care that you have some fancy Devil Fruit? You've got a lot of nerve acting like you're something amazing all of a sudden when there's so much you can't do."

Maro scoffed at her. "Doesn't that sound familiar? Even with how I'm acting now, I'm still not worse then you."

Demon saw the murder in Angel's eyes and thought to stop the rising tension. He immediately dismissed that though, getting in between these two was a bad idea and would only make things worse. He just had to hope that Master stepped in before it went too far.

The boy had since closed his book and was observing the interaction between the two with a blank gaze.

What was he thinking?

"I apologized and admitted that I was in the wrong and your still stuck on that?" The fury on the pretty redhead's face would have normally cowed Maro but not today.

No, today she was feeling far too bold.

"You're such a fucking child! I was right about people like you, one little power boost and you disregard everything you've learned before. Master really is one of a kind for not letting power get to his head," Angel scowled and she slammed a finger on the younger girls chest.

The nerve of this little girl to be allowed on their ship, to get granted a strong power by her Master, and letting it get to her head to the point where she was flaunting it around boldly.

Fucking humans. There was a reason she couldn't stand them.

Now it was Maro's turn to get angry. The 11 year old snarled violently and her skin began turning green. It didn't matter what, Angel always thought she was so much… better then everyone. How could she think she was so special when she was so weak!

It was annoying.

"Ya know," Maro said suddenly feel particularly vindictive. "I didn't think someone who shares the same face as Master and Demon-kun could be such a loud bitch."

Maro didn't even fully understand what a bitch was. She just knew that, from her time on her home island, whenever it was used on a woman, they got really upset.

There was a pregnant pause at her words.

Demon's eyes went wide in disbelief as he heard that. The purple haired clones mouth dropped in shock at the words Maro said. He almost couldn't believe the meek girl had actually gone and said that.

Ram whistled in shock. She hadn't expected Maro to grow such a backbone. She was kind of impressed honestly but Angel wouldn't take that lying down, no matter what the difference in strength was.

Mod frowned. That was uncalled for. Angel could be overbearing but that was just her personality and she had thought that Maro had already gotten used to it. Seems like the Devil Fruit had brought out some lingering resentments.

Rosan didn't react.

Angel's face went through a range of emotions. Surprise, then disbelief, then… hurt? Before finally shifting into a familiar rage.

A loud slap echoed throughout the ship.

Maro was sent reeling as the deceptively hard slap connected to her face. Angel had made sure to hit her right cheek as well so the girl actually felt it.

When the bluenette had seen the hurt on Angels face, she had actually felt bad. She didn't mean to hurt the girls feelings after all. She just wanted to win the argument! As soon as hurt made its way onto her face, Maro was going to rush out an apology.

Now, after the slap, all she could see was red.

Maro raised her hand and returned the slap with just as much viciousness.

That would teach Angel to not mess with her!

What Maro did not expect, was for how strong the blow she just threw out was. The orange eyed girl watched in horror as the female clone was sent flying into a wall with a thud.

"ANGEL-NEE!" Demon yelled in horror as he watched his sister crash into the wall back first with a surprised gasp. The purple haired clone wasted no time in rushing to see if she was alright.

The Oni hadn't expected her attack to be so strong. She had just been so angry that she did the first thing that came to mind. Angel had managed to get under her skin so easily and she needed to retaliate.

But that was just her personality. That's how the girl was. Maro had spent enough one on one time with her to know that she really was a decent person who was just overly worried for her little and older brother. She knew that well and she still reacted violently.

What had she just done?

"Angel-nee are you okay?" Demon asked the middle sister, voice full of worry. She had a nasty bruise on her cheek but the girl was awake so that was good.

"I'm fine, Demon," the tallest inhabitant said quietly, as she nursed her cheek in one delicate hand. "We don't feel pain, remember?"

"I know! But, I can still worry for you, you know?"

"Yeah… I know," was all she said, before pulling herself up.

"I-I'm sorry," Maro said, as the green hue vanished from her skin. "I-I d-didn't mean to."

"But didn't you?" Angel asked quietly silencing Maro and filling her with guilt. The redheaded clone had flinched the moment the bluenette spoke and Maro had flinched in return when Angel asked her that question.

The purple eyed clone brushed herself off and left without waiting for a response.

Maro already felt bad, but the disapproving stare Demon shot her made her feel far worse. Those red eyes stared at her and he had a noticeable frown on his face. When they made eye contact, all he did was shake his head.

The purple haired clone excused himself and went after his sister.

Disappointing Demon was the last thing Maro wanted to do. She enjoyed the youngest clones presence. He wasn't aloof like Rosan or condescending like Angel. He really was nice to her and she liked talking to him the most. He was like an older brother to her!

I-It wasn't her fault right? So why…? Why did she feel so bad?

This couldn't be her fault. It just couldn't. So if it wasn't her fault…then whose?

There was only one other person in the room so naturally, Maro pointed the blame at them.

"Master… why did you let it get to that point?" The bluenette asked as she angrily turned towards the leader of the ship.

