

"Sir, we're almost there!"

Mika grunted at the driver's words. Although he had lit a cigarette for less than a minute, he took it out of his mouth and threw it out the window. "Are we sure that the area is safe?"

"Yes, sir. This place is too remote to let the police arrive in a short time, and we don't even have to fear the wildlife because large predators keep away from the borders of Cartago. We will not be disturbed here" the man replied. "Don't worry, your wedding will go great"

"Very good" Mika murmured looking behind him. There, bound and gagged like a salami and held in place by two men, there was a little girl who was no more than twelve years old.

As on Earth, even in that messy world where Sobek happened, there were nations more civilized and others less so. Odaria, the nation bordering the forest, was one of the less civilized.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
