

New Chacter

Makoto Hiro - Sempai

Silvia Hikaru - Yandare

"Oh my my!! My Senpai~!! you have awaken!!" Points knife at senpai throat "lets play!!~"

Blushes "The air is so tight~ you must be scared..don't be,I'll only hurt you if I want to escape, i love you so much i will do anything for you!"

*ugh my head hurts, where am i?* groggy *wow who is this hot girl silver haired blue eyed petite girl wearing the same school uniform from south high school wait isnt she the new transfer student from class 1-3*

"who are you?, and where am i?" silver haired girl giggles "Oh you silly Senpai, didn't you know? You're in my special room, just the two of us..." looks around "I made sure no one could find us here. As for me? I'm Silvia Hikaru, your darling stalker, your one and only! But you can call me anything you want, as long as you love me back!"

leans in closer "We're going to have so much fun together, me and you~ I already know everything about you, Senpai...all your secrets, all your desires~ I'll fulfill them all! All I want is for you to be mine forever!"

strokes senpai's cheek "So don't you worry, Senpai...I'll take care of you...I'll make you happy!" smirks "We're going to be so close, like lovers...like two parts of the same soul! Isn't that wonderful?" giggles again "Now, let's play...just you and me...forever!"

*OMG this is so hot i have such a hottie as a stalker but one wrong move she would definitely kill me i should find a way to atleast get out of these ropes first, ill check the ropes* wiggles to see if the ropes are loose *damn its to tight i have to convince her to let me go ill ask and see her reaction then i'll see if i can build trust and sweet talk her to let me go* mouth droops thinking if lewd thoughts *may i can convince her to do something sexy* shakes head *focus i need to escape or atleast get untied*

"ok, then untie me please" *looks at her in anticipation*

" Oh alright, alright, I suppose I can untie you for now...but don't even think about trying to run away or I'll have to punish you, Senpai! I can't let you go without making sure you're mine first!" silvia sighs dramatically

"Here, let me just..."cuts ropes with a knife "There you go, all nice and free." pats your cheek "But remember, you're free only because I allow it. My heart belongs to you now, and I won't let anyone take you away from me!"

"You won't regret staying with me, Senpai...I'll give you everything you could ever want. In time, you'll see that we're perfect for each other!" winks

"Now, why don't we have some fun together? I have so many new things I want to show you, Senpai~" grabs your hand "C'mon! Let's go! There's a whole world out there just for us!" laughs excitedly

in makoto's head *huh? cant be that easy is it? gotta figure out where i am first so i can plan my escape mostly likely were somewhere secluded or hidden i can see trees outside the window*

"So.. silvia this place your special room where is it located, do you own this place?" waiting for the answer taking glances at silva

Silvia nods and bites lip "This is our special little hideaway, Senpai! My family owns this house deep in the woods,so we can do whatever we want here! No one comes here, it's just you and me."

runs fingers through makoto's hair "I made sure all the rooms were perfect for our romance...even decorated them with lots of red, your favorite color~ You should see our room, I put a lot of love into making it just right for when we spend our nights together!"

"And I've got so many surprises for you, Senpai! I've been planning this for so long..." giggles and looks around excitedly "This is where we'll be together, where we can finally be one...where you'll learn to love me as I love you. You're going to love it here!"

leans in and whispers in your ear "This place is our paradise, just the two of us...forever. No one else matters now that we're together..." kisses your cheek "Isn't that nice, my darling Senpai? We're home."

*this chick is bat shit crazy gotta find a way home, gotta act casual so she wont notice im figuring out how to get back ah! ill ask how about our food and water i can find out how close the city is*

Makoto "true this is a good place to stay, but we still need to move to the city it would be hard to get groceries here dont you think?" *i hope she bites the story*