"You're choosing to blame me? I expected that," Rosan said softly and he regarded her with an even stare. "I told you not to get arrogant, yet you did so regardless..."

"...How disappointing."

Maro felt rage consume her as she stomped towards the boy again. "Fight me, now."

Rosan stared at the green hued girl blankly. He had noticed how confident Maro had been getting ever since transforming into a Zoan. It was only a matter of time before she got too confident for her own good. Now she was regretting her actions and lashing out at the strongest one there.

As if to prove a point.

He expected her to heed his warnings but it seems she didn't.

Very well then.

He would teach her.

That's what a teacher did when their student was being unruly.

"Okay," Rosan told her. He got up and made his way over to the training room and Maro followed soon after.

He would show her the difference in their skill, Devil Fruit or not.

After all, she was his student.

"Make sure she understands the hierarchy Father," Ram said with a psychotic grin on her face.

"Naturally," Rosan replied calmly.

It was time to set things straight.

Rosan and Maro sized each other up.

Angel and Demon watched quietly from a distance. The youngest clone figured his sister would appreciate watching Rosan fight and so he had dragged the reluctant redhead here.

As for the female redhead, she blankly watched the exchange with cool eyes. Her expression belay nothing as she assessed the two gearing up for battle.

Her and Maro had made eye contact when she first entered the room but Angel had been the first one to break it. It was unlike her but… she couldn't look at the girl right now.

Truthfully, she didn't know how she felt. No one had ever been so rude to her and it kind of hurt. Not only that, she had been struck. Hard enough for it to bruise her synthetic skin and send her flying.

She had no illusions that she'd have suffered from a concussion if she were human and that thought filled her with a strange betrayal.

Angel thought her and Maro had been getting along rather well. To hear the harsh words and to be attacked left her feeling rather subdued at the moment. The haughty clone really didn't know how to react currently.

Maro was glaring at her Master with malice.

"You're mad at a problem you made," Rosan commented, as RAM transformed into black combat gloves lined with purple and silver. "You claim that Angel is worse then you, but Angel will own up to a mistake. You should know that first hand shouldn't you, Maro?"

"S-shut up," Maro growled as she began transforming. She had no way to reply to that because he was right. But, she was too upset to admit that.

"You had to know it was going to get to that point right, Master?"

The boy nodded, only making her angrier and she asked "So why did you let it continue?"

"You would not have listened to me regardless so why would I bother?" Rosan responded with a tilted head. "Even without my intervention, you realized what you did is wrong and now you can't live with that guilt you currently have, so you're misplacing it onto me."

"That's fine though. As your master, it's my job to deal with your temper tantrums accordingly," he finished calmly.

That was not what Maro wanted to hear.

With a savage snarl, the girl transformed into her full zoan and she roared. When she finished, the massive Dokkaebi summoned her, equally massive, club and charged the redhead.

Rosan would have sighed. Instead, he tightened his stance and prepared himself for the upcoming battle.

The only way Maro would truly learn anything, was if he showed her the difference in their skill. She had gotten substantially stronger after eating her Devil Fruit, but it was not enough.

"Boost, x2," Rosan intoned as he felt his body strengthen under the effects. The redhead's eyes glowed as he stared down the charging figure.

It would never be.

Maro reached Rosan and slammed her club onto the floor but Rosan simply moved to the left. The girl had made sure to guard her right side due to her nature as a Dokkaebi. Attacks on her left side did not work, but that did not deter the redhead in the slightest.

The boy delivered a quick jab to Maro's rib that left her completely unfazed. It still didn't stop her from flinching and reflexively blocking the spot that Rosan attacked.

He took advantage of that ruthlessly.

Before Maro could even blink, Rosan vanished and delivered a knee to her rib again, but this time, it was on her right side. She groaned in pain at the blow but quickly brushed it off and retaliated with a reckless swing that was instantly punished.

Rosan ducked under the blow and kicked out behind her knee, dropping the girl temporarily, before he moved in front of her and 3 quick jabs to her face. Maro flinched at the strength of the blows but the redhead had not even be using close to his full power.

The boy stopped and jumped away a safe distance. He made eye contact with a recovering Maro and tilted his head at her. Those heterochromatic eyes bored into her and she scowled at how apathetic they looked.

"You're toying with me," she said bluntly.

"This is a lesson after all," he replied simply.

He was trying to rile her up, Maro realized. In her anger, she had tried to engage the boy in close combat and suffered for it. Though Maro was good, Rosan was better and she should have known that.

She needed to try and calm down or else she'd lose horribly. The redhead took advantage of every weakness in a battle.

Maro moved more carefully this time and Rosan's eyes never left her body. She conjured a fireball and tossed it at the redhead and he deftly sidestepped it. It seems like that was the only advantage he was going to give her because he immediately rushed her and slammed a spinning kick into both her defending arms.

She tried to grab at his legs but he stood on her opposite arm and flipped himself over her body so that he could pepper her defenseless back. The girl howled in pain and she fell on one knee as Rosan rained blow after blow on her. Each punch was as brutal as the last and if not for her transformation, she'd be out of the fight.

Her flames ignited all around her body and the redhead leapt back to get away from them.

Remembering her own words, the white haired Oni let out a deep sigh and she focused. Maro waved her club and Rosan reflexively moved as her blue flames roared to life.

She was going about this the wrong way. Attacking like a brute against someone like Master, would only result in her getting completely embarrassed. He was much better than her at close combat and it was obvious that if it continued like this, he'd win effortlessly.

Maro needed to handle this smartly or else.

The Dokkaebi remembered something that Rosan told her when discussing her abilities and she decided if it really did work how he said, now would be the best time to test it out.

It was time to start her plan.

She launched a wave of blue flames at Rosan, who moved all the way to the left to avoid them. Maro concentrated and the flames pivoted chasing the boy down. Judging by his momentary pause, the redhead did not expect that but he didn't let it delay him for long.

As the boy got chased by the homing flames, Maro, who had cut her connection to them, concentrated deeply. She was staring intently at the boy, pretending like she was controlling the flames, and she began to channel those blue flames again.

Only this time it was inwardly.

"All that is said is that they herald the appearance of one. Perhaps you can use them for travel?" Rosan's voice rang through her head as she recalled the memory.

If he was right then, he was about to be in for a world of pain.

Maro concentrated deeply and her massive frame hunched over. She focused on making the blue flames less harmful and instead focused on moving.

The Oni grinned wildly as she suddenly vanished with a pop, only to appear directly behind the boy. She tightened the grip on her club maliciously and prepared to swing.

"Oh!" Mod said in clear surprise at seeing Maro vanish in blue fire.

"You miscalculated, Father," Ram said as the girl appeared behind them.

"It appears I did," Rosan said blandly and he instantly fortified his body.

The blow that connected to him, knocked the wind out of his chest and sent the boy flying.

It was not to be understated how strong Maro had gotten after transforming into a Dokkaebi. This was made evident by the sheer distance Rosan flew inside of their large training room. The boy's body would have kept going too, had it not eventually embedded itself into a wall.

Angel and Demon gaped.

Maro grinned victoriously at her new technique. Master was right, she could use it to travel and he was the first one she tested it on.

She had won! She actually did it! With her Devil Fruit, she actually defeated Master!

The girl wanted to celebrate, but her celebration was cut short.

Rosan's body did not fall to the floor.

He landed perfectly on his feet.

Maro watched in horror as he shrugged off her blow. The boy's face was bleeding and he had a large cut on his forehead that began steaming. In a matter of seconds, the cut was just… gone and she heard bones cracking back into place. The only thing that suggested he had been injured, was the remaining blood.

The boy opened his mouth and spit out a tooth, before another one immediately grew in the empty spot. He stretched a bit before looking at her with that same empty gaze.

B-but how?

"Master… are you even human?" The Dokkaebi asked in disbelief. She thought she was the only monster on the ship.

"No," Rosan said, suddenly vanishing and appearing in her face. She quivered at the glow in his eyes and instinctively took a step back.

Master was an apex predator.

"I'm better."

The boy grabbed her and they vanished, only to appear on the deck of the ship.

Maro watched as Rosan grew wings but they were not the ones she was used to seeing on his frame. Normally, she was used to seeing the feathery wings that gave him the name Angel of Death.

These wings did not have feathers. They were still black, but they were scaly instead of feathery and were streaked in red. She saw that his tiny pupils had transformed into slits and the girl remembered something else he said.

"I can turn into a Dragon."



Oh no.

The memory replayed over and over again in her head as Rosan assessed her.

"Well done Maro," he congratulated. "To be honest, I didn't expect you to land a single hit on me. But, you did. And it hurt."

"I've taught you well and that's why I'm going to keep teaching you," he informed her.

"Your next lesson is to see just how large the gap between us is," the redhead said softly.

"Modification: Ragnarok,"

The boy let her go, flexed his giant wings, and flew.

Angel and Demon were on deck by now and they looked up knowingly. Maro looked up in terror as Rosan transformed before her very eyes.

Just h-how many transformations did he have?

Maro's musing was cut short as her vision of the sun was suddenly blocked by the massive monster above.

"He's gotten faster at transforming,"

Staring down at her, in all its terrifying glory, was an obsidian black Dragon with red streaks coursing through its entire body like visible veins. Large, equally black with a red underside, wings dominated the dragon's frame and a long tail idly swished behind the creature.

Everything about the Dragon screamed lethal. Their claws were sharp, their teeth were sharp, everything was sharp. Sharper then her own for sure. He could probably chew iron with those razor sharp fangs of his.

The Dragon tilted it's reptilian head back, opened it's long maw and let loose an earth shattering roar.


After announcing its presence, the Dragon swept downwards and made direct eye contact with Maro.

The girl froze as those eyes, which were the same color as Rosan's own, stared deep into her soul. She began quivering terribly and the bluenette didn't even remember deactivating her transformation.

They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity to Maro, but was only a few seconds for everyone else.

Then — Rosan moved away from the ship and back upwards— Maro watched in awe as he let out another roar and, in an obvious display of power, he reared his head back, faced downwards, and let loose an absolute gigantic wave of fire.

Maro actually squeaked when she saw the flames and even from this distance, she felt the raw heat emitted from the attack. If those flames hit her…would her Devil Fruit be able to protect her?

The girl wondered just how much Rosan held back when fighting her because this was nothing more then a statement. The girl couldn't tell exactly what the Dragon was doing but she could feel it. His intentions were loud and clear.

"Don't forget whose in charge."

Needless to say, Maro understood exactly what he meant. Even her Dokkaebi side had been cowed into submission. Crossing Master was against her best interest and the fact that he even let her go on such an unruly streak, with no retaliation, was a blessing.

Done with his impressive showing, the Dragon vanished, leaving only a small child behind, and Rosan floated down with his, still present, draconic wings. The 12 year old landed gently on the ship and dispersed his wings. The boy massaged his jaw for a moment before dropping his hand.

"I trust you learned something new?" Rosan asked the bluenette who had to stop herself from shivering.

"Yes M-Master, I learned a lot," Maro confirmed shakily.

Don't mess with Master.

But the girl was curious. "Master...I'm sure you noticed how I've been acting, so why didn't you act before now?" The Goblin girl asked.

Rosan tilted his head at her. "All of you have a unique set of personalities that makes you who you are. Who am I to stifle that? I do not care how you all act as long as it doesn't negatively affect anyone on the ship," he said bluntly.

"How you acted was of no concern to me and it would have remained that way had you not approached me."

Maro almost fell as she heard that. So all of this, really was her fault. Arrogance had gotten the best of her despite Rosan's explicit warnings to avoid succumbing to it.

Ugh. Some student she was. Maro felt like she had just been talking big beforehand.

"You are young," Rosan's voice interrupted her musing. "You are learning. Every mistake you make, is one you will avoid in the future and that is all that matters."

The bluenette nodded determinedly and took his words to heart. He was right, she would not be making this mistake again in the future. Maro had learned her lesson and would not act like such an idiot again. She would take accountability for her actions from now on.

Which meant she needed to apologize to Angel. Just an apology was not good enough though. What she had done to the girl was uncalled for and, in her arrogance, the bluenette just wanted to hurt her. Now Angel didn't even want to look at her...

Maybe Master would have a suggestion?

That night, Maro went into Rosan's room and asked him for advice on how to apologize to Angel.

"You want my advice?" Rosan asked in his night gear. The boy looked like he had been sleeping but the moment she touched him, he had opened his eyes with no signs of tiredness present.

It had honestly given her quite the fright to see how quickly he had awoken.

"I don't apologize often but when I did, it was mostly to Meiko," Rosan mused and Maro listened intently.

"Angel is a lot different from Meiko but, they were best friends who shared many interests, so this might work for her as well."

Maro listened to what Rosan told her to do and questioned if it would work. The boy's response was that he didn't know and she just shrugged. It wouldn't hurt to try and Angel was a surprisingly reasonable person. The bluenette just needed to be sincere, which she was, about her apology.

She thanked Rosan and was about to bid him goodnight, before she decided against it and tentatively asked him if she could enter his mindscape as well.

"Okay," the boy agreed and she smiled in elation.

"Try not to ogle Mod-chan and Ram too much this time. Mod-chan is easily flustered and Ram has a giant ego already," Rosan said bluntly and Maro felt her face turn red as a tomato.

"R-right," she uttered quietly.

Master was embarrassingly straightforward…

"What is this supposed to be?" Angel asked with a raised brow at the offering Maro was trying to hand to her.

"An apology…?" Maro didn't sound sure of herself now that she was face to face with the, normally haughty, clone. Seeing her so quiet and reserved whenever they spoke, rubbed her the wrong way and so she wanted to fix that immediately.

The offering she was trying to give Angel in question was a bouquet of roses. The flowers were a mix of red and white (her favorite colors) and they were accompanied by a box of chocolate.

"You don't sound to sure of yourself," Angel commented dryly and Maro flushed.

"I...I am it's just, I uh never did something like this before," the bluenette mumbled and the poor girl was trying very hard to burn a hole into the ground.

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Seems like we're both not used to unexpected things happening," Angel said rather snidely and Maro flinched. The redhead sighed at the downtrodden look on her face and decided against attacking her.

"You…wanted to apologize to me?" The female clone asked, deciding to throw the shorter girl a bone.

Maro's gaze shot up in hope and she nodded rapidly. "Yeah I do! I f-felt really bad about what I said to ya the other day and I felt even worse for hitting ya. I really didn't mean to take it that far and even though I knew how ya are, I still let it get ta me."

The bluenette took a deep breath. She was getting nervous and when that happened she slipped back into her old speech. The 11 year old needed to calm down and gather her thoughts.

"I really appreciate everything you've done for me Angel and the other day made it seem like I didn't. That's not true! You're taking time out of your day to help me when you don't have to and I just spit in your face. I-I don't want you to stop teaching me because I like spending time with you so, please forgive me!" Maro pleaded while moving her gifts a little closer to the taller girl.

Angel was surprised. She didn't expect Maro to apologize to her and bring gifts as well. Their last interaction was still fresh on her mind and honestly it hurt the redheaded girl more then she liked to admit.

It hurt so much, Angel had actually taken a step back to assess her own character and she begrudgingly admitted that she could be a bit…rude. It's why she had been so quiet, she was trying to figure out how best to handle this revelation.

No one she cared about had ever had a problem with her personality before. Not her little brother, not her Master, and not...Meiko. She had treated Meiko quite terribly before and they had managed to become best friends!

But not everyone was as kind, receptive, and patient as Meiko. The girl had been one of a kind and she was capable of putting up with Angel and Rosan.

Not a lot of people would be able to do that and Angel didn't care. But hearing the truth from Maro's mouth hurt her. Did that mean she cared about the bluenette…?

It was all so confusing and Angel didn't really know how to handle it. So she settled for just ignoring the problem.

What? She was still a clone of Rosan after all!

But now, the problem had approached her. With gifts. What made her decide to get her roses and chocolate of all things? Surely she wasn't…?

"Did Master tell you to do this?" Angel suddenly asked and Maro nodded without hesitation.

"I wanted to apologize to you and Master told me this is how he did it," the 11 year old explained pointing towards Rosan, who was reading a book. The boy glanced up at being addressed and Angel shot him a wave that he returned.

That explained a lot. Rosan did this a lot whenever he wanted to apologize to Meiko. It was comical how it worked every single time due to the girl's nature.

Angel focused her attention back on the nervous girl before her and the clone sighed. Maro was putting in an effort so she could put some in too. It's not like she hated the girl...anymore.

"Maro…," the redhead said grabbing the girls attention. "...I want to apologize as well," she began making Maro's jaw drop. Was it that hard to believe? She apologized to the girl before so why was it suddenly so shocking?

Angel stamped down her annoyance. She was trying to apologize, not cause another argument. "I'm not used to my personality being...so poorly received. No one has ever had a problem with it before. Demon is very understanding and he can tolerate a lot, no personality fully bothered a chaotic person like Master and Meiko was a real sweetheart."

"I got too used to them and just assumed you'd be the same way and I'm sorry for that," Angel said earnestly.

This was not how Maro was expecting the exchange to go. She was expecting to get slapped again honestly, it was what she deserved after hitting the girl into a wall. To hear Angel apologize again, really made the bluenette feel bad.

Master was right, Angel would own up to a mistake unlike her. She was pathetic!

"You don't have to apologize!" Maro said frantically. "Like I said, I understand that this is just who you are and I don't want you to change that. You shouldn't have to change for someone you barely care about!"

"Idiot," Angel suddenly said with a shake of her head.

"Huh?" Maro asked confusedly.

"You think I'd apologize to you if I didn't care about you? If I didn't care about you I'd have thrown you overboard while you were sleeping because I don't require sleep, Master's student or not," Angel said truthfully and Maro gaped at the honesty in her tone.

She would have thrown her overboard? To let her drown? Just like that?

Angel was still scary…

"You…care about me?" Maro said hesitantly and Angel snorted.

"Obviously. Now give me those gifts," the girl said, accepting the flowers and chocolate. "Thank you, I'll be sure to put these flowers in a vase," Angel said with a small smile on her bronze face.

Maro smiled brilliantly before remembering something. "Oh wait! I still have to do one more thing," the girl exclaimed. Master had said he did this often so she figured she had to do it too.

Angel raised a red brow at her in confusion. "One more thing?" What was she planning?

The bluenette walked up to Angel, who was still confused, got on her tiptoes and planted a kiss directly on the clones cheek. Rosan told her that along with getting her gifts, he would always plant a kiss on her cheek that made her instantly forgive him.

She decided to take a page out of his book since the first part worked so well!

Angel froze as she felt those lips connect with her cheek. The redhead had never experienced something like this before and she felt her brain short circuit.

Rosan stared at the two with a tilted head.

"I was not aware you two were like that but that explains a lot," the 12 year old said calmly.

"I think they are pretty cute together!" Mod gushed.

"Maro and Angel sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G~," Ram sang cheerfully.

"When did you plan on telling me about this Angel?" Demon asked, voice tinged with mirth.

Maro was confused. What were they all talking about? Did she do something wrong? She was just following Master's advice.

"I-I…t-that's not…," Angel stammered. She heard everything they said and all their comments only served to throw her mind in complete disarray.

So Angel reacted the only way she knew how.

"I change my mind Maro," Angel said, grabbing the girls attention. Purple eyes stared into orange and purple said "I am going to throw you overboard."

Maro's eyes widened in fear as she heard that and the girl took a step back. "Wait! W-what did I do?" she asked in genuine confusion. Was she not supposed to kiss her?

"Be a pervert," Angel said stonily. "If you stay still, I'll make it quick."

Maro naturally ran for her life. Angel pursued.

"Hm. What an odd way to express affection," Rosan commented before going back to his book.

"Rosan. If Maro dies, you know it's your fault right?"

"How so?"

"She kissed Angel on the cheek because of what you said."

"I didn't tell her to kiss Angel on the cheek. I told her that's what I used to do with Meiko because we were together."

"Well I don't think Maro picked up on that last part because you didn't tell her."

"Oh. I suppose I'll go help her then."

"Before you do, give it a couple minutes! I wanna see the chaos."


"No! Save that little girl immediately."


"Boo you're no fun, Auntie Mod!"

"Stop calling me Auntie!"

Flashback End

Maro sighed fondly at the memories. The times of her receiving her Devil Fruit were very hectic and she learned so much in a short amount of time.

She didn't regret it for even a moment!

"Done daydreaming?" A voice asked and Maro smiled mischievously at her Master. She was taller then him now (5'5 to his 5'4!) and he told her it was probably because of how Zoan's worked.

Rosan was probably right but...Maro cheekily told him it was because he was destined to be short.

Earning Angel's ire was totally worth it...is what she would have liked to say but Rosan didn't even react!


"I'm all done Master," Maro said as she placed her hoodie back on. This crew hadn't been very strong at all (they hardly ever were) and the bluenette was finding herself disappointed.

Her and Master were a formidable duo and they scarcely struggled against the foes they were up against. The two barely needed to fight together!

She wanted to do something fun!

"Master, I wanna do somethin fun," Maro declared and Rosan stared at her. During her daydream, the boy had looted everything of value and was patiently waiting for her.

Rosan was used to her antics by now and simply asked "What do you have in mind?"

Maro hummed excitedly as she thought of what they could do. Just attacking crews, wasn't enough anymore. She needed a bit of spice in her life! She thought of her and Master's abilities and quickly came to a decision.

"We can do stealth missions!" Maro declared. With her invisibility and Master's camouflage… they'd be in and out of anywhere they raided!

"Okay," Rosan conceded easily enough. "Where do you want to go?" Despite agreeing, the redhead wanted to see how much she progressed and let her decide on her own. Her growth had been staggering and in the few months they had been together, Maro had proven her worth.

He had made the right decision.

Maro adopted a thinking pose as she thought about their best course of action. A stealth mission meant there was a goal and a goal was meant to be valuable. They needed to raid a place that had something of value and was challenging.

A rich place was out of the question for their first raid. Maybe in the future for fun but right now, there would probably never be a shortage of Beri on the White Rose due to Master's connections with the booming island, Fregate.

Due to Master's connection with Fregate, a lot of places were ruled out. Curse Rosan for making such a good investment, he was unintentionally making this difficult for her.

Then, Maro had an epiphany.

You see, Maro was from the North Blue and, in the North Blue, everyone, even someone homeless like her, knew of a certain group of individuals. There was no doubt in her mind that they would have items of value for them.

They were the Kingdom of Science after all!

"Master...," Maro began with an impish grin on her as she decided on a target. The boy prompted her to continue and she did so gleefully.

"...Let's raid the Germa Kingdom."

Rosan stared at her for a moment with his head tilted. After a second, he quickly came to a decision.


Misadventures of Robin and Rosan – 9

Robin and Rosan are 11 and 7 respectively.

The origin of Rosan discovering how he'd look as a girl!

There was a reason Robin was the one who normally infiltrated organizations and crews by herself. It was due to the fact that the Hana Hana no Mi user did not trust Rosan whatsoever when it came to not messing up his plans in some way.

Could you blame her? He was too chaotic for his own good!

The boy was aware of that and he never had a problem with it before. This organization however, made Rosan decide to come with her personally this time.

She was happy that he was so protective of her but there was one issue with this particular crew.

"It's an all female crew Rosan," Robin tried to explain to the boy who was stubbornly crossing his arms. The 11 year old held back a sigh at the look on his face. He was not letting her go alone. Either she took him with her or she didn't go at all.

"I don't see the problem! People used to confuse me for a girl all the time so they will too," he told her confidently.

Robin let out another sigh. "We're not risking it Rosan." When he was 4 it would be hard to tell but as he got older, anyone with working eyes would be able to tell.

"Then you're not going," he declared simply and she knew he wasn't going to change his mind.

Robin got annoyed. She hated when Rosan got like this, the boy was impossible sometimes and always expected things to go his way when he decided they should! "You're acting like a child, Rosan."

"I'm 7."

She growled at his snarky reply. "You know what, I'm going regardless!" Robin decided. The brunette didn't have to deal with his spoiled attitude right now! He could throw his tantrum without her being here!

"No you aren't," Rosan stared at her with his arms crossed. His brilliant purple eyes pierced her mesmerizing blue and his gaze was even.

"You can't stop me," Robin said childishly. She was the older one between the two and she made most of the decisions! If she wanted to go then she would go.

"Yes I can, I'm stronger than you." Rosan was glaring at her now and Robin glared back. This little…

"Kids, calm down," Mod's soothing voice interrupted their argument. "I have a solution if you'll listen."

Robin and Rosan were still glaring at each other challengingly before they took a deep breath at the same time.

"Fine/Alright," Robin and Rosan said at the same time before glaring at each other again.

"Stop copying me!" Rosan growled.

"We didn't even say the same thing, stupid!" Robin retorted and it was clear that the two were about to come to blows.

"Enough. You two are just worried about each other so there's no need to be so upset," Mod chastised the both of them and the woman had her hands on her hips. "Rosan, you're acting spoiled right now because something is not going your way. Didn't I tell you not to act like this! You can't have everything no matter what you think."

Robin smiled triumphantly at the downtrodden look on Rosan's face. Serves him right for being such a brat!

"Oh don't think you're free either, Robin," Mod frowned and Robin flinched in surprise. "You know how Rosan is and you chose to purposely antagonize him to get a reaction out of him! Don't stoop to his level of childishness because that boy thrives on annoying people and he won't stop until he wins."

She was satisfied to see that they both looked properly scolded. "NowRosan wants to go with Robin to keep her safe and Robin doesn't want Rosan to go because it's an all female crew. Correct?"

They both nodded at that.

"Well, all Rosan has to do is Modify his gender!" Mod said with a smile on her face.

Rosan froze in disbelief as he heard that.

Robin was equally shocked. "He can do that?"

"I can do that?"

"Naturally," Mod said. It's how she had gone from gender less, with no appearance, to a woman with an appearance! If Mod wanted to, she could used Modification to turn herself into a man, a child, an elder, etc.

"W-wait," Rosan stammered and Robin's eyes gleamed at the hesitation in his tone.

"You know what? I think that's a great idea, Mod-chan," the brunette declared and Rosan knew there was no getting out of this. He could try but Mod and Robin always got what they wanted.

"F-fine," the redhead mumbled in defeat. As long as he got to keep Robin safe, then he could do this. "So...how is it done?"

"Give me control and pay attention to what I do," Mod instructed and Rosan instantly obeyed. When the 7 year old opened his eyes again, they were a familiar glowing red.

"Modify: Swap," the possessed boy said and Robin watched as, true to Mod's word, Rosan gender swapped.

His spiky hair lengthened from shoulder length to mid-back level and the boy's features softened. His face became rounder, his eyelashes extended, and his lips became fuller.

Those brilliant crimson eyes transformed back into royal purple and Rosan inspected her new body in curiosity.

Robin watched, stunned, at Rosan's transformation.

Rosan told her that his mother used to always say he was going to grow up into a handsome boy. Robin believed her words because the more Rosan aged, the more clear it became.

Robin was convinced Rosan had been blessed with good genetics because the same thing applied to his female form.

Not much had changed besides key features that meant Rosan was a girl now but she was still good looking! If he had done this when he was older, well Robin was going to have to beat people off with a stick herself!

"Wow Rosan, you're pretty!" Robin gushed, anger forgotten as she looked at the 7 year old.

"Hey! Don't call me pretty," Rosan protested with a blush of indignation on her face. "I'm handsome!"

Her voice was just a tad bit higher and the look of childish fury was definitely Rosan's. It made Robin and Mod giggle.

"Seems like no matter what gender he is, Rosan will be adorable," Mod cooed and Robin agreed wholeheartedly.

"Stop teasing me!" Rosan protested loudly. Her cheeks were puffed out and the 7 year old's face was blushing in embarrassment.

"Right, sorry Rosan," Robin apologized, still laughing at her younger partner. "Let's get you dressed up in something more convincing so that we can infiltrate this organization!"

Rosan nodded in agreement before pausing at what she said. "Dress me up how?" The girl asked with a sense of dread.

Robin's smile widened.

"So you're Nico Robin and…who's this little cutie?" A woman's voice asked looking between Robin and Rosan. She was taller then them both with short black hair and a nose ring on her attractive face.

Rosan glared ferociously at the woman. She had been changed into a purple blouse and long black pants. Her red hair was tied into a long ponytail and her eyes were currently Mod's crimson red, despite the Devil Fruit not being in control.

"This is Rose," Robin introduced the shorter girl, with a polite smile on her face as she nudged said girl.

"Nice to meetcha," she said through grit teeth, glare still on her face. Rosan was never doing this again! They had been teasing him nonstop and he didn't have to put up with this level of harassment!

"Aren't you just the cutest thing," the woman cooed and she bent down to reach Rosan's level. "I'm May and I'm the captain of this crew. Normally I don't accept ones so young but I think I can make a special exception for you two," May said, reaching a hand out to softly rub Rosan's hair. It was so soft and the red was so striking!

The 7 year old was about to bite her but one look from Robin stopped, her in her tracks. "Behave," she said and that was that.

Rosan grumbled. Lucky freaking idiot. She was spared from getting bit...for now.

"Rose is gonna be quite the looker when she grows up," May said as she looked the girl up and down. "I think you'll be a fine addition to the crew and in some years, your gonna be a total knockout."

May thought the blush on the girls cheek was due to being embarrassed from her compliments and cooed. While Rosan was certainly embarrassed, it was not because of what the woman said.

It was because of the two voices laughing continuously in his head.

"I'm gonna get my revenge on the both of you," Rosan swore in embarrassment.

"You would never!" Mod sang between laughs.

"You'll look back at this and laugh Rosan," Robin joined and the redhead grumbled again.

Stupid freaking everything.

Robin had not expected Rosan to be so popular with the crew.

The girl was always being fawned over by one person or the other and it was not helping that Rosan tried his hardest to be disliked. Unfortunately, none of what he did worked. They just thought the girl was just shy and were trying to break her out of her shell.

Robin snorted. Rosan? Shy? Utter insanity.

They couldn't even sleep together! Someone was always hogging the Mod Mod no Mi user and it extended to night time as well so Robin was forced to sleep alone! She couldn't lie, she missed his warm body.

Robin was glad no one ever paid this much attention to her. She much preferred being feared for her bounty then whatever was happening to Rosan.

Still, she wanted to take this crew out and go back to the White Rose. While everyone had been hounding Rosan (she knew his appearance was unique but this was a bit much), Robin had been looking for things they could bring back after taking them out.

Her results had been rather fruitful and now it was a matter of when to attack. She'd probably coordinate an attack with Rosan while they were sleeping.

This was honestly the most patient the boy had ever been... Is what she wanted to say but, as Robin looked at the unconscious bodies before her, with Rosan sitting near them in his male form, she simply uttered out a "What?"

"Oh! Robin-nee!" Rosan greeted cheerfully. The boy had a large grin on his face as he greeted her. "You're probably wondering what happened. Well it all started when…"

Rosan was currently being harassed by May and some of her other crewmates.

It had been like this for a few days, him being constantly hounded by multiple members, so the boy turned girl was used to it. He just ignored them and spoke to Mod-chan and Robin through their connection.

Today was a bit different. It seemed like they actually had something sort of important to say besides gushing over his red hair or his bronze skin.

"Rose, help use betray Nico Robin," May said confidently and Rosan paused.


"What?" Rosan asked aloud.

"I can hear the papers of them signing their lives away as we speak," Mod sighed. It was to be expected. Rosan was jealously protective of Robin and anyone who even threatened her, didn't make it very far if they were in the boy's sights.

"You want me to betray Robin?" The redhead asked with a tilted head.

"Yeah just think about it. She's the only one with a bounty on the crew at the moment and we can fully jump-start our career by turning in that 79 million," the captain said and she didn't seem to realize the temperature of the room dropping.

"Ah, I see," Rosan said softly and his glowing eyes were cold.

How dare they even suggest he betray Robin? She was one of his closest companions and they thought he would just throw that away for some bounty money?

If Rosan wanted money he'd take it. As a matter of fact, he decided he was going to take away their careers right now.

It was time to show them how good of an idea he thought it was.

"You did this because they wanted you to betray me?" Robin asked and her voice was quiet.

"Of course," the boy declared. "I will never betray you and the fact that they thought money was enough to sway me, made me sickeningly upset."

His words were touching her right in the heart. Robin smiled brightly and hugged the boy tightly.

"That means a lot to me, Rosan. Thank you," she said fondly and the boy hugged her back.

They separated and the redhead was grinning at her. "Of course Robin-nee!" he waved her off like it was a given. To him, it probably was.

"Besides, if I wanted your bounty, I would have taken it loooooooong ago."

Robin felt her annoyance rise at the nonchalant tone he said that with. He sure did like to rub it in her face how he was stronger then her. He would sometimes bring it up to win an argument that had nothing to do with strength and it was honestly so annoying.

"Why are you a boy again? You were much cuter as a girl."

"I looked practically the same!"

"Still cuter."

"Cuter then you!"

"I wonder how your female form will look when you're older…"

"You won't be finding out! I ain't ever doin it again."

"Yes you are."

"Yes you are."

"Y-you two aren't even giving me a choice? Freedom is a lie if that's the case!"



"I hate you two so much."

Info Sheet: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Dokkaebi

Type: Mythical Zoan

Description: Allows the user to transform into a hybrid and full version of a Dokkaebi, a goblin spirit that possesses extraordinary abilities. It was given to Maro by Rosan, who stole it from Joker.

Appearance: A green circular fruit that resembles a melon, with white swirls and an equally white stem.

Transformation: Allows user to turn into a tall, light green Goblin with wild white hair, a long pointy nose, sharp nails, a razor teeth. In Maro's case, due to not being a full adult, her transformation has not reached it's full size.

Abilities: Being a Dokkaebi, Maro is capable of doing what the Nature Goblins can do which include:

Harvest Growth (She's gonna be one hell of a gardener)

Supernatural Strength with an innate talent for wrestling

Extreme durability on everything that is not done on the right side of her body.

A club that doubles as a magic wand that can summon things near her and cast illusion magic.

Blue flames that she can use to travel (can teleport short distances) and for combat purposes.

A hat, that she turned into a tiara, that grants her invisibility.

Additional Info: Altered Maro's appearance and personality slightly. She now has white streaks going through her blue hair, muscles and she is also growing in height due to puberty and the nature of Zoan Devil Fruits. In terms of personality, Maro is much more playful and mischievous.
